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Created February 22, 2019 22:27
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  • Save bdekoz/587d254b0a2fb25081123969ac59ecf9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bdekoz/587d254b0a2fb25081123969ac59ecf9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
browsertime hacks #4
# Invoke like `env ANDROID_SERIAL=... bash -n 3 -vv`.
# : EXTERNAL ${EXTERNAL:=/mnt/sdcard}
: TMP ${TMP:=/tmp}
+ : TMP /tmp
: RESULT_TOP_DIR ${RESULT_TOP_DIR:=browsertime-results}
+ : RESULT_TOP_DIR browsertime-results
: TURBO ${TURBO:=true false}
+ : TURBO true false
: BROWSER ${BROWSER:=firefox chrome}
+ : BROWSER firefox chrome
URL=${@: -1}
+ URL=-vv
+ URL=-vv
# N.B.: yargs doesn't parse ` --ez`
# properly, so always use `=--ez`!
if [[ $BROWSER == *"firefox"* ]] ; then
for turbo in $TURBO ; do
env RUST_BACKTRACE=1 RUST_LOG=trace bin/browsertime.js \
--android \
--skipHar \
--firefox.geckodriverPath "/home/bkoz/src/" \"$ANDROID_SERIAL" \ "" \ "" \ \ \$turbo \ \ \ \"data:," \
--browser firefox \
--resultDir "$RESULT_TOP_DIR/firefox.turbo-$turbo/$URL" \
+ [[ firefox chrome == *\f\i\r\e\f\o\x* ]]
+ for turbo in $TURBO
+ env RUST_BACKTRACE=1 RUST_LOG=trace bin/browsertime.js --android --skipHar --firefox.geckodriverPath /home/bkoz/src/, --browser firefox --resultDir browsertime-results/firefox.turbo-true/-vv --preURL --preURLDelay 5000 -n 1 -vv
[2019-02-22 14:26:07] DEBUG: [browsertime] Running with options: {
"scripts": [],
"iterations": 1,
"delay": 0,
"videoParams": {
"addTimer": true,
"debug": false,
"keepOriginalVideo": false,
"filmstripFullSize": false,
"createFilmstrip": true,
"framerate": 30,
"crf": 23,
"filmstripQuality": 75,
"nice": 0
"_": [
"video-params": {
"add-timer": true,
"debug": false,
"keep-original-video": false,
"filmstrip-full-size": false,
"create-filmstrip": true,
"framerate": 30,
"crf": 23,
"filmstrip-quality": 75,
"nice": 0
"android": true,
"screenshot": false,
"pageCompleteCheckInactivity": false,
"page-complete-check-inactivity": false,
"prettyPrint": false,
"pretty-print": false,
"connectivity": {
"throttle": {
"localhost": false
"profile": "native",
"engine": "external"
"cacheClearRaw": false,
"cache-clear-raw": false,
"xvfb": false,
"headless": false,
"spa": false,
"skipHar": true,
"skip-har": true,
"firefox": {
"geckodriverPath": "/home/bkoz/src/",
"geckodriver-path": "/home/bkoz/src/",
"android": {
"deviceSerial": "",
"device-serial": "",
"package": "",
"activity": "",
"intentArgument": [
"intent-argument": [
"includeResponseBodies": "none",
"include-response-bodies": "none"
"browser": "firefox",
"b": "firefox",
"resultDir": "browsertime-results/firefox.turbo-true/-vv",
"result-dir": "browsertime-results/firefox.turbo-true/-vv",
"preURL": "",
"pre-url": "",
"preURLDelay": 5000,
"pre-url-delay": 5000,
"n": 1,
"v": 2,
"verbose": 2,
"timeouts": {
"browserStart": 60000,
"browser-start": 60000,
"pageLoad": 300000,
"page-load": 300000,
"script": 80000,
"pageCompleteCheck": 300000,
"page-complete-check": 300000
"screenshotParams": {
"type": "jpg",
"png": {
"compressionLevel": 6
"jpg": {
"quality": 80
"maxSize": 2000
"screenshot-params": {
"type": "jpg",
"png": {
"compression-level": 6
"jpg": {
"quality": 80
"max-size": 2000
"pageCompleteWaitTime": 5000,
"page-complete-wait-time": 5000,
"c": "native",
"percentiles": [
"decimals": 0,
"xvfbParams": {
"display": 99
"xvfb-params": {
"display": 99
"silent": 0,
"q": 0,
"$0": "bin/browsertime.js"
[2019-02-22 14:26:07] INFO: [browsertime] Running tests using Firefox - 1 iteration(s)
1550874367908 webdriver::command WARN You are using deprecated legacy session negotiation patterns (desiredCapabilities/requiredCapabilities), see
options: FirefoxOptions { binary: Some("/usr/bin/firefox"), profile: Some(Profile { path: "/tmp/rust_mozprofile.9wMimSdIYFyX", temp_dir: Some(TempDir { path: "/tmp/rust_mozprofile.9wMimSdIYFyX" }), prefs: None, user_prefs: None }), args: Some(["-no-remote"]), log: LogOptions { level: None }, prefs: [], android: Some(AndroidOptions { activity: Some(""), device_serial: Some(""), package: "", intent_arguments: Some(["--ez", "TURBO_MODE", "true", "-a", "android.intent.action.VIEW", "-d", "data:,"]) }) }
capabilities: {"browserName": String("firefox"), "pageLoadStrategy": String("normal")}
1550874367924 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: >> "pm clear"
1550874368995 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: << "Success\n"
1550874368995 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: >> "pm grant android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
