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Created November 13, 2019 04:59
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bold=$(tput bold)
normal=$(tput sgr0)
set -e
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo " 🚀 Creating a new release 🚀"
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
# Get the current version from the package.json
CURRENT=$(cat package.json \
| grep version \
| head -1 \
| awk -F: '{ print $2 }' \
| sed 's/[",]//g' \
| tr -d '[[:space:]]')
# Prompt the user for the new release version
printf "Current release version:${bold} ${CURRENT} ${normal}\n"
printf "Please enter new release version: "
read -r RELEASE
if [ -z $RELEASE ]; then
echo "Please specify a release number"
exit 1
printf "Bumping version from ${bold} ${CURRENT} ${normal} 👉 ${bold} ${RELEASE} ${normal} \n"
# Show a little progress bar animation
prog() {
local w=80 p=$1; shift
# create a string of spaces, then change them to dots
printf -v dots "%*s" "$(( $p*$w/100 ))" ""; dots=${dots// /.};
# print those dots on a fixed-width space plus the percentage etc.
printf "\r\e[K|%-*s| %3d %% %s" "$w" "$dots" "$p" "$*";
# Fake a timeout for fun
for x in {1..100} ; do
prog "$x"
sleep .01 # do some work here
done ; echo
# Create & switch to the release branch
git checkout -b release-$RELEASE
# Bump the package.json & package-lock.json versions
npm version $RELEASE --no-git-tag-version
# Commit & push the release branch to GitHub
git add .
git commit -am "Bump version to $RELEASE"
git push origin release-$RELEASE
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