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Created May 29, 2018 11:58
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  • Save bbrks/5d031464e43931269a94d5b091b334f2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bbrks/5d031464e43931269a94d5b091b334f2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
12:43 $ mkfile -n 2g /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_debug.log
✔ ~/dev/sync_gateway/master/godeps/src/ [master|…1⚑ 4]
12:43 $ ls -l /tmp/sglog-20180529/
total 40
-rw------- 1 benbrooks wheel 2.0G 29 May 12:43 sg_debug.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 benbrooks wheel 44B 29 May 12:40 sg_error.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 benbrooks wheel 6.0K 29 May 12:42 sg_info.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 benbrooks wheel 319B 29 May 12:40 sg_warn.log
✔ ~/dev/sync_gateway/master/godeps/src/ [master|…1⚑ 4]
12:44 $ ./tools/sgcollect_info
Using Sync Gateway URL:
uname (uname -a) - OK
time and TZ (date; date -u) - OK
ntp time (ntpdate -q || nc 13 || netcat 13) - OK
ntp peers (ntpq -p) - OK
raw /etc/sysconfig/clock (cat /etc/sysconfig/clock) - Exit code 1
raw /etc/timezone (cat /etc/timezone) - Exit code 1
sysctl settings (sysctl -a) - OK
Process list snapshot (top -l 1) - OK
Disk activity (iostat 1 10) - OK
Process list (ps -Aww -o user,pid,lwp,ppid,nlwp,pcpu,pri,nice,vsize,rss,tty,stat,wchan:12,start,bsdtime,command) - Exit code 1
Network configuration (ifconfig -a) - OK
Taking sample 2 after 10.000000 seconds - OK
Network status (netstat -anp || netstat -an) - OK
Network routing table (netstat -rn) - OK
Arp cache (arp -na) - OK
Raw /etc/hosts (cat /etc/hosts) - OK
Raw /etc/resolv.conf (cat /etc/resolv.conf) - OK
Raw /etc/nsswitch.conf (cat /etc/nsswitch.conf) - Exit code 1
Filesystem (df -ha) - OK
System activity reporter (sar 1 10) - Exit code 127
System paging activity (vmstat 1 10) - Exit code 127
System uptime (uptime) - OK
couchbase user definition (getent passwd couchbase) - Exit code 127
couchbase user limits (su couchbase -c "ulimit -a") - skipped (needs root privs)
couchbase user limits (su couchbase -c "ulimit -a") - skipped (needs root privs)
Interrupt status (intrstat 1 10) - Exit code 127
Processor status (mpstat 1 10) - Exit code 127
System log (cat /var/adm/messages) - Exit code 1
Kernel log buffer (dmesg -H || dmesg) - Exit code 1
Discovered from expvars: sg_binary_path=./sync_gateway sg_config_path=sg_config.json
Capturing rotated log file /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_debug.log
Capturing rotated log file /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_warn.log
Capturing rotated log file /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_error.log
Capturing rotated log file /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_info.log
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Contents of /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Contents of /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Contents of /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
download_sg_expvars (pythontask) - log_file: expvars_json.log.
Collect profile pprof via http client (pythontask) - log_file: pprof_http_profile.log.
Collect heap pprof via http client (pythontask) - log_file: pprof_http_heap.log.
Collect goroutine pprof via http client (pythontask) - log_file: pprof_http_goroutine.log.
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: profile format: dot (go tool pprof -dot -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: profile format: pdf (go tool pprof -pdf -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: profile format: text (go tool pprof -text -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: profile format: raw (go tool pprof -raw -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: heap format: dot (go tool pprof -dot -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: heap format: pdf (go tool pprof -pdf -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: heap format: text (go tool pprof -text -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: heap format: raw (go tool pprof -raw -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: goroutine format: dot (go tool pprof -dot -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: goroutine format: pdf (go tool pprof -pdf -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: goroutine format: text (go tool pprof -text -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: goroutine format: raw (go tool pprof -raw -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Contents of sg_config.json (pythontask) - log_file: sg_config.json.
Collect server config (pythontask) - log_file: running_server_config.log.
Collect db config for db: dbtwo (pythontask) - log_file: running_db_dbtwo_config.log.
Collect server status (pythontask) - log_file: server_status.log.
Collect db status for db: dbtwo (pythontask) - log_file: db_dbtwo_status.log.
WARNING: unable to find Sync Gateway executable, omitting from result. Go pprofs will not be accurate.
