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Created December 8, 2020 22:34
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Validate simple laminate model versus finite element model from Argonne (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.08.123)
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import openmdao.api as om
def rotations(theta):
# define rotation matrices per
s = np.sin(theta)
c = np.cos(theta)
# stress in fiber axis = A * stress in xy axis
A = np.array([[c**2, s**2, 2*s*c],[s**2, c**2, -2*s*c],[-s*c, s*c, c**2-s**2]])
Ainv = np.array([[c**2, s**2, -2*s*c],[s**2, c**2, 2*s*c],[s*c, -s*c, c**2-s**2]])
R = np.diag([1, 1, 2])
Rinv = np.diag([1, 1, 1/2])
return A, Ainv, R, Rinv
def analyze_tank_structure(theta_design, t_overall, length, radius, pressure_design=70):
Computes stresses and failure criterion in a composite cylindrical pressure tank
theta_design : float
Composite fiber angle (in rad) relative to hoop direction.
Angle relative to axial direction is pi/2 - theta_design
t_overall : float
Thickness (in m) of the overall composite laminate (all plies)
length : float
Length (in m) of the cylindrical portion of the tank (not including the spherical endcaps)
radius : float
Radius (in m) of the spherical endcap and cylindrical tank.
pressure_design : float
Design pressure rating (in MPa). 2.35 safety factor applied.
TW_failure : float
Vector of Tsai-Wu failure criterion in each ply (vector, 4 plies)
weight : float
Tank weight (in kg)
# Material properties for Toray 2510 material system (with T700G UD fibers)
# all MPa
Xt = 2172 # tensile strength, fiber direction
Yt = 44.3 # tensile strength, transverse dir
Xc = 1400 # compressive strength, fiber direction
Yc = 283 # compressive strength, transverse dir
ShearYield = 154 # shear strength in plane, ultimate
E11 = 125000 # tensile modulus, fiber dir
E22 = 8410 # tensile modulus, transverse dir
G12 = 4230 # shear modulus in plane
v12 = 0.3 # poisson's ratio
# define constants from Tsai-Wu failure criterion
F11 = 1/Xt/Xc
F22 = 1/Yt/Yc
F12 = -(1/2)*(Xt*Xc*Yt*Yc)**(-1/2)
F66 = ShearYield**-2
F1 = 1/Xt - 1/Xc
F2 = 1/Yt - 1/Yc
F6 = 0.0
rho = 1517 # material density, kg/m3
P = pressure_design * 2.25 # tank pressure, MPa, safety factor 2.35
# define stress state in the cylindrical portion of the tank
load_hoop = P*radius # MN / m
load_ax = P*radius/2 # MN / m
# define a symmetric and balanced laminate with one design angle
thetas = [theta_design, -theta_design, -theta_design, theta_design]
# Composite analysis notes from:
# theta is defined from the hoop direction (90 degrees from the axial) as illustrated below
#[cylinder wall]
#======================= )
# |theta/ )
# | / )
# | / ) [tank end cap]
# | / )
# | / )
#======================= )
t_one_layer = t_overall / 4
# define ply interface height (0.0 is midline)
z = np.array([-t_overall/2, -t_one_layer, 0.0,
t_one_layer, t_overall / 2]) # meters
# material property for carbon fiber system in the fiber axis
Q11 = E11 ** 2 / (E11 - v12**2 * E22)
Q12 = v12 * E11 * E22 / (E11 - v12**2 * E22)
Q22 = E11 * E22 / (E11 - v12**2 * E22)
Q66 = G12
# ply stiffness matrix in fiber axis
D = np.array([[Q11, Q12, 0.],[Q12, Q22, 0.],[0., 0., Q66]])
# ply compliance matrix in fiber axis
S = np.array([[1/E11, -v12/E11, 0.],[-v12/E11, 1/E22, 0.],[0.,0.,1/G12]])
# these are inverses of each other
# assemble the ABD matrices of the laminate stack
Amat = np.zeros((3,3))
Bmat = np.zeros((3,3))
Dmat = np.zeros((3,3))
for i in range(len(thetas)):
theta_this_layer = thetas[i]
A, Ainv, R, Rinv = rotations(theta_this_layer)
# strain in xy axis = Sbar * stress in xy
# Sbar = R @ Ainv @ Rinv @ S @ A
# stress in xy axis = Dbar * strain in xy
Dbar = Ainv @ D @ R @ A @ Rinv
Amat += Dbar * (z[i+1]-z[i])
# these are zero in this balanced symm layups
Bmat += 0.5 * Dbar * (z[i+1]**2-z[i]**2)
# don't care about the moments for this problem
Dmat += (1/3) * Dbar * (z[i+1]**3-z[i]**3)
if np.sum(np.abs(Bmat)) > 1e-12:
raise ValueError('B matrix is nonzero - something is wrong in laminate calculations')
# N = Nx, Ny, Nxy
# define the load state on the laminate in terms of hoop load (force / meter) and axial load
N = np.array([load_hoop, load_ax, 0.0])
# get the whole-laminate strain state
strain_xy = np.linalg.inv(Amat) @ N
# get stress and compute Tsai-Wu failure criterion in one layer (they'll all be identical)
TW_failure = np.zeros(4)
for i in range(4):
theta_this_layer = thetas[i]
A, Ainv, R, Rinv = rotations(theta_this_layer)
stress_mat_axes = D @ R @ A @ Rinv @ strain_xy
s_1 = stress_mat_axes[0]
s_2 = stress_mat_axes[1]
t_12 = stress_mat_axes[2]
TW = (F1 * s_1 +
F2 * s_2 +
F11 * s_1 * s_1 +
F22 * s_2 * s_2 +
2 * F12 * s_1 * s_2 +
F66 * t_12**2)
TW_failure[i] = TW
# these should all be uniform unless something is wrong
if np.sum(np.abs(TW_failure-np.mean(TW_failure))) > 1e-10:
