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Last active May 28, 2017 19:43
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broken stuff
mov rcx,0x88
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0xd8],rcx
mov rdi,r14
mov rsi,rcx
call QWORD PTR label_064 # rip
mov rdx,rax
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0xd8]
mov rsi,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rdi,QWORD PTR [rsi+0x88]
mov r8,0x3
mov r9,QWORD PTR [rdi+r8*8]
mov QWORD PTR [rdx+0x10],r9
mov WORD PTR [rdx+0xe],cx
mov r10d,DWORD PTR [r14+0x1c]
mov DWORD PTR [rdx+0x8],r10d
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8],rdx
push rbp
mov rbp,rsp
sub rsp,0x100
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],r14
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x10],r13
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x18],rbx
mov r11d,DWORD PTR [rdi+0x2a0]
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x20],r11d
mov r14,rdi
mov r13,rsi
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rbx,QWORD PTR [r11+0x18]
jmp rdx
lea rax,label_001 # rip
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov QWORD PTR [rcx+0x108],rax
label_001: mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0xa0]
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x80]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x48],rdx
mov rsi,QWORD PTR [r14+0xa0]
mov rdi,QWORD PTR [rsi+0x80]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40],rdi
mov r8,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov r9,QWORD PTR [r8+0x60]
mov r10,0x0
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r9+r10*8]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx],r11
mov rcx,0x88
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0xd8],rcx
mov rdi,r14
mov rsi,rcx
call QWORD PTR label_059 # rip
mov rdx,rax
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0xd8]
mov rsi,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rdi,QWORD PTR [rsi+0x88]
mov r8,0x3
mov r9,QWORD PTR [rdi+r8*8]
mov QWORD PTR [rdx+0x10],r9
mov WORD PTR [rdx+0xe],cx
mov r10d,DWORD PTR [r14+0x1c]
mov DWORD PTR [rdx+0x8],r10d
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8],rdx
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x38]
test rcx,rcx
je label_002
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x48]
label_002: mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x10],rcx
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x18],rcx
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x88]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x20]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x28],rcx
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x18]
lea rdx,[rcx+0x30]
mov r9,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x18]
lea r10,[r9+0x18]
test r9,r9
cmovne rdx,r10
mov r8,QWORD PTR [rdx]
test r8,r8
jne label_004
mov r8,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov r8,QWORD PTR [r8+0x88]
mov r8,QWORD PTR [r8+0x28]
test WORD PTR [rcx+0xc],0x10
je label_003
test r8,r8
je label_003
test WORD PTR [r8+0xc],0x10
jne label_003
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x28],rdx
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x30],r8
mov rsi,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x18]
mov rdi,r14
call QWORD PTR label_060 # rip
mov r8,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x30]
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x28]
label_003: mov QWORD PTR [rdx],r8
label_004: mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x30],r8
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x88]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x20]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x28],rcx
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8]
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x30]
lea r8,[rcx+0x18]
cmp QWORD PTR [r8],0x0
je label_005
mov r8,QWORD PTR [r8]
label_005: test WORD PTR [rcx+0xc],0x10
je label_006
test rdx,rdx
je label_006
test WORD PTR [rdx+0xc],0x10
jne label_006
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x28],rdx
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x30],r8
mov rsi,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8]
mov rdi,r14
call QWORD PTR label_061 # rip
mov r8,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x30]
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x28]
label_006: mov QWORD PTR [r8+0x18],rdx
lea rax,label_007 # rip
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov QWORD PTR [rcx+0x108],rax
label_007: mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x18],rcx
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rsi,QWORD PTR [rdx+0x88]
mov rdi,0x4
mov r8,QWORD PTR [rsi+rdi*8]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x28],r8
mov r9,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x18]
cmp QWORD PTR [rcx+0x18],0x0
je label_008
jmp label_009
label_008: lea r9,[rcx+0x18]
label_009: mov r10,r9
add r10,0x60
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r10]
test r11,r11
je label_010
jmp label_012
label_010: mov rdx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rsi,QWORD PTR [rdx+0x88]
mov rdi,0x6
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rsi+rdi*8]
test WORD PTR [rcx+0xc],0x10
je label_011
cmp QWORD PTR [rsi+rdi*8],0x0
je label_011
test WORD PTR [r11+0xc],0x10
jne label_011
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0xe0],r10
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0xe8],r11
mov rdi,r14
mov rsi,rcx
call QWORD PTR label_062 # rip
mov r10,QWORD PTR [rbx+0xe0]
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0xe8]
label_011: mov QWORD PTR [r10],r11
label_012: mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40],r11
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x18],r11
jmp label_013
label_013: lea rax,label_014 # rip
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov QWORD PTR [rcx+0x108],rax
label_014: mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x88]
mov rsi,0x4
mov rdi,QWORD PTR [rdx+rsi*8]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x28],rdi
mov r8,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8]
test WORD PTR [r8+0xc],0x10
je label_015
cmp QWORD PTR [rbx+0x18],0x0
je label_015
mov r9,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x18]
test WORD PTR [r9+0xc],0x10
jne label_015
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0xf0],r8
mov rdi,r14
mov rsi,r8
call QWORD PTR label_063 # rip
mov r8,QWORD PTR [rbx+0xf0]
label_015: mov r10,QWORD PTR [r8+0x18]
cmp QWORD PTR [r8+0x18],0x0
je label_016
jmp label_017
label_016: lea r10,[r8+0x18]
label_017: mov r11,r10
add r11,0x60
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x18]
mov QWORD PTR [r11],rcx
mov r11,r14
mov rdi,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x10]
mov rsi,r11
call QWORD PTR label_064 # rip
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40],rax
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x28],rcx
cmp QWORD PTR [r14+0x10],0x0
je label_018
mov rdi,r14
call QWORD PTR label_065 # rip
label_018: mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40]
test rcx,rcx
je label_019
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [r14+0xa0]
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rdx+0x80]
cmp rcx,rdx
je label_019
jmp label_021
label_019: lea rax,label_020 # rip
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov QWORD PTR [rcx+0x108],rax
label_020: mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x10]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x28],rcx
label_021: lea rax,label_022 # rip
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov QWORD PTR [rcx+0x108],rax
label_022: mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x88]
mov rsi,0x4
mov rdi,QWORD PTR [rdx+rsi*8]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40],rdi
mov r8,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8]
test WORD PTR [r8+0xc],0x10
je label_023
cmp QWORD PTR [rbx+0x28],0x0
je label_023
mov r9,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x28]
test WORD PTR [r9+0xc],0x10
jne label_023
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0xf8],r8
mov rdi,r14
mov rsi,r8
call QWORD PTR label_066 # rip
mov r8,QWORD PTR [rbx+0xf8]
label_023: mov r10,QWORD PTR [r8+0x18]
cmp QWORD PTR [r8+0x18],0x0
je label_024
jmp label_025
label_024: lea r10,[r8+0x18]
label_025: mov r11,r10
add r11,0x50
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x28]
mov QWORD PTR [r11],rcx
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rbx]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40],rdx
mov rsi,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rdi,QWORD PTR [rsi+0x88]
mov r9,0x4
mov r8,QWORD PTR [rdi+r9*8]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x48],r8
mov r10,QWORD PTR [rdx+0x18]
cmp QWORD PTR [rdx+0x18],0x0
je label_026
jmp label_027
label_026: lea r10,[rdx+0x18]
label_027: mov r11,r10
add r11,0x58
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r11]
test rcx,rcx
je label_028
jmp label_030
label_028: mov rsi,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rdi,QWORD PTR [rsi+0x88]
mov r9,0x9
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rdi+r9*8]
test WORD PTR [rdx+0xc],0x10
je label_029
cmp QWORD PTR [rdi+r9*8],0x0
je label_029
test WORD PTR [rcx+0xc],0x10
jne label_029
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x100],r11
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x108],rcx
mov rdi,r14
mov rsi,rdx
call QWORD PTR label_067 # rip
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x100]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x108]
label_029: mov QWORD PTR [r11],rcx
label_030: mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x50],rcx
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x50]
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rdx+0x88]
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rdx+0x10]
test rcx,rcx
je label_031
test WORD PTR [rcx+0xc],0x1
je label_031
cmp rdx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x10]
jne label_031
jmp label_032
label_031: mov rdi,r14
mov rsi,0xb2
mov rdx,0x16a
call QWORD PTR label_068 # rip
jmp label_058
label_032: cmp QWORD PTR [r14+0x10],0x0
je label_033
mov rdi,r14
call QWORD PTR label_070 # rip
label_033: jmp label_049
lea rax,label_034 # rip
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov QWORD PTR [rcx+0x108],rax
label_034: mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40],rcx
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [r13+0x68]
mov rsi,0xe6
mov rdi,QWORD PTR [rdx+rsi*8]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x20],rdi
mov rdi,r14
mov rsi,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x20]
mov rdx,0x8
call QWORD PTR label_071 # rip
test rax,rax
je label_035
mov rax,QWORD PTR [rax]
label_035: mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x60],rax
mov r11,r14
mov rdi,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40]
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r11+0x10]
mov rsi,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40]
mov rdx,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40]
lea r11,[r11+0x18]
mov rcx,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x60]
mov r8,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r13+0x68]
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r11+0x5c0]
mov r9,r11
mov r11,0xffffffffffffffff
mov QWORD PTR [rsp],r11
lea r11,[rbx+0x68]
mov QWORD PTR [rsp+0x8],r11
mov r11,0x4
mov QWORD PTR [rsp+0x10],r11
call QWORD PTR label_073 # rip
movabs rcx,global_001
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x20],rcx
mov rdi,r14
mov rsi,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x20]
mov rdx,0x8
call QWORD PTR label_075 # rip
test rax,rax
je label_036
mov rax,QWORD PTR [rax]
label_036: mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x60],rax
lea rcx,label_039 # rip
mov rax,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov QWORD PTR [rax+0x108],rcx
mov r10,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x60]
test r10,r10
je label_037
test WORD PTR [r10+0xc],0x1
jne label_037
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r10+0x10]
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r11+0x40]
test r11,r11
je label_037
mov rdi,r14
mov rsi,r10
lea rdx,[rbx+0x60]
mov r10,QWORD PTR [r11+0x8]
call r10
jmp label_038
label_037: mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x60],r10
label_038: mov eax,DWORD PTR [r14+0x2a0]
cmp eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x20]
je label_039
jmp label_058
label_039: mov r11,r14
mov rdi,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8]
mov rsi,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x60]
mov rdx,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r13+0x68]
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r11+0x5c0]
mov rcx,r11
mov r11,0xffffffffffffffff
mov r8,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x68]
mov r9,r11
mov r11,0x4
mov QWORD PTR [rsp],r11
call QWORD PTR label_078 # rip
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x60],rcx
movabs rcx,global_001
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x20],rcx
mov rdi,r14
mov rsi,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x20]
mov rdx,0x8
call QWORD PTR label_080 # rip
test rax,rax
je label_040
mov rax,QWORD PTR [rax]
label_040: mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40],rax
mov r11,r14
mov rdi,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x60]
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r11+0x10]
mov rsi,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x60]
mov rdx,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x60]
lea r11,[r11+0x18]
mov rcx,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40]
mov r8,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r13+0x68]
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r11+0x5e0]
mov r9,r11
mov r11,0xffffffffffffffff
mov QWORD PTR [rsp],r11
lea r11,[rbx+0x48]
mov QWORD PTR [rsp+0x8],r11
mov r11,0x8
mov QWORD PTR [rsp+0x10],r11
call QWORD PTR label_082 # rip
lea rcx,label_043 # rip
mov rax,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov QWORD PTR [rax+0x108],rcx
mov r10,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x48]
test r10,r10
je label_041
test WORD PTR [r10+0xc],0x1
jne label_041
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r10+0x10]
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r11+0x40]
test r11,r11
je label_041
mov rdi,r14
mov rsi,r10
lea rdx,[rbx+0x40]
mov r10,QWORD PTR [r11+0x8]
call r10
jmp label_042
label_041: mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40],r10
label_042: mov eax,DWORD PTR [r14+0x2a0]
cmp eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x20]
je label_043
jmp label_058
label_043: mov r11,r14
mov rdi,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40]
mov rsi,r11
call QWORD PTR label_084 # rip
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40],rax
movabs rcx,global_001
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x20],rcx
mov rdi,r14
mov rsi,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x20]
mov rdx,0x8
call QWORD PTR label_085 # rip
test rax,rax
je label_044
mov rax,QWORD PTR [rax]
label_044: mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x48],rax
lea rcx,label_047 # rip
