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Created April 15, 2020 05:35
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`chai` plugins for making assertions about Deputy objects
* A collection of `chai` plugins for making assertions about Deputy objects.
* @author Bryce Carr
const stringify = require('./stringify')
module.exports = function(chai, utils) {
const Assertion = chai.Assertion
* If variable under test is an object:
* Asserts that an object has a property `PayRule` with specified `Id`.
* Intended for use on `PayReturn` objects.
* If variable under test is an array:
* Asserts that the array has at least one object with property 'PayRule' with specified 'Id.
* Intended for use on arrays of PayReturns, i.e. like you'd get by querying all PayReturns for a Timesheet.
* @param payruleId
* @param msg Message to print on error
const payrule = function(payruleId, msg) {
const obj = this._obj,
test = new Assertion(obj, msg)
utils.flag(test, 'ssfi', true)
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
new Assertion(obj.length)
utils.transferFlags(this, test, false)
let foundReturn
obj.some(payReturn => {
new Assertion(payReturn)'PayRule')
if (payReturn.PayRule === payruleId) {
foundReturn = payReturn
return true
if (foundReturn) { // Set the object to the payreturn so we can assert on it later in the chain
utils.flag(this, 'object', foundReturn)
`expected at least one of the given PayReturns to have PayRule ${payruleId}:\n${JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4)}`,
`expected none of the given PayReturns to have PayRule ${payruleId}:\\n${JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4)}`
} else {
new Assertion(obj)'PayRule')
utils.transferFlags(this, test, false)
obj.PayRule === payruleId,
`expected ${stringify(obj)} to have PayRule #{exp} but got #{act}`,
`expected ${stringify(obj)} to not have PayRule #{act}`,
payruleId, // expected
obj.PayRule // actual
const Value = function(value, msg) {
const obj = this._obj,
test = new Assertion(obj, msg)
new Assertion(obj)'Value')
utils.flag(test, 'ssfi', true)
utils.transferFlags(this, test, false)
obj.Value === value,
`expected ${stringify(obj)} to have Value: #{exp} but got #{act}`,
`expected ${stringify(obj)} to have Value property not equal to #{exp}`,
value, // expected
obj.Value // actual
Assertion.addMethod('payrule', payrule)
Assertion.addMethod('Value', Value)
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