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S7 официальный сайт перевозка животных правила

S7 официальный сайт перевозка животных правила

Вы используете устаревший браузер. Пожалуйста обновите браузер , чтобы получить больше возможноcтей. Авиакомпания S7 Airlines Cибирь осуществляет перевоз только домашних животных: Не разрешается перевоз грызунов, пресмыкающихся, диких животных. Перевозка животных в салоне самолёта авиакомпании Сибирь S7 Airlines допускается при условии, что вес животного в сумме с контейнером клеткой не выше 8 кг. Клетка должна позволять животному вставать в полный рост и поворачиваться вокруг своей оси. Клетки должны быть покрыты достаточно плотной тканью, чтобы не пропускать свет. На время полёта контейнер должен находиться под сиденьем впереди стоящего кресла. Не разрешается размещение клетки с животным в проходах и на багажных полках. Тарифы на перевозку животных в салоне самолёта авиакомпании Сибирь S7 Airlines: Перевозка животных оплачивается по тарифу сверхнормативного багажа, исходя из суммарного веса животного вместе с клеткой. Перевоз животного допускается в грузовом отсеке, если суммарный вес животного вместе с контейнером больше 8 кг. В одном контейнере могут находиться два взрослых животных, если вес каждого не больше 14 кг. Дно контейнера должно быть влагонепроницаемым. Тарифы на перевозку животных в грузовом отсеке авиакомпании Сибирь S7 Airlines: В случае если перевозка осуществляется на рейсах двух и более перевозчиков, включая рейсы совместной эксплуатации с другими авиакомпаниями, то действуют тарифы доминирующего на маршруте перевозчика При трансферной перевозке тариф взимается 1 раз на всю перевозку. Указанные тарифы для багажа сверх нормы действуют для всего маршрута в каждую сторону от пункта регистрации до первого пункта остановки более 24 часов стоповер или разворота. В случае, если перевозка осуществляется с использованием отдельных билетов по каждому участку маршрута, то условия провоза бесплатного багажа соответствуют указанным в билетах нормам по каждому участку маршрута. Оплата за багаж сверх нормы взимается, в данном случае, за каждый участок маршрута в соответствии с предусмотренными тарифами. Перевозка тяжеловесного багажа вес одного места, которого превышает 32 кг, но не более 50 кг и негабаритного багажа размер одного места по сумме трех измерений превышает см осуществляется только при предварительном согласовании с перевозчиком. Исключение составляют собаки-поводыри, которые провозятся бесплатно. Они должны быть размещены на задних рядах кресел и привязаны к креслу хозяина у его ног. Собака-поводырь должна быть в наморднике и с поводком.

Правила и тарифы на перевозку животных авиакомпании «S7» (Сибирь)

General terms and conditions of passenger air carriage agreement with Siberia Airlines. For the purpose of the present Terms and Conditions of Carriage, the moment of Purchase will be considered to be, as applicable:. When effecting an E-Purchase, the Passenger must conform to the Terms and Conditions of E-Purchase posted on the corresponding page of the website and incorporated into the present Terms and Conditions for Passenger Air Carriage Agreement by this reference. Those Passengers who need to contact with the Carrier in respect of such questions as capacity booking or persons buying the Carriage for such Passengers in view of the special carriage conditions for such passengers shall notify the Carrier on their special conditions in the following order:. At any moment before the final confirmation of Purchase the Passenger may elect not to enter into the Air Carriage Agreement if the Passenger finds any or all conditions unacceptable. The passenger ticket and baggage receipt will be considered the documents that certify the fact that the Air Carriage Agreement was effected 4. Capitalized terms and expressions in the this Terms and Conditions will have the meanings provided in the Rules of Carriage unless expressly defined in the present Conditions. The Passenger can receive a passenger ticket purchased via the website or call-center as follows:. Special guarantees to be provided by the Passenger towards the Carrier when effecting Purchase: Other special conditions applicable by the parties to any Carriage bought by the Passenger: By purchasing the Carriage, the Passenger undertakes to comply with all conditions and provisions of the Air Carriage Agreement and bears the relevant legal responsibility towards the Carrier. The Conditions applicable to the fares are available here. For an international flight, you shall have a valid visa if such is necessary. The Carrier will notify the Passenger on the necessity to provide such information by a written inquiry sent to the address specified by the Passenger when effecting a Purchase. If the Passenger refuses to provide such information, his payment obligations will be considered unduly executed and the Air Carriage Agreement will be considered unconcluded, in which case the Carrier has the right to refuse the Passenger in the Carriage to. Cash assets received by the Carrier shall be refunded to the relevant bank card subject to the relevant conditions of the Fare selected by the Passenger applicable to "Involuntary ticket return" cases. Main terms and conditions of Siberia Airlines air transportation of cargo. According to the Contract of Carriage, the Carrier undertakes to deliver the accepted Cargo to the point of destination within the stipulated period of time and to give it to an authorised person Consignee , and the Shipper is obliged to pay an agreed amount for the delivery. The Document that certifies the conclusion of the Contract of Carriage is a Cargo Air Waybill. At the request of the Shipper, the Carrier shall return the accepted cargo prior to its dispatch, change the Consignee in the cargo air waybill prior to delivery of the cargo to the authorised person, and delivers the cargo to the Shipper in case either the Consignee refuses acceptance or it is impossible to give the cargo to the Consignee. The Carrier informs the Shipper if either the Consignee refuses acceptance of cargo or does not accept it in the stipulated period of time, and has the right to store the cargo at the cost of the Shipper. The Shipper must ensure that the Consignor accepts the cargo and takes it from the warehouse. If the Carrier notifies the Shipper about non-acceptance of the cargo by the Consignee and does not receive further instructions from the Shipper within thirty 30 days or if such instructions cannot be fulfilled, the cargo is considered unclaimed and can be sold or destroyed by the Carrier. In case of selling, the Carrier has the right to deduct the money amounts due to him and any other person as may be necessary to reimburse expenses concerned with the non-acceptance of the cargo, and transfer the rest amount to the Shipper. Selling of the cargo does not reveal the Shipper from the liability to reimburse the Carrier and any other person for the expenses that are not covered by the amounts received from such selling. Air carriage of weapon, ammunition, poisonous, highly flammable, radioactive, and other dangerous substances is subject to applicable Russian legislation, and, in case of international carriage, to international treaties of the Russian Federation. The Shipper is fully liable for the incorrect or fraudulent information about dangerous specifications of cargo and bears responsibility according to the Russian laws and this Contract of Carriage. In that case the Carrier will be liable to pay a sum not exceeding the declared sum, unless he proves that that sum is greater than the actual value to the Shipper at delivery. The Shipper is liable before the Carrier for incorrect or insufficient information about weight of cargo, quantity of cargo places, and nature of the cargo, including requirements for special transportation and marks. The Shipper shall hold harmless the Carrier from any claims and demands, and reimburse any expenses including, in addition, payment of legal costs and damages caused by such incorrect or insufficient information that prevents cargo transportation or has a materially adverse effect on the agreements of the parties. In this case, the Shipper is also liable to pay the difference between the tariff for the cargo declared and the tariff for the actually transported cargo, and, moreover, is charged the same difference as a fine. If the Carrier terminates the Contract of Carriage unilaterally subject to the terms of p. Provisions of this article shall remain in full force after the Contract of Carriage is fulfilled or terminated for any reason, are composed directly in favour of the Carrier and may be enforced by the Carrier or its successors in respect of the Shipper. A claim for the violation of the contract of carriage shall be given to the Carrier prior to bringing an action. The Contract of carriage comes into force after signing by both parties and is valid until the parties fulfil their obligations under the Contract. The Carrier may unilaterally terminate the Contract of Carriage by notice to the Shipper in the following cases:. Extracts from these Terms of the Contract of Carriage are contained in the cargo air waybill, filled in by the Shipper at signing the Contract of Carriage. The Shipper is responsible to fully observe the terms and conditions of the Contract of Carriage in his relations with the Carrier, and bears full legal responsibility for the Carrier in respect of the above. Agent — a physical or legal body authorized to act for and on behalf of the carrier to attract passengers, process and sell passenger services on carrier lines on the conditions of the contract of agency made with it. Authorized agent — carrier agent authorized with a special document to perform supplementary acts of passenger servicing including but not limited to, return of cash amounts, drawing-out of duplicates and other service functions. Commercial act — document certifying circumstances that may serve the basis of property liability of the carrier, passenger, consignor or consignee. Act of unlawful interference — unlawful violent acts or threat of such acts on the part of a person group of people in respect of aircraft, passengers, crew members, ground personnel or airport objects which create threat to flight safety, human life and health. Airport — complex of structures including aerodrome, air terminal, and other constructions intended for acceptance and dispatch of aircraft, air operation services, having to that end required equipment, aeronautical personnel and other staff. International airport — airport opened for receipt and dispatch of aircraft performing international air services, providing customs, frontier, sanitary and other types of control. Intermediate transit airport point — airport point situated on flight route where aircraft landing is foreseen by schedule flight plan. Baggage — passenger personal items carried by the carrier on the aircraft subject to the contract of air carriage. Checked-in baggage — passenger baggage accepted in custody of the carrier for air carriage for which the carrier issued a baggage ticker and a baggage tag. Heavy baggage — one piece of passenger baggage which exceeds 32 kg, excluding the wheelchairs and other assistive devices used by passengers with disabilities. Air carriage — carriage of passengers, baggage or cargo on aircraft in accordance with the contract of air carriage. Offloading from aircraft — process of taking baggage or cargo off the board of aircraft after landing, under the supervision of the carrier or the handling company. Hague protocol — protocol to amend the Warsaw Convention For Unification Of Certain Rules Relating To International Carriage By Air, General agent — LLC S7 cargo which is legal body and in terms of agreement with carrier on behalf of carrier is performing reservation of capacity for cargo and mail, conclude an agreements air carriage of cargo and mail, provide reception of cargo and mail for carriage and reception of payment for carriage of cargo and mail and also performing other described in agreement actions. Cargo consignment — one or more pieces of cargo simultaneously accepted by the carrier from one and the same consignor which proceed under the same air waybill to the same consignee. Shipment — cargo accepted for carriage from one consignor to one or more consignees under several air waybills. Consignor — legal or physical body that has made a contract of cargo carriage by air indicated in the air waybill as the consignor. Contract of aircraft charter — agreement whereby a party owner undertakes to provide the other party charterer with one or more aircraft or a part of an aircraft for air carriage of passengers, baggage or cargo for remuneration to perform one or more flights. Single carriage — carriage of passengers, baggage or cargo performed from the airport of departure to the airport of destination by several carriers under single carriage document including supplementary carriage documents issued together with it is treated as single carriage irrespective of transfer, reloading or interruption of carriage. Live animals — animals, birds, insects, etc. Itinerary receipt — a document or documents which are integrated part of electronic ticket and containing the necessary information for an example surname of passenger, the route, tariff and etc. International air carriage — carriage whereby the point of departure and the point of destination are located:. International civil aviation organization ICAO — world intergovernmental organization created subject to the convention on international civil aviation signed in Chicago on December 7, , to promote safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world. Cargo handling — complex of operations related to cargo handling at the airport of departure and arrival. Bushel weight — calculated value reflects cargo density and calculated by the following formula: In case when volume weight exceeds the physical weight the tariff for cargo sending will be calculated in correspondence with volume weight. Miscellaneous charge order МСО — payment document issued to passenger by the carrier or its agent to pay for ticket, baggage carriage or other services related to performance or change of carriage conditions. Carrier sales offices — ticket sales office, the list of which is given on web-site www. Transit passenger — passenger who under the contract of air carriage is carried further by the same flight as arrived at the intermediate airport. Carrier — PJSC Siberia Airlines issuing carrier document, performing or undertaking to perform air carriage, providing or undertaking to provide services related to such carriage under a carriage or payment document issued by the airline or another person authorized by the carrier. Indorsement — written consent of the carrier that has drawn up a carriage or payment document, or the carrier indicated in respective flight coupon of the carriage document or exchange coupon of payment document for carriage by another carrier or for exchange of initial carriage or payment document. Damage of baggage or cargo — damage of baggage or cargo during the time of carriage as a result of which it cannot be used in full or in part in accordance with its original purpose. Flight — aircraft flight scheduled or unscheduled performed in one direction from the initial to the terminal point of the route. Additional flight — aircraft flight performed extra to the schedule on the same route on which scheduled flights are performed. FEE — established by the Carrier or its agent fee which is not included in the fare for air travel and charged in accordance with the rules applicable tariffs or other regulations of the Carrier, including the amount charged by Carrier to passengers on behalf of foreign states and other organizations in accordance with the laws of foreign countries, from the territories, to or through the territory of which the carriage of passengers. Customs Union — is the union for joint action in the field of customs policy of the Russian Federation, Belarus Republic and Republic of Armenia and Kazakhstan, as well as any other state which will join such customs union, and excluding any out-of such a customs union state. Normal tariff — tariff of respective class of service applicable without any restrictions for one year with the exception of seasonal tariffs the terms of which depend on the season of carriage. Normal freight tariff — tariff charged for air carriage of 1 kg of cargo applicable without limitation until subsequent revision. Technical instructions for safe carriage of dangerous goods by air — document approved and published by ICAO council setting forth detailed requirements applicable to international civil carriage of dangerous goods by air. VIP — person occupying prominent social, confessional or political position. These Rules are prepared under Article of the Air Code of the Russian Federation and subject to Russian and international legal documents in the area of air services. These Rules apply to domestic and international air carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo performed by Siberia Airlines. The Rules set out the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Carrier, people, Consignors and Consignees using Carrier services. The Rules affect international air carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo unless they contradict conventions in the area of international air services, documents of the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO and valid international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation on air services. The Rules set out general conditions of carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo to be observed in the process of conclusion and performance of terms and conditions of the contract of air carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo. In the conclusion of a contract of air carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo rules, tariffs and charges apply effective at the date of carriage document execution. Rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Parties that ensue from a contract of air carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo are regulated by:. International carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo is subject to respective binding regulations, rules and instructions of competent authorities of the country to, from or through the territory of which service is performed. If any provisions referred to in these Rules or a carriage document prove to contradict the laws of respective country and may not be amended by agreement of parties to the contract of air carriage such provisions remain in force and part of the contract of air carriage to the extent they do not contradict the said laws. However, the invalidity of any provision in these Rules does not invalidate other provisions of these Rules. In international air carriage Carrier liability is governed by conventions on international air services and ICAO documents with the exception of services which are not treated as such by those documents. These Rules as well as other rules, manuals, instructions and documents issued to detail them and regulate air carriage, it may be amended by the Carrier without advance notice to passengers, Consignors, Consignees, provided no such amendment applies after the start of carriage. However, amendments to these Rules come into force as of the time of formal approval. These Rules may be amended as required by applicable laws of the Russian Federation, international treaties and agreements on air services. Carrier representatives as well as Agents General agent rendering on its behalf services and supporting the air carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo may not amend or abrogate provisions of the rules of air carriage set out by the Carrier. Conditions of air carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo. Air carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo is performed by the Carrier on the basis of a Contract of Air Carriage subject to these Rules. Under a contract of air carriage of passenger the Carrier shall transport an aircraft passenger to the point of destination providing him with a seat on board of the aircraft flying on the route referred to in the Ticket, and in case of air carriage of baggage, also deliver baggage to the point of destination and issue it to the passenger or a person authorized to claim the baggage. The term of delivery of passenger or baggage is determined by the schedule set forth by the Carrier and these Rules. An aircraft passenger shall pay for air carriage and, in the possession of excess baggage or baggage subject to compulsory charge and also pay for the carriage of such baggage. Under a contract of air carriage of cargo, the Carrier shall deliver the cargo entrusted to it by the Consignor to the point of destination and issue it to a person authorized to receive the cargo Consignee , and the Consignor shall pay for air carriage of the cargo. Each contract of air carriage and its conditions are ascertained by a carriage document issued by the Carrier or an Agent General agent. Carriage of passengers, baggage or cargo performed from the airport of departure to the airport of destination by several Carriers under a single carriage document including issued therewith supplementary carriage or payment documents is treated as single carriage irrespective of whether or not there was connection, reloading of cargo or interruption of service. Each contract of air carriage and its terms and conditions are ascertained by carriage documents issued by the Carrier or its agents General agent. Carriage documents are drawn up by input of required data in the electronic or paper form of carriage document manually, automatically or electronically. Ticket may be issued in electronic format or in hard copy. Carriage by air of passengers, baggage or cargo between points airports on service route may be performed on scheduled and not-scheduled charter basis. Scheduled air services are performed in accordance with published aircraft flight schedule. A published aircraft flight schedule shall include the following data for every scheduled flight:. Information set out in Passenger Ticket or baggage ticket air waybill shall match information published in the schedule at the time of drawing up the above carriage documents. The schedule may be amended by the Carrier without prior notice to passengers and Consignors. The Carrier may cancel, postpone or detain a flight indicated in the Ticket or air waybill, replace the aircraft or change the service route if so required by the conditions of flight safety and aviation security and at the request of competent state authorities. In case of change of aircraft flight schedule the carrier shall take reasonable measures to inform passengers and Consignors with whom a contract of air carriage of passengers or a contract of air carriage of cargo is concluded, of a change in the aircraft flight schedule by placing such information on its web-site Hwww. The Carrier shall take any reasonable measures within its powers to timely perform carriage under the contract of carriage. The Carrier is not liable for errors, distortions or omissions in flight schedules published by other legal entities without approval by the Carrier. Charter flights by the Carrier are performed in accordance with a contract of aircraft charter concluded between the Carrier and the charterer. Under this contract the Carrier shall provide to the charterer for charge a complete or a part of carriage capacity of one or more aircraft for one or more flights for carriage of passengers, baggage or cargo. Charter services are performed by the Carrier on the basis of agreed in advance flight plan subject to carriage conditions set out in the contract of charter service. The Carrier informs a passenger Consignor through the charterer of the conditions of charter service and the need to observe Carrier rules of carriage. Carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo is performed between points indicated in carriage documents. Point s enroute indicated in carriage documents may be changed by agreement between the Carrier and a passenger Consignor and if other not covered international agreement of Russian Federation. If the Carrier is unable to perform carriage between points indicated in the carriage document it may offer a passenger Consignor another route of carriage, and should the passenger Consignor reject carriage by such route, return the amount of carriage in accordance with these Rules. Should a passenger Consignor change the route date and time of carriage the Carrier may recalculate the cost of such carriage. The Carrier including Handling Company provides services related to the performance and support of carriage by air to passengers Consignors at airports and other points of carriage check in, office of sales, on board service concerning the performance of air carriage. Services provided shall be aimed at quality support of passengers, Consignors and Consignees. Services of the Carrier and Handling Company are rendered free of charge or for remuneration. The Carrier or the Handling Company at the airport provides the following services for no extra charge:. The Carrier provides for no extra charge the following information on its web-site www. The Carrier or the Handling Company provides the following information at airports of carriage:. Reservation of carriage capacity passenger seat, tonnage, volume on board of a Carrier aircraft is for passenger or Consignor an essential condition of the carriage of passenger, baggage or cargo by air transport. Reservation of carriage capacity is performed by the Carrier or the Agent General agent. Reservation of carriage capacity may be performed both at direct contact of passenger or Consignor with the Carrier or its Agent and by the phone, fax, email, Internet and other means of communication. Reservation of carriage capacity for cargo may be performed when Consignor personally addresses the Carrier or its Agent General agent and also by the phone, fax, email, Internet and other means of communication. Before make a reservation of carriage capacity for cargo. Agent General agent has to check cargo if it or part of it related to categories of dangerous goods. The Carrier makes a decision about the possibility and or conditions of cargo transportation based on the checks performed by Agent General agent. Reservation of carriage capacity is only valid if input in the Carrier reservation system, performed under the rules set by the Carrier and does not contradict the conditions of the contract of carriage. The possibility of changing or cancelling the reservation of carriage capacity on the aircraft may be limited or ruled out under the rules of tariff application set by the Carrier. On the expiration of the limit period of reservation storage in the reservation system the order is cancelled without notice. In the reservation of carriage capacity the Carrier provides passenger no specific seat in the aircraft cabin with the declared class of service. At the reservation of the carriage of transfer cargo the Carrier or the Agent General agent shall get confirmation of booking carriage capacity for all segments of cargo carriage including performed by other Carriers. Reservation of carriage capacity for passenger or Consignor, execution of carriage document for carriage of passenger, baggage or cargo is effected within the time limits set by the rules of Carrier tariff application. Reservation of carriage capacity for passenger or Consignor is deemed preliminary until the Carrier or its Agent for sales of services issues passenger Consignor with an executed carriage document. The Carrier may cancel reservation of carriage capacity without notice to passenger or Consignor if passenger failed to pay for reservation within the set time frame or to meet other conditions provided by the rules of Carrier tariff application. The reservation of carriage capacity for cargo will be cancelled without notice to Consignor in the following cases:. The Carrier may in special cases provided by Carrier rules of air carriage has the right to demand passenger or Consignor to confirm the earlier reservation of carriage capacity made for him for the declared route, date and time of departure, and the class of service on board of the aircraft. Passenger or Consignor while making reservation of carriage capacity on the aircraft shall communicate to the Carrier or its Agent General agent information about the route of carriage, date and time of departure, required number of reserved seats, class of service on board of the aircraft, citizenship, special conditions of carriage of passenger and baggage, contact details phone number or another way of communication for passenger informing , information about data of Consignor and Consignee, name of cargo, its mass and volume, size of each piece, number of pieces, special properties and conditions of carriage, storage and handling of this cargo. Special conditions of carriage capacity reservation to be agreed to by the Carrier include the carriage of:. The carriage of passenger on stretchers should be confirmed in advanced not later than 72 hours before departure time on schedule in order to remove passenger seats to place the stretchers on board of aircraft. Under processing the personal information in context of these Rules understands any action transaction or cumulative actions transactions accomplished by Carrier within the frame of execution of its obligations under carriage contract using the means of automation or without usage of such means with personal information including gathering, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarifying updating, changing , extraction, usage, transfer distribution, provision, access , depersonalization, blocking, removal or disposal of personal information. Air carriage tariff is only applied to payment for the carriage of passenger, baggage or cargo from the point of departure to the point of destination and is established by the Carrier. Tariff applied shall be effective at the date of commencement of carriage. Ticket, baggage ticket or air waybill paid by passenger Consignor and drawn up before Carrier announcement of a change in the tariff or the currency exchange rate are valid without extra charge to match the tariff effective at the initial date of carriage unless the contract of air carriage is amended. No changes of tariffs or rules of Carrier tariff application affect the conditions of contract of air carriage if carriage is in progress. If passenger voluntarily changes itinerary after start of service a new ticket is drawn up on the basis of the tariff of new service. New service tariff is recalculated from the initial point of carriage applicable at the date of carriage commencement if other not covered by Carrier Rules of tariffs applied. The amount of extra charge is calculated on the basis of the difference between the original tariff and the tariff of new carriage including any applicable charges. If the tariff of new carriage is less than the original tariff the difference is written down to МСО EMD to offset at the point where the original Ticket was acquired. Any tax or charge is payable by passenger on top of tariff unless otherwise provided by Carrier rules of tariff application. Discounts from tariffs of air carriage are established by Carrier Rules of Tariff Application worked out on the basis of applicable laws of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents of the federal civil aviation administration. Tariffs, taxes and charges are payable by passenger Consignor in the currency of the country where the carriage document is drawn up or in another currency provided by the Carrier unless that contradicts the foreign exchange regulations of the country of sale. If carriage is payable in currency other than the currency of tariff publication, calculation of equivalent in the currency of payment is performed on the basis of rate published in reservation systems effective at the time of carriage processing. In that case the amount of tariff payment equivalent is regulated by the Carrier additionally. A separate Ticket is drawn up for each passenger or if necessary Ticket and issued together with it additional ticket tickets which is indicating the ticket number to which it is issued. Ticket may be drawn up in electronic format electronic Ticket or as hard copy paper Ticket. Passenger may receive drawn-up Ticket or itinerary of electronic Ticket directly from the sales office of the Carrier or its Agent or select means of delivery agreed with the Carrier or its Authorized Agent or receive itinerary of electronic Ticket independently in accordance with the procedure set by the Carrier or its Authorized Agent. Passenger Ticket must indicate passenger last and first names in full and passenger ID number. Passenger Ticket coupons contain information about the conditions of carriage of passenger and his baggage between indicated points on specific route. In Ticket issued for charter flights the amount paid is not indicated for carriage of passenger, baggage and cargo executed by Contract of Aircraft Charter. Ticket is issued to passenger after payment of carriage cost at the tariff set by the Carrier only. Passenger is only admitted for carriage at display of a Ticket duly executed and containing required flight coupon, other unused flight coupons and a passenger coupon for paper ticket only. Passenger shall keep the Ticket and all unused flight coupons during the entire trip and produce them to the Carrier or the Handling Company at any time at request. Changes to Passenger Ticket at passenger request are permissible with Carrier consent and are only made at the location where Ticket was bought by the Carrier or its Authorized agent Agent in accordance with Carrier Rules for tariffs applied and during the period when ticket is valid. The Carrier or the Handling Company shall indicate in the baggage ticket being a part of the Ticket certifying baggage acceptance for carriage, the number of baggage pieces or gross weight, except for the items referred to in 4. The Carrier may not accept passenger for carriage pending the establishment of the fact of passenger contract of carriage conclusion if:. The Carrier shall take any reasonable measures within its power to establish the fact that the contract of passenger carriage has been concluded. Should it be established that no contract of air carriage has ever been concluded the Ticket is recognized as invalid, and passenger is not admitted for carriage. A Ticket recognized as invalid is cancelled by the Carrier Authorized agent with drawing up a report indicating the reasons why the Ticket is invalid. In some cases, such as processing of carriage on blank forms of Interline partners, TKP, ARC or BSP, in processing of carriage in reservation systems different from the Carrier reservation system, including, on Carrier official letter forms without automated mask, if passenger turns up less than 3 hours before flight check in is closed, the process of ascertaining conclusion of contract of air carriage may take certain time whereby passenger is recommended to contact the Carrier on any matters concerning the Ticket blank in advance. The Carrier shall exert any reasonable effort to clear up the fact of contract of carriage conclusion but bears no responsibility if such fact may not be established as a result of failure to provide required information by Interline partners, BSP, ARC agents or TKP employees. Should the fact of conclusion of Contract of Air Carriage be established after the completion of embarkation, the Carrier shall provide the passenger carriage on the itinerary of the non-performed carriage by the next flight having available