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Created February 6, 2013 23:22
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A better way to deal with mapping dictionaries -> model objects
NSString *giIdKey = @"id";
NSString *giJobIdKey = @"job_id";
NSString *giPercentCompleteKey = @"percent_complete";
NSString *giPercentReservedKey = @"percent_reserved";
NSString *giGoalsKey = @"goals";
NSString *giRewardsKey = @"rewards";
@interface ESGroupIncentive()
+ (NSDictionary *)valueMap;
typedef id (^ValueConverter)(id obj);
@implementation ESGroupIncentive
+ (ESGroupIncentive *)fromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)d {
ESGroupIncentive *gi = [[ESGroupIncentive alloc] init];
NSDictionary *valueMap = [self valueMap];
NSDictionary *valueConverters = [self valueConverters];
for (NSString *key in valueMap) {
if (d[key]) {
if (valueConverters[key]) {
ValueConverter valueConverter = valueConverters[key];
id value = valueConverter(d[key]);
[gi setValue:value forKey:valueMap[key]];
} else {
[gi setValue:d[key] forKey:valueMap[key]];
return [gi autorelease];
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
ESGroupIncentive *gi = [[ESGroupIncentive allocWithZone:zone] init];
NSArray *values = [[ESGroupIncentive valueMap] allValues];
for (NSString *value in values) {
[gi setValue:[[[self valueForKey:value] copy] autorelease] forKey:value];
return gi;
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder {
NSDictionary *valueMap = [ESGroupIncentive valueMap];
for (NSString *key in valueMap) {
[aCoder encodeObject:[self valueForKey:valueMap[key]] forKey:key];
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder {
self = [super init];
NSDictionary *valueMap = [ESGroupIncentive valueMap];
for (NSString *key in valueMap) {
[self setValue:[aDecoder decodeObjectForKey:key] forKey:valueMap[key]];
return self;
+ (NSDictionary *)valueMap {
return @{giIdKey:@"_groupIncentiveId", giJobIdKey:@"_jobId", giPercentCompleteKey:@"_percentComplete",
giPercentReservedKey:@"_percentReserved", giGoalsKey:@"_goals", giRewardsKey:@"_rewards", @"date":@"_date"};
+ (NSDictionary *)valueConverters {
return @{@"date": Block_copy(^id (id obj) {
NSString *value = (NSString *)obj;
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [ESUtility utcDateFormatter];
return [formatter dateFromString:value];
- (void)dealloc {
[_groupIncentiveId release];
[_jobId release];
[_percentComplete release];
[_percentReserved release];
[_goals release];
[_rewards release];
[super dealloc];
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