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Created January 15, 2014 16:08
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Save bburton/8438992 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Better default Rules for nanoc static site compiler ( version 3.x) that for the simple cases require little to no configuration. Files that are considered to be pages (based on a list of extensions), are appropriately filtered and routed for some common file types such as Haml, Markdown and Textile. All other text files and binary…
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This is the Compass configuration file for scss and sass file processing.
# Compass Configuration Reference:
# The compass utility looks for the configuration file in the following
# locations:
# - config/compass.rb
# - .compass/config.rb
# - config/compass.config
# - config.rb
# - src/config.rb
# If this file is renamed or moved it must match one of the supported
# paths above or the compass command won't find it unless the --config
# option is specified.
#require 'bundler/setup'
# Load Compass plugins
#require 'bootstrap-sass'
#require 'bourbon'
#require 'susy'
#require 'zurb-foundation'
# Compass configuration properties
# To view the resolved value of any property below, use:
# compass config -p PROPERTY
# http_path - The path to the project when running within the web
http_path = "/"
# The target directory where the css stylesheets are kept.
# Relative to the project_path.
css_dir = "output/assets/stylesheets"
# The source directory where the sass stylesheets are kept.
# Relative to the project_path.
sass_dir = "content/assets/stylesheets"
# The source directory where the images are kept.
# Relative to the project_path.
images_dir = "output/assets/images"
# The source directory where the javascripts are kept.
javascripts_dir = "content/assets/javascripts"
# The output style for the compiled css.
# :nested - Each CSS rule and property on a separate line,
# Rules are indented based on nesting.
# :expanded - Each CSS rule and property on a separate line.
# :compact - Each CSS rule on a single line
# :compressed - Minimum amount of space with almost no whitespace
# For more details, on sass output styles, see
##output_style = :compact
output_style = if environment == :production then :compact else :expanded end
# Indicates whether the compass helper functions should generate
# relative urls from the generated css to assets, or absolute urls
# using the http path for that asset type.
relative_assets = false
# Options passed directly to the Sass compiler.
# Must be defined in this file to work with compass command.
# For more details on the sass options, see
sass_options = {
:syntax => :scss # use SCSS syntax
#:full_exception => true,
#:line_comments => false,
#:trace_selectors => false
# The debug_info option generates copious output to support the Firebug
# FireSass plugin for Firefox which shows the associated Sass line number.
#:debug_info => true
# A list of file extensions that nanoc will consider to be textual rather than
# binary. If an item with an extension not in this list is found, the file
# will be considered as binary.
text_extensions: [ 'coffee', 'css', 'erb', 'haml', 'handlebars', 'hb', 'htm', 'html', 'js', 'less', 'markdown', 'md', 'ms', 'mustache', 'php', 'rb', 'sass', 'scss', 'textile', 'txt', 'xhtml', 'xml' ]
# A subset of text_extensions that will be mapped to pages with clean, no
# extension URI's. Any extension not listed here will retain its extension
# on output.
page_extensions: [ 'haml', 'htm', 'html', 'markdown', 'md', 'textile', 'xhtml' ]
# The path to the directory where all generated files will be written to. This
# can be an absolute path starting with a slash, but it can also be path
# relative to the site directory.
output_dir: output
# A list of index filenames, i.e. names of files that will be served by a web
# server when a directory is requested. Usually, index files are named
# “index.html”, but depending on the web server, this may be something else,
# such as “default.htm”. This list is used by nanoc to generate pretty URLs.
index_filenames: [ 'index.html' ]
# Whether or not to generate a diff of the compiled content when compiling a
# site. The diff will contain the differences between the compiled content
# before and after the last site compilation.
enable_output_diff: false
# Whether to automatically remove files not managed by nanoc from the output
# directory. For safety reasons, this is turned off by default.
auto_prune: false
# Which files and directories you want to exclude from pruning. If you version
# your output directory, you should probably exclude VCS directories such as
# .git, .svn etc.
exclude: [ '.git', '.hg', '.svn', 'CVS' ]
