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Created April 29, 2014 18:28
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Proposed 'pointer buffer' implementation - pointer buffers are extremely common in moarvm
#include <stdlib.h>
struct MVMPointerBuffer {
union {
void ** v;
MVMObject **objects;
MVMCollectable **collectables;
MVMSpeshBB **spesh_bbs;
/* some other common pointer types */
} p;
MVMint32 num;
MMVint32 alloc;
typedef struct MVMPointerBuffer MVMPointerBuffer;
void MVM_pb_init(MVMPointerBuffer * buffer, MVMint32 initial_size) {
buffer->p.v = calloc(initial_size, sizeof(void*));
buffer->num = 0;
buffer->alloc = initial_size;
void MVM_pb_append(MVMPointerBuffer * buffer, void * item) {
if (buffer->num >= buffer->alloc) {
buffer->alloc *= 2;
buffer->p.v = realloc(buffer->p.v, buffer->alloc * sizeof(void*));
buffer->p.v[buffer->num] = item;
void MVM_pb_destroy(MVMPointerBuffer * buffer) {
buffer->alloc = 0;
buffer->num = 0;
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