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Created December 24, 2022 04:37
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GPG Setup Notes

GPG management

What do the files mean that may be in this directory.

[keyid].pub.asc Public ASCII armored primary key [keyid].sec.asc PRIVATE ASCII armored primary key [keyid].rev.crt Revocation certificate for primary key [keyid].ssb.asc PRIVATE ASCII armored Sub keys (should have all public keys, including primary) public authentication subkey exported for ssh

Create Primary Key

gpg --full-gen-key --expert

  • I used RSA with the maximum keysize of 4096
  • Only allow certifying, subkeys will do the rest of the work
  • Certifying is the signing of other keys (including my sub-keys)

QRCode of Primary Key

Do this step before creating sub-keys or the output may not fit.

Follow the 3.2 section from here

gpg --export-secret-key key-id | paperkey --output-type raw | qrencode --8bit --output [key-id].qr.png

Attempt to get a higher quality QR image if you can with --level H. H didn't work for a RSA4096 key, so I ended up going with --level Q.

I had to transfer the image to pdf for printing.

Create sub-keys

Now is a good time to update the gpg.conf from useful extras section. List keys with gpg -k then use key id to edit.

gpg --edit-key --expert [key-id]

This provides an interactive menu. use ? to list commands. --expert mode has a lot going on.

After creating sub-keys, make sure to save!


Enter interactive menu detailed in create sub-keys

For git signing, I create an ECC key because the result is still secure, but smaller.

gpg --edit-key --expert [key-id] addkey 10 ECC (sign only) 1 Curve 25519 1y valid for 1 year

  • This is used by github and the like to verify who I am


Enter interactive menu detailed in create sub-keys

I used the RSA with the max keysize of 4096

gpg --edit-key --expert [key-id] addkey 6 RSA (encrypt only) 4096 RSA bits keysize 1y valid for 1 year

  • This is used for secure messages to me


Enter interactive menu detailed in create sub-keys

I used RSA with the max keysize of 4096

gpg --edit-key --expert [key-id] addkey 8 RSA (set your own capabilities) s turn off sign e turn off encryption a turn On authenticate q finished 4096 RSA bits keysize 1y valid for 1 year

  • This is used by ssh to verify who I am

Create a revocation certificate

  • Revocation of the id key

    gpg --output [key-id].rev.crt --armor --gen-revoke [key-id]

  • Revocation of subkeys

    gpg --edit-key $primary_key_id
    gpg> list
    gpg> key $subkey_id   #selects subkey
    gpg> revkey           #revokes selected subkey

Copy everything to backup thumb drives

Export entire keyring

gpg --export-secret-keys --armor [key-id] > [key-id].sec.asc

Export keyring, excluding primary private key

gpg --export-secret-subkeys --armor [key-id] > [key-id].ssb.asc

Copy the [key-id].sec.asc, [key-id].ssb.asc, [key-id].qr.png, and [key-id].rev.crt files to a couple formatted, unused thumb drives, and store them for the once ayear they need to be used. Print the png as an analog copy of the primary private key. Backups of the subkeys should exist on the systems using them. The only backups of the primary private key, which is required to create new subkeys, renew expired keys, and certify other GPG users, will be on these thumb drives and in the analog qrcode image.

Remove Primary Private Key

List the secret keys with gpg --with-keygrip -K

Then in the gpg home dir, ~/.gnupg/ by default, there will be a private-keys-v1.d directory. The primary private key is there named by the keygrip. rm -f [keygrip] to delete it from the keyring.

Delete the png, sec.asc, and rev.crt files AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN BACKED UP TO THE THUMB DRIVES.

Copy to Daily thumb drive

The only file necessary for the daily thumb drive to use is the ssb.asc file. This includes all of the private subkeys and the public primary key. After importing this in other gpg systems, the trust will need to be updated.

Get Primary Private Key from QRCode

Make sure the photo of the QRCode is as straight as you can make it. Angled photos seem to have trouble. Also, get the best quality you can, avoiding shadows. I was able to get this to work, without having to use the blur.

zbarimg -1 --raw -q -Sbinary secret-key-qr.png | paperkey --pubring public-key.gpg | gpg --import

I tested with a temporary gpg directory, and used gpg --export --output public-key.gpg to use with the --pubring file options.

