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Last active June 16, 2021 17:48
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The message: I hope you do well in programming Frank!
Terminal Commands for Dummies
() = optional inclusion
ls (path) - list structure - shows what's in the current directory
cd (path) - change directory - switches to the specified directory
pwd - print working directory - shows the absolute path of the current directory
mkdir <directory name/path> - make directory - create a new directory
rmdir <directory name/path> - remove an empty directory
rm -r <file or directory name/path> - remove (-r recursively) - remove a directory and all of its files
code <file or directory name/path> - open the specified file in visual studio code (WSL only!)
sudo <command> - super-user do - Make the root user execute a command
sudo -s - Go into a root shell, do not do this unless you know what you're doing!
sudo apt-get <see below> - APT is the package manager for debian/ubuntu. Other operating systems have different package managers.
install <package name> - install a package from the apt package manager
update - update the package repository cache
remove <package name> - remove the specified package from the system
purge <package name> - remove the package and all its dependencies (don't do this unless you know what you're doing!)
Absolute path: a path that starts from ~ or /
Example: ~/fakedir/file.txt
Relative path: a path that starts from the directory you're in (utilizes ../)
Example: You're in the fakedir2 folder and you want to get to ~/fakedir/file.txt
to cd to the above directory, use cd ../
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