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Created June 20, 2013 21:10
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Save bdkosher/5826693 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Groovy script for calculating how much space a file will consume when Base64 encoded.
* Script for calculating how much space a file will consume when Base64 encoded.
def showUsage = { ->
println '''
Usages: calcBase64.groovy [options] file
calcBase64.groovy [options] number
Options: provide as single string, e.g. 'gp' or 'pq' (with optional prefix '-')
g: use geocar's calculation formula instead of adzm's
q: quiet output--just shows the base64 number (or percentage increase if 'p' is set)
p: show percentage increase of size
> calcBase64.groovy C:\\temp\\myfile.txt
# describes the calculated base64 length of myfile.txt
> calcBase64.groovy q C:\\temp\\myfile.txt
# shows the calculate base64 length of myfile.txt alone
> calcBase64.groovy p 1234567
# describes the calculated base64 length and % increase of 1234567 bytes
> calcBase64.groovy pq 1234567
# shows the % increase of the calculated base64 length of 1234567 bytes
* Process input args
if (args.length < 1) {
println 'Please specify input param(s)'
def inputSize = ({ input ->
def inputFile = new File(input)
if (inputFile.exists()) {
} else {
try {
new BigInteger(input)
} catch (Exception e) {
println 'Please specify a file name or length'
})(args.length > 1 ? args[1] : args[0])
def opts = args.length > 1 ? args[0] : ''
opts = opts - '-'
* Algorithms ripped off from
* admz's was the chosen answer, so it is the default
def adzm64 = { input_size ->
adjustment = ( (input_size % 3) ? (3 - (input_size % 3)) : 0);
code_padded_size = ( (input_size + adjustment) / 3) * 4;
newline_size = ((code_padded_size) / 72) * 2;
code_padded_size + newline_size;
def geocar64 = { input_size ->
code_size = ((input_size * 4) / 3);
padding_size = (input_size % 3) ? (3 - (input_size % 3)) : 0;
crlfs_size = 2 + (2 * (code_size + padding_size) / 72);
total_size = code_size + padding_size + crlfs_size;
def calc = opts.contains('g') ? geocar64 : adzm64
def totalSize = Math.ceil(calc(inputSize)).longValue()
def pct = (totalSize / inputSize * 100).round(new java.math.MathContext(5)).toPlainString()
* Display the output
if (opts.contains('q')) {
println opts.contains('p') ? "$pct%" : totalSize
} else {
def pctDesc = opts.contains('p') ? "(+${pct}%)" : ""
println "$inputSize raw bytes = $totalSize base64-encoded bytes $pctDesc"
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