mov rax,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov QWORD PTR [rax+0x108],rcx
mov r10,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x48]
test r10,r10
je label_045
test WORD PTR [r10+0xc],0x1
jne label_045
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r10+0x10]
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r11+0x40]
test r11,r11
je label_045
mov rdi,r14
mov rsi,r10
lea rdx,[rbx+0x48]
mov r10,QWORD PTR [r11+0x8]
call r10
jmp label_046
label_045: mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x48],r10
label_046: mov eax,DWORD PTR [r14+0x2a0]
cmp eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x20]
je label_047
jmp label_058
label_047: mov r11,r14
mov rdi,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8]
mov rsi,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x48]
mov rdx,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r13+0x68]
mov r11,QWORD PTR [r11+0x5e0]
mov rcx,r11
mov r11,0xffffffffffffffff
mov r8,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x40]
mov r9,r11
mov r11,0x8
mov QWORD PTR [rsp],r11
call QWORD PTR label_087 # rip
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x48],rcx
cmp QWORD PTR [r14+0x10],0x0
je label_048
mov rdi,r14
call QWORD PTR label_089 # rip
label_048: jmp label_055
label_049: lea rax,label_050 # rip
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov QWORD PTR [rcx+0x108],rax
label_050: mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x70],0xfffffffffffffffd ;const_i64_16
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x88]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x20]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x48],rcx ;sp_gespeshslot
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8]
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x70]
lea r8,[rcx+0x18]
cmp QWORD PTR [r8],0x0
je label_051
mov r8,QWORD PTR [r8]
label_051: mov QWORD PTR [r8+0x28],rdx ; sp_p60bind_i
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x48],rcx ; set
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x88]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x20]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x60],rcx ; sp_gespeshslot
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x48]
lea rdx,[rcx+0x40]
mov r9,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x18]
lea r10,[r9+0x28]
test r9,r9
cmovne rdx,r10
mov r8,QWORD PTR [rdx]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x78],r8 ; sp_p6oget_i
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x88]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x20]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x60],rcx
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8] ; sp_getspeshslot
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x78]
lea r8,[rcx+0x18]
cmp QWORD PTR [r8],0x0
je label_052
mov r8,QWORD PTR [r8]
label_052: mov QWORD PTR [r8+0x20],rdx ; sp_p6obind_i
mov rdi,r14
mov rsi,0x38
call QWORD PTR label_090 # rip
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x88]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x50]
mov QWORD PTR [rax+0x10],rcx ; set type
mov WORD PTR [rax+0xe],0x38 ; set size
mov ecx,DWORD PTR [r14+0x1c]
mov DWORD PTR [rax+0x8],ecx ; set header.owner
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x60],rax
;; end sp_fastcreate
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x88]
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rcx+0x20]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x48],rcx
;; sp_gespeshslot
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8]
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x60]
lea r8,[rcx+0x18]
cmp QWORD PTR [r8],0x0
je label_053
mov r8,QWORD PTR [r8]
;; write barrier start
label_053: test WORD PTR [rcx+0xc],0x10
je label_054
test rdx,rdx
je label_054
test WORD PTR [rdx+0xc],0x10
jne label_054
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x28],rdx
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x30],r8
mov rsi,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8]
mov rdi,r14
call QWORD PTR label_091 # rip
mov r8,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x30]
mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x28]
;; write barrier end
label_054: mov QWORD PTR [r8+0x40],rdx
;; sp_p6obind_o end
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8]
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+0x48],rcx
;; set
label_055: lea rax,label_056 # rip
mov rcx,QWORD PTR [r14+0x60]
mov QWORD PTR [rcx+0x108],rax
label_056: mov r11,r14
mov rdi,r11
mov r11,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x48]
mov rsi,r11
mov r11,0x0
mov rdx,r11
call QWORD PTR label_092 # rip
mov r11,r14
mov rdi,r11
call QWORD PTR label_094 # rip
cmp QWORD PTR [r14+0x10],0x0
je label_057
mov rdi,r14
call QWORD PTR label_095 # rip
label_057: jmp label_058
label_058: mov r14,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8]
mov r13,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x10]
mov rbx,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x18]
mov rsp,rbp
pop rbp
out dx,al
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
add BYTE PTR [rsi+0x63],cl
sbb BYTE PTR [rdi],bl
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
add BYTE PTR [rsi+0x63],cl
sbb BYTE PTR [rdi],bl
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
add BYTE PTR [rsi+0x63],cl
sbb BYTE PTR [rdi],bl
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
add BYTE PTR [rsi+0x63],cl
sbb BYTE PTR [rdi],bl
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
add cl,ch
mov ecx,0x7f311f15
add BYTE PTR [rax],al
label_065: sbb ebx,ebp
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
add BYTE PTR [rsi+0x63],cl
sbb BYTE PTR [rdi],bl
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
add BYTE PTR [rsi+0x63],cl
sbb BYTE PTR [rdi],bl
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
add BYTE PTR [rcx+0x311f2011],al
jg label_069
label_069: add BYTE PTR [rcx],bl
jmp label_076
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
add BYTE PTR [rbx+0x311f15c2],dh
jg label_072
label_072: add BYTE PTR [rbp+0x311f1a97],ah
jg label_074
label_074: add BYTE PTR [rbx+0x311f15c2],dh
jg label_077
label_077: add BYTE PTR [rbx+0x311f19db],ah
jg label_079
label_079: add BYTE PTR [rbx+0x311f15c2],dh
jg label_081
label_081: add BYTE PTR [rbp+0x311f1a97],ah
jg label_083
label_083: add BYTE PTR [rcx-0x47],dh
sbb DWORD PTR [rdi],ebx
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
add BYTE PTR [rbx+0x311f15c2],dh
jg label_086
label_086: add BYTE PTR [rbx+0x311f19db],ah
jg label_088
label_088: add BYTE PTR [rcx],bl
jmp label_093
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
add bh,al
out dx,al
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
add BYTE PTR [rsi+0x63],cl
sbb BYTE PTR [rdi],bl
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
add BYTE PTR [rdi+0x42],dl
label_093: adc bl,BYTE PTR [rdi]
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
add bl,bh
mov dl,0x15
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
add BYTE PTR [rcx],bl
jmp label_096
xor DWORD PTR [rdi+0x0],edi
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 42, name: 'set_core_op_inlinability')
append label: 0
append label: 1
Build tree out of: [sp_getarg_s, sp_getarg_o, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0007 [label="TC"];
n_0008 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0008 -> n_0007;
n_0011 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0x1, 0x2)"];
n_0020 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0020 -> n_0017;
n_0020 -> n_0004;
n_0024 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0024 -> n_0020;
n_0027 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0001;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0031 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0032 -> n_0031;
n_0038 [label="TC"];
n_0039 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0039 -> n_0038;
n_0042 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0042 -> n_0039;
n_0045 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0045 -> n_0042;
n_0048 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0048 -> n_0045;
n_0035 [label="CONST(0x2, 0x2)"];
n_0051 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0051 -> n_0048;
n_0051 -> n_0035;
n_0055 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0055 -> n_0051;
n_0058 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0058 -> n_0032;
n_0058 -> n_0055;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: emitted a bindkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-14)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (const $val $size)
5: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
6: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
7: (local)
8: (tc)
9: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
10: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
11: (const $val $size)
12: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
13: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <7 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 418
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 49, name: 'set_core_op_result_type')
append label: 0
append label: 1
Cannot get template for unbox_i
Build tree out of: [null, null, null, null, sp_getarg_s, sp_getarg_o, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x50)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="TC"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0001;
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0021 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0022 [label="ADDR(0x48)"];
n_0022 -> n_0021;
n_0025 [label="TC"];
n_0026 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0026 -> n_0025;
n_0029 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0029 -> n_0026;
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0032 -> n_0029;
n_0035 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0035 -> n_0032;
n_0038 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0038 -> n_0022;
n_0038 -> n_0035;
n_0042 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0043 [label="ADDR(0x38)"];
n_0043 -> n_0042;
n_0046 [label="TC"];
n_0047 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0047 -> n_0046;
n_0050 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0050 -> n_0047;
n_0053 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0053 -> n_0050;
n_0056 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0056 -> n_0053;
n_0059 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0059 -> n_0043;
n_0059 -> n_0056;
n_0063 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0064 [label="ADDR(0x28)"];
n_0064 -> n_0063;
n_0067 [label="TC"];
n_0068 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0068 -> n_0067;
n_0071 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0071 -> n_0068;
n_0074 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0074 -> n_0071;
n_0077 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0077 -> n_0074;
n_0080 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0080 -> n_0064;
n_0080 -> n_0077;
n_0084 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0085 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0085 -> n_0084;
n_0091 [label="TC"];
n_0092 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0092 -> n_0091;
n_0095 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0095 -> n_0092;
n_0098 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0098 -> n_0095;
n_0101 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0101 -> n_0098;
n_0088 [label="CONST(0x1, 0x2)"];
n_0104 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0104 -> n_0101;
n_0104 -> n_0088;
n_0108 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0108 -> n_0104;
n_0111 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0111 -> n_0085;
n_0111 -> n_0108;
n_0115 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0116 [label="ADDR(0x58)"];
n_0116 -> n_0115;
n_0122 [label="TC"];
n_0123 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0123 -> n_0122;
n_0126 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0126 -> n_0123;
n_0129 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0129 -> n_0126;
n_0132 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0132 -> n_0129;
n_0119 [label="CONST(0x2, 0x2)"];
n_0135 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0135 -> n_0132;
n_0135 -> n_0119;
n_0139 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0139 -> n_0135;
n_0142 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0142 -> n_0116;
n_0142 -> n_0139;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for unbox_i
append_ins: <unbox_i>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: repr op bindkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
Build tree out of: [getlex, eq_i, unless_i, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x30)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="TC"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="ADDR(0x30)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="ADDR(0x30)"];
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0020 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0020 -> n_0017;
n_0023 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0023 -> n_0020;
n_0026 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0026 -> n_0023;
n_0029 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0029 -> n_0026;
n_0032 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0032 -> n_0029;
n_0035 [label="COPY"];
n_0035 -> n_0032;
n_0037 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0037 -> n_0001;
n_0037 -> n_0035;
n_0041 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0042 [label="ADDR(0x30)"];
n_0042 -> n_0041;
n_0045 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0046 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0046 -> n_0045;
n_0049 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0049 -> n_0046;
n_0052 [label="EQ"];
n_0052 -> n_0049;
n_0052 -> n_0035;
n_0055 [label="FLAGVAL"];
n_0055 -> n_0052;
n_0057 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0057 -> n_0042;
n_0057 -> n_0055;
n_0064 [label="ZR"];
n_0064 -> n_0055;
n_0061 [label="CONST(0x5, 0x4)"];
n_0066 [label="LABEL"];
n_0066 -> n_0061;
n_0068 [label="BRANCH"];
n_0068 -> n_0066;
n_0070 [label="WHEN"];
n_0070 -> n_0064;
n_0070 -> n_0068;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 4
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: emitted a bindkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 5
Cannot get template for box_i
Build tree out of: [getlex, eq_i, hllboxtype_i, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="TC"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="ADDR(0x30)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="ADDR(0x30)"];
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0020 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0020 -> n_0017;
n_0023 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0023 -> n_0020;
n_0026 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0026 -> n_0023;
n_0029 [label="ADDR(0x68)"];
n_0029 -> n_0026;
n_0032 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0032 -> n_0029;
n_0035 [label="COPY"];
n_0035 -> n_0032;
n_0037 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0037 -> n_0001;
n_0037 -> n_0035;