1550874369996 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: << ""
1550874369996 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: >> "pm grant android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
1550874370917 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: << ""
1550874370925 geckodriver::marionette INFO remote_port 2829
1550874370929 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: >> "rm -rf /mnt/sdcard/geckodriver-profile"
1550874371067 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: << ""
1550874371067 geckodriver::marionette INFO Pushing /tmp/rust_mozprofile.9wMimSdIYFyX to /mnt/sdcard/geckodriver-profile
1550874371475 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: >> "am start -W -n --ez TURBO_MODE true -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d data:, --es args -profile\\ /mnt/sdcard/geckodriver-profile"
1550874373685 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: << "Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=data:, (has extras) }\nStatus: ok\nActivity:\nThisTime: 1314\nTotalTime: 1314\nWaitTime: 1326\nComplete\n"
1550874373686 geckodriver::marionette INFO Forwarding local port tcp:34269 to remote_port tcp:2829
1550874373688 geckodriver::marionette INFO handshake, timeout is None
1550874373694 geckodriver::marionette INFO Not connected, sleeping 100ms!
1550874373795 geckodriver::marionette INFO handshake, timeout is None
1550874373806 geckodriver::marionette INFO Not connected, sleeping 200ms!
1550874374006 geckodriver::marionette INFO handshake, timeout is None
1550874374028 geckodriver::marionette INFO Not connected, sleeping 400ms!
1550874374429 geckodriver::marionette INFO handshake, timeout is None
1550874374604 geckodriver::marionette INFO Not connected, sleeping 800ms!
1550874375404 geckodriver::marionette INFO handshake, timeout is None
1550874375509 geckodriver::marionette INFO Not connected, sleeping 1600ms!
1550874377110 geckodriver::marionette INFO handshake, timeout is None
[2019-02-22 14:26:17] INFO: [browsertime] Accessing preURL
[2019-02-22 14:26:18] DEBUG: [browsertime] Waiting for script pageCompleteCheck at most 300000 ms
[2019-02-22 14:26:18] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Waiting for script
return (function(waitTime) {
try {
var end = window.performance.timing.loadEventEnd;
return (end > 0) && ( > end + waitTime);
} catch(e) {
return true;
})(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
[2019-02-22 14:26:29] INFO: [browsertime.command.measure] Testing url iteration 1
[2019-02-22 14:26:30] DEBUG: [browsertime] Waiting for script pageCompleteCheck at most 300000 ms
[2019-02-22 14:26:30] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Waiting for script
return (function(waitTime) {
try {
var end = window.performance.timing.loadEventEnd;
return (end > 0) && ( > end + waitTime);
} catch(e) {
return true;
})(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime.command.measure] Collecting metrics
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script userAgent
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script windowSize
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script documentHeight
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script documentSize
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script documentTitle
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script documentWidth
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script nextHopProtocol
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script responsive
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script url
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script visualElements
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script firstPaint
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script navigationTiming
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script pageTimings
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script paintTiming
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script rumSpeedIndex
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script serverTimings
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script timeToContentfulPaint
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script timeToDomContentFlushed
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script timeToFirstInteractive
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script userTimings
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] DEBUG: [browsertime] Telling browser to quit.
