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Created May 9, 2020 21:18
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OpenMDAO Parallel Load Balancing and Speedup
import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
import time
from mpi4py import MPI
import unittest
from openmdao.utils.assert_utils import assert_near_equal
from openmdao.core.total_jac import _TotalJacInfo
import random
class DelayComp(om.ExplicitComponent):
def initialize(self):
self.counter = 0
self.options.declare('time', default=3.0)
self.options.declare('size', default=1)
def setup(self):
size = self.options['size']
self.add_input('x', shape=size)
self.add_output('y', shape=size)
self.add_output('y2', shape=size)
self.declare_partials('y', 'x')
self.declare_partials('y2', 'x')
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
waittime = self.options['time']
size = self.options['size']
if not inputs._under_complex_step:
outputs['y'] = np.linspace(3, 10, size) * inputs['x']
outputs['y2'] = np.linspace(2, 4, size) * inputs['x']
def compute_jacvec_product(self, inputs, d_inputs, d_outputs, mode):
waittime = self.options['time']
size = self.options['size']
if mode == 'fwd':
if 'x' in d_inputs:
self.counter += 1
if 'y' in d_outputs:
d_outputs['y'] += np.linspace(3, 10, size)*d_inputs['x']
if 'y2' in d_outputs:
d_outputs['y2'] += np.linspace(2, 4, size)*d_inputs['x']
elif mode == 'rev':
if 'x' in d_inputs:
self.counter += 1
if 'y' in d_outputs:
d_inputs['x'] += np.linspace(3, 10, size)*d_outputs['y']
if 'y2' in d_outputs:
d_inputs['x'] += np.linspace(2, 4, size)*d_outputs['y2']
model = om.Group()
iv = om.IndepVarComp()
mysize = 500
iv.add_output('x', val=3.0 * np.ones((mysize, )))
model.add_subsystem('iv', iv)
pg = model.add_subsystem('pg', om.ParallelGroup(), promotes=['*'])
# create a bunch of components with random execution times
N_PROCS = comm.size
N_PARALLEL_COMPS = comm.bcast(random.randint(20*N_PROCS, 27*N_PROCS), 0)
for i_comp in range(N_PARALLEL_COMPS):
delay_time = random.random()*0.3 # random runtime between zero and 1 seconds
delay_time = comm.bcast(delay_time, 0)
comp_name = 'dc_' + str(i_comp)
TOTAL_TIME += delay_time
pg.add_subsystem(comp_name, DelayComp(size=mysize, time=delay_time), proc_weight=delay_time)
model.connect('iv.x', comp_name+'.x')
perfect_scaling_time = TOTAL_TIME / N_PROCS
prob = om.Problem(model=model)
time1 = time.time()
time2 = time.time()
runtime = time2 - time1
scaling_efficiency = perfect_scaling_time / runtime
speedup = TOTAL_TIME / runtime
print(scaling_efficiency * 100)
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