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Tumblr recent posts widget in javascript
<!-- need jquery for this, this line should really go in your theme html
just after the <head> marker, might work OK here if you aren't already using jquery -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Mimic the style of the tumblr headers from your theme -->
<div class="heading">Recent Posts</div>
<!-- The javascript below will insert your recent posts lists in here -->
<div id="recentPosts"></div>
<!-- // when this script is run, it sets a variable named tumblr_api_read to the result -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://[you-id-here]"></script>
<!-- // this is the script that builds the html to go in the div above -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
// number of posts to fetch
var recent_posts_count = tumblr_api_read.posts.length < 10 ? tumblr_api_read.posts.length : 10;
// maximum length of titles for truncation (plus 3 for ...)
var truncate_length = 70;
// start a div for the recent posts, you can add any ul,etc, formatting here also
var recentPostsHtml = "<div>";
// loop around and proess recent_post_count number of recent posts
for (var i = 0; i < recent_posts_count; i++) {
// get a post
var post = tumblr_api_read.posts[i];
// we need to extract different fields for different kinds of post
var extract_field = '';
// we may wish to truncate some (or all, or none) of them
var truncate = true;
// we may wish to add a prefix to indictae (for example) the kind of post
var prefix = '';
// regular 'text' post
if(post.type === "regular")
truncate = false;
extract_field = "regular-title";
// link post
else if(post.type === "link")
prefix = "[Link] ";
extract_field = "link-text";
// quote post
else if(post.type === "quote")
prefix = "[Quote] ";
extract_field = "quote-text";
// photo post
else if(post.type === "photo")
prefix ="[Photo] ";
// note we use 'slug' as the field here, because tumblr provides us with
// a nice truncated short clean summary. whereas the captions have html in them
// html like div an p, which will muck up the formatting
extract_field = "slug";
// Video post
else if( post.type === "video")
prefix = "[Video] ";
// slug again, see note above
extract_field = "slug";
// Audio post
else if( post.type === "audio")
prefix = "[Audio] ";
// slug again, see note above
extract_field = "slug";
// Conversation post
else if( post.type === "conversation")
prefix = "[Chat] ";
extract_field = "conversation-title";
// Ask/Answer post
else if( post.type === "answer")
prefix = "[Answer] ";
// might need to be 'slug' as well
extract_field = "answer";
var title_field = $.trim(post[extract_field]);
// truncate and add elipses if desired
if(title_field.length > truncate_length)
title_field = title_field.substring( 0, truncate_length ) + "...";
// add it into the html string
recentPostsHtml += '<p><a href="' + post.url + '">' + prefix + title_field + '</a></p>';
recentPostsHtml += '</div>';
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