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Created August 3, 2012 02:51
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#coding: utf-8
from user_other_settings import an_user_gave_filter_which_always_returns_foo
# liquidluck meta
liquidluck = {
'source': 'content',
'output': 'deploy',
'static_output': 'deploy/static',
'static_prefix': '/static/',
'permalink': '{{filename}}',
'perpage': 30,
'feedcount': 20,
# Readers and writers' available settings are below,
# you should list them in liquidluck's document.
'reader': {
'mkd': {
'enable': True # or assign an object
'rst': {}
'writer': {
'archive': {
'enable': True,
'output': 'archiver.html',
'feed': {},
'tag': {
'enable': False # or None
'tagcloud': {
'enable': True
# site meta
site = {
'author': 'liquidluck author',
'authors': {},
'timezone': '+08:00',
'theme': 'cb3f20',
'theme_settings': {
'navigation': [('/blog/', 'blog'), '/feed.xml', 'feed'],
'google_analytics': 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X'
# I don't know how to use them,
'template_variables': {
# maybe like this?
'index.html': [('variable_1', 'value_1')]
'template_filters': {
'filter_foo': an_user_gave_filter_which_always_returns_foo
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