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Created November 4, 2021 09:31
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A not-so-simple web service that tries to illustrate HATEOAS (using handcrafted json+hal) and stateless authorization (using JWT)
# To assure reproducability, the given Redis database (db=0)
# !!! is CLEARED !!! each time the application starts
# $ export JWT_SECRET=something
# $ python3 -m pip install flask pyjwt redis
# $ export REDIS_PASSWORD=verycomplex
# $ export REDIS_PORT=6379
# $ export
from os import getenv
from flask import Flask, g
from flask import request
from flask import make_response
from json import loads, dumps
app = Flask(__name__)
from jwt import decode
from jwt.exceptions import DecodeError, ExpiredSignatureError
from redis import StrictRedis
PORT = getenv("REDIS_PORT")
HOST = getenv("REDIS_HOST")
db = StrictRedis(host=HOST, port=int(PORT), password=PASS, db=0, decode_responses=True)
db.flushdb() # clear all data from the current db
db.hset("stock", "carrot", 10)
db.hset("price", "carrot", 5)
db.hset("stock", "apple", 20)
db.hset("price", "apple", 3)
db.hset("stock", "pineapple", 0)
db.hset("price", "pineapple", 10)
from dao import Price, Stock, Orders
price = Price(db)
stock = Stock(db)
orders = Orders(db)
def authorize():
g.uid = None
g.role = None
g.error = None
if "Authorization" not in request.headers:
g.error = "No Authorization header"
header = request.headers["Authorization"]
if "Bearer" not in header:
g.error = "Only Bearer tokens allowed"
token = header[len("Bearer "):]
g.payload = decode(token, SECRET, audience="", algorithms=["HS256"], options={
"require": ["exp", "aud"]
except ExpiredSignatureError:
g.error = "Token expired"
except DecodeError:
g.error = "Invalid token"
g.role = g.payload.get("role")
g.uid = g.payload.get("uid")
@app.route("/orders", methods=["GET"])
def list_user_orders():
if g.error:
return g.error, 403
if g.uid is None:
return "Could not identify user", 403
if g.role is None:
return "Could not identify role", 403
result = []
if g.role == "customer":
oids = orders.for_user(g.uid)
if g.role == "admin":
oids = orders.all()
for oid in oids:
order, total, owner, state = orders[oid]
links = {}
links["self"] = { "href": f"/orders/{oid}", "method": "GET" }
if state == "unpaid":
links["pay"] = { "href": f"/orders/{oid}", "method": "PATCH" }
links["cancel"] = { "href": f"/orders/{oid}", "method": "DELETE" }
if state == "paid":
links["track"] = { "href": f"/orders/{oid}/shipping", "method": "GET" }
order["_links"] = links
links = {}
links["self"] = { "href": "/orders", "method": "GET" }
links["create"] = { "href": "/orders", "method": "POST" }
response = make_response(dumps({
"orders": result,
"_links": links
}, indent=None), 200)
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
return response
@app.route("/orders", methods=["POST"])
def create_order():
if g.error:
return g.error, 403
if g.uid is None:
return "Could not identify user", 403
if g.role is None:
return "Could not identify role", 403
messages = []
cart = {} # default value, can be loaded from cookies
cookies = request.headers.get("Cookie", "")
for cookie in cookies.split(";"): # foo=1; cart={}; bar=true; baz=abc
if cookie.startswith("cart="):
cart = loads(cookie[len("cart="):]) # assume that it is JSON
products = cart.keys()
order = {}
for product in products:
if product not in stock:
messages.append(f"{product} not in stock!")
if stock[product] >= cart[product]:
units = cart[product]
cost = units * price[product]
order[product] = (units, cost)
stock[product] = stock[product] - units
messages.append(f"Not enough {product} in stock: {stock[product]} vs. {cart[product]} needed. Skipping the item...")
items = order.keys()
if len(items) == 0:
messages.append("The cart from the cookie header has no items...")
