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Created March 1, 2015 16:18
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(ns hdr-histogram-profile.core
(:require [taoensso.timbre :as timbre])
(:import [org.HdrHistogram Histogram HistogramLogWriter]
[java.nio ByteBuffer]))
(defnp record [^Histogram h value]
(.recordValue h value)
(defn encoded-size [^Histogram h]
(.getNeededByteBufferCapacity h))
(defn byte-buffer-for [^Histogram h]
(ByteBuffer/allocate (encoded-size h)))
(defnp encode [^Histogram h]
(let [buffer (byte-buffer-for h)]
(.encodeIntoByteBuffer h buffer)
(.rewind buffer)))
(defnp decode [^ByteBuffer b max-value]
(Histogram/decodeFromByteBuffer b max-value))
(defnp decode-record-encode [^ByteBuffer buffer value]
(-> buffer
(decode 10000)
(record value)
(defn histogram
(Histogram. significant-digits))
([ceiling significant-digits]
(Histogram. ceiling significant-digits))
([floor ceiling significant-digits]
(Histogram. floor ceiling significant-digits)))
(defproject hdr-histogram-profile "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
[org.hdrhistogram/HdrHistogram "2.1.4"]
[com.taoensso/timbre "3.4.0"]])
(profile :info :decode-record-encode
(let [h (histogram 10000 3)
store (atom (encode h))]
(dotimes [n 1000000]
(reset! store (decode-record-encode @store (rand-int 10000))))
(info "Total count" (.getTotalCount (decode @store 10000)))))
"2015-Mar-01 09:08:21 -0700 bcotton-MBR.local INFO [hdr-histogram-profile.core] - Total count 1000000
2015-Mar-01 09:08:21 -0700 bcotton-MBR.local INFO [hdr-histogram-profile.core] - Profiling: :hdr-histogram-profile.core/decode-record-encode
Id nCalls Min Max MAD Mean Time% Time
:hdr-histogram-profile.core/decode-record-encode 1,000,000 21.0μs 96.0ms 8.0μs 63.0μs 97 63.1s
:hdr-histogram-profile.core/decode 1,000,001 0ns 6.0ms 3.0μs 35.0μs 54 34.7s
:hdr-histogram-profile.core/encode 1,000,001 0ns 8.0ms 2.0μs 23.0μs 36 23.5s
:timbre/stats-gc 36 36.0ms 57.0ms 5.0ms 48.0ms 3 1.7s
:hdr-histogram-profile.core/record 1,000,000 0ns 39.0μs 95ns 50ns 0 51.0ms
Clock Time 100 64.8s
Accounted Time 190 123.1s"
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