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Created March 16, 2019 17:50
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curl -v -X POST \
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   -F 'operations={"query":"mutation CreateImage($name: String!, $alternativeText: String!, $file: FileUpload!) { createImage( parentLocationId: 51, input: { name: $name, image: {name: \"Son-Gohan\", alternativeText: $alternativeText, file: $file} } ) { _info { id mainLocationId } name image { fileName alternativeText uri } } }","variables":{"file": null, "name": "Gohan", "alternativeText": "Final cell battle"}}' \
   -F 'map={"0":["variables.file"]}' \
   -F "0"=@/Users/bdunogier/Documents/Capture\ d’écran\ 2019-03-07\ à\ 00.50.42.png
curl -v -X POST \
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  -F 'operations={"query":"mutation test($file: FileUpload!) { createAllmighty(parentLocationId: 256, input: { textLine: \"Allmighty #10 (file)\", binaryfile: { file: $file } }) { _name _url _info {mainLocationId} binaryfile { fileName uri } } }","variables": {"file": null}}' \
  -F 'map={"0":["variables.file"]}' \
  -F "0"=@/users/bdunogier/Downloads/green-book-sur-les-routes-du-sud.jpg
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