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using Apex.TimeStamps;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using static System.Math;
namespace Apex.Tough.DataSeries {
/// <summary>
/// Used to mark an object as having a series of timestamps accessible by index.
/// For the extension methods to work properly, each timestamp is MUST be greater than or equal to the timestamp before.
/// </summary>
public interface ITimeStampSeries {
/// <summary>
/// Gets the number of data points in the series.
/// </summary>
int Count { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the timestamp at the index specified.
/// </summary>
TimeStamp GetTimeStamp(int index);
public static class ITimeStampSeriesExtensionMethods {
/// <summary>
/// Searches the time series for the location containing the given <paramref name="time"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="series">The series to be searched.</param>
/// <param name="time">The timestamp we are searching for.</param>
/// <param name="firstIndex">If the search is successful, is set to the index of the first item at the time.</param>
/// <param name="lastIndex">If the search is successful, is set to the index of the last item at the time.</param>
/// <returns>True if the search is successful, False otherwise.</returns>
public static bool TryFindTimeStampAt(this ITimeStampSeries series, in TimeStamp time, out int firstIndex, out int lastIndex) {
if (!series.TryFindTimeStampAtOrBefore(time, out _, out var isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex))
return false;
if (!isExactMatch)
return Fail(out _, out _, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Searches the time series for the begin and end locations for the time period between <paramref name="firstTime"/> and <paramref name="lastTime"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if indexes were found, false otherwise.</returns>
/// <param name="series">The series to be searched.</param>
/// <param name="firstTime">The beginning of the time period that we are searching the series for.</param>
/// <param name="lastTime">The end of the time period that we are searching the series for.</param>
/// <param name="firstIndex">If the search is successful, is set to the first index of the series containing the given period of time.</param>
/// <param name="lastIndex">If the search is successful, is set to the last index of the series containing the given period of time.</param>
public static bool TryFindIndexesBetween(this ITimeStampSeries series, in TimeStamp firstTime, in TimeStamp lastTime, out int firstIndex, out int lastIndex) {
/// Find the location of the timestamp at or immediately after "firstTargetTimeStamp"
/// Note that, since we are immediately using the public "FindTimeStamp" methods, silliness checking is being
/// done in those methods. So there's no need for us to do our own silliness checking here.
if (series.TryFindTimeStampAtOrAfter(firstTime, out var timeFound, out _, out var _firstIndex, out var _lastIndex)) {
/// Check that there are actually timestamps between firstTargetTimeStamp and lastTargetTimeStamp
if (timeFound <= lastTime) {
/// save the start of the location to our own output variable
firstIndex = _firstIndex;
/// now find the location of the timestamp at or immediately before "lastTargetTimeStamp"
if (series.TryFindTimeStampAtOrBefore(lastTime, out timeFound, out _, out _firstIndex, out _lastIndex)) {
/// save the end of the location to our own output variable
lastIndex = _lastIndex;
/// exit, indicating that the search was successful
return true;
/// The searches were not successful, so set output variables to fail values and return false
return Fail(out _, out _, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Searches the time series for the location containing a timestamp equal to or immediately before the targetTimeStamp.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="series">The time series to be searched</param>
/// <param name="time">The timestamp being searched for</param>
/// <param name="timeFound">The timestamp that was found. It could be equal to the targetTimeStamp, or if targetTimeStamp doesn't exist in the time series, it is the timestamp found immediately before targetTimeStamp</param>
/// <param name="isExactMatch">True if the targetTimeStamp was found. False if the timestamp immediately preceeding it was found instead.</param>
/// <param name="firstIndex">The first index of the range of datapoints containing the timestamp that was found</param>
/// <param name="lastIndex">The last index of the range of datapoints containing the timestamp that was found</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if a timestamp is found, false otherwise</returns>
public static bool TryFindTimeStampAtOrBefore(this ITimeStampSeries series, in TimeStamp time, out TimeStamp timeFound, out bool isExactMatch, out int firstIndex, out int lastIndex) {
if (series.Count == 0)
return Fail(out timeFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
var xR = series.Count - 1;
var timeL = series.GetTimeStamp(0);
var timeR = series.GetTimeStamp(xR);
if (timeL > time)
return Fail(out timeFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
FindTimeStampAtOrBefore(series, time, 0, xR, timeL, timeR, out timeFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Searches the time series for the location containing a timestamp equal to or immediately after the targetTimeStamp.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="series">The time series to be searched</param>
/// <param name="time">The timestamp being searched for</param>
/// <param name="timeFound">The timestamp that was found. It could be equal to the targetTimeStamp, or if targetTimeStamp doesn't exist in the time series, it is the timestamp found immediately after targetTimeStamp</param>
/// <param name="isExactMatch">True if the targetTimeStamp was found. False if the timestamp immediately after it was found instead.</param>
/// <param name="firstIndex">The first index of the range of datapoints containing the timestamp that was found</param>
/// <param name="lastIndex">The last index of the range of datapoints containing the timestamp that was found</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if a timestamp is found, false otherwise</returns>
public static bool TryFindTimeStampAtOrAfter(this ITimeStampSeries series, TimeStamp time, out TimeStamp timeFound, out bool isExactMatch, out int firstIndex, out int lastIndex) {
if (series.Count == 0)
return Fail(out timeFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
var xR = series.Count - 1;
var timeL = series.GetTimeStamp(0);
var timeR = series.GetTimeStamp(xR);
if (timeR < time)
return Fail(out timeFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
FindTimeStampAtOrAfter(series, time, 0, xR, timeL, timeR, out timeFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Private method that does the real work.
