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Last active July 5, 2017 18:32
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Caeser cipher written as part of a Chapter 9 challenge in the Haskell Book:
module Cipher where
import Data.Char
clampAlpha :: (Integral a) => a -> a
clampAlpha = (`mod` 26)
lowerBound :: Char -> Char
lowerBound c
| isUpper c = 'A'
| isLower c = 'a'
| otherwise = undefined
caesarShift :: Int -> Char -> Char
caesarShift i c
| not (isAlpha c) = c
| otherwise = chr (clampped + baseN)
where base = lowerBound c
baseN = ord base
n = ord c - baseN + i
clampped = clampAlpha n
caesar :: Int -> String -> String
caesar shift = map (caesarShift shift)
unCaesar :: Int -> String -> String
unCaesar shift = map (caesarShift (-shift))
rot13 :: String -> String
rot13 = caesar 13
unRot13 :: String -> String
unRot13 = unCaesar 13
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