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Created June 14, 2024 07:01
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  • Save bbpbuildbot/5bc91dfedbecf27c91c69bc21db44a7e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Logfiles for GitLab pipeline (:no_entry:) running on GitHub PR BlueBrain/nmodl#1321.
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Running with gitlab-runner 15.5.0 (0d4137b8)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1718345402:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1718345402:resolve_secrets section_start:1718345402:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.5.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id , CUSTOM_ENV_CI_RUNNER_TAGS is ["bb5_map"]
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name nmodl
Pipeline ID 216851, build ref , job ID 1318674
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=6, optional qos flag , optional reservation flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J1318674_PROD_P30_CP0_C0
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=6, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=1 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos= reservation=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 2250365
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J1318674_PROD_P30_CP0_C0 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=1 --jobid=2250365 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M
section_end:1718345404:prepare_executor section_start:1718345404:prepare_script Preparing environment
Using git from spack modules
Running on r1i5n32 via
section_end:1718346306:prepare_script section_start:1718346306:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Using git from spack modules
Session terminated, killing shell... ...killed.
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
WARNING: Timed out waiting for the build to finish
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 2250365.1 ON r1i5n32 CANCELLED AT 2024-06-14T08:40:10 ***
ERROR: Job failed: canceled

srun: error: Timed out waiting for job step to complete
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
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