/// This method is only called after "silliness checking" has been done and we know
/// that a solution definitely exists.
/// Here are the conditions assumed you ensured are satisfied before calling this method:
/// 1. series.Count > 0
/// 2. xMin >= 0
/// 3. xMax < series.Count
/// 4. XMax > xMin
/// 4. timeStamp at xMin <= time
/// 5. timeStamp at xMax >= time
/// </summary>
static void FindTimeStampAtOrBefore(ITimeStampSeries series, in TimeStamp time, int xL, int xR, TimeStamp timeL, TimeStamp timeR, out TimeStamp timeFound, out bool isExactMatch, out int firstIndex, out int lastIndex) {
if (timeL == time) {
timeFound = timeL;
isExactMatch = true;
firstIndex = xL;
lastIndex = TraverseToLastOccurrence(series, timeFound, xR, xL);
if (timeR <= time) {
timeFound = timeR;
isExactMatch = timeFound == time;
lastIndex = xR;
firstIndex = TraverseToFirstOccurrence(series, timeFound, xL, xR);
do {
timeR = series.GetTimeStamp(xR);
} while (timeR > time);
timeFound = timeR;
isExactMatch = timeFound == time;
lastIndex = xR;
firstIndex = TraverseToFirstOccurrence(series, timeFound, xL, xR);
var rGuess = (double)(time.TicksUtc - timeL.TicksUtc) / (double)(timeR.TicksUtc - timeL.TicksUtc);
var xGuess = xL + (int)(rGuess * (xR - xL));
if (xGuess <= xL) xGuess = xL + 1;
else if (xGuess >= xR) xGuess = xR - 1;
var timeGuess = series.GetTimeStamp(xGuess);
var step = (xR - xL) / 10;
while (timeGuess > time && xR - xL > MAX_PLAIN_ITERATION_SIZE) {
xR = TraverseToFirstOccurrence(series, timeGuess, xL + 1, xGuess) - 1;
timeR = series.GetTimeStamp(xR);
xGuess = xR - step;
if (xGuess <= xL) xGuess = xL + 1;
timeGuess = series.GetTimeStamp(xGuess);
step = (xR - xL) / 10;
while (timeGuess < time && xR - xL > MAX_PLAIN_ITERATION_SIZE) {
if (timeGuess == timeL) {
xGuess = TraverseToLastOccurrence(series, timeGuess, xR - 1, xGuess) + 1;
timeGuess = series.GetTimeStamp(xGuess);
if (timeGuess > time) {
timeFound = timeL;
isExactMatch = timeFound == time;
lastIndex = xGuess - 1;
firstIndex = xL;
} else {
xL = TraverseToFirstOccurrence(series, timeGuess, xL, xGuess);
timeL = timeGuess;
xGuess = xL + step;
if (xGuess >= xR) xGuess = xR - 1;
timeGuess = series.GetTimeStamp(xGuess);
if (timeGuess == time) {
isExactMatch = true;
timeFound = time;
firstIndex = TraverseToFirstOccurrence(series, time, xL, xGuess);
lastIndex = TraverseToLastOccurrence(series, time, xR, xGuess);
if (timeGuess > time) {
xR = TraverseToFirstOccurrence(series, timeGuess, xL + 1, xGuess) - 1;
timeR = series.GetTimeStamp(xR);
FindTimeStampAtOrBefore(series, time, xL, xR, timeL, timeR, out timeFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Private method that does the real work.
/// This method is only called after "silliness checking" has been done and we know
/// that a solution definitely exists.