n_0041 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0042 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0042 -> n_0041;
n_0045 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0046 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0046 -> n_0045;
n_0049 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0049 -> n_0046;
n_0052 [label="EQ"];
n_0052 -> n_0049;
n_0052 -> n_0035;
n_0055 [label="FLAGVAL"];
n_0055 -> n_0052;
n_0057 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0057 -> n_0042;
n_0057 -> n_0055;
n_0061 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0062 [label="ADDR(0x50)"];
n_0062 -> n_0061;
n_0065 [label="CU"];
n_0066 [label="ADDR(0xc0)"];
n_0066 -> n_0065;
n_0069 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0069 -> n_0066;
n_0072 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0072 -> n_0069;
n_0075 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0075 -> n_0072;
n_0078 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0078 -> n_0062;
n_0078 -> n_0075;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for box_i
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: repr op bindkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append label: 7
Build tree out of: [set, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x48)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x20)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 8
Build tree out of: [set, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x20)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x48)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 9
Cannot get template for return_o
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 10
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-34)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
5: (local)
6: (tc)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
9: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
10: (local)
11: (tc)
12: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
13: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
14: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
15: (local)
16: (tc)
17: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
18: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
19: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
20: (local)
21: (tc)
22: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
23: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
24: (const $val $size)
25: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
26: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
27: (local)
28: (tc)
29: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
30: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
31: (const $val $size)
32: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
33: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 4
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 9
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-17)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
5: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
6: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
7: (copy reg)
8: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
9: (local)
10: (local)
11: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
12: (eq reg reg)
13: (flagval flag)
14: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
15: (zr reg)
16: (branch :fail)
-> { 1, 2 }
Block{1} [17-18)
17: (branch (label (const $val)))
-> { 2 }
Block{2} [18-20)
18: (label :fail)
19: (when flag void)
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-20)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
5: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
6: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
7: (copy reg)
8: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
9: (local)
10: (local)
11: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
12: (eq reg reg)
13: (flagval flag)
14: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
15: (local)
16: (cu)
17: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
18: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
19: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-5)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-5)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1381
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 48, name: 'moarop_mapper')
append label: 0
append label: 1
Cannot get template for getcode
Build tree out of: [null, null, null, null, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="TC"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0001;
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0021 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0022 [label="ADDR(0x58)"];
n_0022 -> n_0021;
n_0025 [label="TC"];
n_0026 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0026 -> n_0025;
n_0029 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0029 -> n_0026;
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0032 -> n_0029;
n_0035 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0035 -> n_0032;
n_0038 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0038 -> n_0022;
n_0038 -> n_0035;
n_0042 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0043 [label="ADDR(0x50)"];
n_0043 -> n_0042;
n_0046 [label="TC"];
n_0047 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0047 -> n_0046;
n_0050 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0050 -> n_0047;
n_0053 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0053 -> n_0050;
n_0056 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0056 -> n_0053;
n_0059 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0059 -> n_0043;
n_0059 -> n_0056;
n_0063 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0064 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0064 -> n_0063;
n_0067 [label="TC"];
n_0068 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0068 -> n_0067;
n_0071 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0071 -> n_0068;
n_0074 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0074 -> n_0071;
n_0077 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0077 -> n_0074;
n_0080 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0080 -> n_0064;
n_0080 -> n_0077;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for getcode
append_ins: <getcode>
append_ins: <takeclosure>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <unbox_i>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
Cannot get template for prepargs
Build tree out of: [set, getlex, getlex, set, sp_getspeshslot, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0018 [label="ADDR(0x48)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0021 [label="TC"];
n_0022 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0022 -> n_0021;
n_0025 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0025 -> n_0022;
n_0028 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0028 -> n_0025;
n_0031 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0031 -> n_0028;
n_0034 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0034 -> n_0031;
n_0037 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0037 -> n_0034;
n_0040 [label="COPY"];
n_0040 -> n_0037;
n_0042 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0042 -> n_0018;
n_0042 -> n_0040;
n_0046 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0047 [label="ADDR(0x30)"];
n_0047 -> n_0046;
n_0050 [label="TC"];
n_0051 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0051 -> n_0050;
n_0054 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0054 -> n_0051;
n_0057 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0057 -> n_0054;
n_0060 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0060 -> n_0057;
n_0063 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0063 -> n_0060;
n_0066 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0066 -> n_0063;
n_0069 [label="COPY"];
n_0069 -> n_0066;
n_0071 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0071 -> n_0047;
n_0071 -> n_0069;
n_0075 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0076 [label="ADDR(0x58)"];
n_0076 -> n_0075;
n_0079 [label="COPY"];
n_0079 -> n_0011;
n_0081 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0081 -> n_0076;
n_0081 -> n_0079;
n_0085 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0086 [label="ADDR(0x50)"];
n_0086 -> n_0085;
n_0092 [label="TC"];
n_0093 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0093 -> n_0092;
n_0096 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0096 -> n_0093;
n_0099 [label="ADDR(0x88)"];
n_0099 -> n_0096;
n_0102 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0102 -> n_0099;
n_0089 [label="CONST(0x2, 0x2)"];
n_0105 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0105 -> n_0102;
n_0105 -> n_0089;
n_0109 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0109 -> n_0105;
n_0112 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0112 -> n_0086;
n_0112 -> n_0109;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for prepargs
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 3
Build tree out of: [set, const_i64_16, goto, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x50)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0018 [label="ADDR(0x38)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0021 [label="CONST(0, 0x2)"];
n_0024 [label="COPY"];
n_0024 -> n_0021;
n_0026 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0026 -> n_0018;
n_0026 -> n_0024;
n_0030 [label="CONST(0x7, 0x4)"];
n_0033 [label="LABEL"];
n_0033 -> n_0030;
n_0035 [label="BRANCH"];
n_0035 -> n_0033;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 4
Cannot get template for unless_o
Build tree out of: [decont, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="ZR"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="ADDR(0xc)"];
n_0013 -> n_0008;
n_0016 [label="LOAD(0x2)"];
n_0016 -> n_0013;
n_0019 [label="CONST(0x1, 0x2)"];
n_0022 [label="AND"];
n_0022 -> n_0016;
n_0022 -> n_0019;
n_0025 [label="NZ"];
n_0025 -> n_0022;
n_0027 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0027 -> n_0008;
n_0030 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0030 -> n_0027;
n_0033 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0033 -> n_0030;
n_0036 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0036 -> n_0033;
n_0039 [label="ZR"];
n_0039 -> n_0036;
n_0041 [label="ANY"];
n_0041 -> n_0011;
n_0041 -> n_0025;
n_0041 -> n_0039;
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x50)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0046 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0046 -> n_0001;
n_0046 -> n_0008;
n_0050 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0050 -> n_0008;
n_0053 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0053 -> n_0050;
n_0056 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0056 -> n_0053;
n_0059 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0059 -> n_0056;
n_0062 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0062 -> n_0059;
n_0065 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0065 -> n_0062;
n_0068 [label="TC"];
n_0069 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0069 -> n_0068;
n_0072 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0072 -> n_0008;
n_0075 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0075 -> n_0001;
n_0078 [label="ARGLIST"];
n_0078 -> n_0069;
n_0078 -> n_0072;
n_0078 -> n_0075;
n_0083 [label="CALLV"];
n_0083 -> n_0065;
n_0083 -> n_0078;
n_0086 [label="IFV"];
n_0086 -> n_0041;
n_0086 -> n_0046;
n_0086 -> n_0083;
n_0090 [label="GUARD(0x1)"];
n_0090 -> n_0086;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for unless_o
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 5
Cannot get template for shift_o
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: repr op shift_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: repr op bindpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
Build tree out of: [goto, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="CONST(0x8, 0x4)"];
n_0003 [label="LABEL"];
n_0003 -> n_0000;
n_0005 [label="BRANCH"];
n_0005 -> n_0003;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 7
Build tree out of: [set, const_i64_16, goto, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x50)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0018 [label="ADDR(0x30)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0021 [label="CONST(0, 0x2)"];
n_0024 [label="COPY"];
n_0024 -> n_0021;
n_0026 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0026 -> n_0018;
n_0026 -> n_0024;
n_0030 [label="CONST(0x8, 0x4)"];
n_0033 [label="LABEL"];
n_0033 -> n_0030;
n_0035 [label="BRANCH"];
n_0035 -> n_0033;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 8
Cannot get template for return_o
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 9
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-20)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
5: (local)
6: (tc)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
9: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
10: (local)
11: (tc)
12: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
13: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
14: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
15: (local)
16: (tc)
17: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
18: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
19: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit opcode: <getcode>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 4
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-29)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
5: (local)
6: (tc)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
9: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
10: (copy reg)
11: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
12: (local)
13: (tc)
14: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
15: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
16: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
17: (copy reg)
18: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
19: (local)
20: (copy reg)
21: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
22: (local)
23: (tc)
24: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
25: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
26: (const $val $size)
27: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
28: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-10)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
5: (local)
6: (const $val $size)
7: (copy reg)
8: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
9: (branch (label (const $val)))
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-4)
0: (guard :pre)
1: (local)
2: (zr (load (addr reg $ofs) $size))
3: (branch :success)
-> { 1, 3 }
Block{1} [4-7)
4: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
5: (nz (and (load (addr reg $ofs) $size) (const $val $size)))
6: (branch :success)
-> { 2, 3 }
Block{2} [7-13)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
9: (zr (load (addr reg $ofs) $size))
10: (branch :success)
11: (any flag)
12: (branch: fail)
-> { 3, 4 }
Block{3} [13-18)
13: (label :success)
14: (local)
15: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
16: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
17: (branch :after)
-> { 5 }
Block{4} [18-27)
18: (label :fail)
