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Last active December 17, 2015 07:29
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Save bcbwilla/5573572 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gather minecraft pvp match data from at
import urllib
from datetime import timedelta
from operator import itemgetter
import csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# function that does stuff
def match_stats(last_page=2, out_file='out.csv', info=False):
""" gets match statistics from pages
last_page - the highest match page to scrape data from. don't go too high!
out_file - the name of the output data file
info - if True, it will print stuff every 10 pages to the console as it
runs so you know what the script is up to.
using this requires an external library, BeautifulSoup. it can be
downloaded here
base_url = ""
matches = []
for page in range(1,last_page):
# print information
if info and page % 10 == 0:
print "on page " + str(page)
# get match page and get table
page = urllib.urlopen(base_url+str(page))
html =
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
table = soup.findAll('table', {'class':'table table-bordered table-striped'})
table = table[0].contents[3].findAll('tr')
for row in table:
m = {}
m['when'] = row.contents[1].a.contents[0].strip()
m['map'] = row.contents[5].contents[0].strip()
m['server'] = row.contents[7].contents[0].strip()
m['deaths'] = row.contents[9].contents[0].strip()
m['kills'] = row.contents[11].contents[0].strip()
m['players'] = row.contents[13].contents[0].strip()
# convert the total match time to seconds
t = row.contents[3].contents[0].strip()
t = t.split(':')
t = timedelta(minutes=int(t[0]),seconds=int(t[1]))
m['time'] = t.seconds
# sort by map name to make data easier to work with
matches = sorted(matches, key=itemgetter('map'))
# get rid of matches that are in progress
matches[:] = [m for m in matches if m['when'] != 'In Progress']
# make output csv file
f = open(out_file, "wb")
c = csv.writer(f)
c.writerow(['Map','Time (seconds)','Kills','Deaths'])
for m in matches:
c.writerow([m['map'], m['time'], m['kills'], m['deaths']])
if info:
print "done"
# using the function to get data
match_stats(last_page=200, out_file='maps.csv', info=True)
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