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Created April 12, 2016 18:12
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<!-- see -->
<div id="brand">WeatherStation</div>
<div id="content">
<div id="temp">
<span id="temp-value">55</span><span id="temp-units" class="superscript">&deg;F</span>
<div id="conditions">
<span id="conditions-name">Cloudy</span>
<i id="conditions-icon" class="wi"></i>
<div id="sunrise-sunset">
<i class="wi wi-sunrise"></i> <span id="sunrise">7:30am</span>
<i class="wi wi-sunset"></i> <span id="sunset">7:30pm</span>
<div id="location">
<div id="units"><a id="celsius" href="#">Celsius<a> / <a id="fahrenheit" href="#">Fahrenheit</a></div>
<div id="credits">Weather by <a href="">OpenWeatherMap</a></div>
// obtain current weather information and render to dom
// see
var m_test = false;
var m_test = true;
var m_units = 'Fahrenheit';
//var m_tempKelvin = 0;
var m_json;
// openweathermap api key
// see
var m_apikey = 'd7712ffb29a3e2f73cebdcc6d7748acb';
// map from openweathermap icons to weather-icon icons
// see
// and
var m_iconmap = {
'01d': 'wi-day-sunny',
'02d': 'wi-day-sunny-overcast',
'03d': 'wi-day-cloudy',
'04d': 'wi-day-cloudy',
'09d': 'wi-day-showers',
'10d': 'wi-day-rain',
'11d': 'wi-day-thunderstorm',
'13d': 'wi-day-snow',
'50d': 'wi-day-fog',
'01n': 'wi-night-clear',
'02n': 'wi-night-partly-cloudy',
'03n': 'wi-night-cloudy',
'04n': 'wi-night-cloudy',
'09n': 'wi-night-showers',
'10n': 'wi-night-rain',
'11n': 'wi-night-thunderstorm',
'13n': 'wi-night-snow',
'50n': 'wi-night-fog'
var m_testJson = {
"coord": {
"lon": 139,
"lat": 35
"sys": {
"country": "JP",
"sunrise": 1369769524,
"sunset": 1369821049
"weather": [{
"id": 804,
"main": "clouds",
"description": "overcast clouds",
"icon": "04n"
"main": {
"temp": 289.5,
"humidity": 89,
"pressure": 1013,
"temp_min": 287.04,
"temp_max": 292.04
"wind": {
"speed": 7.31,
"deg": 187.002
"rain": {
"3h": 0
"clouds": {
"all": 92
"dt": 1369824698,
"id": 1851632,
"name": "Shuzenji",
"cod": 200
// get user's latlong location
function getLocation() {
if (navigator.geolocation) {
// given a position object with coords.latitude and .longitude,
// get the weather at that position and update the DOM.
// can optionally use test data if m_test flag is true.
function handlePosition(pos) {
if (m_test) {
} else {
var url = "" +
"?lat=" + pos.coords.latitude +
"&lon=" + pos.coords.longitude +
"&APPID=" + m_apikey;
$.getJSON(url, handleWeather);
// capitalize first letter of string
function capitalize(s) {
return s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
// convert from kelvin to celsius or fahrenheit
function getLocalTemp(tempKelvin, units) {
var tempLocal;
if (units=='Fahrenheit') {
tempLocal = tempKelvin * 9/5 - 459.67;
} else {
tempLocal = tempKelvin - 273.15;
tempLocal = Math.floor(tempLocal);
return tempLocal;
// convert from secs to local time
//. the time from owm seems to be off -
// eg returns sunrise of 1369769524,
// while current time is 1460484411
function getLocalTime(secs) {
var d = new Date(secs*1000); // takes msecs
var s = d.toLocaleTimeString();
return s;
// given a json object containing current condition information,
// as returned by OpenWeatherMap api, update the DOM.
function handleWeather(json) {
var tempKelvin = json.main.temp;
var tempLocal = getLocalTemp(tempKelvin, m_units);
var tempUnits = '&deg;' + m_units[0]; // F or C
var conditions = capitalize([0].main);
var iconOWM =[0].icon;
var iconWI = m_iconmap[iconOWM];
var sunrise = getLocalTime(json.sys.sunrise);
var sunset = getLocalTime(json.sys.sunset);
var location =;
m_json = json; // save the json
function setCelsius() {
function setFahrenheit() {
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