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Last active September 26, 2022 10:58
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An example code for axisymmetric FDTD
ε_0 = 8.85418781e-12 # vacuum permittivity [F/m]
μ_0 = 1.256637062e-6 # vacuum permeability [H/m]
c = 299_792_458. # speed of light [m/s]
NR = 101 # number of grid points along radial direction [1]
NZ = 101 # number of grid points along axial direction [1]
RADIUS = 0.010 # radius along r-axis [m]
LENGTH = 0.010 # lenght along z-axis [m]
DZ = LENGTH / (NZ-1) # cell-size along axial direction [m]
DR = RADIUS / (NR-1) # cell-size along radial direction [m]
DT = DZ / √2c # time-step at Courant limit (assumes DR = DZ) [s]
B_φ = zeros(Float64, NR-1, NZ-1) # magnetic field [A/m]
E_z = zeros(Float64, NR, NZ-1) # electric field [V/m]
E_r = zeros(Float64, NR-1, NZ) # electric field [V/m]
J_z = zeros(Float64, NR, NZ-1) # current density [A/m^2]
J_r = zeros(Float64, NR-1, NZ) # current density [A/m^2]
R = zeros(Float64, NR) # radial coordinate of nodes [m]
S = zeros(Float64, NR) # surface area in axial direction [m^2]
R .= [(j-1) * DR for j=1:NR]
S .= [π * ((j-0.5) * DR)^2 - π * ((j-1.5) * DR)^2 for j=1:NR]
S[1] = π * (0.5*DR)^2
gauss_pulse(x, σ, μ) = (1/σ/sqrt(2π)) * exp(-0.5(x - μ)^2 / σ^2)
frequency = 300e9
period = 1.0 / frequency
function boundary_conditions!()
for k in 1:NZ-1
E_z[NR, k] = 0.0 # perfect electric conductor at r=RADIUS
for j in 1:NR-1
E_r[j, 1] = E_r[j, 2] # perfect magnetic conductor at z=0
E_r[j,NZ] = E_r[j,NZ-1] # perfect magnetic conductor at z=LENGTH
return nothing
function update_magnetic!()
for k = 1:NZ-1
for j = 1:NR-1
B_φ[j,k] += DT * (E_z[j+1,k] - E_z[j,k]) / DR
B_φ[j,k] -= DT * (E_r[j,k+1] - E_r[j,k]) / DZ
return nothing
function update_electric!()
for k = 1:NZ-1
for j = 2:NR-1
d1 = 1.0 + 0.5 / (j-1)
d2 = 1.0 - 0.5 / (j-1)
E_z[j,k] = E_z[j,k] -
c^2 * DT * μ_0 * J_z[j,k] +
c^2 * DT * (d1 * B_φ[j,k] - d2 * B_φ[j-1,k]) / DR
for k = 1:NZ-1
d0 = 4.0 / DR # the algorithm is stable for d0 = 2.0 / DR
E_z[1,k] = E_z[1,k] -
c^2 * DT * μ_0 * J_z[1,k] +
c^2 * DT * (d0 * B_φ[1,k])
for k in 2:NZ-1
for j in 1:NR-1
E_r[j,k] = E_r[j,k] -
c^2 * DT * μ_0 * J_r[j,k] -
c^2 * DT * (B_φ[j,k] - B_φ[j,k-1]) / DZ
return nothing
for t=0:DT:20period
J_z[10, 10:90] .= gauss_pulse(t + 0.5DT, 0.5period, 2.0period)
J_z ./= S
@show extrema(E_z)
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