19: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
20: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
21: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
22: (tc)
23: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
24: (addr reg $ofs)
25: (arglist (carg reg))
26: (callv (load (addr reg $ofs) $sz) c_args)
-> { 5 }
Block{5} [27-30)
27: (branch :after)
28: (ifv flag void)
29: (guard void $mode)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-1)
0: (branch (label (const $val)))
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-10)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
5: (local)
6: (const $val $size)
7: (copy reg)
8: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
9: (branch (label (const $val)))
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1844
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 45, name: 'add_core_moarop_mapping')
append label: 0
append label: 1
Build tree out of: [sp_getarg_o, sp_getarg_s, sp_getarg_s, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0007 [label="TC"];
n_0008 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0008 -> n_0007;
n_0011 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0, 0x2)"];
n_0020 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0020 -> n_0017;
n_0020 -> n_0004;
n_0024 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0024 -> n_0020;
n_0027 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0001;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0031 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0032 -> n_0031;
n_0038 [label="TC"];
n_0039 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0039 -> n_0038;
n_0042 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0042 -> n_0039;
n_0045 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0045 -> n_0042;
n_0048 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0048 -> n_0045;
n_0035 [label="CONST(0x1, 0x2)"];
n_0051 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0051 -> n_0048;
n_0051 -> n_0035;
n_0055 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0055 -> n_0051;
n_0058 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0058 -> n_0032;
n_0058 -> n_0055;
n_0062 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0063 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0063 -> n_0062;
n_0069 [label="TC"];
n_0070 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0070 -> n_0069;
n_0073 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0073 -> n_0070;
n_0076 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0076 -> n_0073;
n_0079 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0079 -> n_0076;
n_0066 [label="CONST(0x2, 0x2)"];
n_0082 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0082 -> n_0079;
n_0082 -> n_0066;
n_0086 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0086 -> n_0082;
n_0089 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0089 -> n_0063;
n_0089 -> n_0086;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 2
Cannot get template for box_i
Build tree out of: [const_i64_16, hllboxtype_i, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x2)"];
n_0007 [label="COPY"];
n_0007 -> n_0004;
n_0009 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0009 -> n_0001;
n_0009 -> n_0007;
n_0013 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0014 -> n_0013;
n_0017 [label="CU"];
n_0018 [label="ADDR(0xc0)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0021 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0021 -> n_0018;
n_0024 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0024 -> n_0021;
n_0027 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0030 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0030 -> n_0014;
n_0030 -> n_0027;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for box_i
append_ins: <box_i>
append label: 3
append label: 4
Build tree out of: [wval, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x20)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0010 [label="CONST(0x7f311f1da9df, 0x8)"];
n_0013 [label="TC"];
n_0014 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0014 -> n_0013;
n_0017 [label="CU"];
n_0018 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0x2, 0x2)"];
n_0021 [label="CARG(0x3)"];
n_0021 -> n_0004;
n_0007 [label="CONST(0x25, 0x2)"];
n_0024 [label="CARG(0x3)"];
n_0024 -> n_0007;
n_0027 [label="ARGLIST"];
n_0027 -> n_0014;
n_0027 -> n_0018;
n_0027 -> n_0021;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0033 [label="CALL(0x8)"];
n_0033 -> n_0010;
n_0033 -> n_0027;
n_0037 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0037 -> n_0001;
n_0037 -> n_0033;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 5
append label: 6
Cannot get template for box_i
Build tree out of: [const_i64_16, hllboxtype_i, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0x1, 0x2)"];
n_0007 [label="COPY"];
n_0007 -> n_0004;
n_0009 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0009 -> n_0001;
n_0009 -> n_0007;
n_0013 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0014 -> n_0013;
n_0017 [label="CU"];
n_0018 [label="ADDR(0xc0)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0021 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0021 -> n_0018;
n_0024 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0024 -> n_0021;
n_0027 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0030 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0030 -> n_0014;
n_0030 -> n_0027;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for box_i
append_ins: <box_i>
append label: 7
Cannot get template for paramnamesused
append_ins: <paramnamesused>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 8
Cannot get template for bindkey_o
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: emitted a bindkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 9
Build tree out of: [set, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 10
Cannot get template for sp_guardconc
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 11
Cannot get template for return_o
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 12
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-21)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (const $val $size)
5: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
6: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
7: (local)
8: (tc)
9: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
10: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
11: (const $val $size)
12: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
13: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
14: (local)
15: (tc)
16: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
17: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
18: (const $val $size)
19: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
20: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-9)
0: (local)
1: (const $val $size)
2: (copy reg)
3: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
4: (local)
5: (cu)
6: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-8)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (cu)
3: (const $val $size)
4: (const $val $size)
5: (arglist (carg reg))
6: (call (const $ptr $sz) c_args $size)
7: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-9)
0: (local)
1: (const $val $size)
2: (copy reg)
3: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
4: (local)
5: (cu)
6: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <paramnamesused>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-5)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1751
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 45, name: 'add_core_moarop_mapping')
append label: 0
append label: 1
Cannot get template for box_i
Build tree out of: [sp_getarg_o, sp_getarg_s, sp_getarg_s, sp_getarg_i, hllboxtype_i, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0007 [label="TC"];
n_0008 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0008 -> n_0007;
n_0011 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0, 0x2)"];
n_0020 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0020 -> n_0017;
n_0020 -> n_0004;
n_0024 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0024 -> n_0020;
n_0027 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0001;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0031 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0032 -> n_0031;
n_0038 [label="TC"];
n_0039 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0039 -> n_0038;
n_0042 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0042 -> n_0039;
n_0045 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0045 -> n_0042;
n_0048 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0048 -> n_0045;
n_0035 [label="CONST(0x1, 0x2)"];
n_0051 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0051 -> n_0048;
n_0051 -> n_0035;
n_0055 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0055 -> n_0051;
n_0058 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0058 -> n_0032;
n_0058 -> n_0055;
n_0062 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0063 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0063 -> n_0062;
n_0069 [label="TC"];
n_0070 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0070 -> n_0069;
n_0073 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0073 -> n_0070;
n_0076 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0076 -> n_0073;
n_0079 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0079 -> n_0076;
n_0066 [label="CONST(0x2, 0x2)"];
n_0082 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0082 -> n_0079;
n_0082 -> n_0066;
n_0086 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0086 -> n_0082;
n_0089 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0089 -> n_0063;
n_0089 -> n_0086;
n_0093 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0094 [label="ADDR(0x70)"];
n_0094 -> n_0093;
n_0100 [label="TC"];
n_0101 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0101 -> n_0100;
n_0104 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0104 -> n_0101;
n_0107 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0107 -> n_0104;
n_0110 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0110 -> n_0107;
n_0097 [label="CONST(0x3, 0x2)"];
n_0113 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0113 -> n_0110;
n_0113 -> n_0097;
n_0117 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0117 -> n_0113;
n_0120 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0120 -> n_0094;
n_0120 -> n_0117;
n_0124 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0125 [label="ADDR(0x68)"];
n_0125 -> n_0124;
n_0128 [label="CU"];
n_0129 [label="ADDR(0xc0)"];
n_0129 -> n_0128;
n_0132 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0132 -> n_0129;
n_0135 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0135 -> n_0132;
n_0138 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0138 -> n_0135;
n_0141 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0141 -> n_0125;
n_0141 -> n_0138;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for box_i
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append label: 3
Build tree out of: [wval, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x20)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0010 [label="CONST(0x7f311f1da9df, 0x8)"];
n_0013 [label="TC"];
n_0014 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0014 -> n_0013;
n_0017 [label="CU"];
n_0018 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0x2, 0x2)"];
n_0021 [label="CARG(0x3)"];
n_0021 -> n_0004;
n_0007 [label="CONST(0x25, 0x2)"];
n_0024 [label="CARG(0x3)"];
n_0024 -> n_0007;
n_0027 [label="ARGLIST"];
n_0027 -> n_0014;
n_0027 -> n_0018;
n_0027 -> n_0021;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0033 [label="CALL(0x8)"];
n_0033 -> n_0010;
n_0033 -> n_0027;
n_0037 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0037 -> n_0001;
n_0037 -> n_0033;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 4
append label: 5
Cannot get template for box_i
Build tree out of: [const_i64_16, hllboxtype_i, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0x1, 0x2)"];
n_0007 [label="COPY"];
n_0007 -> n_0004;
n_0009 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0009 -> n_0001;
n_0009 -> n_0007;
n_0013 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0014 -> n_0013;
n_0017 [label="CU"];
n_0018 [label="ADDR(0xc0)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0021 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0021 -> n_0018;
n_0024 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0024 -> n_0021;
n_0027 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0030 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0030 -> n_0014;
n_0030 -> n_0027;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for box_i
append_ins: <box_i>
append label: 6
Cannot get template for paramnamesused
append_ins: <paramnamesused>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 7
Cannot get template for bindkey_o
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: emitted a bindkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 8
Build tree out of: [set, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 9
Cannot get template for sp_guardconc
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 10
Cannot get template for return_o
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 11
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-33)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (const $val $size)
5: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
6: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
7: (local)
8: (tc)
9: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
10: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
11: (const $val $size)
12: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
13: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
14: (local)
15: (tc)
16: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
17: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
18: (const $val $size)
19: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
20: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
21: (local)
22: (tc)
23: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
24: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
25: (const $val $size)
26: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
27: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
28: (local)
29: (cu)
30: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
31: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
32: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-8)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (cu)
3: (const $val $size)
4: (const $val $size)
5: (arglist (carg reg))
6: (call (const $ptr $sz) c_args $size)
7: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-9)
0: (local)
1: (const $val $size)
2: (copy reg)
3: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
4: (local)
5: (cu)
6: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <paramnamesused>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-5)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1771
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 186, name: 'moarop_return_type')
append label: 0
append label: 1