seat and carriage capacity in the same service class corresponding to the paid tariff under the rules of tariff applied. Ticket duplicate is an exact copy of the original Ticket and valid for carriage on the original itinerary. Ticket duplicate is only drawn up for unused segments of service, provided the term of the original Ticket has not expired before the application for duplicate is filed. After executing a duplicate the date of departure may be changed under the rules of tariff application. Receipt for excess baggage and Miscellaneous Charges Order lost by passenger are not reissued and no duplicates for those are executed. After the fact of original contract of carriage conclusion is established the Carrier shall return to the passenger excess money paid for carriage. The refund required through Carrier Offices or at its instruction through the offices of the Authorized Agent under these Rules, conditions of air carriage and other internal rules or technologies of the Carrier. Passenger for whom the fact of conclusion of a contract of air carriage with the Carrier is established after the departure of respective flight that should have been flown by the passenger, may be offered to either use service on the route of unused service on the next flight on which there is available seat or carriage capacity in the class of service which meets the paid tariff, or get a refund for unused service in the amount that would have been paid to the passenger in case of voluntary waiver of carriage under the rules of tariff application and in accordance with the procedure set by the Carrier. Refund for unused carriage under a lost Ticket drawn up on interline partner forms is returned in accordance with the procedure set by the interline partner. Ticket is not subject to transfer or use by another person unless otherwise provided by the laws of the Russian Federation. If a paper Ticket is produced by a person not indicated in the Ticket the Ticket is withdrawn by the Carrier and its cost is not reimbursed to the bearer. In that case the Carrier shall make out a report indicating reasons for withdrawal of the Ticket. Reimbursement of Ticket cost for a fully or partially unused service to a person not indicated in the carriage document is made at production of a power of attorney by the person indicated in the carriage document, certified in accordance with the statutory procedure. If a Passenger Ticket is used or cost of service reimbursement is received by another person not indicated in the carriage document the Carrier is not liable to passenger entitled to service under the carriage document. A Ticket issued to passenger at a normal tariff is valid for carriage within one year of the commencement date of carriage, and if no flight coupon is used or the Ticket is issued with open date, - within one year of the date of issue. A Ticket issued to passenger at a special tariff is valid within a term set by the Carrier rules of tariff application. Ticket may be accepted for exchange or refund under Carrier rules of tariff application within the validity period of such Ticket. A Ticket issued at a special tariff may be accepted for exchange at extra charge to match a higher tariff under the requirements and conditions of the tariff applied to the original Ticket unless otherwise stipulated by the rules of that tariff. In that case the term of Carrier obligation certified by a reissued Ticket accrues from the first flight coupon of the old Ticket if the service has started or from the date of issue of a new Ticket if no coupon of the old Ticket was used. Each flight coupon of the Ticket is valid for carriage of passenger between the points indicated therein under the respective class of service. If the Ticket is drawn up with open date of return flight, reservation of a passenger seat on board of the aircraft for the requested date of departure is made in the availability of seats in that class of reservation within the validity period of the Passenger Ticket. The Carrier may extend the term of the contract of carriage certified by the Ticket at no extra charge to the passenger if:. If passenger carrying a Ticket with open date of departure requests reservation of service, and the Carrier is unable to provide a passenger seat and carriage capacity within the validity period of the Ticket the Carrier or its Authorized agent shall make reservation for a next flight which has available passenger seat or flight capacity of the service class matching the paid service class. Passenger carrying Ticket shall at the airport of departure or in another point established by the Carrier go through a procedure of check in and baggage check in as well as aviation security check. In carriage on an international route passenger shall also go through customs, border and if necessary, quarantine, immigration, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary and other types of checks. Passenger shall well in advance arrive at the point of Ticket check in and baggage check in for required pre-flight formalities check in procedure, payment for excess baggage, check, customs, border security and other formalities, execution of exit and entrance documents , as well as embarkation and loading of baggage on aircraft. Airport check in for Siberia Airlines flights is completed 40 minutes before the time of departure, unless otherwise provided by international regulated documents. The time of beginning and ending of check in at the city terminal is fixed separately and notified to Passenger in drawing up Tickets. The deadline for check in at the city terminal is fixed with allowance for time period required for delivery of passenger and baggage to the airport of departure for embarkation. The deadline for embarkation on board of the aircraft is fixed at each airport depending on its capacity and reported to passenger at check in. For the purpose of flight safety passengers, baggage including accompanied belongings, and cargo go through mandatory pre-flight check and if necessary past-flight check. Pre-flight and past-flight checks of passenger, baggage including accompanied belongings are conducted at airport by authorized persons of aviation security services and transport police officers taking part in pre-flight and past-flight checks. Passengers with diplomatic status having diplomatic immunity and couriers carrying correspondence pass checks on general basis. Pre-flight check does not preclude inspection in the course of investigative, criminal investigative and other operations by authorized persons in accordance with the statutory procedures of the Russian Federation. In the process of aircraft operations pre-flight check is performed after passenger check in, border security, customs, quarantine, immigration, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary and other types of checks. If Passenger refuses to pass check the contract of air carriage shall be considered terminated according to item 3 of article 85 of Air Code unilaterally with reimbursement of fare under these Carrier Rules and Carrier tariff application rules. To pass the procedure of check in and baggage check in passenger shall produce an ID document. Also if necessary passenger shall have on himself documents certifying special conditions of carriage of this Passenger and his baggage power of attorney for accompanying a child, medical certificate, veterinary certificate, etc. In case when passenger is going to present at check in another ID document rather than document which was used for issuing a Ticket, passenger no later than the begging of the check in has address a Carrier or Authorized agent for entering in Ticket and in automatic system of reservation changes concerning the ID document and Carrier or Authorized agent has to produce actions for entering the indicated changes. At the check in boarding pass is given to passenger which shall include the initials and surname of the passenger, flight number, departure date, end time of boarding, gate number if at the time of passenger check in the gate number already known and seat number at the aircraft. If necessary, additional information may be given on boarding pass. Passengers are boarding the aircraft after they present a boarding pass for respective flight. Passenger travelling by international flights with transit without visa has to have confirmation of valid ticket with confirmed booking from transfer aiport to the final destination ticket, itinerary receipt, boarding pass. The Carrier is not liable for matters pertaining to Passenger relationships with government services customs, border security, immigration, etc. However, the Carrier may check any required documents at check in prior to acceptance of Passenger and his baggage for carriage. Passengers who are late for check in or boarding to aircraft is not admitted for the flight. The Carrier shall have trained flight personnel on board of aircraft sufficient in number to provide passenger services, including emergency medical aid and flight safety under the applicable standards and rules of civil aviation. The Carrier shall provide on board of aircraft a range of services depending on aircraft type and equipment, duration of flight, time of day when the flight is performed and class of service indicated in the carriage document. The Carrier shall provide passenger with the following services:. The Carrier reserves the right to cater passengers with cold meals irrespective of time of day and duration of flight on board of aircraft the type of which prohibits the use on board of special equipment required for passenger catering with hot meals in compliance with flight safety standards. Smoking including electronic cigarettes is strictly prohibited on board. In the territory of airport smoking is only permitted in special places. Passenger may make one or more stop-overs in any intermediate airport enroute. Passenger shall advise the Carrier or its Agent of its intention to make a stop-over at drawing up Passenger Ticket and Baggage Ticket. The stop-over shall also be mentioned in the indicated carriage document. When passenger carriage document is drawn up at special tariff, stop-over is made with account for restrictions or ban on stop-overs under the rules of respective tariff application. Passenger stop-overs along a service route are permitted within the validity period of Passenger Ticket, provided they are agreed in advance with the Carrier or its Agent, indicated in Passenger Ticket and Baggage Ticket, taken into account at the calculation of the cost of carriage, and for international carriage are also permitted by aeronautical government authorities of the country of intended stop-overs. If at drawing up Passenger Ticket passenger failed to declare stop-over at an intermediate airport but chose to make such stop-over and stated so at that airport, such passenger may only proceed with the flight having introduced required amendments in Ticket data exchange of Ticket under these Carrier rules and applicable Carrier tariff rules; also passenger shall, before the resumption of the flight, indemnify the Carrier for all and any actual losses of the Carrier including but not limited to, compensations the Carrier has paid or will have to pay to third parties in connection with such delay of flight incurred as a result of delay of aircraft departure flight performance related to withdrawal of his baggage from the aircraft if processed to the point originally indicated in the carriage document. If passenger failed to proceed with flight service from the intermediate airport for reasons depending on the Carrier the Carrier shall dispatch such passenger to the point of destination with an aircraft performing next scheduled flight. Such carriage shall be performed at no extra charge or duty to that passenger. Certain passenger categories are entitled to travel by air with discount under the laws of the Russian Federation and the Rules of Air Carriage provided by the Carrier. Execution of carriage document for passengers enjoying government benefits is made individually at presentation of documents confirming the right to discount carriage by air under the laws of the Russian Federation and by written permission of the Carrier. If an infant under two is provided with an individual seat at the request of the accompanying passenger such infant is carried at fifty percent discount of the normal or special tariff in the lack of specific conditions for special tariff application. Other infants under two accompanying the passenger and children between two and twelve are carried at fifty percent discount of the normal or special tariff in the lack of specific conditions for special tariff application, with provision of individual seats. In drawing up Passenger Ticket and in the process of child check in a document shall be produced to the Carrier confirming the age of the child. The age of the child is counted at the date of carriage commencement from the initial point of departure indicated in the carriage document. Departure of a minor beyond the boundaries of the Russian Federation is regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation. Airlines will take all possible measures to accommodate on board of aircraft full-aged passenger or passenger who according to Civil Code of RF obtained legal competency in full before 18 years old and travelling with him child children at the age up to 12 years. A child under the age of five years, as well as a disabled child under the age of twelve are transported only when accompanied by an adult passenger or a passenger who, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation has acquired full legal capacity until they reach the age of eighteen years. In an international service additionally required is a notarized consent of parents custodians for carriage of a child with airline international flight unaccompanied. Carriage of unaccompanied children is only permitted on own direct airline flights only and on code-share flights with LLC GloBus. A citizen of the Russian Federation recognized as legally incapable by court may at a request of parents, step-parents or custodians leave the territory of the Russian Federation accompanied by an adult person capable to ensure the safety of the legally incapable citizen of the Russian Federation and the safety of surrounding people. Carriage of seriously ill passenger, passenger on stretchers and passengers with hearing and vision disabilities at the same time is performed with accompanied person who will take care during the flight. Patients on stretchers are carried with the provision of specially equipped seat on board the aircraft at triple tariff Y and accompanied only. Patients on stretcher are carried in economy class cabin only. Whereas it is necessary to place the special equipment on board of aircraft the carriage of patients on stretchers should be confirmed by Carrier according to requirements of article 2. For carriage passengers with disability and other persons with limited mobility, wheelchair, crutches and other mobility aids are carried free of charge and not included in free baggage allowance. In case of transportation of visually impaired passenger accompanied by guide-dog, the dog shall be carried on board of the flight free of charge in passenger compartment of economy class, in excess of free baggage allowance. The dog shall have the muzzle and the lead on and shall be attached to the chair at the feet of the passenger it accompanies. Pregnant women are only admitted for carriage subject to production to the Carrier of a medical certificate issued by a medical institution that they have no contradictions against air travel at the date of flight indicated in the Ticket. Carriage of pregnant women is performed subject to the Carrier bearing no liability to the Passenger for unfavorable consequences that may ensue for the Passenger and the fetus in the process and as a result of carriage by air. Carriage of Deported Passengers and Passengers Expelled from the Russian Federation in Administrative Procedure. Carriage of deported passengers and passengers banished from a foreign state and the Russian Federation is performed under the laws of the Russian Federation and international civil aviation law. Carriage of diplomatic couriers is performed in compliance with requirements of state authorities. Diplomatic courier shall carry and produce at request of the Carrier documents certifying his special powers as a person accompanying mail. List of citizens served in the VIP Lounge is approved by the Federal Aviation Administration by agreement with executive authorities of RF subjects, and in VIP Lounges of Moscow, Moscow Region, Saint-Petersburg and Sochi by the Administration of RF President by agreement with the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Officials are served at the airport of departure, arrival, transit or transfer in special premises of the airport - VIP lounges if any. Requirements in the check in officials are no different from generally accepted ones. Officials are served in VIP lounges on the basis of applications. Applications are filed by representatives of state, public, political, confessional or business organizations. Passengers are charged for services provided in VIP lounge. Officials shall arrive at the airport of departure not later than the time of closing of check in. VIP passengers and their cabin baggage and checked baggage are delivered to the aircraft in last turn separately from other passengers. VIP passengers and their baggage are removed from the aircraft at the airport of departure in last turn priority. Carriage of Officers on Duty of State Courier Service to the Government of the Russian Federation. Officers of State Courier Service to the Government of the Russian Federation are issued Passenger Tickets out of line. Pre-flight check of State Courier Service officers, their cabin baggage and baggage except pouches is