Echo sgcollect_info cmd line args (echo options: {'watch_stdin': False, 'just_upload_into': None, 'sync_gateway_config': None, 'redact_level': 'none', 'verbosity': 0, 'upload_host': None, 'sync_gateway_url': None, 'upload_customer': None, 'upload_ticket': None, 'salt_value': '69e9a5ef-dfa2-4469-9eab-ddba38adcad8', 'sync_gateway_executable': None, 'root': '/Users/benbrooks/dev/sync_gateway/master/godeps/src/', 'product_only': False} args: ['']) - OK
Exception during compression: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Compression using gozip failed.
Falling back to python implementation.
Please let us know about this and provide console output.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./tools/sgcollect_info", line 800, in <module>
File "./tools/sgcollect_info", line 775, in main, 'sgcollect_info', platform.node())
File "/Users/benbrooks/dev/sync_gateway/master/godeps/src/", line 337, in zip
self._zip_helper(prefix, filename, files)
File "/Users/benbrooks/dev/sync_gateway/master/godeps/src/", line 368, in _zip_helper
self._zip_fallback(filename, prefix, files)
File "/Users/benbrooks/dev/sync_gateway/master/godeps/src/", line 376, in _zip_fallback
"%s/%s" % (prefix, os.path.basename(name)))
File "/usr/local/Cellar/python@2/2.7.15/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 1148, in write
File "/usr/local/Cellar/python@2/2.7.15/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 1114, in _writecheck
" would require ZIP64 extensions")
zipfile.LargeZipFile: Filesize would require ZIP64 extensions
✔ ~/dev/sync_gateway/master/godeps/src/ [master|…2⚑ 4]
12:51 $ mkfile -n 1g /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_debug.log
✔ ~/dev/sync_gateway/master/godeps/src/ [master|…2⚑ 4]
12:53 $ mkfile -n 1g /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_debug-2018-05-29T11-51-38.106.log.gz
✔ ~/dev/sync_gateway/master/godeps/src/ [master|…2⚑ 4]
12:53 $ mkfile -n 1g /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_debug-2018-05-29T11-51-38.107.log.gz
✔ ~/dev/sync_gateway/master/godeps/src/ [master|…2⚑ 4]
12:53 $ ls -l /tmp/sglog-20180529/
total 48
-rw------- 1 benbrooks wheel 1.0G 29 May 12:53 sg_debug-2018-05-29T11-51-38.106.log.gz
-rw------- 1 benbrooks wheel 1.0G 29 May 12:53 sg_debug-2018-05-29T11-51-38.107.log.gz
-rw------- 1 benbrooks wheel 1.0G 29 May 12:53 sg_debug.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 benbrooks wheel 65B 29 May 12:51 sg_error-2018-05-29T11-51-38.107.log.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 benbrooks wheel 0B 29 May 12:51 sg_error.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 benbrooks wheel 1.9K 29 May 12:51 sg_info-2018-05-29T11-51-38.106.log.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 benbrooks wheel 0B 29 May 12:51 sg_info.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 benbrooks wheel 253B 29 May 12:51 sg_warn-2018-05-29T11-51-38.106.log.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 benbrooks wheel 0B 29 May 12:51 sg_warn.log
✔ ~/dev/sync_gateway/master/godeps/src/ [master|…2⚑ 4]
12:53 $ ./tools/sgcollect_info
Using Sync Gateway URL:
uname (uname -a) - OK
time and TZ (date; date -u) - OK
ntp time (ntpdate -q || nc 13 || netcat 13) - OK
ntp peers (ntpq -p) - OK
raw /etc/sysconfig/clock (cat /etc/sysconfig/clock) - Exit code 1
raw /etc/timezone (cat /etc/timezone) - Exit code 1
sysctl settings (sysctl -a) - OK
Process list snapshot (top -l 1) - OK
Disk activity (iostat 1 10) - OK
Process list (ps -Aww -o user,pid,lwp,ppid,nlwp,pcpu,pri,nice,vsize,rss,tty,stat,wchan:12,start,bsdtime,command) - Exit code 1
Network configuration (ifconfig -a) - OK
Taking sample 2 after 10.000000 seconds - OK
Network status (netstat -anp || netstat -an) - OK
Network routing table (netstat -rn) - OK
Arp cache (arp -na) - OK
Raw /etc/hosts (cat /etc/hosts) - OK
Raw /etc/resolv.conf (cat /etc/resolv.conf) - OK
Raw /etc/nsswitch.conf (cat /etc/nsswitch.conf) - Exit code 1
Filesystem (df -ha) - OK
System activity reporter (sar 1 10) - Exit code 127
System paging activity (vmstat 1 10) - Exit code 127
System uptime (uptime) - OK
couchbase user definition (getent passwd couchbase) - Exit code 127
couchbase user limits (su couchbase -c "ulimit -a") - skipped (needs root privs)
couchbase user limits (su couchbase -c "ulimit -a") - skipped (needs root privs)
Interrupt status (intrstat 1 10) - Exit code 127
Processor status (mpstat 1 10) - Exit code 127
System log (cat /var/adm/messages) - Exit code 1
Kernel log buffer (dmesg -H || dmesg) - Exit code 1
Discovered from expvars: sg_binary_path=./sync_gateway sg_config_path=sg_config.json
Capturing rotated log file /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_debug.log
Capturing compressed rotated log file /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_debug-2018-05-29T11-51-38.107.log.gz
Capturing compressed rotated log file /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_debug-2018-05-29T11-51-38.106.log.gz
Capturing rotated log file /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_warn.log
Capturing compressed rotated log file /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_warn-2018-05-29T11-51-38.106.log.gz
