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Created February 24, 2012 00:34
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acarsd-info.nse - Retrieves information from a listening acarsd daemon.
description = [[
Retrieves information from a listening acarsd daemon.
acarsd is an ACARS decoder for a Linux or Windows PC which attempts to decode ACARS transmissions in real-time. The information retrieved includes the daemon version, API version, administrator e-mail address and listening frequency.
For more information about acarsd, see:
-- @usage
-- nmap --script acarsd-info --script-args "acarsd-info.timeout=10,acarsd-info.bytes=512" -p <port> <host>
-- @args acarsd-info.timeout
-- Set the timeout in seconds. The default value is 10.
-- @args acarsd-info.bytes
-- Set the number of bytes to retrieve. The default value is 512.
-- @output
-- 2202/tcp open unknown
-- | acarsd-info:
-- | Version: 1.65
-- | API Version: API-2005-Oct-18
-- | Authorization Required: 0
-- | Admin E-mail: admin@acarsd
-- | Clients Connected: 1
-- |_ Frequency: 131.7250 & 131.45
-- @changelog
-- 2012-02-23 - v0.1 - created by Brendan Coles -
author = "Brendan Coles"
license = "Same as Nmap--See"
categories = {"safe","discovery"}
portrule = shortport.port_or_service (2202, "acarsd", {"tcp"})
action = function(host, port)
local result = {}
-- Set timeout
local timeout = tonumber(nmap.registry.args[SCRIPT_NAME .. '.timeout'])
if not timeout or timeout < 0 then timeout = 10 end
-- Set bytes
local bytes = tonumber(nmap.registry.args[SCRIPT_NAME .. '.bytes'])
if not bytes then bytes = 512 else tonumber(bytes) end
-- Connect and retrieve acarsd info in XML format over TCP
stdnse.print_debug(1, ("%s: Connecting to %s:%s [Timeout: %ss]"):format(SCRIPT_NAME, host.targetname or host.ip, port.number, timeout))
local status, data = comm.get_banner(host, port, {timeout=timeout*1000,bytes=bytes})
if not status or not data then
stdnse.print_debug(1, ("%s: Retrieving data from %s:%s failed [Timeout expired]"):format(SCRIPT_NAME, host.targetname or host.ip, port.number))
-- Check if retrieved data is valid acarsd data
if not string.match(data, "acarsd") then
stdnse.print_debug(1, ("%s: %s:%s is not an acarsd Daemon."):format(SCRIPT_NAME, host.targetname or host.ip, port.number))
-- Check for restricted access -- Parse daemon info
if string.match(data, "Authorization needed\. If your client doesnt support this") then
local version_match = string.match(data, "acarsd\t(.+)\t")
if version_match then table.insert(result, string.format("Version: %s", version_match)) end
local api_version_match = string.match(data, "acarsd\t.+\t(API.+[0-9][0-9]?)")
if api_version_match then table.insert(result, string.format("API Version: %s", api_version_match)) end
table.insert(result, "Authorization Required: 1")
-- Check for unrestricted access -- Parse daemon info
stdnse.print_debug(1, ("%s: Parsing data from %s:%s"):format(SCRIPT_NAME, host.targetname or host.ip, port.number))
local vars = {
{"API Version","APIVersion"},
--{"Server UUID","ServerUUID"},
{"Authorization Required","NeedAuth"},
{"Admin E-mail","AdminMail"},
{"Clients Connected","ClientsConnected"},
for _, var in ipairs(vars) do
local tag = var[2]
local var_match = string.match(data, string.format('<%s>(.+)<\/%s>', tag, tag))
if var_match then table.insert(result, string.format("%s: %s", var[1], string.gsub(var_match, "&amp;", "&"))) end
-- Return results
return stdnse.format_output(true, result)
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