Useful extras

Custom gpg.conf

It's useful to add keyid-format long in ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf so values from gpg -k and gpg -K use the long keyid format.

Optionally add with-fingerprint as well to always show the key fingerprint, and with-keygrip to always show the keygrip

Muscle memory reminders

The gpg.conf is my favorite because it gives me everything I may want to see when I use gpg -k and gpg -K.

Key-id's are the ones on the same line as the algorithm identifier, those are used by gpg. To explicitly identify a subkey, you generally need ! at the end of the key-id. The fingerprint I think identifies the keyring; makes sense since the key-id of the primary key is the end of the fingerprint.

Keygrip's are meant to be used outside of gpg and is necessary for some of the ssh authentication.

Testing gpg with a separate keyring

Changing the directory of gpg commands with --homedir will allow you to test gpg commands from a separate keyring and avoid spoiling your main keyring.

For instance, mkdir test && gpg --homedir test import [exportedKeys file], then gpg --homedir test -k or gpg --homedir test -K

Using GPG keys

For Linux, there's gpg-agent..

For Mac, there's GPG Suite, which should help (instead of gpg-agent?)

For Windows, there's gpg4win, which should help, (instead of gpg-agent?)

How to import with gpg

Import private key file into gpg on another machine, then set the trust of the imported keys.

gpg import $private_key_file
gpg --edit-key [key-id]
gpg> trust

Then set trust.

Changing the gpg password

After removing the secret primary key, it's nice to have an easier password for the subkeys.


You can test that the primary secret key has been removed with gpg -K and sec# showing with the primary key, that means there's no secret key.

  gpg --edit-key [primary-key-id] --expert
  gpg> passwd

Then you'll get prompts for the current password, and the new password. Since the secret key has been removed, the UI will show an error. Save anyways, also shows an error, and exit. It actually works, even though the UI will state multiple times it didn't..

I had to reset my shell for the agent to ask for the new password; I like exec zsh to replace the running process w/ a new shell.

ssh with gpg

Using a key with the authentication option and ssh.

ssh client

  • Enable ssh support for gpg-agent echo enable-ssh-support >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf

  • Set the SSH authentication sock so SSH uses gpg-agent instead of ssh-agent. Goes in shell profile '.bashrc' or '.zshrc' probably. (.zshrc for me)

    unset SSH_AGENT_PID
    if [ "${gnupg_SSH_AUTH_SOCK_by:-0}" -ne $$ ]; then
      export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket)"
    export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
    gpg-connect-agent updatestartuptty /bye >/dev/null
  • Get subkey keygrip with gpg --list-keys --with-keygrip or gpg -k if with-keygrip is in conf.

  • Add keygrip to list of approved keys echo [authentication keygrip] >> ~/.gnupg/sshcontrol

  • Check if the key is present in ssh's known identities (need to restart shell for profile to run commands) ssh-add -l. This lets you know if it's hooked up together.

  • gpg --export-ssh-key [subkey-id!] to get the ssh-rsa key for servers.


Export the ssh authentication public key specifically using gpg --export-ssh-key [subkey-id!] > Import the ssh public key in github.

  • ssh -T to test against github (github must be setup first)

ssh server

Add the file contents to the authenticated_keys file in ~/.ssh/authenticated_keys

Make sure the RSA / pubkey settings are enabled in the sshd_config at /etc/ssh/sshd_config

RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys

Disable password login, if not done so already, editing sshd_config, setting PasswordAuthentication no

git signing with gpg

To sign locally, gpg -k --keyid-format-long to list private keys and grab the signing key created for git. should be the elliptic curve one, since it'll leave a smaller footprint in git.

Then, git config --global user.signingkey [subkey-id]!. The ! is important, otherwise the primary key will be used (not sure what happens with multiple signing keys)

Finally, turn on signing by default if you'd like git config --global commit.pgpsign true

View global git configuration with git config --global -e

Make sure GPG_TTY is setup in your shell profile, should be already.


Export public gpg keys with gpg --export --armor [keyid] >> [keyid].pub.asc, then upload it to github. Ta-da

This verifies signed commits.

encrypted email with gpg

another time..



b2 cloud storage b2 cloud storage

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