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Created October 22, 2016 16:41
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// 1. We're trying to align the baseline of the description label with a gridline this far from the bottom of the Content Card
CGFloat targetBottomMargin = smallMargin;
// 2. We need to know how far to nudge the label down. This is a calculation dependent on the UI traits, and is specific to the typography we're using for the description label
CGFloat descriptionLabelBaselineAdjustmentHeight = [ASPFontUtil getUITextElementBelowBaselineHeight:ASPUITextElementContentCardDescription traitCollection:contextTraitCollection];
// 3. Font measurements aren't nice round numbers. I have a utility to round floats to numbers the UI can resonable render at (sub pixel), which is dependent on device scale
CGFloat bottomMargin = [ASPUtil roundToSubPixelPrecision:(targetBottomMargin - descriptionLabelBaselineAdjustmentHeight) deviceScale:deviceScale];
// 4. Use our dynamically adjusted bottom margin and hope it works
self.contentCard.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsMake(smallMargin, gutterWidth, bottomMargin, gutterWidth);
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