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Created March 5, 2021 00:41
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Manual colored CS
class SimpleHose(om.ExplicitComponent):
A coolant hose used to track pressure drop and weight in long hose runs.
hose_diameter : float
Inner diameter of the hose (scalar, m)
Length of the hose (scalar, m)
Max operating pressure of the hose (scalar, Pa)
mdot_coolant : float
Coolant mass flow rate (vector, kg/s)
rho_coolant : float
Coolant density (vector, kg/m3)
mu_coolant : float
Coolant viscosity (scalar, kg/m/s)
delta_p : float
Pressure drop in the hose - positive is loss (vector, kg/s)
component_weight : float
Weight of hose AND coolant (scalar, kg)
num_nodes : int
Number of analysis points to run (sets vec length; default 1)
hose_operating_stress : float
Hoop stress at design pressure (Pa) set to 300 Psi equivalent per empirical data
hose_density : float
Material density of the hose (kg/m3) set to 0.049 lb/in3 equivalent per empirical data
def initialize(self):
self.options.declare('num_nodes', default=1, desc='Number of flight/control conditions')
self.options.declare('hose_operating_stress', default=2.07e6, desc='Hoop stress at max op press in Pa')
self.options.declare('hose_density', default=1356.3, desc='Hose matl density in kg/m3')
def setup(self):
nn = self.options['num_nodes']
self.add_input('hose_diameter', val=0.0254, units='m')
self.add_input('hose_length', val=1.0, units='m')
self.add_input('hose_design_pressure', units='Pa', val=1.03e6, desc='Hose max operating pressure')
self.add_input('mdot_coolant', units='kg/s', desc='Coolant mass flow rate', val=np.ones((nn,)))
self.add_input('rho_coolant', units='kg/m**3', desc='Coolant density', val=1020.*np.ones((nn,)))
self.add_input('mu_coolant', val=1.68e-3, units='kg/m**3', desc='Coolant viscosity')
self.add_output('delta_p', units='Pa', desc='Hose pressure drop', val=np.ones((nn,)))
self.add_output('component_weight', units='kg', desc='Pump weight')
self.declare_partials(['delta_p'], ['rho_coolant', 'mdot_coolant'], rows=np.arange(nn), cols=np.arange(nn))
self.declare_partials(['delta_p'], ['hose_diameter', 'hose_length', 'mu_coolant'], rows=np.arange(nn), cols=np.zeros(nn))
self.declare_partials(['component_weight'], ['hose_design_pressure','hose_length','hose_diameter'], method='cs')
def _compute_pressure_drop(self, inputs):
xs_area = np.pi / (inputs['hose_diameter'] / 2) ** 2
U = inputs['mdot_coolant'] / inputs['rho_coolant'] / xs_area
Redh = inputs['rho_coolant'] * U * inputs['hose_diameter'] / inputs['mu_coolant']
# darcy friction from the Blasius correlation
f = 0.3164 * Redh ** (-1/4)
dp = f * inputs['rho_coolant'] * U ** 2 * inputs['hose_length'] / 2 / inputs['hose_diameter']
return dp
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
nn = self.options['num_nodes']
sigma = self.options['hose_operating_stress']
rho_hose = self.options['hose_density']
outputs['delta_p'] = self._compute_pressure_drop(inputs)
thickness = inputs['hose_diameter'] * inputs['hose_design_pressure'] / 2 / sigma
outputs['component_weight'] = (inputs['hose_diameter'] + thickness) * np.pi * thickness * rho_hose * inputs['hose_length']
def compute_partials(self, inputs, J):
nn = self.options['num_nodes']
sigma = self.options['hose_operating_stress']
rho_hose = self.options['hose_density']
# use a colored complex step approach
cs_step = 1e-30
dp_base = self._compute_pressure_drop(inputs)
cs_inp_list = ['rho_coolant', 'mdot_coolant', 'hose_diameter', 'hose_length', 'mu_coolant']
fake_inputs = dict()
# make a perturbable, complex copy of the inputs
for inp in cs_inp_list:
fake_inputs[inp] = inputs[inp].astype(np.complex_, copy=True)
for inp in cs_inp_list:
arr_to_restore = fake_inputs[inp].copy()
fake_inputs[inp] += (0.0+cs_step*1.0j)
dp_perturbed = self._compute_pressure_drop(fake_inputs)
fake_inputs[inp] = arr_to_restore
J['delta_p', inp] = np.imag(dp_perturbed) / cs_step
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