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Last active February 4, 2021 17:13
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Programming in Node.js and using Zoom Web SDK? Here is an example utility module to generate the signature as required, and documented here (in PHP):
'use strict';
// Determine if crypto support is available
let crypto;
try {
crypto = require('crypto');
} catch (err) {
console.error('crypto support is unavailable');
throw err;
// NOTE: Best practice is to load the Zoom API Keys from environment files, not hardcoded
const APP_KEY = process.env.ZOOM_APP_KEY;
const APP_SECRET = process.env.ZOOM_APP_SECRET;
// Define this module
let ZoomUtil = {};
ZoomUtil.rtrim = (targetString, characterList) {
// NOTE: This method was borrowed from here (I have not tested it)...
// discuss at:
// original by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// input by: Erkekjetter
// input by: rem
// improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// bugfixed by: Onno Marsman (
// bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (
// example 1: rtrim(' Kevin van Zonneveld ')
// returns 1: ' Kevin van Zonneveld'
charlist = !charlist ? ' \\s\u00A0' : (charlist + '')
.replace(/([[\]().?/*{}+$^:])/g, '\\$1')
var re = new RegExp('[' + charlist + ']+$', 'g')
return (str + '').replace(re, '')
ZoomUtil.generateHash = function (string) {
let hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', new Buffer(APP_SECRET, 'utf8'));
let signature = hmac.digest('hex');
// Base64 encoded the hash
let tmpSig = new Buffer(signature).toString('base64');
// NOTE: Untested code below, just following what the PHP example code (may not be necessary)
// replacing all instances of `+/` within tmpSig to `-_` and then trimming all whitespace and
// hyphens from the end of the string
let regex = /\+\//;
return this.rtrim(tmpSig.replace(regex, `-_`), '='); // According to the PHP example, this should now be a URL safe base64 encoded signature.
ZoomUtil.generateSignatureString = function (meetingNumber = 0, role = 1) {
NOTE: there are constants which are expected to be loaded from an environment file (a best practice for any Zoom API Keys)
// Uncomment to debug if needed
console.log('Inside buildRequestHash()');
console.log('meetingNumber: ', meetingNumber);
console.log('role: ', role);
let errorMsgs = [];
// Ensure data is provided as needed by Zoom Web SDK and related Zoom API.
// NOTE: This logic check could be greatly improved, but it should work for demonstration purposes
if(0 === meetingNumber) {
errorMsgs.push('Invalid argument, `meetingNumber` is required. More info:');
let time = +new Date(); // Unix timestamp (milliseconds since epoch
// NOTE: Possible values for `role`: 0 is for participant, 1 is for host
// Construct the content string required by generateHash()
let content = new Buffer(`${appKey}${meetingNumber}${time}${role}`).toString('base64');
if(0 !== errorMsgs.length) {
//console.log('RAW CONTENT: ', content);
return this.generateHash(content);
module.exports = ZoomUtil;
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