performed on general terms out of line. State Courier Service officers on duty are allowed to carry weapons while on board of the aircraft. Airport aviation security service shall inform the aircraft Pilot in command via the senior flight attendant about location of seats occupied by armed State Courier Service officers on board of the aircraft. Personnel of Airport Security shall instruct State Courier Service officers that in case of any incidents on board of the aircraft they should not interfere unless requested by Pilot in command. Carriage of dispatches correspondence by State Courier Service to the Government of the Russian Federation is performed on passenger seats not more than 80kg of weight per seat next to the accompanying officer or at a place convenient to observe and is paid for in accordance with accepted procedure. Officers of State Courier Service to the Government of the Russian Federation carrying dispatches correspondence board the aircraft before the beginning of general passenger embarkation. Rules of carriage of officers employees of other federal executive authorities, dispatches correspondence of these authorities may be set by other regulatory acts approved by the federal civil aviation administration jointly by agreement with interested federal executive authorities. The Carrier or its Agent while issuing Passenger Ticket to a transit or transfer passenger for the service route shall:. The fact of concluding the contract of carriage confirms the acceptance of transfer passengers that transfer passengers informed by Carrier about conditions, requirements and responsibilities set forth in articles 3. Business class passengers at airport could be offered the special service including check in at a separate desk, access to business lounge and delivery on board of aircraft separately from economic class passengers if it is covered by terms of applicable fare under which the ticket was issued. On board of aircraft business class passengers are provided with seats in business class cabin and special service. On arrival business class passengers are first to leave the aircraft separately from economy class passengers but not before VIP passengers. For travel with higher comfort passenger may book required number of seats. Additional seats are charged at the available economy class tariff. A passenger being an airline employee or Carrier own employee may be carried with Staff Ticket by Carrier flights with consent of the Carrier. Depending on the importance of the carriage and employee position a Staff Ticket may be provided with confirmed or unconfirmed reservation. Passengers proceeding with Staff Tickets with confirmed reservation are served in the same way as Passengers who paid the cost of Ticket in compliance with applicable standard check in procedures. The following conditions shall be observed in serving passengers without confirmed reservation:. The Carrier shall compensate any passenger expenses that the latter might incur in connection with termination of the trip. At the transfer airport a passenger with Staff Ticket without confirmed reservation is served like in the airport of departure. In case of disruption of flight schedule passengers with Staff Tickets with confirmed reservation are served like passengers who paid for their Tickets. Passengers with Staff Tickets without confirmed reservation admitted for carriage, in case of disruption of flight schedule are served like any other passengers. Passenger baggage is accepted for carriage as checked-in baggage or cabin baggage. Checked-in baggage is carried in baggage and cargo compartments of the aircraft. Cabin baggage is carried by passenger on board of aircraft. If such carriage is impossible the Carrier shall carry such baggage by an aircraft that performs next flight to the passenger point of destination. The Carrier may deny carriage of baggage to a passenger if the weight, number of pieces, contents, size or package does not meet the requirements of these Rules. Baggage of a passenger that failed to show up for embarkation after check in including the baggage of no-show transit passengers and their cabin baggage are to be offloaded from the aircraft. The passenger is entitled to carry free baggage within the established baggage allowance. The baggage allowance, including carry-on baggage, is set depending on the type of aircraft, the type of fare, the class of service, the route, is indicated on the ticket itinerary receipt of an e-ticket and cannot be less than ten kilograms per passenger. When flying on codeshare flights with other carriers the baggage allowance of carrier who operates the flight apply. In case if carriage performed on flights of two or more carriers, including codeshare flights with other carriers, the rules of most significant carrier apply. The Carrier or its Agent when issuing the ticket shall advise passenger about the conditions of baggage carriage including but not limited about the free baggage allowance set for the carriage and indicate the free baggage allowance in ticket itinerary receipt of electronic ticket. When passenger is involuntary downgraded a free baggage allowance of such passenger will stay unchanged according to the allowance indicated for class of service paid. Baggage is checked in for each passenger individually. Passenger baggage is accepted for carriage at check in at the airport of departure or in another check in point. The Carrier or Handling Company shall issue to passenger with a numbered baggage tag for each piece of checked in baggage. Baggage tag is intended for baggage identification. To identify special conditions of carriage checked baggage is additionally attached a special unnumbered baggage tag. The weight of a single piece of baggage shall not exceed 50 kg, excluding the wheelchairs and other assistive devices used by passengers with disabilities. If passenger flight connection exceeds 24 hours his baggage is processed to the point of transfer only. When proceeding along the transportation route from the airport point of departure on the territory of Russian Federation to the airport point of destination outside the customs territory of the Customs union with intermediate landing in point of leaving from the territory of the Russian Federation a simplified procedure of customs operations may be applied in according to Russian legislation, under which customs control of transfer baggage is performed without presenting it to customs authority by transfer passenger himself. Check in of transfer baggage at the airport of departure to final destination is performed by declaring of transfer passengers to carrier, and or operator authorized by the airport of departure:. When proceeding along the transportation route from the airport point of departure on the territory of Russian Federation to the airport point of destination outside the customs territory of the Customs union with intermediate landing in point of leaving from the territory of the Russian Federation the baggage can be checked in to the final destination only under condition that it does not include goods subject to customs declaration in writing. When check in transfer baggage to the final destination airport point the basis for presenting the transfer baggage of transfer passengers by Carrier to customs authority for customs control at the airport point transfer is the presence on the transfer baggage the baggage tag with number, confirming the fact of check in of transfer baggage in the Russian Federation to airport point of destination. Availability on the transfer baggage of baggage tag with number indicates declaration by transfer passengers to the customs authority that in the transfer baggage there are no goods subject to customs declaration in writing. The use of a simplified procedure in which a transfer baggage can be checked to the final airport point , does not exempt the transfer of passenger compliance with other requirements of the customs legislation of the Customs union and the Russian Federation legislation on customs. Presenting of transfer baggage, checked in in accordance with Russian Federation legislation, by Carrier to the customs authority for customs control at the airport point transfer is not exempt a passenger from liability for breach of customs legislation Customs Union and the Russian Federation legislation on customs. The Carrier or Handling Company have to make a note on paper Ticket about the quantity and weight of checked baggage which is treated as baggage ticket issued to the passenger. In case of electronic Ticket entries of baggage weight and quantity are made electronically. The Carrier or Handling Company having accepted baggage for carriage is liable for safekeeping the checked in baggage and its package. If it established that the passenger is carrying baggage above the set free baggage allowance or above the quantity indicated in the baggage ticket without paying due charge for such carriage the Carrier may demand payment for respective part of the baggage. Cabin baggage is an unchecked baggage. To ensure aviation security, protection of life and health of passengers and crew members of the aircraft, the cabin baggage must not contain items and substances, prohibited for air transport under the terms of aviation security. For the tariffs that do not provide for free transportation of checked baggage, referred to in subparagraph a of the paragraph 4. If the dimensions of the cabin baggage exceed those specified in subparagraph a , the carrier shall decide on the carriage of this piece of baggage as checked at his own responsibility. Cabin baggage during transportation shall be placed under passenger seat or be placed over the passenger seat in a closing baggage compartment. When registering, the passenger is obliged to present for weighing all the baggage, including cabin baggage, except for the items listed below, if they are carried on the passenger and not put into the baggage:. The items listed above in this paragraph except baby strollers and wheelchairs are not presented for weighing and not subject for check in or labeling. Baby strollers and wheelchairs should be weighed at check in and should be labeled with tags and not included in free baggage allowance. Passenger shall take care of safekeeping of cabin baggage and items listed in subitem 4. Passenger while disembark the aircraft should remove all cabin baggage and items listed in subitem 4. Passenger shall inform the Carrier or its Agent in advance about the proposed weight and number of baggage items in excess of the allowance with compulsory reservation of such baggage. Passenger shall pay for carriage of excess baggage at the rate set by the Carrier applicable at the time of payment. If passenger presents for carriage more baggage that was preliminarily agreed with the Carrier and paid for, such amount of baggage can only be accepted for carriage subject to free carriage capacity available on board of the aircraft and payment by the passenger. The Carrier may limit carriage or deny carriage of passenger baggage with a weight exceeding the free baggage allowance set by the Carrier if such carriage was not agreed with the Carrier in advance. If at the point of departure Passenger produced for carriage baggage with a weight and number of items less that reserved and paid for in advance, the difference cost between the declared and actual weights of excess baggage is subject to offset under these Rules. Passenger enroute on service itinerary may reduce or with Carrier consent increase the weight and number of items of carried baggage. If passenger enroute reduces the weight of carried baggage the Carrier shall not recalculate the previous freight. During reservation of seat in aircraft or buying a Ticket passenger shall advise the Carrier or its Agent about carriage of oversize baggage. Transportation of oversized baggage, heavy baggage, service dogs, pets and birds is paid based on their actual weight on the specified Carrier baggage rates independently of other things passenger carried as luggage, except guide dogs, following with a passenger, deprived of view, and as wheelchairs used by a passenger with disabilities and other persons with disabilities. Excess baggage ticket or electronic miscellaneous charge order confirms payment for excess baggage carriage by passenger. Excess baggage ticket shall contain flight from one to four and passenger coupons executed by approved form. Passenger baggage requiring special care movie—, photo-, tele—, video- or radio equipment, electronic or optical instruments, appliances, office automation equipment, music instruments, fragile items may be carried in aircraft cabin with allocation on extra seat s. Carriage of baggage in aircraft cabin is processed and performed with advance approval by the Carrier. Passenger shall advise the Carrier or its Agent of baggage carriage in aircraft cabin with allocation on extra seat s while making reservation or acquiring ticket and pay for a separate extra seat s for such baggage. Passenger shall advise the Carrier or its Agent of baggage carriage in aircraft cabin while making reservation or acquiring ticket and pay for a separate seat for such baggage. The weight of baggage carried in aircraft cabin may not exceed the average weight of a passenger no more than 80 kg , and the overall dimensions of baggage shall permit its placement on a separate passenger seat. Package of baggage carried in aircraft cabin shall have devices for fastening to a passenger seat. Delivery of baggage carried in aircraft cabin on board of aircraft, lifting and positioning in aircraft cabin, removal from aircraft and transportation from the aircraft are performed by passenger. Diplomatic baggage mail accompanied by diplomatic courier is allowed for carriage in aircraft cabin. The weight of diplomatic baggage mail carried in aircraft cabin may not exceed the average weight of a passenger not more than 80 kg , and the overall dimensions of baggage shall permit its placement on a separate passenger seat. Carriage of diplomatic baggage mail is charged at Carrier rates published in the reservation system. Carriage of diplomatic baggage mail in the custody of the Carrier is performed subject to Carrier rules. Full list of dangerous goods prohibited for carriage on board the aircraft contain in Technical Instructions for safe transport of dangerous goods by Air DOC ICAO. For the tariffs which do not include transportation of the baggage of this category, the transportation is free of charge on condition of forming of one separate additional piece of baggage by passenger, which includes only the listed items and substances within the overall weight established for the rate at which the carriage was purchased by the passenger. Items and substances which may be carried in limited quantities which may be carried in in cabin baggage. Liquids in containers of more than ml are not accepted for carriage even if half-empty. Exception in carriage is made for medicines, baby food and special diet requirements. The cylinders must not exceed 5 kg gross weight; b heat producing articles e. Heat producing component or energy source must be removed to avoid unintentional functioning during transportation; c avalanche rescue backpack, containing a cylinder of compressed gas in Div. May also be equipped with a pyrotechnic trigger mechanism containing less than mg net of Div. In cases where the mobility device is specifically design to allow its battery ies to be removed by user e. If battery removed from wheelchair, it must be protected from short circuits and transport in strong and rigid leak-tight packaging, which avoid spillage and surrounded by compatible absorbent material sufficient to absorb their total liquid contents. It is recommended to install vent plugs to this battery type to avoid spillage; h battery-powered wheelchair or other similar mobility device with lithium ion batteries carried as checked baggage, if battery terminals protected from short circuit and battery securely fastened to wheelchair. It is allowed to carry in passengers cabin only one spare battery with energy capacity not more than Watt-hours or two spare batteries each not exceeding Watt-hours. Portable electronic devices containing lithium metal or lithium ion cells or batteries watches, calculating machines, cameras, cellular phones, lap-top computers, camcorders, etc , when carried by passengers or crew for personal use must be carried as carry-on baggage. If such devices carried as checked baggage, device must be protected from inadvertent activation. Portable medical electronic devices Automated External Defibrillators AED , Nebulizer, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure CPAP , etc. Spare batteries must individually protected to prevent short circuits for example, by placing in package and insulating of battery terminals e. Lithium ion batteries with a watt-hour exceeding Wh but not exceeding Wh, may be carried as spare batteries in carry-on baggage or as part of lithium ion battery powered equipment in checked baggage or in carry-on baggage. Maximum two spare batteries may be carried in carry-on baggage only. These batteries must be individually protected to prevent short circuits. Passenger is responsible for carriage in baggage items prohibited for carriage or handed over for transportation according to the requirements and conditions of carriage set out in this rules. Carriage by air of weapon, ammunition and special devices hereinafter, weapon is performed under the laws of the Russian Federation and by laws of federal executive authorities, laws of other states and international treaties of the Russian Federation. Passenger with weapon having permit for their carriage are surrendered to the Carrier at the airport of departure for temporary storage during flight and are returned to the passenger on the completion of the flight at the airport of destination. If aircraft itinerary crosses