Build tree out of: [null, null, null, null, null, sp_getarg_s, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x78)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="TC"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0001;
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0021 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0022 [label="ADDR(0x70)"];
n_0022 -> n_0021;
n_0025 [label="TC"];
n_0026 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0026 -> n_0025;
n_0029 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0029 -> n_0026;
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0032 -> n_0029;
n_0035 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0035 -> n_0032;
n_0038 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0038 -> n_0022;
n_0038 -> n_0035;
n_0042 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0043 [label="ADDR(0x68)"];
n_0043 -> n_0042;
n_0046 [label="TC"];
n_0047 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0047 -> n_0046;
n_0050 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0050 -> n_0047;
n_0053 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0053 -> n_0050;
n_0056 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0056 -> n_0053;
n_0059 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0059 -> n_0043;
n_0059 -> n_0056;
n_0063 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0064 [label="ADDR(0x30)"];
n_0064 -> n_0063;
n_0067 [label="TC"];
n_0068 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0068 -> n_0067;
n_0071 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0071 -> n_0068;
n_0074 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0074 -> n_0071;
n_0077 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0077 -> n_0074;
n_0080 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0080 -> n_0064;
n_0080 -> n_0077;
n_0084 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0085 [label="ADDR(0x28)"];
n_0085 -> n_0084;
n_0088 [label="TC"];
n_0089 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0089 -> n_0088;
n_0092 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0092 -> n_0089;
n_0095 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0095 -> n_0092;
n_0098 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0098 -> n_0095;
n_0101 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0101 -> n_0085;
n_0101 -> n_0098;
n_0105 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0106 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0106 -> n_0105;
n_0112 [label="TC"];
n_0113 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0113 -> n_0112;
n_0116 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0116 -> n_0113;
n_0119 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0119 -> n_0116;
n_0122 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0122 -> n_0119;
n_0109 [label="CONST(0, 0x2)"];
n_0125 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0125 -> n_0122;
n_0125 -> n_0109;
n_0129 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0129 -> n_0125;
n_0132 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0132 -> n_0106;
n_0132 -> n_0129;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 21
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <existskey>
devirt: emitted a existskey via consume_reprop
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: emitted an atkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 3
Build tree out of: [wval, set, goto, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x30)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0010 [label="CONST(0x7f311f1da9df, 0x8)"];
n_0013 [label="TC"];
n_0014 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0014 -> n_0013;
n_0017 [label="CU"];
n_0018 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0x2, 0x2)"];
n_0021 [label="CARG(0x3)"];
n_0021 -> n_0004;
n_0007 [label="CONST(0x25, 0x2)"];
n_0024 [label="CARG(0x3)"];
n_0024 -> n_0007;
n_0027 [label="ARGLIST"];
n_0027 -> n_0014;
n_0027 -> n_0018;
n_0027 -> n_0021;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0033 [label="CALL(0x8)"];
n_0033 -> n_0010;
n_0033 -> n_0027;
n_0037 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0037 -> n_0001;
n_0037 -> n_0033;
n_0041 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0042 [label="ADDR(0x28)"];
n_0042 -> n_0041;
n_0045 [label="COPY"];
n_0045 -> n_0033;
n_0047 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0047 -> n_0042;
n_0047 -> n_0045;
n_0051 [label="CONST(0x5, 0x4)"];
n_0054 [label="LABEL"];
n_0054 -> n_0051;
n_0056 [label="BRANCH"];
n_0056 -> n_0054;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 4
Build tree out of: [set, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x28)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 5
Cannot get template for smrt_numify
Build tree out of: [decont, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x28)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="ZR"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="ADDR(0xc)"];
n_0013 -> n_0008;
n_0016 [label="LOAD(0x2)"];
n_0016 -> n_0013;
n_0019 [label="CONST(0x1, 0x2)"];
n_0022 [label="AND"];
n_0022 -> n_0016;
n_0022 -> n_0019;
n_0025 [label="NZ"];
n_0025 -> n_0022;
n_0027 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0027 -> n_0008;
n_0030 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0030 -> n_0027;
n_0033 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0033 -> n_0030;
n_0036 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0036 -> n_0033;
n_0039 [label="ZR"];
n_0039 -> n_0036;
n_0041 [label="ANY"];
n_0041 -> n_0011;
n_0041 -> n_0025;
n_0041 -> n_0039;
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x28)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0046 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0046 -> n_0001;
n_0046 -> n_0008;
n_0050 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0050 -> n_0008;
n_0053 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0053 -> n_0050;
n_0056 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0056 -> n_0053;
n_0059 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0059 -> n_0056;
n_0062 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0062 -> n_0059;
n_0065 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0065 -> n_0062;
n_0068 [label="TC"];
n_0069 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0069 -> n_0068;
n_0072 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0072 -> n_0008;
n_0075 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0075 -> n_0001;
n_0078 [label="ARGLIST"];
n_0078 -> n_0069;
n_0078 -> n_0072;
n_0078 -> n_0075;
n_0083 [label="CALLV"];
n_0083 -> n_0065;
n_0083 -> n_0078;
n_0086 [label="IFV"];
n_0086 -> n_0041;
n_0086 -> n_0046;
n_0086 -> n_0083;
n_0090 [label="GUARD(0x1)"];
n_0090 -> n_0086;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for smrt_numify
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <band_i>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 7
Cannot get template for brshift_i
Build tree out of: [const_i64_16, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0x3, 0x2)"];
n_0007 [label="COPY"];
n_0007 -> n_0004;
n_0009 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0009 -> n_0001;
n_0009 -> n_0007;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for brshift_i
append_ins: <brshift_i>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <throwpayloadlex>
BAIL: op <throwpayloadlex>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 48, name: 'moarop_mapper')
append label: 0
append label: 1
Cannot get template for getcode
Build tree out of: [null, null, null, null, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="TC"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0001;
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0021 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0022 [label="ADDR(0x58)"];
n_0022 -> n_0021;
n_0025 [label="TC"];
n_0026 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0026 -> n_0025;
n_0029 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0029 -> n_0026;
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0032 -> n_0029;
n_0035 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0035 -> n_0032;
n_0038 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0038 -> n_0022;
n_0038 -> n_0035;
n_0042 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0043 [label="ADDR(0x50)"];
n_0043 -> n_0042;
n_0046 [label="TC"];
n_0047 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0047 -> n_0046;
n_0050 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0050 -> n_0047;
n_0053 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0053 -> n_0050;
n_0056 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0056 -> n_0053;
n_0059 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0059 -> n_0043;
n_0059 -> n_0056;
n_0063 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0064 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0064 -> n_0063;
n_0067 [label="TC"];
n_0068 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0068 -> n_0067;
n_0071 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0071 -> n_0068;
n_0074 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0074 -> n_0071;
n_0077 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0077 -> n_0074;
n_0080 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0080 -> n_0064;
n_0080 -> n_0077;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for getcode
append_ins: <getcode>
append_ins: <takeclosure>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <unbox_i>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
Cannot get template for prepargs
Build tree out of: [set, getlex, getlex, set, sp_getspeshslot, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0018 [label="ADDR(0x48)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0021 [label="TC"];
n_0022 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0022 -> n_0021;
n_0025 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0025 -> n_0022;
n_0028 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0028 -> n_0025;
n_0031 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0031 -> n_0028;
n_0034 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0034 -> n_0031;
n_0037 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0037 -> n_0034;
n_0040 [label="COPY"];
n_0040 -> n_0037;
n_0042 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0042 -> n_0018;
n_0042 -> n_0040;
n_0046 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0047 [label="ADDR(0x30)"];
n_0047 -> n_0046;
n_0050 [label="TC"];
n_0051 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0051 -> n_0050;
n_0054 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0054 -> n_0051;
n_0057 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0057 -> n_0054;
n_0060 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0060 -> n_0057;
n_0063 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0063 -> n_0060;
n_0066 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0066 -> n_0063;
n_0069 [label="COPY"];
n_0069 -> n_0066;
n_0071 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0071 -> n_0047;
n_0071 -> n_0069;
n_0075 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0076 [label="ADDR(0x58)"];
n_0076 -> n_0075;
n_0079 [label="COPY"];
n_0079 -> n_0011;
n_0081 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0081 -> n_0076;
n_0081 -> n_0079;
n_0085 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0086 [label="ADDR(0x50)"];
n_0086 -> n_0085;
n_0092 [label="TC"];
n_0093 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0093 -> n_0092;
n_0096 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0096 -> n_0093;
n_0099 [label="ADDR(0x88)"];
n_0099 -> n_0096;
n_0102 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0102 -> n_0099;
n_0089 [label="CONST(0x4, 0x2)"];
n_0105 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0105 -> n_0102;
n_0105 -> n_0089;
n_0109 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0109 -> n_0105;
n_0112 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0112 -> n_0086;
n_0112 -> n_0109;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for prepargs
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 3
Build tree out of: [set, const_i64_16, goto, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x50)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0018 [label="ADDR(0x38)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0021 [label="CONST(0, 0x2)"];
n_0024 [label="COPY"];
n_0024 -> n_0021;
n_0026 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0026 -> n_0018;
n_0026 -> n_0024;
n_0030 [label="CONST(0x7, 0x4)"];
n_0033 [label="LABEL"];
n_0033 -> n_0030;
n_0035 [label="BRANCH"];
n_0035 -> n_0033;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 4
Cannot get template for unless_o
Build tree out of: [decont, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="ZR"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="ADDR(0xc)"];
n_0013 -> n_0008;
n_0016 [label="LOAD(0x2)"];
n_0016 -> n_0013;
n_0019 [label="CONST(0x1, 0x2)"];
n_0022 [label="AND"];
n_0022 -> n_0016;
n_0022 -> n_0019;
n_0025 [label="NZ"];
n_0025 -> n_0022;
n_0027 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0027 -> n_0008;
n_0030 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0030 -> n_0027;
n_0033 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0033 -> n_0030;
n_0036 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0036 -> n_0033;
n_0039 [label="ZR"];
n_0039 -> n_0036;
n_0041 [label="ANY"];
n_0041 -> n_0011;
n_0041 -> n_0025;
n_0041 -> n_0039;
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x50)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0046 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0046 -> n_0001;
n_0046 -> n_0008;
n_0050 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0050 -> n_0008;
n_0053 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0053 -> n_0050;
n_0056 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0056 -> n_0053;
n_0059 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0059 -> n_0056;
n_0062 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0062 -> n_0059;
n_0065 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0065 -> n_0062;
n_0068 [label="TC"];
n_0069 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0069 -> n_0068;
n_0072 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0072 -> n_0008;
n_0075 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0075 -> n_0001;
n_0078 [label="ARGLIST"];
n_0078 -> n_0069;
n_0078 -> n_0072;
n_0078 -> n_0075;
n_0083 [label="CALLV"];
n_0083 -> n_0065;
n_0083 -> n_0078;
n_0086 [label="IFV"];
n_0086 -> n_0041;
n_0086 -> n_0046;
n_0086 -> n_0083;
n_0090 [label="GUARD(0x1)"];
n_0090 -> n_0086;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for unless_o
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 5
Cannot get template for shift_o
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: repr op shift_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: repr op bindpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
Build tree out of: [goto, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="CONST(0x9, 0x4)"];
n_0003 [label="LABEL"];
n_0003 -> n_0000;
n_0005 [label="BRANCH"];
n_0005 -> n_0003;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 7
Build tree out of: [set, const_i64_16, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x50)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0018 [label="ADDR(0x30)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0021 [label="CONST(0x1, 0x2)"];
