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Created July 20, 2020 15:34
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import openmdao.api as om
import numpy as np
# OpenConcept PhaseGroup will be used to hold analysis phases with time integration
# =============== These will go in OpenConcept Core ===============#
def find_duration_variables_in_phase(system, abs_namespace, listofvars):
durationvar = system._problem_meta['duration_var']
# check if we are a group or not
if isinstance(system, om.Group):
# TODO maybe needs to be allprocs
for subsys in system._subsystems_myproc:
if not abs_namespace:
next_namespace =
next_namespace = abs_namespace + '.' +
find_duration_variables_in_phase(subsys, next_namespace, listofvars)
# if the duration variable shows up we need to add its absolute path to listofvars
for varname in system._var_rel_names['input']:
if varname == durationvar:
listofvars.append(abs_namespace + '.' + varname)
class PhaseGroup(om.Group):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(PhaseGroup, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._duration_var_name = 'duration'
def _setup_procs(self, pathname, comm, mode, prob_meta):
# need to pass down the name of the duration variable via prob_meta
prob_meta.update({'duration_var': self._duration_var_name})
super(PhaseGroup, self)._setup_procs(pathname, comm, mode, prob_meta)
def _configure(self):
super(PhaseGroup, self)._configure()
# check child subsys for variables to be integrated and add them all
listofvars = []
find_duration_variables_in_phase(self, '', listofvars)
# make connections from duration to integrated vars automatically
for var_abs_address in listofvars:
self.connect(self._duration_var_name, var_abs_address)
# --------------------- This is just an example
class RateSource(om.ExplicitComponent):
def setup(self):
self.add_input('mass', val=2.0, units='kg')
self.add_input('force', val=1.0, units='N')
self.add_input('blah', units='m/s')
# mark the variable for integration
self.add_output('accel', val=0.5, units='m/s**2', tags=['integrate', 'intunit:m/s','intname:velocity'])
self.declare_partials(['*'], ['*'], method='cs')
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
outputs['accel'] = inputs['force'] / inputs['mass']
class Integrator(om.ExplicitComponent):
# need to update my "real integrator" to support this type of method
def add_integrand(self, name, units=None):
self.add_input(name+'_dqdt', units=units)
self.add_output(name+'_q', units=units)
def setup(self):
self.add_input('duration', units='s')
self.declare_partials(['*'],['*'], method='cs')
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
class DeepComp(om.Group):
def setup(self):
self.integrate = True
self.add_subsystem('rs', RateSource())
# eventually will add the integrator automatically during setup_procs if self.integrate = True
# or just use a dedicated subclass any time integration is neeeded
self.add_subsystem('integrator', Integrator())
self.connect('rs.accel', 'integrator.blah_dqdt')
# def configure(self):
# add the integrand during configure or maybe _configure()
class MyPhase(PhaseGroup):
def setup(self):
self.add_subsystem('ivc', om.IndepVarComp('duration', val=1.0, units='s'), promotes_outputs=['duration'])
self.add_subsystem('dc', DeepComp())
class TopGroup(om.Group):
def setup(self):
self.add_subsystem('phase1', MyPhase())
self.add_subsystem('phase2', MyPhase())
# todo eventually a method to link integrated variables together automatically from phase to phase. I have a list of them all in prior step
if __name__ == "__main__":
prob = om.Problem(TopGroup())
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