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] ERROR: [browsertime] BrowserError: Only supported in Firefox
at SeleniumRunner.stop (/home/bkoz/src/browsertime-ncalexan-branch.git/lib/core/seleniumRunner.js:329:15)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] DEBUG: [browsertime] Telling browser to quit.
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] INFO: [browsertime] 0, backEndTime: 378ms, firstPaint: 712ms, DOMContentLoaded: 2.06s, Load: 2.06s, rumSpeedIndex: 378
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] INFO: [browsertime] Wrote data to browsertime-results/firefox.turbo-true/-vv
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] DEBUG: [browsertime] Stopping Browsertime
[2019-02-22 14:26:37] DEBUG: [browsertime] Stopped Browsertime
+ for turbo in $TURBO
+ env RUST_BACKTRACE=1 RUST_LOG=trace bin/browsertime.js --android --skipHar --firefox.geckodriverPath /home/bkoz/src/, --browser firefox --resultDir browsertime-results/firefox.turbo-false/-vv --preURL --preURLDelay 5000 -n 1 -vv
[2019-02-22 14:26:38] DEBUG: [browsertime] Running with options: {
"scripts": [],
"iterations": 1,
"delay": 0,
"videoParams": {
"addTimer": true,
"debug": false,
"keepOriginalVideo": false,
"filmstripFullSize": false,
"createFilmstrip": true,
"framerate": 30,
"crf": 23,
"filmstripQuality": 75,
"nice": 0
"_": [
"video-params": {
"add-timer": true,
"debug": false,
"keep-original-video": false,
"filmstrip-full-size": false,
"create-filmstrip": true,
"framerate": 30,
"crf": 23,
"filmstrip-quality": 75,
"nice": 0
"android": true,
"screenshot": false,
"pageCompleteCheckInactivity": false,
"page-complete-check-inactivity": false,
"prettyPrint": false,
"pretty-print": false,
"connectivity": {
"throttle": {
"localhost": false
"profile": "native",
"engine": "external"
"cacheClearRaw": false,
"cache-clear-raw": false,
"xvfb": false,
"headless": false,
"spa": false,
"skipHar": true,
"skip-har": true,
"firefox": {
"geckodriverPath": "/home/bkoz/src/",
"geckodriver-path": "/home/bkoz/src/",
"android": {
"deviceSerial": "",
"device-serial": "",
"package": "",
"activity": "",
"intentArgument": [
"intent-argument": [
"includeResponseBodies": "none",
"include-response-bodies": "none"
"browser": "firefox",
"b": "firefox",
"resultDir": "browsertime-results/firefox.turbo-false/-vv",
"result-dir": "browsertime-results/firefox.turbo-false/-vv",
"preURL": "",
"pre-url": "",
"preURLDelay": 5000,
"pre-url-delay": 5000,
"n": 1,
"v": 2,
"verbose": 2,
"timeouts": {
"browserStart": 60000,
"browser-start": 60000,
"pageLoad": 300000,
"page-load": 300000,
"script": 80000,
"pageCompleteCheck": 300000,
"page-complete-check": 300000
"screenshotParams": {
"type": "jpg",
"png": {
"compressionLevel": 6
"jpg": {
"quality": 80
"maxSize": 2000
"screenshot-params": {
"type": "jpg",
"png": {
"compression-level": 6
"jpg": {
"quality": 80
"max-size": 2000
"pageCompleteWaitTime": 5000,
"page-complete-wait-time": 5000,
"c": "native",
"percentiles": [
"decimals": 0,
"xvfbParams": {
"display": 99
"xvfb-params": {
"display": 99
"silent": 0,
"q": 0,
"$0": "bin/browsertime.js"
[2019-02-22 14:26:38] INFO: [browsertime] Running tests using Firefox - 1 iteration(s)
1550874398327 webdriver::command WARN You are using deprecated legacy session negotiation patterns (desiredCapabilities/requiredCapabilities), see
options: FirefoxOptions { binary: Some("/usr/bin/firefox"), profile: Some(Profile { path: "/tmp/rust_mozprofile.1vlzv8tFwmrh", temp_dir: Some(TempDir { path: "/tmp/rust_mozprofile.1vlzv8tFwmrh" }), prefs: None, user_prefs: None }), args: Some(["-no-remote"]), log: LogOptions { level: None }, prefs: [], android: Some(AndroidOptions { activity: Some(""), device_serial: Some(""), package: "", intent_arguments: Some(["--ez", "TURBO_MODE", "false", "-a", "android.intent.action.VIEW", "-d", "data:,"]) }) }
capabilities: {"browserName": String("firefox"), "pageLoadStrategy": String("normal")}
1550874398341 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: >> "pm clear"
1550874399490 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: << "Success\n"
1550874399491 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: >> "pm grant android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
1550874400510 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: << ""
1550874400510 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: >> "pm grant android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
1550874401433 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: << ""
1550874401439 geckodriver::marionette INFO remote_port 2829