state border the matter of weapon carriage on board shall be settled in advance by the passenger with respective authorities of states concerned for compliance with laws and regulations applicable in those states. Passenger shall have permission to enter a state with weapon from competent authorities of such state. On the territory of Russian Federation acceptance of weapon for carriage, execution of required documents, delivery on board at the airport of departure and issuance at the airport of destination are affected by an Aviation Security Officer ASO. Acceptance of weapon from passenger for temporary storage for the period of flight is confirmed by a report executed in three copies signed by the carrying passenger and ASO. The first copy of the report is also signed by the Carrier and is filed with ASS at the airport, the second copy is kept by the Carrier and the third copy is kept by the passenger to claim the weapons at the airport of destination. ASO informs the carrying passenger about the procedure of weapon claim at the airport of destinations. Officers of the Federal Safeguard Service of the Russian Federation, State Courier Service to the Government of the Russian Federation on duty having required individual travel orders are not required to surrender their weapons to Carrier for safe custody. Weapon is carried packed in a sealed metallic locker placed in an isolated baggage or cargo aircraft compartment. Long-barrelled weapon the dimensions of which in disassembly prevent them from being put in standard metallic lockers are carried in isolated baggage or cargo aircraft compartments in passenger packing sealed by ASS special container, case, jacket meeting aviation security requirements. Citizens of the Russian Federation could carried out weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation in the amount of not more than 5 units and ammunition up to pieces but not more than 5 kg per passenger based on the permissions of internal affairs bodies in storage, storage and carrying, storage, and use of, on the import of Russian Federation to the relevant species, types and models of weapons or licenses for their acquisition, collecting or displaying weapons. Weapon is returned to passenger at the airport of destination by the Aviation Security Officer against the production by the carrying passenger of the third copy of the report, ID, weapon license and, as required, permission for weapon import into the territory of the Russian Federation or export from the Russian Federation. Weapon unclaimed by a passenger at the airport of destination is delivered by the Aviation Security Officer to internal security authorities. If the weight of weapon and ammunition, plus the weight of any other piece of baggage of passenger does not exceed the Carrier baggage allowance in equivalent weight , thus weapons and ammunition are not counted as a separate piece of baggage and additional fee is not required. Only dogs, cats and birds are accepted for carriage as checked baggage or cabin baggage. Any other animals are not accepted for carriage as checked baggage or cabin baggage and can be carried as cargo according to these Rules. Pets birds are carried by air as checked baggage in aircraft baggage compartment or as cabin baggage by advanced approval with the Carrier and also permission from the state of arrival and transit in case of international carriage. Passenger shall advise the Carrier or its Authorized agent of carriage of pets birds at the reservation of carriage or acquisition of Passenger Ticket but not later than 48 hours before flight. Pet bird carried by air shall be placed in for carriage in hard container plastic, wooden or metal cage with air supply and secure lock. The size of the container or cage shall allow the animal to stand up to the full body height and turn around degrees. The container cage or basket bottom shall be waterproof and covered with absorbent material, with an edge over the perimeter preventing the spillage of the absorbent material. Bird cages shall be covered with thick light-tight fabric. The same container cage may house not more than two adult animals if the weight of each animal is less or equal to 14 kg, and they get along perfectly one with another. The animals weighing more than above shall be carried in separate containers cages. No more than three animals of the same offspring, not elder than 6 months may be placed in the same container cage. The transportation of pets birds in the cabin of an aircraft may be made only upon prior approval of such transportation by the Carrier within the booking system and under condition of transportation of the animal by full age passenger not more than 1 container cage per passenger. Such animals shall be inside the containers cages. The weight of container cage housing the animal shall not be more than 8 kg. During the flight, the container cage with the animal in the cabin of an aircraft shall be placed under the seat of the seat in front. It is prohibited to place the container cage with the animal at the emergency exits, in passages and on overhead compartments. The passenger carrying a pet bird by air traffic, shall have and present at check in the passenger Ticket, valid documents certificates of health of the pet bird issued by the relevant authorities of veterinary medicine, as well as any other applicable documents required by the countries of flight or transit countries in case of international air traffic. The Carrier reserves the right to limit the number of animals carried on the same flight according to the aircraft type, flight route and payload capacity etc. No more than two containers with pets animals of non-antagonistic type are allowed to be carried in the cabin of an aircraft. Pets and birds are not covered by free baggage allowance. Blind passengers accompanied by a guide-dog are provided with seats at the end of aircraft cabin. Pets and birds are accepted for carriage provided the passenger undertakes full responsibility for them. Baggage may be checked in by passenger with declared value. Declared value of baggage shall not exceed the actual value of the baggage. As passenger declares the value of checked in baggage the Carrier may demand the passenger to produce the contents of the baggage for checking, and in obvious discrepancy between the amounts of declared value and the contents establish its real value or deny acceptance of the baggage for carriage at the declared value. Moreover, passenger may change the previously declared value of checked baggage. The amount of declared value shall not exceed 20 twenty thousand rubles; if the appraised value exceeds that amount the passenger shall produce primary documents checks, check copies, etc. The Carrier keeps copies of provided documents at the airport of departure and permits baggage carriage if the passenger observes all conditions of baggage valuation. The value of checked baggage may be declared for each piece of baggage separately. Fee for declared value of checked baggage is 10 ten percent of the amount of declared value, payable at the point of departure. Any items accepted for carriage as baggage with declared value shall be in intact package precluding access to the contents. Each item of checked baggage shall have intact package ensuring its safekeeping during carriage, handling and precluding chance of harm to passengers, crew, and third party, damage to the aircraft, and baggage of other passengers or other property. Baggage non-complying with the requirements of 4. Baggage the package of which contains sharp or protruding elements or baggage in broken package is not accepted for carriage. In that case the presence and type of damage are certified by passenger signature. The Carrier may deny acceptance of baggage as checked if the baggage is not placed in package ensuring its safekeeping in usual conditions of handling. The Carrier shall keep passengers informed about the place of checked baggage claim area at the airport of destination, stop-over or transfer, as well as about the reason and duration of any delay in baggage delivery and should insure baggage delivered to passengers. Baggage claim takes place at the airport to which the baggage was checked in. A report of such baggage issuance is executed obligatorily. Passenger baggage may be stored free of charge at the airport of destination within 2 days including the day of arrival. Storage of baggage in excess of the term of free storage is charged to the owner at applicable rates. Passenger baggage without a baggage tag the owner of which is unidentified is deemed as undocumented. Passenger baggage as of the time of its delivery at the airport of destination including undocumented baggage, is deemed unclaimed if within 6 months of the day of its arrival it was not claimed and is disposed of by the Carrier under the laws of the Russian Federation. The Carrier or Handling Company shall within the statutory term of storage pending baggage disposal as unclaimed take reasonable measures to search for the owner. Undocumented baggage the owner of which was identified by search is stored at the airport within 6 months of the date when the airport of destination having received such baggage sent a written notice to the owner of the arrival of the baggage. On theexpiry of this term baggage is deemed as unclaimed and subject to disposal. Perishable foodstuffs contained in unclaimed undocumented baggage in case of spoilage are subject to destruction. Impossibility of their further storage and their destruction are confirmed by report. Cabin baggage left by passenger on board of aircraft is stored at the airport of destination within the time and on the conditions of storage of undocumented and unclaimed baggage. If checked baggage was not found within twenty one days of the date of filing a statement of non-recovery of baggage the passenger may claim damages inflicted by the loss of checked baggage. Transportation of products under quarantine as checked baggage plants, products of phytogenesis, tare, package, soil or other organisms, objects or materials which can became a carrier of hazardous organisms or help to spread hazardous organisms is performed according to international agreements of RF about quarantine of plants, RF legislation in the field of providing quarantine of plants and legislation of country in the field of providing quarantine of plants on the territory, from the territory or through the territory of which the carriage is performed. Carriage of cargo is performed by passenger and cargo aircraft performing flights over the territory of the Russian Federation and international air services. The Carrier accepts for carriage cargo whose nature of package and properties permit its safe carriage under the following conditions: Cargo shall be packed with account for their specific properties and peculiar features so as to guarantee their safety in usual handling while carrying by air, and to preclude harm to natural persons or damage to other cargo and property of the Carrier. Some types of special cargo perishable, dangerous, animals, heavy or oversize cargo are accepted for carriage by agreement with the Carrier under the conditions set forth in these Rules and requirements of internal, international or other regulatory documents. Cargo shall not change its chemical, physical or other properties which may cause its spoilage or aggravate risks during transportation. Cargo dimensions are limited by size of loading hatches and cargo compartments. Carried cargo is subject to compulsory check by the Aviation Security Service of the airport of departure with the use of technical facilities. Carriage of cargo is performed subject to air waybill executed by the Carrier or its Agent General agent and payment for carriage by the Consignor unless otherwise provided by supplementary agreements. Air waybill is issued on the basis of signed application by Consignor for the carriage of cargo and document which certifies the identity of Consignor or letter of attorney and document which certifies the identity of person who presents letter of attorney. In the application for cargo carriage the information necessary for cargo carriage including but not limited to information about the dangerous goods and absence of prohibited for carriage subject and substances should be indicated. The Carrier is not liable for checking the validity and sufficiency of these documents. Air waybill shall be executed at least in three authentic counterparts. However, Air waybill may have up to eight copies: Text on the front face of the Air waybill form form heading, captions of columns and other information , and on the reverse side of the form shall be printed in Russian and in English. Perishable or dangerous goods, animals or other special types of cargo are checked in if permitted for carriage by laws of the Russian Federation, other states, international documents in the area of civil aviation and other regulatory documents in the area of civil aviation, and these Rules. Cargo whose weight and overall dimensions exceed the set limits may be checked in under the rules set by the Carrier. Consignments containing assorted items or goods may not include: If official public authorities have imposed embargo in respect of any state or any territory, in carriage of cargo by air the following procedure applies:. After the imposition of embargo types of cargo affected by embargo shall not be accepted for carriage by Carrier aircraft; b embargo may be imposed, changed or lifted with a written notice to the Carrier; c time of embargo notice is expressed as GMT Greenwich Mean Time. The Carrier or Agent General agent when accepting cargo shall weigh the cargo in the presence of the Consignor and indicate its actual weight in the Air waybill. The cargo shipment consisting out of several cargo pieces can be weigh partially or all at once. The identification of total weight of shipment based on random weighing of separate cargo pieces is not allowed. If while weighing the cargo was determined the difference between the weight provided by Consignor, the final weight will be considered the weight determined by the Carrier or Agent General agent. Cargo carried by air shall be in intact tare and package to ensure its secure lashing on board of aircraft and safekeeping in carriage and not to cause damage to passengers, crew or the aircraft, baggage and other cargo carried together. Cargo tare or package shall have clean outer surface, no sharp angles, protrusions or other features that might cause damage or soiling of the aircraft and its equipment, baggage or other cargo. Tare or package of cargo checked in for carriage with declared value except for passenger personal items shall be sealed by the Consignor. Seals shall be standard, have clear imprints of figures or characters. The Air waybill shall be notated to the effect of sealing of the cargo, contain the names of Consignor seals and declared value. Tare of heavy cargo shall withstand the load equal to the cargo weight with account for overload factor provided for a specific type of aircraft. Each item of cargo shall bear sending and transport labeling, and special cargo requiring special conditions for carriage should have special labeling. The signs should be made clearly and located in visible places. Carrier Handling Company is indicating in transport labeling the information about the airport point of departure, airport point of arrival, number of pieces in cargo shipment, sequence number, weight of cargo, number of Air waybill. Consignor indicates the sufficient and reliable information about address and full name, name, middle name or name of Consignor or Consignee, weight of cargo piece, number of pieces in shipment, sequence number of a piece in sending labeling, also information about the type of cargo which require special conditions for carriage in special labeling. The sending labeling has to contain the signs indicating the directions for handling the cargo. Cargo shall be light if its volume exceeds 0. In the measurement of volume each item of such cargo is assumed as rectangular prism. To measure the volume of cargo item its largest linear dimensions are multiplied: Volume of gross kilogram is found by dividing the volume of an item by the cargo weight kg. Given equal values or if the value of actual weight exceeds the volume weight the actual weight of the cargo applies. Cargo item weighing over 80 kg is assumed as heavy. Weight of a single heavy cargo item maximum acceptable for carriage depends on the maximum permissible specific load on aircraft floor, with account for overload factors. Cargo with dimensions of single item exceeding the overall dimensions of loading hatches and cargo compartments of carrier passenger aircraft is assumed as oversize cargo. Heavy and oversize cargo shall be loaded so as not to damage the aircraft structural elements and other cargo carried by the same aircraft. Consignors shall if necessary supply special loading equipment by agreement with the Carrier. Assumed as perishable are such goods which in ordinary conditions, i. The perishable cargo can not be accepted if there are no documents certifying the quality of it. Documents confirming cargo quality shall be drawn up by an authorized competent authority on the day of cargo delivery for carriage and produced by the Consignor separately for each consignment. Perishable goods produced for carriage with documents drawn up before the indicated term are not accepted. Documents certifying the quality of perishable goods shall indicate the time term for the carriage of the goods by air. The Carrier may deny carriage of perishable goods if it is unable to guarantee their delivery before the indicated deadline. Carriage of perishable goods weighing 2 or more tons is subject to industry regulatory documents and Carrier instructions. The need of an attendant and compulsory sealing of cargo items shall be agreed