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Created July 22, 2020 14:00
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import openmdao.api as om
import numpy as np
class SellarDis1(om.ExplicitComponent):
Component containing Discipline 1 -- no derivatives version.
def setup(self):
# Global Design Variable
self.add_input('z', val=np.zeros(2))
# Local Design Variable
self.add_input('x', val=0.)
# Coupling parameter
self.add_input('y2', val=1.0)
# Coupling output
self.add_output('y1', val=1.0)
# Finite difference all partials.
self.declare_partials('*', '*', method='fd')
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
Evaluates the equation
y1 = z1**2 + z2 + x1 - 0.2*y2
z1 = inputs['z'][0]
z2 = inputs['z'][1]
x1 = inputs['x']
y2 = inputs['y2']
outputs['y1'] = z1**2 + z2 + x1 - 0.2*y2
print('Dis1: '+str(outputs['y1']))
class SellarDis2(om.ExplicitComponent):
Component containing Discipline 2 -- no derivatives version.
def setup(self):
# Global Design Variable
self.add_input('z', val=np.zeros(2))
# Coupling parameter
self.add_input('y1', val=1.0)
# Coupling output
self.add_output('y2', val=1.0)
# Finite difference all partials.
self.declare_partials('*', '*', method='fd')
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
Evaluates the equation
y2 = y1**(.5) + z1 + z2
z1 = inputs['z'][0]
z2 = inputs['z'][1]
y1 = inputs['y1']
# Note: this may cause some issues. However, y1 is constrained to be
# above 3.16, so lets just let it converge, and the optimizer will
# throw it out
if y1.real < 0.0:
y1 *= -1
outputs['y2'] = y1**.5 + z1 + z2
print('Dis2: '+str(outputs['y2']))
class SellarCycle(om.Group):
def setup(self):
self.add_subsystem('d1', SellarDis1(), promotes_inputs=['x', 'z', 'y2'],
self.add_subsystem('d2', SellarDis2(), promotes_inputs=['z', 'y1'],
self.set_input_defaults('x', 1.0)
self.set_input_defaults('z', np.array([5.0, 2.0]))
def guess_nonlinear(self, inputs, outputs, residuals):
print('in guess nonlinear - these nonconverged residuals shouldnt be zero')
class SellarMDA(om.Group):
Group containing the Sellar MDA.
def setup(self):
cycle = self.add_subsystem('cycle', SellarCycle(), promotes=['*'])
# Nonlinear Block Gauss Seidel is a gradient free solver
cycle.nonlinear_solver = om.NonlinearBlockGS()
self.add_subsystem('obj_cmp', om.ExecComp('obj = x**2 + z[1] + y1 + exp(-y2)',
z=np.array([0.0, 0.0]), x=0.0),
promotes=['x', 'z', 'y1', 'y2', 'obj'])
self.add_subsystem('con_cmp1', om.ExecComp('con1 = 3.16 - y1'), promotes=['con1', 'y1'])
self.add_subsystem('con_cmp2', om.ExecComp('con2 = y2 - 24.0'), promotes=['con2', 'y2'])
if __name__ == "__main__":
prob = om.Problem(SellarMDA())
# INFO: checking out_of_order
# INFO: checking system
# INFO: checking solvers
# WARNING: Group 'cycle' contains cycles [['d1', 'd2']], but does not have an iterative linear solver.
# INFO: checking dup_inputs
# INFO: checking missing_recorders
# WARNING: The Problem has no recorder of any kind attached
# INFO: checking comp_has_no_outputs
# =====
# cycle
# =====
# in guess nonlinear - these nonconverged residuals shouldnt be zero
# [0.]
# [0.]
# Dis1: [27.8]
# Dis2: [12.27257053]
# Dis1: [25.54548589]
# Dis2: [12.05425424]
# Dis1: [25.58914915]
# Dis2: [12.05857185]
# Dis1: [25.58828563]
# Dis2: [12.0584865]
# Dis1: [25.5883027]
# Dis2: [12.05848818]
# Dis1: [25.58830236]
# Dis2: [12.05848815]
# Dis1: [25.58830237]
# Dis2: [12.05848815]
# Dis1: [25.58830237]
# Dis2: [12.05848815]
# NL: NLBGS Converged in 7 iterations
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