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Created September 13, 2020 13:40
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Detect PAM backdoors created by linux-pam-backdoor
# Detect PAM backdoors created by linux-pam-backdoor:
# Note: this will likely only work with PAM version 1.3.0.
# ---
# $ ./ -v 1.3.0 -p some_s3cr3t_p455word
# Automatic PAM Backdoor
# PAM Version: 1.3.0
# Password: some_s3cr3t_p455word
# ...
# Backdoor created.
# Now copy the generated ./ to the right directory (usually /lib/security/)
# ...
# $ ./linux-pam-backdoor-detect
# Checking /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/ ...
# Found possible backdoor password: some_s3cr3t_p455word
# ---
# bcoles
echo "Checking ${pam_unix} ..."
start="$(strings "${pam_unix}" | grep "bad username \[%s\]" -A 1 | tail -n 1)"
end="$(strings "${pam_unix}" | grep "auth could not identify password for" -B 1 | head -n 1)"
if [ "${start}" == "${end}" ]; then
echo "Found possible backdoor password: ${start}"
echo "No backdoor found"
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