/// Here are the conditions assumed you ensured are satisfied before calling this method:
/// 1. series.Count > 0
/// 2. xL >= 0
/// 3. xR < series.Count
/// 4. xR > xL
/// 4. timeStamp at xL <= time
/// 5. timeStamp at xR >= time
/// </summary>
static void FindTimeStampAtOrAfter(ITimeStampSeries series, in TimeStamp time, int xL, int xR, TimeStamp timeL, TimeStamp timeR, out TimeStamp timeFound, out bool isExactMatch, out int firstIndex, out int lastIndex) {
if (timeL >= time) {
timeFound = timeL;
isExactMatch = timeFound == time;
firstIndex = xL;
lastIndex = TraverseToLastOccurrence(series, timeFound, xR, xL);
if (timeR == time) {
timeFound = timeR;
isExactMatch = true;
lastIndex = xR;
firstIndex = TraverseToFirstOccurrence(series, timeFound, xL, xR);
do {
timeL = series.GetTimeStamp(xL);
} while (timeL < time);
timeFound = timeL;
isExactMatch = timeFound == time;
firstIndex = xL;
lastIndex = TraverseToLastOccurrence(series, timeFound, xR, xL);
var rGuess = (double)(time.TicksUtc - timeL.TicksUtc) / (double)(timeR.TicksUtc - timeL.TicksUtc);
var xGuess = xL + (int)(rGuess * (xR - xL));
if (xGuess <= xL) xGuess = xL + 1;
else if (xGuess >= xR) xGuess = xR - 1;
var timeGuess = series.GetTimeStamp(xGuess);
var step = (xR - xL) / 10;
while (timeGuess < time && xR - xL > MAX_PLAIN_ITERATION_SIZE) {
xL = TraverseToLastOccurrence(series, timeGuess, xR - 1, xGuess) + 1;
timeL = series.GetTimeStamp(xL);
xGuess = xL + step;
if (xGuess >= xR) xGuess = xR - 1;
timeGuess = series.GetTimeStamp(xGuess);
step = (xR - xL) / 10;
while (timeGuess > time && xR - xL > MAX_PLAIN_ITERATION_SIZE) {
if (timeGuess == timeR) {
xGuess = TraverseToFirstOccurrence(series, timeGuess, xL + 1, xGuess) - 1;
timeGuess = series.GetTimeStamp(xGuess);
if (timeGuess < time) {
firstIndex = xGuess + 1;
lastIndex = xR;
timeFound = timeR;
isExactMatch = timeFound == time;
} else {
xR = TraverseToLastOccurrence(series, timeGuess, xR, xGuess);
timeR = timeGuess;
xGuess = xR - step;
if (xGuess <= xL) xGuess = xL + 1;
timeGuess = series.GetTimeStamp(xGuess);
if (timeGuess == time) {
isExactMatch = true;
timeFound = time;
firstIndex = TraverseToFirstOccurrence(series, time, xL, xGuess);
lastIndex = TraverseToLastOccurrence(series, time, xR, xGuess);
if (timeGuess < time) {
xL = TraverseToLastOccurrence(series, timeGuess, xR - 1, xGuess) + 1;
timeL = series.GetTimeStamp(xL);
FindTimeStampAtOrAfter(series, time, xL, xR, timeL, timeR, out timeFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Traverses backwards along the time series looking for the first occurrence of the targetTimeStamp.
/// Traversal stops at xMin.
/// Method assumes:
/// The timestamp at 'index' is equal to targetTimeStamp.
/// It's the caller's responsibility to make sure it is or you will get 'unexpected' results.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The index of the first occurrence of the targetTimeStamp</returns>
static int TraverseToFirstOccurrence(ITimeStampSeries series, in TimeStamp time, int xMin, int index) {
while (index > xMin && series.GetTimeStamp(index - 1) == time)
return index;
/// <summary>
/// Traverses forwards along the time series looking for the last occurrence of the targetTimeStamp.
/// Traversal stops at xMax.
/// Method assumes:
/// The timestamp at 'index' is equal to targetTimeStamp.
/// It's the caller's responsibility to make sure it is or you will get 'unexpected' results.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The index of the last occurrence of the targetTimeStamp</returns>
static int TraverseToLastOccurrence(ITimeStampSeries series, in TimeStamp time, int xMax, int index) {
while (index < xMax && series.GetTimeStamp(index + 1) == time)
return index;
/// <summary>
/// Boiler plate code for setting up output variables when the search fails
/// </summary>
static bool Fail(out TimeStamp timeFound, out bool isExactMatch, out int firstIndex, out int lastIndex) {
timeFound = TimeStamp.MinValue;
isExactMatch = false;
firstIndex = -1;
lastIndex = -1;
return false;
using Apex.Market;
using Apex.TimeStamps;
using Apex.Tough.Instruments;
using Apex.ValueCompression;
using Apex.Tough.DataSeries;
using Apex.Tough.Instruments;
using Apex.Tough.Sessions.TradingHoursSessions;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Apex.Tough.Test {
public class TimeStampSeriesTests {
#region class TestSeries
public class TestSeries : List<TimeStamp>, ITimeStampSeries {
public readonly Result[] Results;
public TestSeries(int size) {
var file = $"{size}.values";
if (File.Exists(file)) {
foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(file)) {
} else {
var current = TimeStamp.Now;
var rand = new Random();
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (rand.Next(100) < 20) { // one in five are the same as the previous.
