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Created June 11, 2024 03:11
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# Fetch some text content in two different categories
from wikipediaapi import Wikipedia
wiki = Wikipedia('RAGBot/0.0', 'en')
docs = [{"text": x,
"category": "person"}
for x in'Hayao_Miyazaki').text.split('\n\n')]
docs += [{"text": x,
"category": "film"}
for x in'Spirited_Away').text.split('\n\n')]
# Enter LanceDB
import lancedb
from lancedb.pydantic import LanceModel, Vector
from lancedb.embeddings import get_registry
# Initialise the embedding model
model_registry = get_registry().get("sentence-transformers")
model = model_registry.create(name="BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5")
# Create a Model to store attributes for filtering
class Document(LanceModel):
text: str = model.SourceField()
vector: Vector(384) = model.VectorField()
category: str
db = lancedb.connect(".my_db")
tbl = db.create_table("my_table", schema=Document)
# Embed the documents and store them in the database
# Generate the full-text (tf-idf) search index
# Initialise a reranker -- here, Cohere's API one
from lancedb.rerankers import CohereReranker
reranker = CohereReranker()
query = "What is Chihiro's new name given to her by the witch?"
results = (, query_type="hybrid") # Hybrid means text + vector
.where("category = 'film'", prefilter=True) # Restrict to only docs in the 'film' category
.limit(10) # Get 10 results from first-pass retrieval
.rerank(reranker=reranker) # For the reranker to compute the final ranking
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