n_0024 [label="COPY"];
n_0024 -> n_0021;
n_0026 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0026 -> n_0018;
n_0026 -> n_0024;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 8
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_o via consume_reprop
append label: 9
Cannot get template for return_o
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 10
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-20)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
5: (local)
6: (tc)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
9: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
10: (local)
11: (tc)
12: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
13: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
14: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
15: (local)
16: (tc)
17: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
18: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
19: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit opcode: <getcode>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 4
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-29)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
5: (local)
6: (tc)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
9: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
10: (copy reg)
11: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
12: (local)
13: (tc)
14: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
15: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
16: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
17: (copy reg)
18: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
19: (local)
20: (copy reg)
21: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
22: (local)
23: (tc)
24: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
25: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
26: (const $val $size)
27: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
28: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-10)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
5: (local)
6: (const $val $size)
7: (copy reg)
8: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
9: (branch (label (const $val)))
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-4)
0: (guard :pre)
1: (local)
2: (zr (load (addr reg $ofs) $size))
3: (branch :success)
-> { 1, 3 }
Block{1} [4-7)
4: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
5: (nz (and (load (addr reg $ofs) $size) (const $val $size)))
6: (branch :success)
-> { 2, 3 }
Block{2} [7-13)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
9: (zr (load (addr reg $ofs) $size))
10: (branch :success)
11: (any flag)
12: (branch: fail)
-> { 3, 4 }
Block{3} [13-18)
13: (label :success)
14: (local)
15: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
16: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
17: (branch :after)
-> { 5 }
Block{4} [18-27)
18: (label :fail)
19: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
20: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
21: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
22: (tc)
23: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
24: (addr reg $ofs)
25: (arglist (carg reg))
26: (callv (load (addr reg $ofs) $sz) c_args)
-> { 5 }
Block{5} [27-30)
27: (branch :after)
28: (ifv flag void)
29: (guard void $mode)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-1)
0: (branch (label (const $val)))
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-9)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
5: (local)
6: (const $val $size)
7: (copy reg)
8: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 2239
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 45, name: 'add_core_moarop_mapping')
append label: 0
append label: 1
Build tree out of: [sp_getarg_o, sp_getarg_s, sp_getarg_s, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0007 [label="TC"];
n_0008 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0008 -> n_0007;
n_0011 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0, 0x2)"];
n_0020 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0020 -> n_0017;
n_0020 -> n_0004;
n_0024 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0024 -> n_0020;
n_0027 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0001;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0031 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0032 -> n_0031;
n_0038 [label="TC"];
n_0039 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0039 -> n_0038;
n_0042 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0042 -> n_0039;
n_0045 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0045 -> n_0042;
n_0048 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0048 -> n_0045;
n_0035 [label="CONST(0x1, 0x2)"];
n_0051 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0051 -> n_0048;
n_0051 -> n_0035;
n_0055 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0055 -> n_0051;
n_0058 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0058 -> n_0032;
n_0058 -> n_0055;
n_0062 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0063 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0063 -> n_0062;
n_0069 [label="TC"];
n_0070 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0070 -> n_0069;
n_0073 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0073 -> n_0070;
n_0076 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0076 -> n_0073;
n_0079 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0079 -> n_0076;
n_0066 [label="CONST(0x2, 0x2)"];
n_0082 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0082 -> n_0079;
n_0082 -> n_0066;
n_0086 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0086 -> n_0082;
n_0089 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0089 -> n_0063;
n_0089 -> n_0086;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 2
Cannot get template for box_i
Build tree out of: [const_i64_16, hllboxtype_i, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x2)"];
n_0007 [label="COPY"];
n_0007 -> n_0004;
n_0009 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0009 -> n_0001;
n_0009 -> n_0007;
n_0013 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0014 -> n_0013;
n_0017 [label="CU"];
n_0018 [label="ADDR(0xc0)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0021 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0021 -> n_0018;
n_0024 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0024 -> n_0021;
n_0027 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0030 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0030 -> n_0014;
n_0030 -> n_0027;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for box_i
append_ins: <box_i>
append label: 3
Cannot get template for box_i
Build tree out of: [sp_getarg_i, hllboxtype_i, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x70)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0007 [label="TC"];
n_0008 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0008 -> n_0007;
n_0011 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0x4, 0x2)"];
n_0020 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0020 -> n_0017;
n_0020 -> n_0004;
n_0024 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0024 -> n_0020;
n_0027 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0001;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0031 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x68)"];
n_0032 -> n_0031;
n_0035 [label="CU"];
n_0036 [label="ADDR(0xc0)"];
n_0036 -> n_0035;
n_0039 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0039 -> n_0036;
n_0042 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0042 -> n_0039;
n_0045 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0045 -> n_0042;
n_0048 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0048 -> n_0032;
n_0048 -> n_0045;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for box_i
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
Build tree out of: [wval, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x20)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0010 [label="CONST(0x7f311f1da9df, 0x8)"];
n_0013 [label="TC"];
n_0014 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0014 -> n_0013;
n_0017 [label="CU"];
n_0018 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0x2, 0x2)"];
n_0021 [label="CARG(0x3)"];
n_0021 -> n_0004;
n_0007 [label="CONST(0x25, 0x2)"];
n_0024 [label="CARG(0x3)"];
n_0024 -> n_0007;
n_0027 [label="ARGLIST"];
n_0027 -> n_0014;
n_0027 -> n_0018;
n_0027 -> n_0021;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0033 [label="CALL(0x8)"];
n_0033 -> n_0010;
n_0033 -> n_0027;
n_0037 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0037 -> n_0001;
n_0037 -> n_0033;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 5
append label: 6
Cannot get template for box_i
Build tree out of: [const_i64_16, hllboxtype_i, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0x1, 0x2)"];
n_0007 [label="COPY"];
n_0007 -> n_0004;
n_0009 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0009 -> n_0001;
n_0009 -> n_0007;
n_0013 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0014 -> n_0013;
n_0017 [label="CU"];
n_0018 [label="ADDR(0xc0)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0021 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0021 -> n_0018;
n_0024 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0024 -> n_0021;
n_0027 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0030 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0030 -> n_0014;
n_0030 -> n_0027;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for box_i
append_ins: <box_i>
append label: 7
Cannot get template for paramnamesused
append_ins: <paramnamesused>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 8
Cannot get template for bindkey_o
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: emitted a bindkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 9
Build tree out of: [set, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 10
Cannot get template for sp_guardconc
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 11
Cannot get template for return_o
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 12
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-21)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (const $val $size)
5: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
6: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
7: (local)
8: (tc)
9: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
10: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
11: (const $val $size)
12: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
13: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
14: (local)
15: (tc)
16: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
17: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
18: (const $val $size)
19: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
20: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-9)
0: (local)
1: (const $val $size)
2: (copy reg)
3: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
4: (local)
5: (cu)
6: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-12)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (const $val $size)
5: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
6: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
7: (local)
8: (cu)
9: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
10: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
11: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_namedarg_used>
emit jump to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-8)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (cu)
3: (const $val $size)
4: (const $val $size)
5: (arglist (carg reg))
6: (call (const $ptr $sz) c_args $size)
7: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-9)
0: (local)
1: (const $val $size)
2: (copy reg)
3: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
4: (local)
5: (cu)
6: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <paramnamesused>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-5)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1866
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 99, name: 'cache_get')
append label: 0
append label: 1
Cannot get template for box_s
Build tree out of: [sp_getarg_o, sp_getarg_s, hllboxtype_s, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0007 [label="TC"];
n_0008 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0008 -> n_0007;
n_0011 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0, 0x2)"];
n_0020 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0020 -> n_0017;
n_0020 -> n_0004;
n_0024 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0024 -> n_0020;
n_0027 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0001;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0031 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x50)"];
n_0032 -> n_0031;
n_0038 [label="TC"];
n_0039 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0039 -> n_0038;
n_0042 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0042 -> n_0039;
n_0045 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0045 -> n_0042;
n_0048 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0048 -> n_0045;
n_0035 [label="CONST(0x2, 0x2)"];
n_0051 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0051 -> n_0048;
n_0051 -> n_0035;
n_0055 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0055 -> n_0051;
n_0058 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0058 -> n_0032;
n_0058 -> n_0055;
n_0062 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0063 [label="ADDR(0x48)"];
n_0063 -> n_0062;
n_0066 [label="CU"];
n_0067 [label="ADDR(0xc0)"];
n_0067 -> n_0066;
n_0070 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0070 -> n_0067;
n_0073 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0073 -> n_0070;
n_0076 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0076 -> n_0073;
n_0079 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0079 -> n_0063;
n_0079 -> n_0076;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for box_s
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnonnull>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
Cannot get template for unbox_s
Build tree out of: [set, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x30)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for unbox_s
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: emitted an atkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
Build tree out of: [null, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x20)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="TC"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0001;
n_0017 -> n_0014;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 4
Cannot get template for return_o
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 5
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-19)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (const $val $size)
5: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
6: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
7: (local)
8: (tc)
9: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
10: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
11: (const $val $size)
12: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