with the Carrier. Live animals are accepted for carriage if Consignor has presented documents required by international agreements of RF, legal acts of RF and legislation of the country to the territory, from the territory or through the territory of which the carriage is planning to be performed. Consignor shall provide for carriage of live animals strong tare containers, transportation cages and etc. Consignor shall provide a stock of fodder and water for an occasion of unforeseen delay of aircraft enroute. Uncontaminated laboratory animals may be accepted in for passenger flights. Contaminated laboratory animals may not be accepted for carriage. Carrier may deny carriage of live animals and birds if it is unable to ensure compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation and other states. Dangerous goods include substances which in transportation, loading, offloading and storage may cause explosion, fire, damage or impairment of the aircraft and its equipment, buildings and structures, cargo and baggage at airports and on board of the aircraft, as well as injuries, poisoning, burns or exposure to radiation of persons and animals. Dangerous goods are accepted only if they are classified, indentified, packed, labeled and documented according to the requirements of international treaties of RF and legal acts of RF. Goods referred to the dangerous category may only be accepted for carriage by agreement with the Carrier and subject to confirmed reservation for entire itinerary. To exclude error in the process of acceptance dangerous goods the Carrier or its Agent General agent shall use forms of Dangerous Goods Acceptance Check-List. The original is attached to the Air waybill and a copy is kept by the Carrier. Consignor of dangerous goods or its Agent General agent shall before checking in such goods present to a Carrier official a duly filled out and signed form of Consignor Declaration for Dangerous Goods and also Consignor Certificate or Passport for Dangerous Goods. The Company official makes decision on acceptance or denial of acceptance the dangerous goods for carriage and notifies the Consignor or its agent in accordance with Carrier rules. Consignor may check in for carriage by air with declared value any goods except perishable, dangerous, carried in custody of attendants from the Consignor Consignee. The amount of declared value of cargo shall not exceed its actual value and shall be confirmed by the Consignor with attachment of invoices, price-lists or other documents to the air waybill. In the absence of required proof of declared value the Carrier General agent may deny the carriage of the valuable cargo. Minimum dimensions of valuable cargo: For dispatch of cargo with declared value the Consignor shall provide the Carrier or its Agent with: In execution of Air waybill cargo items in standard package with identical declared values may be entered as a total number of items with total weight and total aggregate declared value. If checked in are items with identical declared values but in different packages and items with different amounts of declared value each item is entered in a separate line of Air waybill with the indication of weight and declared value. Package of cargo items checked in for carriage with declared value shall be sealed by the Consignor. The seals shall be standard with clear imprints of digits or characters. It is forbidden to execute cargo with declared value and cargo without declared value with a single Air waybill. It is forbidden to detach cargo items with declared value from the main batch and dispatch them under extra cargo receipts statements. Carriage of Human Kidney. Transplant human kidney with immunological tissue sample separately is packed in igelite bag with ice and inserted into a plastic container. Container maximum dimensions are 40cm х 20cm х 20cm and maximum gross weight no more than 2 kg. Acceptance of kidney container for air carriage is only performed at the airport by the Carrier or Handling Company to be advised in advance by a hospital or another competent medical institution that the kidney container will be carried by a specific Carrier flight. A kidney container is delivered to Pilot in command for carriage who will be in charge of it during the entire flight. If the airport of departure is closed or the flight is cancelled for whatever reason the Carrier shall forthwith advise the hospital or another competent medical institution. In such case the kidney container shall be returned as quickly as possible from the airport to the medical institution. In case of unscheduled landing at an airport the Carrier shall forthwith advise the airport of destination. The airport of destination shall advise the medical institution of the unscheduled landing of the aircraft carrying the kidney container. The Carrier is not liable for break of airtightness of the package container if it has occurred for reason beyond its control. Nor is the Carrier liable for spoilage or change of the quality of the container content as a result of a change of atmospheric pressure, temperature or other factors dependent on flight conditions. Accepted for carriage by air are deceased in coffins, burial urns and animal remains in boxes meeting the requirements of safety and sanitary standards. Carriage by air of human remains is performed subject to production by Consignor of a death certificate issued by Civil Registry Office. Carriage of animal remains is performed subject to production by Consignor of a veterinary authority certificate. Carriage of coffins with human remains and of animal remains by passenger aircraft is only permitted in baggage and cargo compartments isolated from passengers. Carriage of coffins with human remains and of animal remains in passenger cabin is forbidden. Carriage of coffins with human remains animal remains is charged under the rules of Carrier tariff application. Cargo is subject to transfer carriage are only accepted for transfer carriage following agreement of carriage in principle by all airlines taking part in carriage and reload airports. Carriage capacity shall be reserved for the entire itinerary. The Carrier or Agent General agent in accepting transfer cargo for carriage executes an Air waybill indicating transfer airports. The Carrier shall deliver transfer cargo to the airport of reloading well in advance of departure of aircraft on connection flight to permit all administrative formalities and procedures for transfer of cargo from one aircraft to another. International air carriage of transfer cargo is performed subject to the requirements of public authorities of the states crossed by such carriage. Transfer cargo arriving at the airport of reloading in package unable to ensure its safekeeping for further carriage shall be repacked by the Carrier transferring the cargo. Further carriage of transfer cargo is only performed following correction of package defect and damage report has to be issued and attached to the carriage document. Transfer cargo, mail and survival kits of the aircraft are subject to compulsory pre-flight check in intermediate airports before they are mixed up with checked cargo, mail and survival kits of the aircraft for which such point of carriage is initial. Carriage of cargo is deemed completed following the issuance of the cargo to Consignee in accordance with the conditions indicated in the Air waybill. The Carrier provides with its resources or resources of third parties notification of Consignee about arrival of cargo to its address within 12 hours of the arrival of the aircraft at the point of destination if other is not specified in air carriage agreement. Consignee shall timely accept and pick up the cargo delivered to his address. Cargo is issued at the point of destination to Consignee or its authorized person referred to in the Air waybill. In the issuance of cargo the Carrier shall at the request of Consignee verify the number of items and weight of delivered cargo and indicate such weight in the Air waybill. If any damage of package or seals of the Consignor is identified that might affect the condition of cargo the Carrier shall in the presence of Consignee open and check the cargo of damaged packages against packing lists, invoices and Consignor documents. Cargo is given to Consignee based on and according to information indicated in Air waybill. In case when the actual name of cargo, its weight, and number of pieces is different than information indicated in Air waybill, damage, spoilage of cargo, or finding cargo without transportation documents or transportation documents without cargo the commercial act has to be drawn up. Consignee may refuse to receive damaged or spoilt cargo if it is established that the quality of cargo has changed to an extent precluding its full or partial usage with the original purpose. Consignee shall pay any charges or duties due from him including payments non-recovered from the Consignor at acceptance of cargo for carriage, and accept cargo from the Carrier or Handling Company. The amount of duties and charges is established by the Carrier. If Consignee has not claimed arrived cargo during 3 days period starting from the day following from the day the notice about arrival of cargo to his address was sent or during the period established by Carrier rules or by contract of air carriage of cargo or has refused to accept it, Carrier or Handling Company shall inform the Consignor about this and leave the cargo for storage at the expenses of Consignor. If Consignee failed to reclaim delivered cargo within ten days of sending a notice of cargo arrival to its address the Carrier notifies Consignee of the need to receive the cargo. If on the expiry of ten days from the day of forwarding notice on the need to receive cargo the cargo is not reclaimed or Consignee refused to accept it the Carrier shall advise Consignor of failure to deliver the cargo. Such notice contains warning of possible disposal or destruction of the cargo in the absence of Consignor instructions within the term indicated in the notice. In the absence of Consignor instructions within thirty days of forwarding a non-delivery notice or if compliance with instructions given is impossible, cargo is recognized as unclaimed and may be sold or destroyed in due course. Cargo unclaimed after deadline provided by the Carrier or contract of air carriage of cargo is deemed unclaimed and is disposed of in the order and in time provided by the laws of the Russian Federation. The Carrier or Handling Company may dispose cargo without waiting for Consignor decision if delay of cargo disposal may cause its damage or complete unusability for purpose. The Carrier shall advise Consignor and Consignee of disposal of such cargo. Consignor instructions related to carriage of cargo are binding except as such instruction may damage the carrier or other people. If Consignor instruction is impossible to comply with the carrier may refuse to fulfill such instruction and shall forthwith advise Consignor to that effect. Cargo is disposed of subject to original Air waybill being produced to the carrier. Any Consignor instructions concerning disposal of cargo shall be executed in writing. Expenses of cargo disposal shall be reimbursed by Consignor except as such disposal is a result of violation of contract of air carriage by the Carrier. Consignor may dispose of cargo before the cargo is received by Consignee or Consignee performs acts evidencing its claim for the cargo. If Consignee fails to accept the cargo or if it is impossible to issue cargo to Consignee the Consignor shall dispose the cargo. The Carrier is not responsible for availability, reliability and proper execution of documents produced at air carriage of passenger, baggage or cargo issued by competent public authorities. Carrier may deny air carriage of passenger, baggage or cargo if documents for such carriage as produced by passenger or Consignor are incomplete or executed improperly. The Carrier is not liable for passenger being late for a flight due to passage of border, customs, sanitary, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary or other types of control. If competent public authorities oblige the Carrier to return a passenger denied entry to the country of destination, transfer or transit to the airport of departure or another airport, the passenger or the organization that has executed passenger invitation shall reimburse the Carrier for any expenses incurred in connection with such carriage. Passenger shall also reimburse the Carrier for other expenses penalty, pledge incurred by the Carrier due to denial of entry to the country of destination, transfer or transit. The Carrier may claim damages and turn to payment of respective tariff and reimbursement of all expenses related to the deportation of such passenger by requirement of competent authorities any amounts paid by a passenger or organization sending such Passenger, for unused service or any other amounts paid by the passenger or the organization that paid for the ticket remaining at the disposal of the Carrier. Aircraft passenger is subject to mandatory individual insurance for accidents for the period of air carriage. Mandatory personal liability insurance against harm to the health and life of aircraft passenger and against loss, shortage or damage spoilage of baggage or passenger items is processed by the Carrier. Mandatory personal insurance of aircraft passengers is performed under contracts between the Carrier and an insurer licensed for such type of mandatory insurance concluded in the order and on the conditions provided by the laws of the Russian Federation. Amount of insurance premium is included in the cost of Passenger Ticket and charged to passenger when carriage document is bought. Aircraft passenger who has the right of carriage free of charge by air transport of the Russian Federation is subject to mandatory personal accident insurance without payment of premium. Amount insured per aircraft passenger provided by the contract of passenger life and health insurance is set at no less than provided by federal law at the date of Passenger Ticket acquisition. Amount insured provided by a contract of checked in baggage insurance is set at no less than provided by federal law per kilo of baggage weight. Amount insured provided by a contract of insurance of passenger accompanied items is set at no less than provided by federal law. Amount insured under passenger mandatory personal insurance scheme is paid in occurrence of insurance event notwithstanding payment of cash amounts to insured persons or their heirs related to the same event on other grounds provided by the laws of the Russian Federation. The Carrier shall draw up a report of any accident with insured passenger in air carriage, the first copy of which is delivered to the ensured person, his representative or heirs. The Carrier shall also in a written request of insurer forward to it a copy of the said report within 20 days of request receipt. The Carrier shall insure liability to Consignor cargo owner for loss, shortage or damage spoilage of cargo for insured amount no less than two minimal amounts of labor remuneration set by federal law at the time of Air waybill issuance per kilo of cargo. Refund of amounts under unused carriage document is affected within the term of the carriage document unless otherwise stipulated by the rules of Carrier tariff application. The Carrier only makes refunds at the production of the carriage document issued by the Carrier or its Authorized agent General agent at the location of carriage payment. Refund of amounts against Tickets acquired on Carrier web-site is affected at Carrier Offices if any or through Carrier Internet web-site if technically feasible. Amounts are refunded against unused carriage document to the person referred to in such documents or the person that has paid for that carriage, at the production of a document evidencing such payment and a document identifying a person and its right to receive such sums notarized power of attorney for natural persons, or power of attorney certified by authorized body of legal person for representatives of legal persons , or an empowered person at the production of ID and a document evidencing entitlement to receipt of such amounts. Refund under unused partially used paper carriage document is only effected against a passenger coupon and unused Passenger Ticket flight coupons produced to the Carrier or its authorized agent, as well as MCO, EMD, excess baggage ticket, miscellaneous charge receipt and copies of Air waybill. Refund under unused partially used electronic ticket is affected against documents of personal identification the details of which were used in drawing up the electronic ticket. Amount of sums for refund under unused carriage document is defined by rules of carrier tariff application rules. Money for unperformed carriage is refunded at the location of Ticket acquisition in the currency and form of payment used for carriage processing under the Carrier rules of tariff application and conditions of contract of carriage, unless otherwise provided by Carrier internal rules and technologies of refund. Refund of the sum which was paid for carriage performed under the Charter of Aircraft Contract is performed by the party to whom payment for carriage was made under the Charter of Aircraft Contract according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. Rights of carrier, passenger and consignor, termination of air carriage agreement. The Carrier may without advance notice cancel, delay or postpone aircraft departure till another time, alter scheduled planned service itinerary and change the point of landing if such acts are required to ensure flight safety and aviation security, and at request of public authorities within their competence. The Carrier may unilaterally terminate contract of air carriage of passenger or contract of air carriage