} else {
var increment = rand.Next(10, 1000000);
current = current.AddTicks(increment);
File.WriteAllLines(file, this.Select(x => x.TicksUtc.ToString()));
var resultsList = new List<Result>();
var resultInProgress = (Result)null;
var currentTime = TimeStamp.MinValue;
for (var i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) {
var time = this[i];
if (time != currentTime) {
currentTime = time;
resultInProgress = new Result {
TimeStamp = time,
FirstIndex = i,
LastIndex = i,
} else {
resultInProgress.LastIndex = i;
Results = resultsList.ToArray();
public TimeStamp GetTimeStamp(int index) {
return this[index];
public class Result {
public TimeStamp TimeStamp;
public int FirstIndex;
public int LastIndex;
static TestSeries _largeTestSeries;
static TestSeries _smallTestSeries;
public static void Initialize(TestContext context) {
_largeTestSeries = new TestSeries(2000000);
_smallTestSeries = new TestSeries(180000);
public void TimeStampSeriesTests01() {
int firstIndex, lastIndex;
TimeStamp timeStampFound;
bool isExactMatch;
foreach (var result in _largeTestSeries.Results) {
Assert.IsTrue(_largeTestSeries.TryFindTimeStampAt(result.TimeStamp, out firstIndex, out lastIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(firstIndex, result.FirstIndex);
Assert.AreEqual(lastIndex, result.LastIndex);
Assert.IsTrue(_largeTestSeries.TryFindTimeStampAtOrBefore(result.TimeStamp, out timeStampFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(timeStampFound, result.TimeStamp);
Assert.AreEqual(firstIndex, result.FirstIndex);
Assert.AreEqual(lastIndex, result.LastIndex);
Assert.IsTrue(_largeTestSeries.TryFindTimeStampAtOrAfter(result.TimeStamp, out timeStampFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(timeStampFound, result.TimeStamp);
Assert.AreEqual(firstIndex, result.FirstIndex);
Assert.AreEqual(lastIndex, result.LastIndex);
for (var i = 0; i < _largeTestSeries.Results.Length - 1; i++) {
var firstResult = _largeTestSeries.Results[i];
var secondResult = _largeTestSeries.Results[i + 1];
var targetTimeStamp = new TimeStamp((firstResult.TimeStamp.TicksUtc + secondResult.TimeStamp.TicksUtc) / 2);
Assert.IsFalse(_largeTestSeries.TryFindTimeStampAt(targetTimeStamp, out firstIndex, out lastIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(-1, firstIndex);
Assert.AreEqual(-1, lastIndex);
Assert.IsTrue(_largeTestSeries.TryFindTimeStampAtOrBefore(targetTimeStamp, out timeStampFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(timeStampFound, firstResult.TimeStamp);
Assert.AreEqual(firstIndex, firstResult.FirstIndex);
Assert.AreEqual(lastIndex, firstResult.LastIndex);
Assert.IsTrue(_largeTestSeries.TryFindTimeStampAtOrAfter(targetTimeStamp, out timeStampFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(timeStampFound, secondResult.TimeStamp);
Assert.AreEqual(firstIndex, secondResult.FirstIndex);
Assert.AreEqual(lastIndex, secondResult.LastIndex);
public void TimeStampSeriesSpeedTest() {
int firstIndex, lastIndex;
TimeStamp timeStampFound;
bool isExactMatch;
foreach (var result in _smallTestSeries.Results) {
_smallTestSeries.TryFindTimeStampAt(result.TimeStamp, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
_smallTestSeries.TryFindTimeStampAtOrBefore(result.TimeStamp, out timeStampFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
_smallTestSeries.TryFindTimeStampAtOrAfter(result.TimeStamp, out timeStampFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
for (var i = 0; i < _smallTestSeries.Results.Length - 1; i++) {
var firstResult = _smallTestSeries.Results[i];
var secondResult = _smallTestSeries.Results[i + 1];
var targetTimeStamp = new TimeStamp((firstResult.TimeStamp.TicksUtc + secondResult.TimeStamp.TicksUtc) / 2);
_smallTestSeries.TryFindTimeStampAt(targetTimeStamp, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
_smallTestSeries.TryFindTimeStampAtOrBefore(targetTimeStamp, out timeStampFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
_smallTestSeries.TryFindTimeStampAtOrAfter(targetTimeStamp, out timeStampFound, out isExactMatch, out firstIndex, out lastIndex);
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