# The data sources where nanoc loads its data from. This is an array of
# hashes; each array element represents a single data source. By default,
# there is only a single data source that reads data from the “content/” and
# “layout/” directories in the site directory.
# The type is the identifier of the data source. By default, this will be
# `filesystem_unified`.
type: filesystem_unified
# The path where items should be mounted (comparable to mount points in
# Unix-like systems). This is “/” by default, meaning that items will have
# “/” prefixed to their identifiers. If the items root were “/en/”
# instead, an item at content/about.html would have an identifier of
# “/en/about/” instead of just “/about/”.
items_root: /
# The path where layouts should be mounted. The layouts root behaves the
# same as the items root, but applies to layouts rather than items.
layouts_root: /
# Whether to allow periods in identifiers. When turned off, everything
# past the first period is considered to be the extension, and when
# turned on, only the characters past the last period are considered to
# be the extension. For example, a file named “content/about.html.erb”
# will have the identifier “/about/” when turned off, but when turned on
# it will become “/about.html/” instead.
allow_periods_in_identifiers: false
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This Rules file is an attempt at a near zero configuration for the common
# use cases when creating a simple site with nanoc. It's meant to have
# better defaults so new users don't have to configure it much if at all.
# For the most part, it copies all files from the content folder to the
# output folder with the same name. It has the following features:
# * Certain predefined page extensions such as html, haml, md, markdown and
# textile are routed to "clean" URI's (see below regarding Item identifiers).
# The list of these extensions should be specified in nanoc.yaml:
# page_extensions: [ 'haml', 'htm', 'html', 'markdown', 'md', 'textile', 'xhtml' ]
# All the files matching one of these page extensions are filtered through erb
# (except haml) then filtered through one of Haml, Markdown and Textile if
# appropriate. Finally, the default layout is applied.
# * All other text files with an extension not found in the page extensions list
# and all binary files are routed with the same path and extension on
# output as on input.
# * Compass/SASS are much more easily supported just by uncommenting lines
# below and adding a config.rb. This Rules file does not need to know
# where the .scss or .sass files are located which eliminates the need for
# special rules for scss and sass files and keeping paths in sync between
# this file and config.rb. The compass config.rb must still be configured
# with the correct paths.
# A few helpful tips about the Rules file:
# * The string given to #compile and #route are matching patterns for
# identifiers--not for paths. Therefore, you can’t match on extension.
# * The order of rules is important: for each item, only the first matching
# rule is applied.
# * Item identifiers start and end with a slash (e.g. “/about/” for the file
# “content/about.html”). To select all children, grandchildren, … of an
# item, use the pattern “/about/*/”; “/about/*” will also select the parent,
# because “*” matches zero or more characters.
# Use the compass sass framework for processing scss and sass files.
# To use, uncomment these two lines and ensure you have a config.rb for compass.
#require 'compass'
# From nanoc.yaml, page_extensions
page_extensions = @config[:page_extensions] || %w[ haml html markdown md textile ]
# Preprocess items before they are compiled and frozen
preprocess do
# don't filter SASS partials
compile %r{/_.+/$} do
compile '*' do
if item.binary?
# don't filter binary items
if page_extensions.include?(item[:extension])
# for page files, filter and apply a layout
filter :erb unless item[:extension].eql?('haml')
# filter by extension
case item[:extension]
when 'md','markdown' then
filter :kramdown, :auto_ids => false
when 'textile' then
filter :redcloth
when 'haml' then
filter :haml
layout 'default'
# Filter if a scss or sass file
filter :sass, Compass.sass_engine_options
.merge(:syntax => item[:extension].to_sym) if
%w[scss sass].include?item[:extension]
# don't route SASS partials
route %r{/_.+/$} do
route '*' do
if item.binary?
# Write item with identifier /foo/ to /foo.ext
item.identifier.chop + '.' + item[:extension]
if page_extensions.include?(item[:extension])
# Write item with identifier /foo/ to /foo/index.html
item.identifier + 'index.html'
# Map extensions if necessary
extension = case item[:extension]
# Map scss/sass extensions to css
when 'scss','sass'; 'css'
else item[:extension]
# Write item keeping extension
item.identifier.chop + '.' + extension
layout '*', :erb
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