13: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
14: (local)
15: (cu)
16: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
17: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
18: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnonnull>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-5)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <7 args>
emit jump to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-5)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 751
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 99, name: 'cache_get')
append label: 0
append label: 1
Cannot get template for sp_guardconc
Build tree out of: [sp_getarg_o, sp_getarg_o, set, wval, sp_p6oget_o, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0007 [label="TC"];
n_0008 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0008 -> n_0007;
n_0011 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0, 0x2)"];
n_0020 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0020 -> n_0017;
n_0020 -> n_0004;
n_0024 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0024 -> n_0020;
n_0027 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0001;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0031 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0032 -> n_0031;
n_0038 [label="TC"];
n_0039 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0039 -> n_0038;
n_0042 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0042 -> n_0039;
n_0045 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0045 -> n_0042;
n_0048 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0048 -> n_0045;
n_0035 [label="CONST(0x2, 0x2)"];
n_0051 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0051 -> n_0048;
n_0051 -> n_0035;
n_0055 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0055 -> n_0051;
n_0058 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0058 -> n_0032;
n_0058 -> n_0055;
n_0062 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0063 [label="ADDR(0x20)"];
n_0063 -> n_0062;
n_0066 [label="COPY"];
n_0066 -> n_0024;
n_0068 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0068 -> n_0063;
n_0068 -> n_0066;
n_0072 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0073 [label="ADDR(0x28)"];
n_0073 -> n_0072;
n_0082 [label="CONST(0x7f311f1da9df, 0x8)"];
n_0085 [label="TC"];
n_0086 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0086 -> n_0085;
n_0089 [label="CU"];
n_0090 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0090 -> n_0089;
n_0076 [label="CONST(0, 0x2)"];
n_0093 [label="CARG(0x3)"];
n_0093 -> n_0076;
n_0079 [label="CONST(0x7, 0x2)"];
n_0096 [label="CARG(0x3)"];
n_0096 -> n_0079;
n_0099 [label="ARGLIST"];
n_0099 -> n_0086;
n_0099 -> n_0090;
n_0099 -> n_0093;
n_0099 -> n_0096;
n_0105 [label="CALL(0x8)"];
n_0105 -> n_0082;
n_0105 -> n_0099;
n_0109 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0109 -> n_0073;
n_0109 -> n_0105;
n_0113 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0114 [label="ADDR(0x30)"];
n_0114 -> n_0113;
n_0120 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0120 -> n_0066;
n_0123 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0123 -> n_0120;
n_0126 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0126 -> n_0123;
n_0128 [label="NZ"];
n_0128 -> n_0123;
n_0130 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0130 -> n_0066;
n_0133 [label="IF"];
n_0133 -> n_0128;
n_0133 -> n_0123;
n_0133 -> n_0130;
n_0137 [label="DO"];
n_0137 -> n_0126;
n_0137 -> n_0133;
n_0117 [label="CONST(0x70, 0x2)"];
n_0141 [label="ADD"];
n_0141 -> n_0137;
n_0141 -> n_0117;
n_0144 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0144 -> n_0141;
n_0147 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0147 -> n_0144;
n_0149 [label="NZ"];
n_0149 -> n_0144;
n_0151 [label="TC"];
n_0152 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0152 -> n_0151;
n_0155 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0155 -> n_0152;
n_0158 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0158 -> n_0155;
n_0161 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0161 -> n_0158;
n_0164 [label="IF"];
n_0164 -> n_0149;
n_0164 -> n_0144;
n_0164 -> n_0161;
n_0168 [label="DO"];
n_0168 -> n_0147;
n_0168 -> n_0164;
n_0172 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0172 -> n_0114;
n_0172 -> n_0168;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for sp_guardconc
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnonnull>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
Cannot get template for unbox_s
Build tree out of: [set, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x30)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for unbox_s
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: emitted an atkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
Build tree out of: [null, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x20)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="TC"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0001;
n_0017 -> n_0014;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 4
Cannot get template for return_o
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 5
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-30)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (const $val $size)
5: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
6: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
7: (local)
8: (tc)
9: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
10: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
11: (const $val $size)
12: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
13: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
14: (local)
15: (copy reg)
16: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
17: (local)
18: (tc)
19: (cu)
20: (const $val $size)
21: (const $val $size)
22: (arglist (carg reg))
23: (call (const $ptr $sz) c_args $size)
24: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
25: (local)
26: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
27: (discard reg)
28: (nz (load (addr reg $ofs) $size))
29: (conditional-branch: fail)
-> { 1, 2 }
Block{1} [30-31)
30: (branch :after)
-> { 3 }
Block{2} [31-33)
31: (label :fail)
32: (addr reg $ofs)
-> { 3 }
Block{3} [33-41)
33: (branch :after)
34: (if flag reg)
35: (do void reg)
36: (add reg (const $val $size))
37: (load reg $size)
38: (discard reg)
39: (nz reg)
40: (conditional-branch: fail)
-> { 4, 5 }
Block{4} [41-42)
41: (branch :after)
-> { 6 }
Block{5} [42-46)
42: (label :fail)
43: (tc)
44: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
45: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
-> { 6 }
Block{6} [46-50)
46: (branch :after)
47: (if flag reg)
48: (do void reg)
49: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnonnull>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-5)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <7 args>
emit jump to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-5)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 706
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 41, name: 'pos')
append label: 0
append label: 1
Cannot get template for return_i
Build tree out of: [sp_getarg_o, sp_getspeshslot, sp_p6oget_i, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0007 [label="TC"];
n_0008 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0008 -> n_0007;
n_0011 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0, 0x2)"];
n_0020 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0020 -> n_0017;
n_0020 -> n_0004;
n_0024 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0024 -> n_0020;
n_0027 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0001;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0031 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0032 -> n_0031;
n_0038 [label="TC"];
n_0039 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0039 -> n_0038;
n_0042 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0042 -> n_0039;
n_0045 [label="ADDR(0x88)"];
n_0045 -> n_0042;
n_0048 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0048 -> n_0045;
n_0035 [label="CONST(0, 0x2)"];
n_0051 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0051 -> n_0048;
n_0051 -> n_0035;
n_0055 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0055 -> n_0051;
n_0058 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0058 -> n_0032;
n_0058 -> n_0055;
n_0062 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0063 [label="ADDR(0x20)"];
n_0063 -> n_0062;
n_0069 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0069 -> n_0024;
n_0072 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0072 -> n_0069;
n_0075 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0075 -> n_0072;
n_0077 [label="NZ"];
n_0077 -> n_0072;
n_0079 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0079 -> n_0024;
n_0082 [label="IF"];
n_0082 -> n_0077;
n_0082 -> n_0072;
n_0082 -> n_0079;
n_0086 [label="DO"];
n_0086 -> n_0075;
n_0086 -> n_0082;
n_0066 [label="CONST(0x28, 0x2)"];
n_0090 [label="ADD"];
n_0090 -> n_0086;
n_0090 -> n_0066;
n_0093 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0093 -> n_0090;
n_0096 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0096 -> n_0063;
n_0096 -> n_0093;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for return_i
append_ins: <return_i>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-19)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (const $val $size)
5: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
6: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
7: (local)
8: (tc)
9: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
10: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
11: (const $val $size)
12: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
13: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
14: (local)
15: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
16: (discard reg)
17: (nz (load (addr reg $ofs) $size))
18: (conditional-branch: fail)
-> { 1, 2 }
Block{1} [19-20)
19: (branch :after)
-> { 3 }
Block{2} [20-22)
20: (label :fail)
21: (addr reg $ofs)
-> { 3 }
Block{3} [22-28)
22: (branch :after)
23: (if flag reg)
24: (do void reg)
25: (add reg (const $val $size))
26: (load reg $size)
27: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 248
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 63, name: 'actions')
append label: 0
append label: 1
Cannot get template for sp_guardconc
Build tree out of: [sp_getarg_o, sp_getspeshslot, sp_p6ogetvt_o, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0007 [label="TC"];
n_0008 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0008 -> n_0007;
n_0011 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0, 0x2)"];
n_0020 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0020 -> n_0017;
n_0020 -> n_0004;
n_0024 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0024 -> n_0020;
n_0027 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0001;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0031 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0032 -> n_0031;
n_0038 [label="TC"];
n_0039 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0039 -> n_0038;
n_0042 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0042 -> n_0039;
n_0045 [label="ADDR(0x88)"];
n_0045 -> n_0042;
n_0048 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0048 -> n_0045;
n_0035 [label="CONST(0x2, 0x2)"];
n_0051 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0051 -> n_0048;
n_0051 -> n_0035;
n_0055 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0055 -> n_0051;
n_0058 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0058 -> n_0032;
n_0058 -> n_0055;
n_0062 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0063 [label="ADDR(0x20)"];
n_0063 -> n_0062;
n_0072 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0072 -> n_0024;
n_0075 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0075 -> n_0072;
n_0078 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0078 -> n_0075;
n_0080 [label="NZ"];
n_0080 -> n_0075;
n_0082 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0082 -> n_0024;
n_0085 [label="IF"];
n_0085 -> n_0080;
n_0085 -> n_0075;
n_0085 -> n_0082;
n_0089 [label="DO"];
n_0089 -> n_0078;
n_0089 -> n_0085;
n_0066 [label="CONST(0x60, 0x2)"];
n_0093 [label="ADD"];
n_0093 -> n_0089;
n_0093 -> n_0066;
n_0099 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0099 -> n_0093;
n_0096 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0096 -> n_0093;
n_0101 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0101 -> n_0096;
n_0103 [label="NZ"];
n_0103 -> n_0096;
n_0105 [label="TC"];
n_0106 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0106 -> n_0105;
n_0109 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0109 -> n_0106;
n_0112 [label="ADDR(0x88)"];
n_0112 -> n_0109;
n_0115 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0115 -> n_0112;
n_0069 [label="CONST(0x3, 0x2)"];
n_0118 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0118 -> n_0115;
n_0118 -> n_0069;
n_0122 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0122 -> n_0118;
n_0125 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0125 -> n_0122;
n_0127 [label="ADDR(0xc)"];
n_0127 -> n_0024;
n_0130 [label="LOAD(0x2)"];
n_0130 -> n_0127;
n_0133 [label="CONST(0x10, 0x2)"];
n_0136 [label="AND"];
n_0136 -> n_0130;
n_0136 -> n_0133;
n_0139 [label="NZ"];
n_0139 -> n_0136;
n_0141 [label="NZ"];
n_0141 -> n_0122;
n_0143 [label="ADDR(0xc)"];
n_0143 -> n_0122;
n_0146 [label="LOAD(0x2)"];
n_0146 -> n_0143;
n_0149 [label="CONST(0x10, 0x2)"];
n_0152 [label="AND"];
n_0152 -> n_0146;
n_0152 -> n_0149;
n_0155 [label="ZR"];
n_0155 -> n_0152;
n_0157 [label="ALL"];
n_0157 -> n_0139;
n_0157 -> n_0141;
n_0157 -> n_0155;
n_0162 [label="CONST(0x7f311f18634e, 0x8)"];
n_0165 [label="TC"];
n_0166 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0166 -> n_0165;
n_0169 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0169 -> n_0024;
n_0172 [label="ARGLIST"];
n_0172 -> n_0166;
n_0172 -> n_0169;
n_0176 [label="CALLV"];
n_0176 -> n_0162;
n_0176 -> n_0172;
n_0179 [label="WHEN"];
n_0179 -> n_0157;
n_0179 -> n_0176;
n_0182 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0182 -> n_0093;
n_0182 -> n_0122;
n_0186 [label="COPY"];
n_0186 -> n_0122;
n_0188 [label="DO"];
n_0188 -> n_0125;
n_0188 -> n_0179;
n_0188 -> n_0182;
n_0188 -> n_0186;
n_0194 [label="IF"];
n_0194 -> n_0103;
n_0194 -> n_0096;
n_0194 -> n_0188;
n_0198 [label="DO"];
n_0198 -> n_0099;
n_0198 -> n_0101;
n_0198 -> n_0194;
n_0203 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0203 -> n_0063;
n_0203 -> n_0198;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for sp_guardconc
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-19)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (const $val $size)
5: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
6: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
7: (local)
8: (tc)
9: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
10: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
11: (const $val $size)
12: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
13: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
14: (local)
15: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
16: (discard reg)
17: (nz (load (addr reg $ofs) $size))
18: (conditional-branch: fail)
-> { 1, 2 }
Block{1} [19-20)
19: (branch :after)
-> { 3 }