of cargo in the following cases:. If the Carrier initiates termination of contract of air carriage of passenger or contract of air carriage of cargo passenger, Cargo Owner or Consignor is refunded the amount paid for unused air service under rules of Carrier tariff application, except as provided by subitem е of item 9. In case provided for by subitem f of item 9. Rights of passenger and Consignor are set out in the contract of air carriage of passenger, the contract of air carriage of cargo referred to in carriage documents and in these Rules. Passenger may unilaterally terminate contract of air carriage and voluntarily waive carriage at the airport of departure, transit or transfer with a notice to the Carrier. Passenger voluntarily waiving carriage may get a refund of the cost of earlier paid for unused air service under rules of Carrier tariff application. In case of involuntary waiver of carriage by passenger the Carrier shall dispatch the passenger cargo with his consent by next in time flight performed to the point of destination referred to in the carriage document of the passenger, or refund to the passenger the cost of air service or a part of air service for unused segment without withholding of charge. In case of involuntary waiver of carriage by passenger the carrier shall make a notation in the carriage document or issue a document to the passenger to confirm the circumstances referred to in item 9. Passenger waiver of carriage in cases not provided by item 9. Carrier, passenger, Consignor and Consignee are liable for violation of customs, currency exchange control, sanitary, quarantine or other rules under the laws of the Russian Federation. Liability of the Carrier for harm caused to the life or health of aircraft passenger in the territory of the Russian Federation is determined under the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation, unless the contract of passenger air carriage provides for a higher amount of Carrier liability, and in international air service it is determined by international treaties of the Russian Federation. Carrier Liability for Loss, Shortage or Damage Spoilage of Baggage, Cargo and Passenger Belongings. The Carrier is liable for loss, shortage or damage spoilage of baggage or cargo unless it is able to prove that they have not resulted from deliberate acts omissions of the Carrier or did not take place during air carriage. Amount of Carrier Liability for Loss, Shortage or Damage Spoilage of Baggage, Cargo or Passenger Belongings. For loss, shortage or damage spoilage of baggage, cargo or items accompanied by passenger in air carriage over the territory of the Russian Federation the Carrier is liable in the following amounts:. Value of baggage, cargo and passenger belonging is calculated on the basis of the price indicated in vendor invoice or provided by the contract, and if none, - on the basis of average price for similar goods that existed in the location where the baggage or the cargo was to be issued on the day of voluntary satisfaction of such claim or the day of adjudication if the claim was not satisfied voluntarily. For loss, shortage or damage spoilage of baggage, cargo or items accompanied by passenger in international air services the Carrier is liable under conventions regarding international air services, ICAO documents and provisions of applicable international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation. For delay of delivery of passenger, baggage or cargo to the point of destination in air carriage over the territory of the Russian Federation the Carrier is penalized in the amount of twenty five percent of the statutory minimum labor remuneration for each hour of delay but no more than fifty percent of freight charge, unless it is able to prove that the delay was caused by force-majeure events, elimination of aircraft malfunction that posed threat to life and health of aircraft passengers or other circumstances beyond the control of the Carrier. For delay of delivery of passenger, baggage or cargo to the point of destination in international air carriage the Carrier is liable under conventions regarding international air services, ICAO documents and provisions of applicable international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation. At the request of passenger, Consignor or Consignee and against carriage documents submitted by one of them the Carrier shall make out a report. Such report certifies circumstances that may serve as a ground for property liability of the Carrier, passenger, Consignor or Consignee. The report is made out at the issuance of baggage or cargo to confirm the following circumstances:. In the violation of contract of air carriage of passenger or contract of air carriage of cargo an application or claim is raised against the Carrier. Persons entitled to claim violation of contract of air carriage of passenger or contract of air carriage of cargo. The right to raise claim or suit against the Carrier for violation of a contract of air carriage of passenger belongs to:. The right to raise claim or suit against the Carrier for violation of a contract of air carriage of cargo belongs to:. Claim against the Carrier in air services over the territory of the Russian Federation may be raised within six months. The above period is calculated as follows:. Claim against the Carrier in international air service may be raised within the following terms:. The Carrier may accept for review a claim after the expiry of the set term if it recognizes the reason for delay of claim as excusable. Claim shall be submitted in writing, to the extent possible, in the state Russian language of the Russian Federation, in the form of application, and contain all data required for review. Extra Comfort Seat means a seat in the economy class cabin with an increased seat pitch. The service is provided on regular flights of the Carrier and on code-share flights of the Carrier and LLC "Globus" at airports on the territory of Russia and abroad, or, if technically feasible, through the website of the Carrier at www. Considering technical peculiarities of each aircraft model line, the number of Extra Comfort Seats and their location onboard the aircraft may differ depending on the aircraft. Passengers of this category shall be seated on specially provided seats. For flight safety reasons passengers of the following categories may not book seats next to emergency exits:. If Passengers of these categories purchase the Service seats next to the emergency exits in the aircraft cabin, their seats will be changed. The Passenger may purchase the Service and perform payment for it at sales points of Representative Offices and Authorized Agents of the Carrier located at departure airports. In addition, if technically feasible, the Passenger can purchase the Service and perform payment for it on the website of the Carrier www. After the Passenger has chosen an Extra Comfort Seat and paid for the Service, the chosen Extra Comfort Seat shall be reserved for the Passenger and an Electronic Miscellaneous Document shall be issued. Servicing of a Passenger, which has purchased the Service, at the check-in counter shall be performed on the first-come, first-served basis; it is recommended to present a printed copy of the Electronic Miscellaneous Document, received after payment for the Service. However the printed copy of the Electronic Miscellaneous Document shall not be seized at check-in, and shall remain with the Passenger. Failure to provide a printed copy of the Electronic Miscellaneous Document at check-in shall not entitle the Carrier to refuse the Service to the Passenger. Payment amount is published in booking systems and depends on the destination payment shall be charged in local currency in accordance with BSR system rate as of the payment date. In case of cancellation of the carriage the Service shall not be formalized again. If the Passenger has voluntarily cancelled the air carriage, no amounts from the sum paid for the Service shall be refunded. The Application for refund of the cost of the Service must be submitted within 2. If the cost cannot be refunded to the Passenger in the currency used for the payment, the refund shall be made in cash by conversion of the cost of the Service into the currency of the country, where such refund is made. The recalculation shall be made at the system course of the Gabriel ABS as of the day of issue of the EMD. In case of voluntary changes to transportation terms and conditions changes of route, transportation dates, etc, upon an initiative of the passenger the Carrier, if available, in case of availability of unoccupied Extra Comfort Seats at the moment of transportation documentation reissuance , shall provide the Service to the passenger on the chosen flight, if seat booking on the changed segment is cancelled 40 minutes or earlier prior to the flight departure time specified in the initial passenger ticket. Terms and definitions Baggage means attended personal belongings of passengers, transported on board an aircraft subject to agreement with the carrier. The service is provided on own flights of PJSC Siberia Airlines and code-share flights with LLC "Globus". The Service "Additional Baggage Allowance" can be purchased on the official website of the Carrier at www. An Electronic Miscellaneous Document receipt will be issued to the Passenger as a confirmation of the payment for the Service. The receipt will be sent to the email address, specified by the Passenger at the moment of the purchase. It is recommended, that the Passenger present a printed copy of the receipt during the baggage check-in for the flight at the airport. Failure to present the receipt shall not deprive them of the right to the Service. The Passenger may only use the Service "Additional Baggage Allowance" once in respect of each one flight. The Service "Additional Baggage Allowance" is valid only for the flight and date, which are specified in the receipt. Assignment of rights to the paid Service to other persons or exercise of the same on other flights shall not be allowed. During the purchase of the Service "Additional Baggage Allowance" the total baggage allowance for the Passenger, in respect of which no additional payments shall be required during the baggage check-in at the airport, shall be calculated as follows: If total baggage submitted by the Passenger for check-in at the airport is less than the total baggage allowance as set forth in clause 3. If the Passenger refuses of the Service "Additional Baggage Allowance", the Passenger shall receive the refund of the sum paid to the Carrier, less the cancellation charge determined by the Carrier as of the day of the Service documentation issuance. If total baggage submitted by the Passenger for check-in at the airport exceeds the total baggage allowance as set forth in clause 3. The sum paid to the Carrier for the Service "Additional Baggage Allowance" shall be refunded, if the Passenger refuses to take the flight specified in the receipt, if the flight specified in the receipt is cancelled, if the Passenger fails to use the ticket for the flight specified in the receipt, or if the Passenger takes a flight of another airline company in case of any flight irregularity. The Service cost shall be determined in respect of each destination and calculated as follows:. The Service cost shall be determined in roubles. If fares for excess baggage transportation are published in foreign currency, the Service cost shall be calculated in accordance with the rate as of the day of the issuance of documents for the Service. Documents for the Service cannot be reissued. In case of voluntary changes to terms and conditions of the air transportation agreement changes of transportation route, etc, upon an initiative of the Passenger the amount paid by the Passenger for the Service shall be refunded to the Passenger, and then the Passenger order the Service again in accordance with fares applicable on the day of ordering Service. In case of involuntary changes to terms and conditions of the air transportation agreement and subsequent refund of the amount paid for the Service the Service documentation can issued anew in accordance with fares applicable on the day of the initial Service documentation issuance. Agent — a natural or legal person authorized to act on behalf of the Carrier for acquisition of passengers, ticketing and selling of passenger carriages on the terms and conditions of an Agent Agreement concluded with such person. The airline shall collect a fixed fee for this Service and issue an Electronic Miscellaneous Document EMD confirming payment for the Service by the passenger. Passengers of this category shall be seated on specially provided seats for free, which enable in-flight supervision of children. Since some of the seats are located in emergency exit rows, for flight safety purposes there are limitations to the Service provision advance booking of emergency exit seats to the following categories of passengers:. For passengers travelling with infants below 2 years of age not provided with separate seats, the choice of seats shall be limited in order to ensure flight safety. Servicing of a Passenger, which has purchased the Service, at the check-in counter shall be performed on the first-come first-served basis. The Passenger is recommended to produce a printed EMD receipt received after the payment for the Service. Such printed EMD receipt shall not be seized at check-in and shall remain with the Passenger. If the Passenger cannot produce a printed EMD receipt at check-in, the Carrier still may not refuse to provide the booked seat to the Passenger, provided that he has paid for the Service. The fact of provision of Service to the Passenger shall be the fact of allocation of a specific seat to the Passenger onboard the AC after he has paid for the Service and an EMD has been issued. Above also includes the persons accompanying the passengers of the above categories, booked together with the accompanied persons, or one accompanying person booked separately with the accompanied persons. In case of voluntary cancellation of the air transportation of the Passenger, the funds paid for the Service shall not be returned. To return the fee for the Service the Passenger may apply to the point-of-purchase of the Service, to the point-of-purchase of the Representative Office of the Carrier or Authorized Agent of the Carrier, as well as to the Call Center of the Carrier in case the registration of the Service was made on the website of the Carrier, s7. The application for the return of payment for the Service shall be made within two and a half months from the date of the departure of the flight, on which the Service has been registered. The return shall be made no later than two 2 weeks after the application of the passenger, based on the results of a check carried out, subject to the proper execution of documents for a return of payment for the Service. In case of registration of the Service on the website of the Carrier, s7. Selecting a seat in the cabin at the check-in. Transportation of Unaccompanied Children under the Supervision of the Carrier. Agent — individual or legal entity entitled to act on behalf of and for the Carrier in order to attract passengers, issue documentation and sell passenger transportations on the routes of the Carrier in accordance with conditions of the Agency Agreement with the Carrier. Unaccompanied children — children aged inclusive or up to 16 at the request of parents, adoptive parents, guardians or custodians , who are travelling without parents, adoptive parents, guardians, or custodians, and are not accompanied by any other passengers. Representative of the unaccompanied child — lawful representatives of the child: The service is provided only on direct and transit scheduled flights of the Carrier and on the code-share flights, where the actual carrier is the Globus, LLC GH. Children between 5 and 16 years of age may be transported unaccompanied. The issuance of the ticket for unaccompanied children between the ages of 5 and 11 shall be made in accordance with the published airfares with a child discount, applied in accordance with the rules for the application of the airfare. The age of a child shall be determined on the date of the commencement of the transportation from the starting departure point, specified in the ticket unless otherwise specified by the rules of the airfare application and the Regulations of the Carrier. The issuance of the ticket for unaccompanied children between 12 and 16 years of age shall be made in accordance with the published airfares without a child discount. The age of a child shall be determined on the date of the commencement of the transportation from the starting departure point, specified in the ticket. The payment shall be made to the EMD of the Carrier. The payment for the Service shall be made at the sales offices of the Representative Offices of the Carrier, at the offices of Authorized Agents of the Carrier, and at the Call Center of the Carrier. The Service may only be provided after payment for the transportation costs and subject to the existence of a confirmed request for the transportation of an unaccompanied child. Supervision of the unaccompanied child by the assigned cabin crew member and additional support during the flight as follows:. Charges for the Service are available in the booking system and depend on the flight direction. The Service shall be charged for in the currency of the payment. For airfares that are published in currency other than the payment currency, the currency exchange rate BSR , that is published in the booking system on the payment date, shall be used. The Agents of the Carrier may charge the agency fees for the ordering of the Service. Baggage and carry-on baggage shall be processed according to the terms of the airfare, which was selected when issuing the ticket for the unaccompanied