raise ValueError('All the failure criteria in each ply should be identical for this layup')
# compute tank weight
surface_area = np.pi * (length * 2 * radius + 4 * radius ** 2)
weight = surface_area * t_overall * rho
return TW_failure, weight
class TankComp(om.ExplicitComponent):
A thin wrapper of the analyze_tank_structure method
Finite difference derivatives because the model is cheap
def setup(self):
self.add_input('theta_design', val=20.0, units='deg')
self.add_input('thickness', val=0.04, units='m')
self.add_input('length', val=1.0, units='m')
self.add_input('radius', val=0.25, units='m')
self.add_input('design_pressure', val=70.0, units='MPa')
self.add_input('hydrogen_density', val=42.0, units='kg/m**3')
self.add_output('tsai_wu_failure', val=np.ones((4,)))
self.add_output('tank_weight', val=10., units='kg')
self.add_output('vol_wt_ratio', val=1.0, units='m**3/kg')
self.add_output('volume', val=1.0, units='m**3')
self.add_output('grav_pct', val=0.05)
self.add_output('hydrogen_weight', val=1., units='kg')
self.add_output('loverd', val=1., units=None)
self.declare_partials(['*'],['*'], method='fd',step=1e-6)
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
# do the structural analysis
tws, tank_weight = analyze_tank_structure(inputs['theta_design'][0]*np.pi/180,
outputs['tsai_wu_failure'] = tws
outputs['tank_weight'] = tank_weight
# compute some auxiliary numbers
# tank volume
volume = np.pi * (inputs['radius']**2 * inputs['length'] + 4/3*inputs['radius']**3)
outputs['volume'] = volume
# volume to weight ratio
outputs['vol_wt_ratio'] = volume / tank_weight
# fuel weight in the tank at design pressure
H2_wt = volume * inputs['hydrogen_density'][0]
outputs['hydrogen_weight'] = H2_wt
# gravimetric percentage (fuel / tank weight)
outputs['grav_pct'] = H2_wt / tank_weight
outputs['loverd'] = (inputs['length'] + 2 * inputs['radius'])/2/inputs['radius']
if __name__ == "__main__":
# The purpose of this model is to find the optimal
# design of a composite wrapped Hydrogen tank
# We are only considering the tank structure for simplicity
# (not liner or fittings, which are significant)
prob = om.Problem()
# the design pressure is an important parameter
ivc = om.IndepVarComp()
ivc.add_output('design_pressure', val=70., units='MPa')
prob.model.add_subsystem('iv', ivc)
# compute hydrogen density at 298K using a curve fit
# data from
h2density = om.MetaModelStructuredComp()
training_data=np.array([0.1, 1., 5., 10., 30., 50., 70., 100.]),
training_data=np.array([0.0813, 0.8085, 3.9490, 7.6711, 20.537, 30.811, 42.0, 49.424]),
prob.model.add_subsystem('h2density', h2density)
# do the structural and weight analysis
prob.model.add_subsystem('tank', TankComp())
prob.model.connect('iv.design_pressure', ['tank.design_pressure','h2density.pressure'])
prob.model.connect('h2density.density', 'tank.hydrogen_density')
# setup the optimization
prob.driver = om.ScipyOptimizeDriver()
prob.driver.options['optimizer'] = 'SLSQP'
# the tank fiber orientation angle in degrees
prob.model.add_design_var('tank.theta_design', lower=0.0, upper=75., ref=40.)
# tank wall thickness in m
# this must be minimum-gauged for crash and projectile resistance hence 1cm lower bound
prob.model.add_design_var('tank.thickness', lower=0.01, upper=0.1, ref=0.02)
# tank length
prob.model.add_design_var('tank.length', lower=0.2, upper=2.0, ref=1.0)
# radius of the cylinder in m
prob.model.add_design_var('tank.radius', lower=0.02, upper=20.0, ref=0.2)
# tank design pressure in MPa (multiply by 10 to get bar)
prob.model.add_design_var('iv.design_pressure', lower=70., upper=70., ref=10.)
# minimize the weight of the tank subject to structural sizing and fuel wt requirement
prob.model.add_objective('tank.tank_weight', scaler=0.05)
prob.model.add_constraint('tank.tsai_wu_failure', upper=np.ones((4,)))
prob.model.add_constraint('tank.hydrogen_weight', lower=5.8)
prob.model.add_constraint('tank.loverd', upper=3.0)
print('Pressure ', prob['iv.design_pressure'])
print('Theta ', prob['tank.theta_design'])
print('Thickness ', 1000*prob['tank.thickness'], ' mm')
print('Length ', prob['tank.length'])
print('Radius ', prob['tank.radius'])
print('Tank Weight ', prob['tank.tank_weight'])
print('Grav pct ', prob['tank.grav_pct'])
print('Failure crit ', prob['tank.tsai_wu_failure'])
print('Tank Volume', prob['tank.volume'])
# The obtained tank structure weight, 124.45 kg, is within 15% of the published value, 106 kg,
# from the Argonne paper 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.08.123.
# using essentially the same material system under the same conditions
# Including the valves, regulators, and fittings, the published figure for total empty tank wt (127.8)
# is only 2.7% higher. Variation may be attributable to thinning in the dome (due to smaller loads)
# the shorter dome section, and higher-fidelity analysis.
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