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Created January 6, 2022 16:16
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Script to perform docker login to AWS ECR using AWS SSO config
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import configparser
from shutil import which
import subprocess
import sys
import os
CONFIG_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~/.aws/config")
DOCKER_REGISTRY = "{}.dkr.ecr.{}"
def error_out(msg):
sys.exit("Error: {}".format(msg))
def assert_command_found(cmd):
if which(cmd) is None:
error_out("Program '{}' not found in path".format(cmd))
def get_config_option(config, section, option):
return config.get(section, option)
except configparser.NoOptionError:
error_out("Option {} not found in profile".format(option))
def run_command(cmd):
r =, capture_output=True, text=True)
if r.returncode != 0:
error_out("command '{}' exited {}: {}".format(cmd[0], r.returncode, r.stderr))
return r.stdout
# Parse CLI arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Docker login to AWS ECR registry using SSO config profile"
default=os.getenv("AWS_PROFILE", os.getenv("AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE")),
help="AWS profile (default: AWS_PROFILE or AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE env var)",
default=os.getenv("AWS_REGION", os.getenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION")),
help="region (default: AWS_REGION or AWS_DEFAULT_REGION env var, or from profile)",
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
profile = args["profile"]
if profile is None:
"--profile required if AWS_PROFILE or AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE env var not set"
# Ensure required shell commands present
# Parse AWS config file
if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_PATH):
error_out("File {} not found".format(CONFIG_PATH))
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
if config.has_section("profile {}".format(profile)):
section = "profile {}".format(profile)
elif config.has_section(profile):
section = profile
error_out("Unable to locate profile {} in AWS config".format(profile))
aws_account = get_config_option(config, section, "sso_account_id")
region = args["region"]
if region is None:
region = get_config_option(config, section, "region")
if region is None:
error_out("Unable to determine region from profile or CLI arg")
# Perform Docker login
password = run_command(["aws", "ecr", "get-login-password", "--region", region])
registry = "{}.dkr.ecr.{}".format(aws_account, region)
result = run_command(["docker", "login", "-u", "AWS", "-p", password, registry])
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