UTC: 2024-09-13 10:03
This file is automatically generated by the update_all.ps1 script using the AU module.
Ignored | History | Force Test | Releases | TESTING AU NEXT VERSION
Finished 6 packages after 14.18 minutes.
1 updated, 1 pushed, 0 ignored
0 errors - 0 update, 0 push.
Icon | Name | Updated | Pushed | RemoteVersion | NuspecVersion |
ssis-vs2022 | True 🔸 | True | 1.5 | 1.4 |
Icon | Name | Updated | Pushed | RemoteVersion | NuspecVersion |
bower | False | False | 1.8.12 | 1.8.12 | |
gulp-cli | False | False | 3.0.0 | 3.0.0 | |
markdownlint-cli | False | False | 0.41.0 | 0.41.0 | |
prtgdesktop | False | False | 24.9.0 | 24.9.0 | |
ssis-vs2019 | False | False | 4.6 | 4.6 | |
ssis-vs2022 | True 🔸 | True | 1.5 | 1.4 |
bower - checking updates using au version 2022.10.24
URL check
nuspec version: 1.8.12
remote version: 1.8.12
No new version found
gulp-cli - checking updates using au version 2022.10.24
URL check
nuspec version: 3.0.0
remote version: 3.0.0
No new version found
markdownlint-cli - checking updates using au version 2022.10.24
URL check
nuspec version: 0.41.0
remote version: 0.41.0
No new version found
prtgdesktop - checking updates using au version 2022.10.24
URL check
nuspec version: 24.9.0
remote version: 24.9.0
No new version found
ssis-vs2019 - checking updates using au version 2022.10.24
URL check
nuspec version: 4.6
remote version: 4.6
No new version found
ssis-vs2022 - checking updates using au version 2022.10.24
URL check
nuspec version: 1.4
remote version: 1.5
New version is available
Automatic checksum skipped
Running au_BeforeUpdate
Setting package description from README.md
Updating files
$Latest data:
Checksum (String) 5cc140801bfbcdde962597f55b21220a7bbe1ec975af05888018545d70f4dd33
ChecksumType (String) sha256
NuspecVersion (String) 1.4
PackageName (String) ssis-vs2022
URL32 (String) https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/gallery/publishers/SSIS/vsextensions/MicrosoftDataToolsIntegrationServices/1.5/vspackage
Version (String) 1.5
setting id: ssis-vs2022
updating version: 1.4 -> 1.5
(\s*checksum\s*=\s*)"([^*]+)" = $1"5cc140801bfbcdde962597f55b21220a7bbe1ec975af05888018545d70f4dd33"
(\s*url\s*=\s*)"([^*]+)" = $1"https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/gallery/publishers/SSIS/vsextensions/MicrosoftDataToolsIntegrationServices/1.5/vspackage"
(\s*checksumType\s*=\s*)"([^*]+)" = $1"sha256"
Attempting to build package from 'ssis-vs2022.nuspec'.
Successfully created package 'D:\a\1\s\automatic\ssis-vs2022\ssis-vs2022.1.5.0.nupkg'
Package updated
Chocolatey v2.3.0
Attempting to push ssis-vs2022.1.5.0.nupkg to https://push.chocolatey.org
ssis-vs2022.1.5.0.nupkg was pushed successfully to https://push.chocolatey.org