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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ApexInvesting.Platform.Utilities.Drawing {
public enum HorizontalShiftPermissions {
/// <summary>
/// The object may not be shifted horizontally.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The object may only be shifted leftwards.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The object may only be shifted rightwards
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The object can be shifted either left or right
/// </summary>
public enum VerticalShiftPermissions {
/// <summary>
/// The object may not be shifted vertically
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The object may only be shifted in an upward direction
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The objct may only be shifted in a downward direction
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The object may be shifted either up or down
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Inherit this interface if your object needs to shifted to avoid drawing collision with other objects
/// </summary>
public interface IDrawingCollisionItem {
/// <summary>
/// The optimum position for the drawing object.
/// </summary>
Rectangle InitialBounds { get; }
/// <summary>
/// How this object is allowed to be shifted horizontally
/// </summary>
HorizontalShiftPermissions HorizontalShiftPermission { get; }
/// <summary>
/// How this object is allowed to be shifted vertically
/// </summary>
VerticalShiftPermissions VerticalShiftPermission { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The eventual position that has been chosen for this drawing object so it will avoid collisions with other objects.
/// </summary>
Rectangle AdjustedBounds { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// A simple convenience implementation of IDrawingCollisionItem
/// </summary>
public class DrawingCollisionItem : IDrawingCollisionItem {
public Rectangle InitialBounds { get; set; }
public HorizontalShiftPermissions HorizontalShiftPermission { get; set; }
public VerticalShiftPermissions VerticalShiftPermission { get; set; }
public Rectangle AdjustedBounds { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Use this class to perform a layout on drawing collision items. The first item you add won't be moved.
/// Subsequent items that you add will be moved if necessary to avoid collision with already-added items.
/// After you have added all objects, you can access their "AdjustedBounds" property to get the place they can be drawn without collision.
/// </summary>
public class DrawingCollisionAvoidanceUtility {
readonly List<IDrawingCollisionItem> items = new List<IDrawingCollisionItem>();
/// <summary>
/// Adds an item to the list, first adjusting its position to avoid collision with other objects that already exist in the list
/// </summary>
public void Add(IDrawingCollisionItem item) {
/// <summary>
/// Adjusts the position of an item in preparation for adding it to the list.
/// Method moves the item either horizontally or vertically but not both, choosing the shortest distance to use
/// </summary>
void AdjustItem(IDrawingCollisionItem item) {
// initialize the item's adjustedBounds in preparation for adjustment
item.AdjustedBounds = item.InitialBounds;
// if there are no existing items, then there's nothing more to be done
if (items.Count == 0)
// get the distances that the item needs to be moved
var horizontalMoveRequired = GetHorizontalMoveRequired(item);
var verticalMoveRequired = GetVerticalMoveRequired(item);
// Case A: No move is required
// How we know: horizontal == 0 && vertical == 0
// What we do: no move
// Case B: Horizontal move is not allowed
// How we know: horizontal == 0 && vertical != 0
// What we do: vertical move
// Case C: Vertical move is not allowed
// How we know: horizontal != 0 && vertical == 0
// What we do: horizontal move
// Case D: Vertical and Horizontal move are available
// How we know: horizontal != 0 && vertical != 0
// What we do: shift by the min of horizontal and vertical
if (horizontalMoveRequired == 0) { // covers cases A and B
item.AdjustedBounds.Offset(0, verticalMoveRequired);
} else if (verticalMoveRequired == 0) { // covers case C
item.AdjustedBounds.Offset(horizontalMoveRequired, 0);
} else { // covers case D
if (Math.Abs(horizontalMoveRequired) < Math.Abs(verticalMoveRequired)) {
item.AdjustedBounds.Offset(horizontalMoveRequired, 0);
} else {
item.AdjustedBounds.Offset(0, verticalMoveRequired);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the shortest vertical distance that the given item would have to move to avoid collisions with all other items.
/// A positive result is a move down. A negative result is a move up.
/// </summary>
int GetVerticalMoveRequired(IDrawingCollisionItem item) {
// if the item is not allowed to move vertically, return 0 for no move.
if (item.VerticalShiftPermission == VerticalShiftPermissions.None)
return 0;
// get the up and down move distances that would be required to avoid collisions with all existing items
// note they are kept here as positive values
int up = 0, down = 0;
foreach (var existingItem in items) {
// check if there is a move required
if (item.InitialBounds.IntersectsWith(existingItem.AdjustedBounds)) {
// check if the item is allowed to move up
if (item.VerticalShiftPermission == VerticalShiftPermissions.Both || item.VerticalShiftPermission == VerticalShiftPermissions.Up) {
// get the upward move that would be required to avoid collision
up = Math.Max(up, item.InitialBounds.Bottom - existingItem.AdjustedBounds.Top);
// check if the item is allowed to move down
if (item.VerticalShiftPermission == VerticalShiftPermissions.Both || item.VerticalShiftPermission == VerticalShiftPermissions.Down) {
// get the downward move that would be required to avoid collision
down = Math.Max(down, existingItem.AdjustedBounds.Bottom - item.InitialBounds.Top);
// Case A: No move is required
// How we know: up == 0 && down == 0
// What we return: 0
// Case B: Up move is not allowed
// How we know: up == 0 && down > 0
// What we return: down
// Case C: Down move is not allowed
// How we know: up > 0 && down == 0
// What we return: up
// Case D: Left and Right move are available
// How we know: up > 0 && down > 0
// What we return: min(up, down)
// cover cases A and B
if (up == 0)
return down;
// cover case C, remembering to negate for upward move
if (down == 0)
return -up;
// cover case D, remembering to negate for upward move
return down < up
? down
: -up;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the shortest horizontal distance that the given item would have to move to avoid collisions with all other items.
/// A positive result is a move right. A negative result is a move left.
/// </summary>
int GetHorizontalMoveRequired(IDrawingCollisionItem item) {
// if the item is not allowed to move horizontally, return 0 for no move.
if (item.HorizontalShiftPermission == HorizontalShiftPermissions.None)
return 0;
// get the left and right move distances that would be required to avoid collisions with all existing items
// note they are kept here as positive values
int left = 0, right = 0;
foreach (var existingItem in items) {
// check if there is a move required
if (item.InitialBounds.IntersectsWith(existingItem.AdjustedBounds)) {
// check if the item is allowed to move left
if (item.HorizontalShiftPermission == HorizontalShiftPermissions.Both || item.HorizontalShiftPermission == HorizontalShiftPermissions.Left) {
// get the leftward move that would be required
left = Math.Max(left, item.InitialBounds.Right - existingItem.AdjustedBounds.Left);
// check if the item is allowed to move right
if (item.HorizontalShiftPermission == HorizontalShiftPermissions.Both || item.HorizontalShiftPermission == HorizontalShiftPermissions.Right) {
// get the rightward move that would be required
right = Math.Max(right, existingItem.AdjustedBounds.Right - item.AdjustedBounds.Left);
// Case A: No move is required
// How we know: left == 0 && right == 0
// What we return: 0
// Case B: Left move is not allowed
// How we know: left == 0 && right > 0
// What we return: right
// Case C: Right move is not allowed
// How we know: left > 0 && right == 0
// What we return: left
// Case D: Left and Right move are available
// How we know: left > 0 && right > 0
// What we return: min(left, right)
// cover cases A and B
if (left == 0)
return right;
// cover case C, remembering to negate for leftward move
if (right == 0)
return -left;
// cover case D, remembering to negate for leftward move
return right < left
? right
: -left;
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