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Created June 14, 2012 15:40
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Save bdelacretaz/2931050 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Stanbol/Groovy/Camel experiment: dynamic enhancement chains
// This is a Stanbol/Groovy/Camel proof of concept: the goal is
// to define Stanbol content enhancement chains as flowchart-like
// structures from a script language. Intermediate results (as
// the detected language in this example) can be used to route
// the content being analyzed to different paths in the flowchart.
// Apache Camel is used as the flowchart execution engine.
// This script sets up and runs an Apache Camel context
// that includes custom components written in
// Groovy, directly in this script.
// The final goal is to allow such scripts to define
// dynamic Stanbol enhancer chains, where intermediate
// results can influence the sequence of operations
// applied to the content that's being enhanced.
// Example use cases (once this is integrated in Stanbol):
// -Run a different part of speech tagger for German
// -Run an additional domain-specific enhancement engine
// based on entities that have been identified by a generic
// engine at the beginning of the flowchart.
// -Add user-supplied components (written in groovy as
// in this script) to the enhancement chain.
// This is just a proof of concept, that runs on Sling
// as I knew how to run groovy scripts out of the box with Sling.
// We'll probably need to add a few bundles and glue
// code to Stanbol to do the same thing there.
// The is the first time I've used Camel, so I probably
// overlooked a few things, but it works.
// 1. Start the Sling Launchpad
// (found at
// 2. Install and start these two bundles, via /system/console/bundles:
// <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId>
// <artifactId>camel-core-osgi</artifactId>
// <version>2.8.1</version>
// <groupId>org.fusesource.commonman</groupId>
// <artifactId>commons-management</artifactId>
// <version>1.0</version>
// 3. Create a test node in the Sling repository:
// $ curl -u admin:admin -Fsling:resourceType=camel http://localhost:8080/camel
// 4. Upload this script so that Sling uses it for a POST with the .camel extension:
// $ curl -u admin:admin -X MKCOL http://localhost:8080/apps/camel
// $ curl -u admin:admin -T camel.POST.groovy http://localhost:8080/apps/camel/camel.POST.groovy
// 5. Enjoy, and note that our French text is processed using a slightly different chain than
// the one used to process German - that's what I meant to demonstrate, along with the ability
// to inject simple scripted components like WordCount in the pipeline.
// $ curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8080/camel.camel?text=Salut,+Le+monsieur+dans+le+train
// *** Messages received from mock://result ***
// content='Salut, Le monsieur dans le train', metadata=[words:6, length:32, language:fr]
// content='path=/camel', metadata=[words:1, length:11, something:about english, language:en]
// content='sling:resourceType=camel', metadata=[words:1, length:24, something:about english, language:en]
// content='jcr:primaryType=nt:unstructured', metadata=[words:1, length:31, something:about english, language:en]
// $ curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8080/camel.camel?text=Der+Mann+im+Zug
// *** Messages received from mock://result ***
// content='Der Mann im Zug', metadata=[words:4, length:15, etwas:ueber Deutsch, language:de]
// content='path=/camel', metadata=[words:1, length:11, something:about english, language:en]
// content='sling:resourceType=camel', metadata=[words:1, length:24, something:about english, language:en]
// content='jcr:primaryType=nt:unstructured', metadata=[words:1, length:31, something:about english, language:en]
// -Setup Stanbol so that it can run this
// -Hook up the actual Stanbol enhancement engines (or parts of them to make it easier to mix
// and match), and combine with custom Groovy components like this script does.
import org.apache.camel.Exchange
import org.apache.camel.Predicate
// This is the data that passes through our enhancement
// pipeline components: some content with metadata that's
// added by the pipeline components
class EnhancedString {
String content
Map attributes
EnhancedString(String str) {
content = str
attributes = new HashMap();
String toString() {
return "content='" + content + "', metadata=" + attributes
// Convert a String to an EnhancedString (there's probably
// a more integrated way to do this with Camel)
class EnhancedStringConverter {
public EnhancedString pipe(String str) {
return new EnhancedString(str)
// Example pipeline component: count the number of words in
// our content and add the result as metadata. I didn't want
// to go into deep semantic analysis for this example...but the
// principle is the same as Stanbol's enhancement engines
class WordCount {
public EnhancedString pipe(EnhancedString es) {
es.attributes.put("words", es.content.split(" ").length)
return es
// Another "enhancement engine" that adds the string length
class StringLength {
public EnhancedString pipe(EnhancedString es) {
es.attributes.put("length", es.content.length())
return es
// A very stupid language detector
class LanguageDetector {
public EnhancedString pipe(EnhancedString es) {
String language = "en"
if(es.content.toLowerCase().contains("mann")) {
language = "de"
} else if(es.content.toLowerCase().contains("salut")) {
language = "fr"
es.attributes.put("language", language)
return es
// Add an arbitrary attribute to our metadata, to simulate
// using different engines after the language detection
class AddAttribute {
String n
String v
AddAttribute(name, value) {
n = name
v = value
public EnhancedString pipe(EnhancedString es) {
es.attributes.put(n, v)
return es
// Camel Predicate which returns true if the detected
// language matches what we expect
class MatchLanguage implements org.apache.camel.Predicate {
String language
MatchLanguage(expectedLanguage) {
language = expectedLanguage
boolean matches(Exchange e) {
return language.equals(e.getIn().getBody().attributes.get("language"))
// Build the Camel "route" (I'd rather call it a flowchart) which
// analyzes our content
class MyRouteBuilder extends org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder {
void configure() {
// Get messages from our input and convert them to EnhancedString
.bean(new EnhancedStringConverter(), "pipe")
// Detect language
.bean(new LanguageDetector(),"pipe")
// Based on language, simulate running different engines - note
// that for French we don't run anything, as an example
.when(new MatchLanguage("de")).bean(new AddAttribute("etwas", "ueber Deutsch"), "pipe")
.when(new MatchLanguage("fr"))
.otherwise().bean(new AddAttribute("something", "about english"), "pipe")
// Run a few more common engines
.bean(new StringLength(),"pipe")
.bean(new WordCount(), "pipe")
// And send the result to output
// Camel setup boilerplate
// TODO does the context need to be stopped, and when?
mrb = new MyRouteBuilder()
ctx = new org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext()
ctx.addRoutes mrb
p = ctx.createProducerTemplate()
// Send some data to our input based on request parameters
p.sendBody "direct:input", request.getParameter("text")
// Send some Sling-supplied data...won't happen with Stanbol
// but useful for my tests
p.sendBody "direct:input", "path=" + currentNode.getPath()
props = currentNode.getProperties()
while(props.hasNext()) {
prop = props.nextProperty()
p.sendBody "direct:input", prop.getName() + "=" + prop.getValue().getString()
// Output the results to the response as plain text
pt = "mock://result"
w = response.getWriter()
w.write("*** Messages received from " + pt + " ***\n")
ctx.getEndpoint(pt).exchanges.each { ex ->
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