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Created November 9, 2013 21:09
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This is a response to a r/Unity3d post that talked about many issues. The main issue I saw was how to separate responsibilities in your components. The example below is not *exactly* what I would do but it get's the point across.
public class AttackAbility : MonoBehaviour
// this is how you declare a delgate (in case you didn't know)
public delegate void OnDidAttackDelegate(GameObject target, AttackAbility attackAbility);
// this the event that other scripts will subscribe on to know when we have attacked
public event OnDidAttackDelegate OnDidAttack;
private void Update()
var target = GetTargetGameObject(); // Pretend this function gets you your target
if (ShouldAttack(target)) // pretend this function says it's ok to attack
private void Attack(GameObject target)
DealDamageToTarget(target) // pretend this function deals the damage
// !IMPORTANT PART: Tell any subscribers that we just attacked
if (OnDidAttack != null) // make sure someone has subscribed to the event
OnDidAttack(target, this);
public class GoldStealAbility : MonoBehaviour
private AttackAbility _cachedAttackAbility;
// we need to find the attack ability when we start up
public void Start()
// get the attack ability on this gameObject
_cachedAttackAbility = gameObject.GetComponent<AttackAbility>();
if (_cachedAttackAbility != null)
// subscribe to the attack event
_cachedAttackAbility.OnDidAttack += HandleOnDidAttack;
// this is the method that is triggered on attack
public void HandleOnDidAttack(GameObject target, AttackAbility attackAbility)
public void StealMoney(GameObject victim)
// Put your steal money code here
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