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Last active April 15, 2023 13:54
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FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND utility for fzf
# FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND utility for fzf
# Tries to use Watchman, Ripgrep (rg), The Silver Searcher (ag) in this order.
# ...or falls back the fzf's Unix default.
# - Use 'git ls-files -cmod' in Git repositories
has() {
hash "$1" 2>/dev/null
return $?
can_use_watchman() {
# When running against fast storage (e.g. ramdisk, PCIe flash, NVMe, etc) it might be worth
# setting FZF_NO_WATCHMAN. Both ripgrep (rg) and The Silver Searcher (ag)
# will be slightly faster than "talk to watchman and parse JSON response".
if ! (has watchman && has jq) || [[ -n $FZF_NO_WATCHMAN ]]; then
return 1
for WATCHED_ROOT in $(watchman watch-list | jq -r '.roots[]'); do
# If expansion worked (above), PWD is a subdirectory of WATCHED_ROOT.
if [[ ${PWD} != "${SUBDIR}" ]]; then
return 0
return 1
use_watchman() {
local query=$(cat <<EOF
["query", "${WATCHED_ROOT}", {
"path": [{"path": "${SUBDIR}", "depth": -1}],
"expression": ["allof",
["type", "f"],
["not", "empty"]
"fields": ["name"]
time watchman -j --no-pretty <<< "${query}" > /dev/null
use_rg() {
rg --color auto --files
use_ag() {
ag --nocolor -g '' -l
use_fzf_default() {
# From
find -L . -path '*/\.*' -prune -o -type f -print -o -type l -print 2> /dev/null | sed s/^..//
if can_use_watchman; then use_watchman
elif has rg; then use_rg
elif has ag; then use_ag
else use_fzf_default
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