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Last active November 14, 2021 15:29
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/** Converts degrees to radians */
function toRadians(degrees) {
return degrees * Math.PI / 180;
/** Converts DMS coordinate to decimal coordinate */
function toDecimalDegrees(coord) {
/** Extracts the digits from an arc unit containing punctuation */
function getDigits(unit) {
var digits = /^\d+/;
return +unit.match(digits)[0];
/** Determines whether a coordinate is south of the Equator or west of the Prime Meridian */
function isNegHemisphere(hemisphere) {
return (hemisphere === 'S' || hemisphere === 'W');
var coord = coord.split(' ');
var degrees = getDigits(coord[0]);
var minutes = getDigits(coord[1]) / 60;
var seconds = getDigits(coord[2]) / 60 / 60;
var hemisphere = isNegHemisphere(coord[3]) ? -1 : 1;
var decimal = (degrees + minutes + seconds) * hemisphere;
return decimal;
/** Converts a DMS lat/lng string to a more useful object */
function parseCoords(coord) {
var coord = coord.split(', ');
return {
lat: toDecimalDegrees(coord[0]),
lng: toDecimalDegrees(coord[1])
/** Finds the distance in km between two coordinates in DMS */
function distance(coord1, coord2) {
var coord1 = parseCoords(coord1);
var coord2 = parseCoords(coord2);
// Haversine formula
var EARTH_RADIUS = 6371;
var lat1 = toRadians(;
var lat2 = toRadians(;
var Δlat = toRadians( -;
var Δlng = toRadians(coord2.lng - coord1.lng);
var a = Math.sin(Δlat / 2) * Math.sin(Δlat / 2) +
Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) *
Math.sin(Δlng / 2) * Math.sin(Δlng / 2);
var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
var d = EARTH_RADIUS * c;
// Round the distance to the lower 10km
var distance = Math.floor(d / 10) * 10;
return distance;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {
module.exports = {
distance: distance,
toRadians: toRadians,
toDecimalDegrees: toDecimalDegrees,
parseCoords: parseCoords
} else {
module.exports = distance;
var assert = require('assert');
var distance = require('./distance').distance;
var toRadians = require('./distance').toRadians;
var toDecimalDegrees = require('./distance').toDecimalDegrees;
var parseCoords = require('./distance').parseCoords;
describe('toRadians()', function() {
it('Converts degrees to radians', function() {
assert.equal(toRadians(90), Math.PI / 2);
assert.equal(toRadians(180), Math.PI);
describe('toDecimalDegrees()', function() {
it('Converts DMS to Decimal', function() {
var coords = [
{ dms: '48° 12′ 30″ N', dec: 48.208333333333336 },
{ dms: '16° 22′ 23″ E', dec: 16.373055555555556 },
{ dms: '23° 33′ 0″ S', dec: -23.55 },
{ dms: '46° 38′ 0″ W', dec: -46.63333333333333 },
{ dms: '58° 18′ 0″ N', dec: 58.3 },
{ dms: '134° 25′ 0″ W', dec: -134.41666666666666 },
{ dms: '33° 51′ 35″ S', dec: -33.859722222222224 },
{ dms: '151° 12′ 40″ E', dec: 151.2111111111111 }
coords.forEach(function(coord) {
assert.equal(toDecimalDegrees(coord.dms), coord.dec);
describe('parseCoords()', function() {
it('Converts a coordinate string to an object', function() {
var coords = '47° 48′ 00″ N, 13° 02′ 00″ E';
var expected = { lat: 47.8, lng: 13.033333333333333 };
assert.deepEqual(parseCoords(coords), expected);
describe('distance()', function() {
it('Outputs correct distance', function() {
var c0 = '47° 48′ 00″ N, 13° 02′ 00″ E';
var c1 = '38° 53′ 42″ N, 77° 02′ 12″ W';
var c2 = '18° 56′ 00″ S, 47° 31′ 00″ E';
var c3 = '22° 54′ 30″ S, 43° 11′ 47″ W';
var c4 = '48° 12′ 30″ N, 16° 22′ 23″ E';
var c5 = '23° 33′ 0″ S, 46° 38′ 0″ W';
var c6 = '48° 12′ 30″ N, 16° 22′ 23″ E';
var c7 = '58° 18′ 0″ N, 134° 25′ 0″ W';
assert.equal(distance(c0, c0), 0);
assert.equal(distance(c0, c1), 6920);
assert.equal(distance(c1, c3), 7720);
assert.equal(distance(c3, c2), 9270);
assert.equal(distance(c2, c0), 8170);
assert.equal(distance(c2, c1), 14270);
assert.equal(distance(c0, c3), 9650);
assert.equal(distance(c4, c5), 10130);
assert.equal(distance(c6, c7), 7870);
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This code was written for the Captain's Distance Request problem at Code Wars.


Complete the function so it returns the distance between two given coordinates. Examples of given coordinates are:

48° 12′ 30″ N, 16° 22′ 23″ E
23° 33′ 0″ S, 46° 38′ 0″ W
58° 18′ 0″ N, 134° 25′ 0″ W
33° 51′ 35″ S, 151° 12′ 40″ E
  • The returned distance should be in kilometers.
  • We think about the earth as a sphere with radius 6371 km.
  • Round to the lower 10 km. So 6387 becomes 6380, 643 becomes 640 and 18299 becomes 18290.
  • You can expect the delivered coordinates to be valid.
  • The characters for minutes (′) and seconds (″) are not standard quotation marks.

Expected Output

Examples of inputs and the expected outputs:

distance("48° 12′ 30″ N, 16° 22′ 23″ E", "23° 33′ 0″ S, 46° 38′ 0″ W");
// > 10130

distance("48° 12′ 30″ N, 16° 22′ 23″ E", "58° 18′ 0″ N, 134° 25′ 0″ W");
// > 7870

distance("48° 12′ 30″ N, 16° 22′ 23″ E", "48° 12′ 30″ N, 16° 22′ 23″ E");
// > 0

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