1550874401443 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: >> "rm -rf /mnt/sdcard/geckodriver-profile"
1550874401517 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: << ""
1550874401517 geckodriver::marionette INFO Pushing /tmp/rust_mozprofile.1vlzv8tFwmrh to /mnt/sdcard/geckodriver-profile
1550874401863 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: >> "am start -W -n --ez TURBO_MODE false -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d data:, --es args -profile\\ /mnt/sdcard/geckodriver-profile"
1550874404066 mozdevice INFO execute_host_shell_command: << "Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=data:, (has extras) }\nStatus: ok\nActivity:\nThisTime: 1311\nTotalTime: 1311\nWaitTime: 1322\nComplete\n"
1550874404066 geckodriver::marionette INFO Forwarding local port tcp:33727 to remote_port tcp:2829
1550874404068 geckodriver::marionette INFO handshake, timeout is None
1550874404073 geckodriver::marionette INFO Not connected, sleeping 100ms!
1550874404173 geckodriver::marionette INFO handshake, timeout is None
1550874404180 geckodriver::marionette INFO Not connected, sleeping 200ms!
1550874404380 geckodriver::marionette INFO handshake, timeout is None
1550874404393 geckodriver::marionette INFO Not connected, sleeping 400ms!
1550874404793 geckodriver::marionette INFO handshake, timeout is None
1550874404817 geckodriver::marionette INFO Not connected, sleeping 800ms!
1550874405617 geckodriver::marionette INFO handshake, timeout is None
1550874405835 geckodriver::marionette INFO Not connected, sleeping 1600ms!
1550874407436 geckodriver::marionette INFO handshake, timeout is None
[2019-02-22 14:26:47] INFO: [browsertime] Accessing preURL
[2019-02-22 14:26:48] DEBUG: [browsertime] Waiting for script pageCompleteCheck at most 300000 ms
[2019-02-22 14:26:48] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Waiting for script
return (function(waitTime) {
try {
var end = window.performance.timing.loadEventEnd;
return (end > 0) && ( > end + waitTime);
} catch(e) {
return true;
})(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
[2019-02-22 14:26:59] INFO: [browsertime.command.measure] Testing url iteration 1
[2019-02-22 14:27:00] DEBUG: [browsertime] Waiting for script pageCompleteCheck at most 300000 ms
[2019-02-22 14:27:00] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Waiting for script
return (function(waitTime) {
try {
var end = window.performance.timing.loadEventEnd;
return (end > 0) && ( > end + waitTime);
} catch(e) {
return true;
})(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime.command.measure] Collecting metrics
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script userAgent
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script windowSize
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script documentHeight
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script documentSize
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script documentTitle
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script documentWidth
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script nextHopProtocol
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script responsive
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script url
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script visualElements
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script firstPaint
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script navigationTiming
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script pageTimings
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script paintTiming
[2019-02-22 14:27:07] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script rumSpeedIndex
[2019-02-22 14:27:08] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script serverTimings
[2019-02-22 14:27:08] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script timeToContentfulPaint
[2019-02-22 14:27:08] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script timeToDomContentFlushed
[2019-02-22 14:27:08] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script timeToFirstInteractive
[2019-02-22 14:27:08] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Executing script userTimings
[2019-02-22 14:27:08] DEBUG: [browsertime] Telling browser to quit.
[2019-02-22 14:27:08] ERROR: [browsertime] BrowserError: Only supported in Firefox
at SeleniumRunner.stop (/home/bkoz/src/browsertime-ncalexan-branch.git/lib/core/seleniumRunner.js:329:15)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
[2019-02-22 14:27:08] DEBUG: [browsertime] Telling browser to quit.
