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Created August 16, 2021 04:26
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Inject Steam GameOverlayRenderer DLL into a game with Frida
// Inject Steam GameOverlayRenderer DLL into a game
// Inspired by
// Must be run during process initialization, cannot be run after the game is
// started.
// GameOverlayRenderer will use an appid from the SteamGameId environment
// variable. This is injected too. GameOverlayRenderer does not support
// steam_appid.txt, but this script will parse the file to discover the appid.
// Usage:
// cd the\game\directory
// frida -f "game.exe" -l C:\somewhere\GameOverlayRenderer.js --no-pause
function getSteamPath() {
const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = ptr("0x80000002");
const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0;
const RRF_RT_REG_SZ = 0x00000002;
const reg_subkey_32 = Memory.allocUtf8String("Software\\Valve\\Steam");
const reg_subkey_64 = Memory.allocUtf8String("SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Valve\\Steam");
const reg_value = Memory.allocUtf8String("InstallPath");
const reg_data = Memory.alloc(255);
const reg_data_size = Memory.alloc(4);
const RegGetValueA_ptr = Module.findExportByName("Advapi32.dll", "RegGetValueA");
const RegGetValueA = new NativeFunction(RegGetValueA_ptr, "int32", ["pointer", "pointer", "pointer", "uint32", "pointer", "pointer", "pointer"]);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegGetValueA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, reg_subkey_32, reg_value, RRF_RT_REG_SZ, ptr(0), reg_data, reg_data_size)) {
return Memory.readAnsiString(reg_data);
} else if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegGetValueA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, reg_subkey_64, reg_value, RRF_RT_REG_SZ, ptr(0), reg_data, reg_data_size)) {
return Memory.readAnsiString(reg_data);
} else {
return null;
function readSteamAppIdTxt() {
const buffer = Memory.alloc(256)
let appid;
const fopen_ptr = Module.findExportByName("msvcrt.dll", "fopen");
const fopen = new NativeFunction(fopen_ptr, "pointer", ["pointer", "pointer"]);
const fread_ptr = Module.findExportByName("msvcrt.dll", "fread");
const fread = new NativeFunction(fread_ptr, "size_t", ["pointer", "size_t", "size_t", "pointer"]);
const fclose_ptr = Module.findExportByName("msvcrt.dll", "fclose");
const fclose = new NativeFunction(fclose_ptr, "int", ["pointer"]);
const file = fopen(Memory.allocUtf8String("steam_appid.txt"), Memory.allocUtf8String("r"))
if (file.isNull()) {
return null;
if (fread(buffer, 1, 255, file)) {
appid = Memory.readCString(buffer);
if (fclose(file)) {
console.log("Failed to close steam_appid.txt file handle");
// Return appid cast to a number
return +appid;
function setEnvironmentVariable(name, value) {
const name_ptr = Memory.allocUtf8String(name);
const value_ptr = Memory.allocUtf8String(value);
const SetEnvironmentVariableA_ptr = Module.findExportByName("kernel32.dll", "SetEnvironmentVariableA");
const SetEnvironmentVariableA = new NativeFunction(SetEnvironmentVariableA_ptr, "int", ["pointer", "pointer"]);
return SetEnvironmentVariableA(name_ptr, value_ptr);
rpc.exports = {
init: function(stage, parameters) {
try {
console.log("Injecting GameOverlayRenderer...");
const dll_name = Process.arch == "x64" ? "GameOverlayRenderer64.dll" : "GameOverlayRenderer.dll";
const steam_path = getSteamPath();
if (!steam_path) {
console.log("Failed to find Steam install path in registry");
const appid = readSteamAppIdTxt();
if (appid) {
if (!setEnvironmentVariable("SteamGameId", `${appid}`)) {
console.log("Failed to set SteamGameId environment variable");
} else {
console.log("Failed to read appid from steam_appid.txt (is the current working directory set correctly?)");
if (!Module.load(`${steam_path}\\${dll_name}`)) {
console.log("Failed to load GameOverlayRenderer");
console.log("Done injecting GameOverlayRenderer.");
} catch (e) {
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