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Created July 7, 2014 14:23
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var st = require('st')
, http = require('http')
, path = require('path')
, url = require('url')
, fs = require('fs')
, os = require('os')
, js = require('atomify-js')
, css = require('atomify-css')
, cssFiles = require('atomify-css/css')
, open = require('open')
, through = require('through')
, tinylr = require('tiny-lr-fork')
, gaze = require('gaze')
, colors = require('colors')
, browserSync = require('browser-sync')
, defaultBundlePath = __dirname + '/_bundle.js'
, baseUrl
, snippet
module.exports = function (args) {
var hostname = args.server.hostname || args.server.h ? os.hostname() + '.local' : 'localhost'
args.server.url = args.server.url || 'http://' + hostname + ':1337/default'
var mount = st( || { path: process.cwd(), cache: false })
, parsedUrl = url.parse(args.server.url)
, port = args.server.port || parsedUrl.port
, serverPath = getNormalizedPath(args.server.path || parsedUrl.path)
, lr = || args.server.l
, launch = || args.server.o
if (args.server.sync || args.server.s) lr = {sync: true}
// the router checks these, so they have to exist
args.js = args.js || {}
args.js.alias = getNormalizedPath(args.js.alias || args.js.entry)
args.css = args.css || {}
args.css.alias = getNormalizedPath(args.css.alias || args.css.entry)
baseUrl = parsedUrl.protocol + '//' + parsedUrl.hostname
if (lr) {
// if live reloading, use watchify = true
args.js.output = args.js.output || defaultBundlePath
// listen for initial bundle completion before opening
js(args.js).on('end', function () {
if (launch) open(baseUrl + ':' + port + serverPath)
if (!lr.quiet) {
js.emitter.on('changed', function (filepath) {
console.log(path.relative(process.cwd(), filepath), 'changed'.grey);
js.emitter.on('bundle', function (time) {
console.log(String('bundle updated in ' + time + 'ms').grey);
lr = typeof lr === 'boolean' ? {} : lr
lr.patterns = lr.patterns ? lr.patterns.concat(args.js.output) : ['*.html', '*.css', args.js.output]
lr.port = lr.port || 3000
lr.sync = parseSyncOptions(lr.sync || lr.s)
if (port >= lr.port && port <= lr.port + 2) {
throw new Error('Ports ' + lr.port + ' through ' + (lr.port + 2) + 'in use for Live Reload')
console.log(('Live reload server listening on port ' + lr.port).grey)
browserSync = browserSync.init(lr.patterns, {
proxy: {
host: parsedUrl.hostname,
port: port
, ports: {
min: lr.port,
max: lr.port + 2
, injectChanges: false
, ghostMode: lr.sync
, notify: Boolean(lr.sync)
, debugInfo: Boolean(lr.verbose)
}, function (err, config) {
snippet = config.api.snippet;
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
switch (req.url.split('?')[0]) {
case args.js.alias || args.js.entry:
if (lr) {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/javascript')
res.end(fs.readFileSync(args.js.output, {encoding: 'utf8'}))
} else {
js(args.js, responder('javascript', res))
case args.css.alias || args.css.entry:
css(args.css, responder('css', res))
case '/default':
serveDefaultPage(res, args, lr)
if (lr && req.url.substr(-5) === '.html') res.filter = injectSnippet(lr)
mount(req, res)
console.log(('Atomify server listening on port ' + port).grey)
// if live reload is enabled we open after initial bundling
if (launch && !lr) open(baseUrl + ':' + port + serverPath)
function responder (type, res) {
return function (err, src) {
if (err) console.log(err);
if (!res.headersSent) res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/' + type)
function startFileWatch (lr) {
gaze(lr.patterns, function () {
this.on('changed', function (filepath) {
if (!lr.quiet && filepath !== defaultBundlePath) {
console.log(path.relative(process.cwd(), filepath), 'changed'.grey)
}'file:changed', {path: filepath});
// add each file in css dependency tree to watch list
cssFiles.emitter.on('file', function (filename) {
function injectSnippet (lr) {
var buffer = ''
return through(function (chunk) {
buffer += chunk.toString()
}, function () {
this.queue(buffer.replace('</body>', snippet + '</body>'))
function serveDefaultPage (res, args, lr) {
var src = '<!doctype html><html><head>'
src += '<meta charset="utf-8">'
src += '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">'
src += '<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,width=device-width,user-scalable=0,minimal-ui">'
src += '<title>generated by atomify</title>'
if (args.css.entry) src += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS">'
src += '</head><body>'
src += '<script src="JS"></script>'
src += '</body></html>'
src = src.replace('JS', args.js.alias)
src = src.replace('CSS', args.css.alias)
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html')
var thru = lr ? injectSnippet(lr) : through()
function parseSyncOptions (opts) {
if (!opts) return false
if (typeof opts === 'object') return opts
return {
clicks: true
, location: true
, forms: true
, scroll: true
function getNormalizedPath (pathStr) {
if (pathStr.charAt(0) === '/') return pathStr
return '/' + pathStr
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