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Texture2D _MainTex;
SamplerState sampler_point_clamp_MainTex;
SamplerState sampler_bilinear_clamp_MainTex;
float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;
fixed4 scrollcal_sample_plan(struct scrollcal_context ctx, struct scrollcal_render_plan plan) {
fixed4 bg = _MainTex.SampleLevel(sampler_bilinear_clamp_MainTex, plan.background_uv, ctx.mip);
fixed4 overlay = fixed4(0,0,0,0);
fixed4 text = fixed4(0,0,0,0);
fixed overlay_alpha = 1;
fixed4 text_color = fixed4(0,0,0,0);
if (plan.text_uv.x >= 0) {
text = _MainTex.SampleLevel(sampler_bilinear_clamp_MainTex, plan.text_uv, ctx.mip);
text_color = _MainTex.SampleLevel(sampler_point_clamp_MainTex, plan.palette_uv, 0);
if (plan.overlay_uv.x >= 0) {
overlay = _MainTex.SampleLevel(sampler_bilinear_clamp_MainTex, plan.overlay_uv, ctx.mip);
if (plan.overlay_alpha_uv.x >= 0.0) {
overlay_alpha = saturate(LinearToGammaSpace(_MainTex.SampleLevel(sampler_bilinear_clamp_MainTex, plan.overlay_alpha_uv, ctx.mip)).r);
float text_alpha = saturate(LinearToGammaSpace(dot(text, plan.colormask)));
overlay_alpha *= plan.overlay_alpha_mul;
if (plan.overlay_above_text) {
return lerp(lerp(bg, text_color, text_alpha), overlay, overlay_alpha);
} else {
return lerp(lerp(bg, overlay, overlay_alpha), text_color, text_alpha);
fixed4 scrollcal_albedo(struct scrollcal_context ctx) {
float2 uv_px = ctx.viewport_size.xy;
float2 dx_uv = ddx(uv_px);
float2 dy_uv = ddy(uv_px);
float del_sq_v = max(dot(dx_uv, dx_uv), dot(dy_uv, dy_uv));
ctx.mip = 0.5 * log2(del_sq_v);
float cutoff_header_sides = ctx.borders.x + ctx.other_tex_params.z;
struct scrollcal_render_plan plan;
if (uv_px.y <= ctx.borders.x) {
plan = scrollcal_plan_header(ctx, uv_px);
} else if (ctx.viewport_size.w - uv_px.y <= ctx.borders.y) {
plan = scrollcal_plan_footer(ctx, uv_px);
} else if (ctx.borders.z >= uv_px.x) {
plan = scrollcal_plan_side(ctx, uv_px, 0);
} else if (uv_px.x >= ctx.viewport_size.z - ctx.borders.w) {
plan = scrollcal_plan_side(ctx, uv_px - float2(ctx.viewport_size.z - ctx.borders.w, 0), 1);
} else {
plan = scrollcal_plan_main(ctx, uv_px);
return scrollcal_sample_plan(ctx, plan);
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