Capturing rotated log file /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_error.log
Capturing compressed rotated log file /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_error-2018-05-29T11-51-38.107.log.gz
Capturing rotated log file /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_info.log
Capturing compressed rotated log file /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_info-2018-05-29T11-51-38.106.log.gz
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_accel_access.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_accel_access.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sg_accel/logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /home/sync_gateway/logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sg_accel/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /var/log/sync_gateway/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sync_gateway/logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /Users/sg_accel/logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway Accelerator\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\var\lib\couchbase\logs/sync_gateway_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sync_gateway_error.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_debug.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Extracted contents of /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_debug-2018-05-29T11-51-38.107.log.gz (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Extracted contents of /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_debug-2018-05-29T11-51-38.106.log.gz (pythontask) - log_file: sg_debug.log.
Exit code 1
Contents of /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_warn.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Extracted contents of /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_warn-2018-05-29T11-51-38.106.log.gz (pythontask) - log_file: sg_warn.log.
Contents of /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_error.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Extracted contents of /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_error-2018-05-29T11-51-38.107.log.gz (pythontask) - log_file: sg_error.log.
Contents of /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_info.log (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
Extracted contents of /tmp/sglog-20180529/sg_info-2018-05-29T11-51-38.106.log.gz (pythontask) - log_file: sg_info.log.
download_sg_expvars (pythontask) - log_file: expvars_json.log.
Collect profile pprof via http client (pythontask) - log_file: pprof_http_profile.log.
Collect heap pprof via http client (pythontask) - log_file: pprof_http_heap.log.
Collect goroutine pprof via http client (pythontask) - log_file: pprof_http_goroutine.log.
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: profile format: dot (go tool pprof -dot -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: profile format: pdf (go tool pprof -pdf -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: profile format: text (go tool pprof -text -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: profile format: raw (go tool pprof -raw -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: heap format: dot (go tool pprof -dot -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: heap format: pdf (go tool pprof -pdf -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: heap format: text (go tool pprof -text -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: heap format: raw (go tool pprof -raw -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: goroutine format: dot (go tool pprof -dot -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: goroutine format: pdf (go tool pprof -pdf -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: goroutine format: text (go tool pprof -text -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Running go tool pprof -- which can take several seconds: goroutine format: raw (go tool pprof -raw -seconds=5 "./sync_gateway" - OK
Contents of sg_config.json (pythontask) - log_file: sg_config.json.
Collect server config (pythontask) - log_file: running_server_config.log.
Collect db config for db: dbtwo (pythontask) - log_file: running_db_dbtwo_config.log.
Collect server status (pythontask) - log_file: server_status.log.
Collect db status for db: dbtwo (pythontask) - log_file: db_dbtwo_status.log.
WARNING: unable to find Sync Gateway executable, omitting from result. Go pprofs will not be accurate.
Echo sgcollect_info cmd line args (echo options: {'watch_stdin': False, 'just_upload_into': None, 'sync_gateway_config': None, 'redact_level': 'none', 'verbosity': 0, 'upload_host': None, 'sync_gateway_url': None, 'upload_customer': None, 'upload_ticket': None, 'salt_value': '5aeb73cb-51ba-407e-b6aa-d709dba7531f', 'sync_gateway_executable': None, 'root': '/Users/benbrooks/dev/sync_gateway/master/godeps/src/', 'product_only': False} args: ['']) - OK
Exception during compression: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Compression using gozip failed.
Falling back to python implementation.
Please let us know about this and provide console output.
Zipfile built:
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