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Created March 10, 2022 22:47
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A shared lib for zx
#!/usr/bin/env zx
* Util/Lib functions for zx scripts
/* eslint-disable i18next/no-literal-string */
/* eslint-disable no-console */
export class HandledError extends Error {}
export function throwHandledError(message) {
throw new HandledError(message);
export function throwError(message) {
throw new Error(message);
if (!globalThis.$) {
throwError('This script must be ran using zx (');
export async function assertGit() {
$`which git`.catch(_ =>
throwError('This script requires git to be installed'),
export async function assertGithubCli() {
await $`which gh`.catch(_ =>
'This script requires github CLI (gh) to be installed and configured',
await $`gh auth status -h`.catch(_ =>
'This script requires github CLI (gh) to authenticated with',
export async function silenced(fn) {
return async () => {
const verboseBefore = $.verbose;
$.verbose = false;
await promisified(fn)();
$.verbose = verboseBefore;
export function log(msg, shouldReplaceLast) {
return shouldReplaceLast
? process.stdout.write(`${msg}\r`)
: console.log(msg);
} = async (msg, shouldReplaceLast) => {
const msgArray = Array.isArray(msg) ? msg : [msg];
for (const m of msgArray) {
await log(chalk.gray(' - ' + m), shouldReplaceLast);
log.announce = (msg, shouldReplaceLast) =>
log(, shouldReplaceLast);
log.warn = (msg, shouldReplaceLast) =>
log(chalk.white.bgOrange(msg), shouldReplaceLast);
log.error = (msg, shouldReplaceLast) =>
log(chalk.white.bgRed(msg), shouldReplaceLast);
log.newLine = () => log('');
log.say = async msg => !$.silent && $`say ${msg}`;
export async function waitWithTimer(
prefix = '',
logger =,
) {
let running = true;
let seconds = 0;
const resPromise = cmdPromise.finally(() => (running = false));
while (running) {
await logger(`${prefix}${seconds++}s`, seconds);
await sleep(1000);
return await resPromise;
export const getGitCtxT = throttle(getGitCtx, 10000);
export async function getGitCtx(includePrCtx) {
const verboseBefore = $.verbose;
$.verbose = false;
await $`git fetch`;
const branch = (await $`git branch --show-current`).stdout.replace('\n', '');
const isLocalOnly = await $`git fetch origin ${branch}`.then(() => false).catch(() => true);
const isBehind = Number(
await $`git rev-list --left-only --count origin/master...${branch}`,
const localStatus = (await $`git status --porcelain`).stdout
.map(line => line.trim())
.reduce((acc, line) => {
acc.isDirty = true;
acc.isClean = false;
const [type, file] = line.split(' ');
const typeMap = { M: 'modified', A: 'added', D: 'deleted' };
return acc;
}, { modified: [], added: [], deleted: [], isDirty: false, isClean: true });
const ctx = {
if (includePrCtx) {
const prViewJson = JSON.parse(
await $`gh pr view --json number,state,mergeable,reviewDecision,statusCheckRollup,closed,mergedAt`,
// Sometimes status checks are not ready yet, so we should assume pending
if (!prViewJson.statusCheckRollup?.length) {
prViewJson.statusCheckRollup = [{ state: 'PENDING' }];
const prCtx = {
checks: {
failure: prViewJson.statusCheckRollup.filter(s => s.state === 'FAILURE')
successful: prViewJson.statusCheckRollup.filter(s => s.state === 'SUCCESS')
pending: prViewJson.statusCheckRollup.filter(s => s.state === 'PENDING')
Object.assign(ctx, prCtx);
$.verbose = verboseBefore;
if ($.verbose) console.log(ctx);
return ctx;
export function promisify(fn) {
return async () => fn();
* Returns the last response from a function if called again before wait interval
export function throttle(fn, wait = 1e3) {
let last = 0;
let lastRes = null;
return function throttled() {
const now =;
if (now - last < wait) return lastRes;
last = now;
lastRes = fn.apply(this, arguments);
return lastRes;
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