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Created April 5, 2018 19:11
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qutebrowser config
import re
import yaml
# pylint: disable=C0111
c = c # noqa: F821 pylint: disable=E0602,C0103
config = config # noqa: F821 pylint: disable=E0602,C0103
# Load autoconfig.yml
class URL(str):
""" URL for 'url.searchengines' dict
Allows for additional pattern matching.
def __new__(cls, value, *args, **kwargs):
return super(URL, cls).__new__(cls, value)
def __init__(self, default, others, regexps, filters=None):
self.default = default
if isinstance(others, str):
self.others = (others,)
self.regexps = (regexps,)
self.filters = (filters,)
self.others = tuple(others)
self.regexps = tuple(regexps)
self.filters = filters
# Allows 'filters' argument to be omitted even when multiple 'others' exist
if filters is None:
self.filters = (None,) * len(self.others)
# Allows 'None' to be given as default filter
self.filters = tuple(map(lambda x: x if x else lambda y: (y,), self.filters))
def format(self, term, *args, **kwargs):
for other, regexp, filter_ in zip(self.others, self.regexps, self.filters):
if re.match(regexp, term):
return str.format(other, *filter_(term), *args, **kwargs)
return str.format(self.default, term, *args, **kwargs)
# ----- Dictionary Values
c.url.searchengines['DEFAULT'] = URL('{}',
c.url.searchengines['ep'] = URL('{}+episodes',
c.url.searchengines['ddg'] = '{}'
c.url.searchengines['al'] = '{}'
c.url.searchengines['gg'] = '{}&ia=web'
c.url.searchengines['ggg'] = '{}'
c.url.searchengines['ggi'] = URL('{}/issues',
filters=lambda x: re.split('\+|%20', x, maxsplit=1))
c.url.searchengines['ggii'] = '{}/issues/new'
c.url.searchengines['li'] = '{}&ia=web'
c.url.searchengines['py'] = '{}'
c.url.searchengines['red'] = '{}&ia=web'
c.url.searchengines['waf'] = '{}'
# ----- Bindings
def bind(key, *commands, mode='normal'):
config.bind(key, ' ;; '.join(commands), mode=mode)
# >>> INSERT
bind('<Ctrl-i>', 'spawn -d qute-pass-add {url}', mode='insert')
bind('<Ctrl-p>', 'spawn --userscript qute-pass', mode='insert')
bind('<Ctrl-Shift-u>', 'spawn --userscript qute-pass --username-only', mode='insert')
bind('<Ctrl-Shift-p>', 'spawn --userscript qute-pass --password-only', mode='insert')
# >>> PROMPT
bind('<Ctrl-o>', 'prompt-open-download zathura {}', mode='prompt')
bind('<Ctrl-f>', 'edit-command', mode='command')
# >>> NORMAL
# Ctrl
bind('<Ctrl-r>', 'restart')
bind('<Ctrl-t>', 'spawn --userscript taskadd tags:inbox')
bind('<Ctrl-l>', 'edit-url')
# Leader (,)
bind(',e', 'scroll-to-perc 0', 'later 25 hint inputs -m number',
'later 50 spawn xdotool key 0', 'later 100 open-editor')
bind(',t', 'config-cycle tabs.position left top')
bind(',rss', 'spawn --userscript openfeeds')
# Miscellaneous
bind('gi', 'hint inputs')
bind('sb', 'quickmark-save')
bind('C', 'tab-clone', 'back', 'tab-move -')
bind('m', 'enter-mode set_mark')
# ----- Load Yaml Config
with (config.configdir / 'config.yml').open() as f:
yaml_data = yaml.load(f)
def dict_attrs(obj, path=''):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for k, v in obj.items():
yield from dict_attrs(v, '{}.{}'.format(path, k) if path else k)
yield path, obj
for k, v in dict_attrs(yaml_data):
config.set(k, v)
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