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Created May 21, 2019 20:14
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Save bceskavich/d4823617c44ebc2c32af9d32cf2dfae2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Elixir Study Group Exercise 4: GenServers
defmodule PopularityStoreServer do
@moduledoc """
Our emoji popularity store, implemented as a GenServer. A GenServer is a
generic approach for implementing a stateful process. In this store module, we
bundle both the client API for interacting with our GenServer and the internal
process callbacks used to respond to inbound messages.
use GenServer
# %%% Client API %%%
# Here we expose a series of functions for interacting with our GenServer
# process. These functions generally wrap calls to functions on the `GenServer`
# module, and will ultimately invoke callbacks on the GenServer process that
# we handle below.
# Docs for valid GenServer functions:
@doc """
Starts our popularity store as a global GenServer, initialized with an empty
map. The `name: __MODULE__` option makes our GenServer process globally accessible,
via the `__MODULE__` alias helper.
def start_link(_opts) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, %{}, name: __MODULE__)
@doc """
Retrieves an emoji by the given name. Returns nil if no emoji is found.
TODO: Implement this function and it's GenServer callback to match the
functionality from Exercise 3.
def get(emoji_name) do
@doc """
Returns a list of the most popular emoji stored.
TODO: Implement this function and it's GenServer callback to match the
functionality from Exercise 3.
def get_most_popular(to_take \\ 5) do
@doc """
Increments the popularity count of the emoji given by 1. If the emoji isn't
already in state, an initial popularity count is set to 1.
TODO: Implement this function and it's GenServer callback to match the
functionality from Exercise 3.
def inc_popularity(emoji_name) do
@doc """
Removes an emoji from the popularity list
TODO: Implement the GenServer function call here and the associated internal
callback below.
def remove_emoji(emoji_name) do
# %%% Internal Callbacks %%%
# Functions used to handle interaction with our GenServer process. You can find
# the full list of valid callbacks plus valid responses for each here:
# Callback invoked by `GenServer.start_link/3`. We reply with the initial state.
def init(state) do
{:ok, state}
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