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bdew/ Secret

Created February 21, 2016 20:19
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// Tweak base player speed
CtClass ctMovementScheme = classPool.getCtClass("com.wurmonline.server.creatures.MovementScheme");
ctMovementScheme.getMethod("getSpeedModifier", "()F").insertAfter("if ($_>0 && this.creature.isPlayer()) {" +
" $_ = $_ * 1.1;" +
CtClass ctCreature = classPool.getCtClass("com.wurmonline.server.creatures.Creature");
// Change max weight
// 10500 is the multiplier - base is 7000
ctCreature.getMethod("getCarryingCapacityLeft", "()I").setBody("{ " +
" try {" +
" return (int)this.skills.getSkill(102).getKnowledge(0.0) * 10500 - this.carriedWeight;" +
" } catch (com.wurmonline.server.skills.NoSuchSkillException nss) {" +
" logger.log(java.util.logging.Level.WARNING, \"No strength skill for \" + this, (java.lang.Throwable)nss);" +
" return 0;" +
" }" +
ctCreature.getMethod("canCarry", "(I)Z").setBody("{ return getCarryingCapacityLeft() > $1; }");
ctCreature.getMethod("getCarryCapacityFor", "(I)I").setBody("{ return (int) getCarryingCapacityLeft() / $1; }");
// Adjust encumbered thresholds
ctCreature.getMethod("setMoveLimits", "()V").insertAfter(
"this.cantmove = this.cantmove * 1.5;" +
"this.encumbered = this.cantmove * 0.9;" +
"this.moveslow = this.cantmove * 0.75;"
// ======== VEHICLE TWEAKS
// Parameters:
// * ID of Creature or Item template
// * Base speed (not sure what unit)
// * Min height of dirt under vehicle that can be traversed (max depth for carts/mounts)
// * Max height of dirt under vehicle that can be traversed (clearance for boats)
// * Max slope
// * Wind impact (boats only)
ModVehicleBehaviours.addCreatureVehicle(64, new VehicleOverride(40f, -1.5f, 2500.0f, 0.06f)); //horse
ModVehicleBehaviours.addCreatureVehicle(83, new VehicleOverride(45f, -1.5f, 2500.0f, 0.06f)); //hellhorse
ModVehicleBehaviours.addItemVehicle(539, new VehicleOverride(1.2f, -1.5f, 2500.0f, 0.06f)); // cart
ModVehicleBehaviours.addItemVehicle(850, new VehicleOverride(1.2f, -1.5f, 2500.0f, 0.06f)); // wagon
ModVehicleBehaviours.addItemVehicle(490, new VehicleOverride(8f, -2500.0f, -0.5f, 2000.0f, (byte) 10)); // rowboat
ModVehicleBehaviours.addItemVehicle(491, new VehicleOverride(5f, -2500.0f, -0.5f, 2000.0f, (byte) 30)); // sailboat
ModVehicleBehaviours.addItemVehicle(540, new VehicleOverride(5f, -2500.0f, -0.5f, 2000.0f, (byte) 40)); // cog
ModVehicleBehaviours.addItemVehicle(541, new VehicleOverride(5f, -2500.0f, -0.5f, 2000.0f, (byte) 40)); // corbita
ModVehicleBehaviours.addItemVehicle(542, new VehicleOverride(8f, -2500.0f, -0.5f, 2000.0f, (byte) 30)); // knarr
ModVehicleBehaviours.addItemVehicle(543, new VehicleOverride(5f, -2500.0f, -0.5f, 2000.0f, (byte) 40)); // caravel
package com.wurmonline.server.behaviours;
import com.wurmonline.server.creatures.Creature;
import com.wurmonline.server.items.Item;
import net.bdew.wurm.server.ServerMod;
import org.gotti.wurmunlimited.modsupport.vehicles.ModVehicleBehaviour;
public class VehicleOverride extends ModVehicleBehaviour {
public float maxSpeed;
public float maxDepth;
public float maxHeight;
public float maxHeightDiff;
public byte windImpact;
static boolean DEBUG = false;
public VehicleOverride(float maxSpeed, float maxDepth, float maxHeight, float maxHeightDiff, byte windImpact) {
this.maxSpeed = maxSpeed;
this.maxDepth = maxDepth;
this.maxHeight = maxHeight;
this.maxHeightDiff = maxHeightDiff;
this.windImpact = windImpact;
public VehicleOverride(float maxSpeed, float maxDepth, float maxHeight, float maxHeightDiff) {
this(maxSpeed, maxDepth, maxHeight, maxHeightDiff, (byte) 0);
public void setSettingsForVehicle(Creature creature, Vehicle vehicle) {
if (DEBUG) {
ServerMod.logInfo("Applying mount mod for: " + creature.getName());
ServerMod.logInfo("maxSpeed: " + vehicle.getMaxSpeed() + " -> " + maxSpeed);
ServerMod.logInfo("maxDepth: " + vehicle.getMaxDepth() + " -> " + maxDepth);
ServerMod.logInfo("maxHeight: " + vehicle.getMaxHeight() + " -> " + maxHeight);
ServerMod.logInfo("maxHeightDiff: " + vehicle.getMaxHeightDiff() + " -> " + maxHeightDiff);
ServerMod.logInfo("windImpact: " + vehicle.getWindImpact() + " -> " + windImpact);
public void setSettingsForVehicle(Item item, Vehicle vehicle) {
if (DEBUG) {
ServerMod.logInfo("Applying vehicle mod for: " + item.getName());
ServerMod.logInfo("maxSpeed: " + vehicle.getMaxSpeed() + " -> " + maxSpeed);
ServerMod.logInfo("maxDepth: " + vehicle.getMaxDepth() + " -> " + maxDepth);
ServerMod.logInfo("maxHeight: " + vehicle.getMaxHeight() + " -> " + maxHeight);
ServerMod.logInfo("maxHeightDiff: " + vehicle.getMaxHeightDiff() + " -> " + maxHeightDiff);
ServerMod.logInfo("windImpact: " + vehicle.getWindImpact() + " -> " + windImpact);
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