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Created March 1, 2016 06:32
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using BenchmarkDotNet;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
public class Replace
[Params(5, 12, 26, 100, 1000)]
public int length = 0;
public string _string;
public void Setup()
_string = new string('a', length);
char[] _chars = _string.ToCharArray();
// Every 10th char
for (int i = 9; i < _chars.Length; i += 10)
_chars[i] = '/';
// Last char
//_chars[length - 1] = '/';
_string = new string(_chars);
public string ClrReplaceBench()
return ClrReplace(_string, '/', 'X');
public string RtReplaceBench()
return RTReplace(_string, '/', 'X');
public string NewReplaceBench()
return NewReplace(_string, '/', 'X');
public string ClrReplace(string str, char oldChar, char newChar)
return _string.Replace(oldChar, newChar);
public string RTReplace(string str, char oldChar, char newChar)
// .net 4.6.1 does not have this if
//if (oldChar == newChar)
// return str;
int firstFoundIndex = -1;
fixed (char* pChars = str)
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
if (oldChar == pChars[i])
firstFoundIndex = i;
if (-1 == firstFoundIndex)
return str;
string result = new string('\0', str.Length);
fixed (char* pChars = str)
fixed (char* pResult = result)
//Copy the characters, doing the replacement as we go.
for (int i = 0; i < firstFoundIndex; i++)
pResult[i] = pChars[i];
for (int i = firstFoundIndex; i < str.Length; i++)
pResult[i] = (pChars[i] == oldChar) ? newChar : pChars[i];
return result;
public string NewReplace(string str, char oldChar, char newChar)
// .net 4.6.1 does not have this if
//if (oldChar == newChar)
// return str;
//int currentIndex = -1;
int remainingLength = str.Length;
char* pSrc;
char* pDst;
fixed (char* pChars = str)
pSrc = pChars;
while (remainingLength > 0)
if (*pSrc == oldChar)
if (remainingLength == 0)
return str;
string result = new string('\0', str.Length);
fixed (char* pChars = str)
fixed (char* pResult = result)
//Copy the characters, doing the replacement as we go.
pSrc = pChars;
pDst = pResult;
int copyLength = str.Length;
while (copyLength > remainingLength)
*(int*)pDst = *(int*)pSrc;
copyLength -= 2;
pSrc = pChars + (str.Length - remainingLength);
pDst = pResult + (str.Length - remainingLength);
char currentChar = *pSrc;
if (currentChar == oldChar)
currentChar = newChar;
*pDst = currentChar;
} while (remainingLength > 0);
return result;
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