child. This small bag or a backpack shall not be presented for weighing at the passenger check-in, shall not be subject to the registration and shall not be tagged. Representatives of the unaccompanied child must be sure that the child can take the necessary medication on his own. The Carrier shall not bear any responsibility for ensuring that the unaccompanied child receives medication, because the airline staff lacks necessary qualifications, skills, and expertise, as well as has no authority to administer the medication and to verify whether they are administered correctly. The Carrier shall also not bear any responsibility for possible damage to the child caused by the child not taking the medicine or taking it improperly. After checking-in, registration of the baggage and issuance of the Statement at the agreed time, the representatives of the unaccompanied child shall transfer the child under signed receipt to the responsible employee the employee of the airline or servicing company designated by the Carrier. Accompanying persons must remain at the airport until the departure of the aircraft until they have received the confirmation from the responsible employee on the departure of the child. In case of the delay or cancellation of the flight, the representatives of the unaccompanied child must take the child from the responsible employee and take care of him until the flight departure. After arrival at the airport of destination, the representatives of the unaccompanied child shall be required to ensure that the child is met by the person specified in the statement. The receiving representatives of the unaccompanied child must produce identification document. The transfer of the child to the receiving representative of the unaccompanied child shall be made under signed receipt in the Statement. The receiving representative of the unaccompanied child shall be required to check the documents of the child, which were transferred for the duration of the flight, and to verify that the baggage of the child is received in full and without damage. In such case, the supervision and escort of the unaccompanied child at the airport of the landing shall be carried out by the appointed employee of the Carrier. The Carrier shall inform the representatives of the unaccompanied child about the landing made at the alternate aerodrome and provide information as it becomes available when the unaccompanied child can be received at the airport of destination. The reorder of the Service with the changes to conditions of transportation is allowed if the seat on the modified flight segment has been revoked not less than 40 minutes before the flight, and the Carrier has confirmed the provision of the Service under new conditions of transportation. In case of the no-show of the passenger the unaccompanied child , the service shall be deemed to be adequately provided. If a passenger a representative of the unaccompanied child voluntarily cancels the air transportation or the Service alone, the refund of money paid for the Service shall be made if such cancellation of transportation or service happened prior to the end of the flight check-in not later than 40 minutes prior to the flight. If the cancellation of transportation or Service happens after the flight check-in, the payment for the Service shall not be refunded. To make a voluntary refund of the Service, the representative of the passenger the unaccompanied child shall contact the place where he ordered the Service. The passenger shall be required to fill out a Service Refund Request. The application of a Service Refund Request must be made within two and a half months from the date of the departure of the flight, for which the service is ordered. The representative of the passenger the unaccompanied child shall also be obliged to provide proof of his authority to cancel the service kinship confirmation, power of attorney. The representative of the passenger the unaccompanied child may apply for a forced refund of the Service at the place of the ordering of the Service, at the Representative Office, at the Office of the Authorized Agent or at a Call Center of the Carrier. The documents for refund are processed in order described in paragraph 4. If the ticket purchase and the payment for the Service are made at the same Agent, the refund of the money paid for the ticket and the Service shall be performed at the same time. The refund of the payment for the Service is made after checking the status of the ticket to see whether it was used to make a flight. The refund shall be carried out not later than two 2 weeks after the application of the representative of the passenger the unaccompanied child based on the results of the inspection provided there was a proper issuance of the documents for the Service refund. If there is no possibility to make a refund of the Service to the passenger in the currency of payment, the refund shall be made in cash by converting the cost of the Service into the currency of the country where the return is made. The recalculation is performed based on the exchange rate of the booking system on the date of issuing of the EMD. Agent — natural or a legal person authorized to act for and on behalf of the Carrier to attract passengers, to register passengers and conduct passenger sales on the lines of the Carrier on the terms of the Agency Agreement, concluded with this Agent. Special food ration— a set of meals offered to passengers on board the aircraft, that differ from those offered in the standard menus from a dietary standpoint. Authorized agent — the Agent of the Carrier, authorized by a special document to carry out additional passenger service actions, including, but not limited to, actions to claim refunds and the carrying out of other service functions. Passengers traveling with a child under 2, who does not occupy a seat, and ordering baby meal BBML will be provided with a standard food ration for an adult , and an additional set of meals for the baby. Special food ration booked by at the stated time, confirmed by the Carrier and paid for by the passenger, is given directly to the passenger on board the aircraft. The provision of the Service will be considered carried out as soon as the passenger is provided with the special food ration, which differs from the standard food ration, on board the aircraft. The charge amount is published in the booking system, in the List of charges for service and additional operations of Siberia Airlines, PJSC and depends on the type of special food ration. The payment is charged in local currency at the exchange rate, published in the booking system on the day of the payment. Agents of the Carrier may charge agency fees in addition to the Service fee. Re-registration of the Service is not possible when refusing the transportation services. In a case of voluntary refusal of the Passenger to use the air transportation services, refund of the money paid for the Service shall be made only if the Service has been cancelled in the period longer than it is required for preparation of the Service:. Forced refund of Service fee shall be made in cases of forced refusal of the passenger to use the transportation services, provided by the Rules of the air transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo of Siberia Airlines, PJSC, in the event of unilateral termination by the Carrier of the Passenger air transportation agreement in accordance with Art. If a passenger made the flight for which the provision of the Service was paid for, in case of failure to provide the Service on board the aircraft the refund of the Service is made only by means of the appeal of the passenger to the Claim Settlement Commission of Siberia Airlines, PJSC. In case of a forced transfer of the passenger to another flight, the Carrier reserves the right to refuse to provide the Service if it is found impossible to offer a special ration on board the newly chosen flight. The refund of Service fee in the event of a forced transfer of the passenger to another flight is made in full for sections, for which the Service has not been provided. Guidelines on the protection of aircraft ground icing. Reference material on evacuation Download. Reference material on evacuation part 1 Download. Reference material on evacuation part 2 Download. Scheme of rescue marking Download. Restrictions on transporting liquids in hand luggage. New security rules have been adopted to protect passengers from the use of liquid explosives. These rules apply to flights departing from all airports located in the EC member countries, China, Korea, Thailand, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, Moldova and other countries. The rules came into effect on the territory of the Russian Federation on the 27 th of August , and apply to all passengers departing from Russian airports. Please read these rules and take them into consideration when preparing for your trip. Passengers can still transport certain liquids in checked-in baggage: Containers of liquid must be carried in a re-sealable, transparent plastic bag of maximum 1 litre total volume. The requirement for transparent plastic packaging does not apply to medicines and certain food products which might be needed during the flight. Containers of liquid must be transported in a re-sealable, transparent plastic bag, the volume of which cannot exceed 1 litre. These restrictions apply to all types of liquids, gels, lotions, perfume, creams, toothpastes, liquid cosmetics, etc. If your route includes a connection flight, please remember that these rules will apply to you at the transfer airport. Duty free purchases may be taken onboard only in sealed plastic bags. Additionally you must save the sales receipt definitely confirming that the purchase was made at the airport duty free stores or onboard the airliner on the day s of the trip. Bags are sealed immediately at the place of purchase. In the USA special rules for duty free purchases transportation apply. You can get all the necessary information at these stores. The subjects forbidden for transportation in luggage and hand luggage. For safety reasons the international rules forbid transportation of the following subjects and substances in the registered luggage and hand luggage. We pay your attention that for certain flights more strict requirements can be established. Besides, it is necessary to observe the rules operating in the concrete countries. Rules of entry into and exit from the Russian Federation. Exit from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation shall be in accordance with laws of the Russian Federation, particularly but not exceptionally in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. Full text of this law is available here. Below you can read extracts from the abovementioned law. Exit from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation shall be performed upon presentation of a valid document confirming the identity of citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation. Upon exit from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation foreign citizens and persons without citizenship shall present valid documents confirming their identity and accepted in the Russian Federation, and visas, unless otherwise is provided by laws of the Russian Federation. Foreign citizens and persons without citizenship shall be entitled to a transit passage via the territory of the Russian Federation without a visa subject to the following conditions:. Transportation company passenger carrier shall be responsible for control of visas and other permissions for entry into a foreign state, unless otherwise is provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation. Upon exit from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation foreign citizens having residence permit on the territory of the Russian Federation shall present valid documents confirming their identity and accepted in the Russian Federation, and residence permit. The right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to exit from the Russian Federation may be temporary limited in the following cases:. Entry into the Russian Federation may be denied to a foreign citizen or a person without citizenship in the following cases:. Entry into the Russian Federation shall be denied to a foreign citizen or a person without citizenship in the following cases:. The right of a foreign citizen or person without citizenship to exit from the Russian Federation may be temporary limited in the following cases:. Subscribe to our newsletter and get the latest offers and news. 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Conditions of carriage General terms and conditions of air carriage agreement. General terms and conditions of passenger air carriage agreement with Siberia Airlines These Terms and Conditions 1 - must be reviewed by the passenger before making a purchase of a ticket for a flight operated by Siberia Airlines, Globus LLC or partner airlines; - are fully incorporated by reference into the agreement on air carriage of a passenger, buying the ticket for a flight operated by Siberia Airlines or flight operated by other carriers under corresponding contractual relations with the Carrier hereinafter respectively referred to as the "Air Carriage Agreement", "Passenger", "Carrier", "Actual Carrier" and "Purchase" , and are subject to implementation and compliance by the Passenger and the Carrier as if they formed an integral part of the same document referred to as the Air Carriage Agreement. For the purpose of the present Terms and Conditions of Carriage, the moment of Purchase will be considered to be, as applicable: In case of payment for the Carriage immediately after booking: In case of deferred payment for previously booked Carriage: Those Passengers who need to contact with the Carrier in respect of such questions as capacity booking or persons buying the Carriage for such Passengers in view of the special carriage conditions for such passengers shall notify the Carrier on their special conditions in the following order: When making an E-Purchase or deferred payment for a previously booked Carriage, the Passenger shall notify the Carrier by calling its call center number: Passenger ticket collection guidance: The Passenger can receive a passenger ticket purchased via the website or call-center as follows: If the data provided by the Passenger at this website do not correspond to the actual passport data of the passenger who collects the particular passenger ticket, the Carrier has the right to refuse in issuing of the passenger ticket to the Passenger, in which case the non-receipt of a ticket will be considered to be the fault of the Passenger After the Air Carriage Agreement is executed, the Passenger may change or cancel the booking at any time subject to the conditions of the Fare selected by the Passenger. If the Passenger fails to meet the passport and visa requirements under the laws of the Russian Federation or any other applicable law in due time which prevents the Carrier from proper performance of its obligations to provide the international Passenger Carriage, such failure will be considered by the present Conditions as the Passenger unilateral withdrawal from the Air Carriage Agreement and a legal basis for the Carrier to withhold the amounts specified in the first indention of this clause 2. In case of no show i. SUBJECT OF CONTRACT 1. When the cargo is delivered, the Carrier shall inform the Consignee in due time. DANGEROUS CARGO AND WEAPON TRANSPORTATION 4. COST OF CARRIAGE 5. Cost of air transportation of cargo Cost of carriage includes the following: Charge for air waybill. Cost of carriage may additionally include: Taxes and other applicable charges. The Shipper shall purchase cargo transportation via authorised cargo sales agents. For loss of, lack of or damage to the cargo taken for domestic transportation with a declared value - at the rate of the declared value. For loss of, lack of or damage to the cargo taken for domestic transportation without a declared value - at the rate of actual cost of the cargo, but not exceeding TERMINATION OF CONTRACT OF CARRIAGE The Carrier may unilaterally terminate the Contract of Carriage by notice to the Shipper in the following cases: Rules of carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo. Heavy cargo — cargo with the weight of a single piece more than 80 kg. Cargo terminal — an area of structures intended for cargo handling. International air carriage — carriage whereby the point of departure and the point of destination are located: ASS — aviation security service. Relationships with Law 1. Rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Parties that ensue from a contract of air carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo are regulated by: Revision of Rules 1. Conditions of air carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo 2. Contract of Air Carriage of Passengers and Cargo 2. Scheduled and Charter Air Services 2. A published aircraft flight schedule shall include the following data for every scheduled flight: Aircraft flight schedule may also contain other information. Route of Carriage, Change of Route, Date and Time of Departure 2. Provision of Services and Information 2. The Carrier or the Handling Company at the airport provides the following services for no extra charge: The Carrier or the Handling Company provides the following information at airports of carriage: Reservation of Carriage Capacity on Aircraft 2. The reservation of carriage capacity for cargo will be cancelled without notice to Consignor in the following cases: Information on Passenger, Baggage and Cargo 2. Special conditions of carriage capacity reservation to be agreed to by the Carrier include the carriage of: Under the personal information in context of these Rules understands: Tariffs, Taxes, Charges and Discounts 2.
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