return dumps(messages), 400
total = 0
for item in items:
units, cost = order[item]
total += cost
uid = g.uid
oid = orders.create(uid, order, total)
links = {}
links["pay"] = { "href": f"/orders/{oid}", "method": "PATCH" }
links["self"] = { "href": f"/orders/{oid}", "method": "GET" }
links["cancel"] = { "href": f"/orders/{oid}", "method": "DELETE" }
response = make_response(dumps({
"oid": oid,
"messages": messages,
"_links": links
}, indent=None), 200)
response.headers["Set-Cookie"] = "cart={}; HttpOnly"
response.headers["Location"] = f"/orders/{oid}"
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
return response
@app.route("/orders/<oid>", methods=["GET"])
def get_order(oid):
if g.error:
return g.error, 403
if g.uid is None:
return "Could not identify user", 403
if g.role is None:
return "Could not identify role", 403
result = orders[oid]
if result:
order, total, owner, state = result
if g.uid != owner and g.role != "admin":
return "Not an owner", 403
links = {}
links["self"] = { "href": f"/orders/{oid}", "method": "GET" }
if g.role == "admin" or state != "paid":
links["cancel"] = { "href": f"/orders/{oid}", "method": "DELETE" }
if g.uid == owner and state == "unpaid":
links["pay"] = { "href": f"/orders/{oid}", "method": "PATCH" }
if g.uid == owner and state == "paid":
links["track"] = { "href": f"/orders/{oid}/shipping", "method": "GET" }
response = make_response(dumps({
"oid": oid,
"order": order,
"total": total,
"state": state,
"_links": links
}, indent=None), 200)
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
return response
return "Order not found", 404
@app.route("/orders/<oid>/shipping", methods=["GET"])
def track_order(oid):
if g.error:
return g.error, 403
if g.uid is None:
return "Could not identify user", 403
if g.role is None:
return "Could not identify role", 403
result = orders[oid]
if result:
order, total, owner, state = result
if g.uid != owner and g.role != "admin":
return "Not an owner", 403
if state != "paid":
return "No tracking info", 404
links = {}
links["self"] = { "href": f"/orders/{oid}/shipping", "method": "GET" }
response = make_response(dumps({
"info": "Waiting for dispatching",
"_links": links
}, indent=None), 200)
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
return response
return "Order not found", 404
@app.route("/orders/<oid>", methods=["DELETE"])
def cancel_order(oid):
if g.error:
return g.error, 403
if g.uid is None:
return "Could not identify user", 403
if g.role is None:
return "Could not identify role", 403
result = orders[oid]
if result:
order, total, owner, state = result
if g.uid == owner and state == "paid":
return "Can't cancel paid orders", 400
if g.uid != owner and g.role != "admin":
return "Not an owner", 403
links = {}
links["orders"] = { "href": f"/orders", "method": "GET" }
response = make_response(dumps({
"_links": links
}, indent=None), 200)
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
return response
return "Order not found", 404
@app.route("/orders/<oid>", methods=["PATCH"])
def pay_order(oid):
if g.error:
return g.error, 403
result = orders[oid]
if result:
order, total, owner, state = result
if state != "unpaid":
return "You can only pay for unpaid orders", 400
payment = g.payload.get("payment")
if payment:
orders.set_state(oid, "paid")
return "No valid payment identifier", 400
links = {}
links["self"] = { "href": f"/orders/{oid}", "method": "GET" }
links["track"] = { "href": f"/orders/{oid}/shipping", "method": "GET" }
response = make_response(dumps({
"_links": links
}, indent=None), 200)
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
return response
return "Order not found", 404
def index():
if g.uid:
links = {}
links["orders"] = { "href": f"/orders", "method": "GET" }
response = make_response(dumps({
"_links": links
}, indent=None), 200)
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
return response
return "You have to obtain a valid authorization token to use this API", 403
# $ python3 # point POSTMAN to
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