[2019-02-22 14:27:08] INFO: [browsertime] 0, backEndTime: 488ms, firstPaint: 843ms, DOMContentLoaded: 2.21s, Load: 2.21s, rumSpeedIndex: 488
[2019-02-22 14:27:08] INFO: [browsertime] Wrote data to browsertime-results/firefox.turbo-false/-vv
[2019-02-22 14:27:08] DEBUG: [browsertime] Stopping Browsertime
[2019-02-22 14:27:08] DEBUG: [browsertime] Stopped Browsertime
# N.B.: chromedriver doesn't have an official way to pass intent
# arguments, but it does have an unsanitized injection at
if [[ $BROWSER == *"chrome"* ]] ; then
for turbo in $TURBO ; do
bin/browsertime.js \
--android \
--skipHar \
--chrome.chromedriverPath "/home/bkoz/src/chromedriver" \"$ANDROID_SERIAL" \ "" \" --ez TURBO_MODE false -a android.intent.action.VIEW" \
--browser chrome \
--resultDir "$RESULT_TOP_DIR/chrome.turbo-$turbo/$URL" \
+ [[ firefox chrome == *\c\h\r\o\m\e* ]]
+ for turbo in $TURBO
+ bin/browsertime.js --android --skipHar --chrome.chromedriverPath /home/bkoz/src/chromedriver ' --ez TURBO_MODE false -a android.intent.action.VIEW' --browser chrome --resultDir browsertime-results/chrome.turbo-true/-vv --preURL --preURLDelay 5000 -n 1 -vv
[2019-02-22 14:27:08] DEBUG: [browsertime] Running with options: {
"scripts": [],
"iterations": 1,
"delay": 0,
"videoParams": {
"addTimer": true,
"debug": false,
"keepOriginalVideo": false,
"filmstripFullSize": false,
"createFilmstrip": true,
"framerate": 30,
"crf": 23,
"filmstripQuality": 75,
"nice": 0
"_": [
"video-params": {
"add-timer": true,
"debug": false,
"keep-original-video": false,
"filmstrip-full-size": false,
"create-filmstrip": true,
"framerate": 30,
"crf": 23,
"filmstrip-quality": 75,
"nice": 0
"android": true,
"screenshot": false,
"pageCompleteCheckInactivity": false,
"page-complete-check-inactivity": false,
"prettyPrint": false,
"pretty-print": false,
"connectivity": {
"throttle": {
"localhost": false
"profile": "native",
"engine": "external"
"cacheClearRaw": false,
"cache-clear-raw": false,
"xvfb": false,
"headless": false,
"spa": false,
"skipHar": true,
"skip-har": true,
"chrome": {
"chromedriverPath": "/home/bkoz/src/chromedriver",
"chromedriver-path": "/home/bkoz/src/chromedriver",
"android": {
"deviceSerial": "",
"device-serial": "",
"package": "",
"activity": " --ez TURBO_MODE false -a android.intent.action.VIEW"
"browser": "chrome",
"b": "chrome",
"resultDir": "browsertime-results/chrome.turbo-true/-vv",
"result-dir": "browsertime-results/chrome.turbo-true/-vv",
"preURL": "",
"pre-url": "",
"preURLDelay": 5000,
"pre-url-delay": 5000,
"n": 1,
"v": 2,
"verbose": 2,
"timeouts": {
"browserStart": 60000,
"browser-start": 60000,
"pageLoad": 300000,
"page-load": 300000,
"script": 80000,
"pageCompleteCheck": 300000,
"page-complete-check": 300000
"firefox": {
"includeResponseBodies": "none",
"include-response-bodies": "none"
"screenshotParams": {
"type": "jpg",
"png": {
"compressionLevel": 6
"jpg": {
"quality": 80
"maxSize": 2000
"screenshot-params": {
"type": "jpg",
"png": {
"compression-level": 6
"jpg": {
"quality": 80
"max-size": 2000
"pageCompleteWaitTime": 5000,
"page-complete-wait-time": 5000,
"c": "native",
"percentiles": [
"decimals": 0,
"xvfbParams": {
"display": 99
"xvfb-params": {
"display": 99
"silent": 0,
"q": 0,
"$0": "bin/browsertime.js"
[2019-02-22 14:27:08] INFO: [browsertime] Running tests using Chrome - 1 iteration(s)
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: spawn /home/bkoz/src/chromedriver EACCES
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:232:19)
at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:407:16)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
Emitted 'error' event at:
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:238:12)
at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:407:16)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
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