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Last active August 11, 2017 21:00
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Kahn sorting in F#
namespace Graph
// Implementation based on
module Map =
let keys map =
map |> Map.toSeq |> fst |> Set.ofSeq
let values map =
map |> Map.toSeq |> snd |> Set.ofSeq
let update key f map =
let value = map |> Map.find key
|> Map.remove key
|> Map.add key (f value)
module Set =
let take1 set =
let item = set |> Seq.head
(item, set |> Set.remove item)
type Graph<'node when 'node : comparison> = Map<'node, Set<'node>>
module Graph =
let private noIncoming g =
let nodes = g |> Map.keys
let withIncoming = g |> Map.values |> Set.unionMany
Set.difference nodes withIncoming
let private hasEdges g =
not (g |> Map.values |> Seq.forall Set.isEmpty)
let private normalize g =
let edges = g |> Map.values |> Set.fold Set.union Set.empty
Set.difference edges (g |> Map.keys)
|> Set.fold (fun map key -> map |> Map.add key Set.empty) g
let kahn graph =
let rec sort g l s =
if (Seq.isEmpty s) then
match hasEdges g with
| true -> None
| false -> Some(l)
let n, s' = Set.take1 s
let m = g |> Map.find n
let g' = Set.fold (fun map e -> Map.update n (fun s -> s |> Set.remove e) map) g m
sort g' (Seq.append l [n]) (Set.union s' (Set.intersect (noIncoming g') m))
sort (normalize graph) [] (noIncoming graph)
let ofNodes (nodesWithEdges:('a * 'a list) list) =
|> kv -> fst kv, snd kv |> Set.ofSeq)
|> Map.ofSeq
let addNode (n: 'n) (g: Graph<'n>) : Graph<'n> =
match Map.tryFind n g with
| None -> Map.add n Set.empty g
| Some _ -> g
let addEdge ((n1, n2): 'n * 'n) (g: Graph<'n>) : Graph<'n> =
let g' =
match Map.tryFind n2 g with
| None -> addNode n2 g
| Some _ -> g
match Map.tryFind n1 g with
| None -> Map.add n1 (Set.singleton n2) g'
| Some ns -> Map.add n1 (Set.add n2 ns) g'
let ofEdges(edges:('a * 'a) list) =
Seq.fold (fun g edge -> g |> addEdge edge) Map.empty edges
#load "graph.fs"
open Graph
let acyclGraph = Graph.ofNodes [7, [11; 8];
5, [11];
3, [8; 10];
11, [2; 9];
8, [9]]
Graph.kahn acyclGraph
// Some( Seq [3; 5; 7; 8; 11; 2; 9; 10])
let cyclGraph = Graph.ofEdges [ 7, 11;
7, 8;
5, 11;
3, 8;
3, 10;
11, 2;
11, 9;
8, 9;
2, 11]
Graph.kahn cyclGraph
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