Block{2} [20-22)
20: (label :fail)
21: (addr reg $ofs)
-> { 3 }
Block{3} [22-31)
22: (branch :after)
23: (if flag reg)
24: (do void reg)
25: (add reg (const $val $size))
26: (discard reg)
27: (load reg $size)
28: (discard reg)
29: (nz reg)
30: (conditional-branch: fail)
-> { 4, 5 }
Block{4} [31-32)
31: (branch :after)
-> { 10 }
Block{5} [32-41)
32: (label :fail)
33: (tc)
34: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
35: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
36: (const $val $size)
37: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
38: (discard reg)
39: (nz (and (load (addr reg $ofs) $size) (const $val $size)))
40: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 6, 9 }
Block{6} [41-43)
41: (nz (load (idx reg reg $scl) $size))
42: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 7, 9 }
Block{7} [43-45)
43: (zr (and (load (addr reg $ofs) $size) (const $val $size)))
44: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 8, 9 }
Block{8} [45-49)
45: (all flag)
46: (tc)
47: (arglist (carg reg))
48: (callv (const $ptr $sz) c_args)
-> { 9 }
Block{9} [49-54)
49: (label :fail)
50: (when flag void)
51: (store reg reg $size)
52: (copy reg)
53: (do void reg)
-> { 10 }
Block{10} [54-58)
54: (branch :after)
55: (if flag reg)
56: (do void reg)
57: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 532
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 93, name: '!reduce')
append label: 0
append label: 1
Build tree out of: [null, sp_getarg_o, sp_getarg_s, set, set, sp_getspeshslot, set, goto, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x50)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="TC"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0001;
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0021 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0022 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0022 -> n_0021;
n_0028 [label="TC"];
n_0029 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0029 -> n_0028;
n_0032 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0032 -> n_0029;
n_0035 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0035 -> n_0032;
n_0038 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0038 -> n_0035;
n_0025 [label="CONST(0, 0x2)"];
n_0041 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0041 -> n_0038;
n_0041 -> n_0025;
n_0045 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0045 -> n_0041;
n_0048 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0048 -> n_0022;
n_0048 -> n_0045;
n_0052 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0053 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0053 -> n_0052;
n_0059 [label="TC"];
n_0060 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0060 -> n_0059;
n_0063 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0063 -> n_0060;
n_0066 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0066 -> n_0063;
n_0069 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0069 -> n_0066;
n_0056 [label="CONST(0x1, 0x2)"];
n_0072 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0072 -> n_0069;
n_0072 -> n_0056;
n_0076 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0076 -> n_0072;
n_0079 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0079 -> n_0053;
n_0079 -> n_0076;
n_0083 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0084 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0084 -> n_0083;
n_0087 [label="COPY"];
n_0087 -> n_0045;
n_0089 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0089 -> n_0084;
n_0089 -> n_0087;
n_0093 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0094 [label="ADDR(0x28)"];
n_0094 -> n_0093;
n_0097 [label="COPY"];
n_0097 -> n_0087;
n_0099 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0099 -> n_0094;
n_0099 -> n_0097;
n_0103 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0104 [label="ADDR(0x20)"];
n_0104 -> n_0103;
n_0110 [label="TC"];
n_0111 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0111 -> n_0110;
n_0114 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0114 -> n_0111;
n_0117 [label="ADDR(0x88)"];
n_0117 -> n_0114;
n_0120 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0120 -> n_0117;
n_0107 [label="CONST(0x3, 0x2)"];
n_0123 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0123 -> n_0120;
n_0123 -> n_0107;
n_0127 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0127 -> n_0123;
n_0130 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0130 -> n_0104;
n_0130 -> n_0127;
n_0134 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0135 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0135 -> n_0134;
n_0138 [label="COPY"];
n_0138 -> n_0087;
n_0140 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0140 -> n_0135;
n_0140 -> n_0138;
n_0144 [label="CONST(0x8, 0x4)"];
n_0147 [label="LABEL"];
n_0147 -> n_0144;
n_0149 [label="BRANCH"];
n_0149 -> n_0147;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 2
Cannot get template for sp_guardtype
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 3
Cannot get template for can_s
Build tree out of: [set, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for can_s
append_ins: <can_s>
append invokish control guard
append label: 4
Build tree out of: [unless_i, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x48)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0004 -> n_0001;
n_0010 [label="ZR"];
n_0010 -> n_0004;
n_0007 [label="CONST(0x7, 0x4)"];
n_0012 [label="LABEL"];
n_0012 -> n_0007;
n_0014 [label="BRANCH"];
n_0014 -> n_0012;
n_0016 [label="WHEN"];
n_0016 -> n_0010;
n_0016 -> n_0014;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 5
Cannot get template for findmeth_s
Build tree out of: [set, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for findmeth_s
append_ins: <findmeth_s>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 6
Cannot get template for sp_guardconc
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 7
Cannot get template for return_o
Build tree out of: [set, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x28)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for return_o
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 8
Entering inline 0 (name: actions, cuuid: 63)
Cannot get template for sp_guardconc
Build tree out of: [sp_getspeshslot, sp_p6ogetvt_o, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x70)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0007 [label="TC"];
n_0008 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0008 -> n_0007;
n_0011 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x88)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0x6, 0x2)"];
n_0020 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0020 -> n_0017;
n_0020 -> n_0004;
n_0024 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0024 -> n_0020;
n_0027 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0001;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0031 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x78)"];
n_0032 -> n_0031;
n_0035 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0036 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0036 -> n_0035;
n_0039 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0039 -> n_0036;
n_0048 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0048 -> n_0039;
n_0051 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0051 -> n_0048;
n_0054 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0054 -> n_0051;
n_0056 [label="NZ"];
n_0056 -> n_0051;
n_0058 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0058 -> n_0039;
n_0061 [label="IF"];
n_0061 -> n_0056;
n_0061 -> n_0051;
n_0061 -> n_0058;
n_0065 [label="DO"];
n_0065 -> n_0054;
n_0065 -> n_0061;
n_0042 [label="CONST(0x60, 0x2)"];
n_0069 [label="ADD"];
n_0069 -> n_0065;
n_0069 -> n_0042;
n_0075 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0075 -> n_0069;
n_0072 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0072 -> n_0069;
n_0077 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0077 -> n_0072;
n_0079 [label="NZ"];
n_0079 -> n_0072;
n_0081 [label="TC"];
n_0082 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0082 -> n_0081;
n_0085 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0085 -> n_0082;
n_0088 [label="ADDR(0x88)"];
n_0088 -> n_0085;
n_0091 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0091 -> n_0088;
n_0045 [label="CONST(0x7, 0x2)"];
n_0094 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0094 -> n_0091;
n_0094 -> n_0045;
n_0098 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0098 -> n_0094;
n_0101 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0101 -> n_0098;
n_0103 [label="ADDR(0xc)"];
n_0103 -> n_0039;
n_0106 [label="LOAD(0x2)"];
n_0106 -> n_0103;
n_0109 [label="CONST(0x10, 0x2)"];
n_0112 [label="AND"];
n_0112 -> n_0106;
n_0112 -> n_0109;
n_0115 [label="NZ"];
n_0115 -> n_0112;
n_0117 [label="NZ"];
n_0117 -> n_0098;
n_0119 [label="ADDR(0xc)"];
n_0119 -> n_0098;
n_0122 [label="LOAD(0x2)"];
n_0122 -> n_0119;
n_0125 [label="CONST(0x10, 0x2)"];
n_0128 [label="AND"];
n_0128 -> n_0122;
n_0128 -> n_0125;
n_0131 [label="ZR"];
n_0131 -> n_0128;
n_0133 [label="ALL"];
n_0133 -> n_0115;
n_0133 -> n_0117;
n_0133 -> n_0131;
n_0138 [label="CONST(0x7f311f18634e, 0x8)"];
n_0141 [label="TC"];
n_0142 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0142 -> n_0141;
n_0145 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0145 -> n_0039;
n_0148 [label="ARGLIST"];
n_0148 -> n_0142;
n_0148 -> n_0145;
n_0152 [label="CALLV"];
n_0152 -> n_0138;
n_0152 -> n_0148;
n_0155 [label="WHEN"];
n_0155 -> n_0133;
n_0155 -> n_0152;
n_0158 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0158 -> n_0069;
n_0158 -> n_0098;
n_0162 [label="COPY"];
n_0162 -> n_0098;
n_0164 [label="DO"];
n_0164 -> n_0101;
n_0164 -> n_0155;
n_0164 -> n_0158;
n_0164 -> n_0162;
n_0170 [label="IF"];
n_0170 -> n_0079;
n_0170 -> n_0072;
n_0170 -> n_0164;
n_0174 [label="DO"];
n_0174 -> n_0075;
n_0174 -> n_0077;
n_0174 -> n_0170;
n_0179 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0179 -> n_0032;
n_0179 -> n_0174;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for sp_guardconc
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 9
Leaving inline 0 (name: actions, cuuid: 63)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-36)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
5: (local)
6: (tc)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
9: (const $val $size)
10: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
11: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
12: (local)
13: (tc)
14: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
15: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
16: (const $val $size)
17: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
18: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
19: (local)
20: (copy reg)
21: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
22: (local)
23: (copy reg)
24: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
25: (local)
26: (tc)
27: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
28: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
29: (const $val $size)
30: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
31: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
32: (local)
33: (copy reg)
34: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
35: (branch (label (const $val)))
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-5)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-3)
0: (local)
1: (zr (load (addr reg $ofs) $size))
2: (branch :fail)
-> { 1, 2 }
Block{1} [3-4)
3: (branch (label (const $val)))
-> { 2 }
Block{2} [4-6)
4: (label :fail)
5: (when flag void)
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-5)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-5)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-14)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (const $val $size)
5: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
6: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
7: (local)
8: (local)
9: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
10: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
11: (discard reg)
12: (nz (load (addr reg $ofs) $size))
13: (conditional-branch: fail)
-> { 1, 2 }
Block{1} [14-15)
14: (branch :after)
-> { 3 }
Block{2} [15-17)
15: (label :fail)
16: (addr reg $ofs)
-> { 3 }
Block{3} [17-26)
17: (branch :after)
18: (if flag reg)
19: (do void reg)
20: (add reg (const $val $size))
21: (discard reg)
22: (load reg $size)
23: (discard reg)
24: (nz reg)
25: (conditional-branch: fail)
-> { 4, 5 }
Block{4} [26-27)
26: (branch :after)
-> { 10 }
Block{5} [27-36)
27: (label :fail)
28: (tc)
29: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
30: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
31: (const $val $size)
32: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
33: (discard reg)
34: (nz (and (load (addr reg $ofs) $size) (const $val $size)))
35: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 6, 9 }
Block{6} [36-38)
36: (nz (load (idx reg reg $scl) $size))
37: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 7, 9 }
Block{7} [38-40)
38: (zr (and (load (addr reg $ofs) $size) (const $val $size)))
39: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 8, 9 }
Block{8} [40-44)
40: (all flag)
41: (tc)
42: (arglist (carg reg))
43: (callv (const $ptr $sz) c_args)
-> { 9 }
Block{9} [44-49)
44: (label :fail)
45: (when flag void)
46: (store reg reg $size)
47: (copy reg)
48: (do void reg)
-> { 10 }
Block{10} [49-53)
49: (branch :after)
50: (if flag reg)
51: (do void reg)
52: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 2
Bytecode size: 1705
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 82, name: '!cursor_start')
append label: 0
append label: 1
Cannot get template for callercode
Build tree out of: [null, null, sp_getarg_o, sp_fastcreate, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x48)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="TC"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0001;
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0021 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0022 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0022 -> n_0021;
n_0025 [label="TC"];
n_0026 [label="ADDR(0xa0)"];
n_0026 -> n_0025;
n_0029 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0029 -> n_0026;
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x80)"];
n_0032 -> n_0029;
n_0035 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0035 -> n_0032;
n_0038 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0038 -> n_0022;
n_0038 -> n_0035;
n_0042 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0043 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0043 -> n_0042;
n_0049 [label="TC"];
n_0050 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0050 -> n_0049;
n_0053 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0053 -> n_0050;
n_0056 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0056 -> n_0053;
n_0059 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0059 -> n_0056;
n_0046 [label="CONST(0, 0x2)"];
n_0062 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0062 -> n_0059;
n_0062 -> n_0046;
n_0066 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0066 -> n_0062;
n_0069 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0069 -> n_0043;
n_0069 -> n_0066;
n_0083 [label="CONST(0x7f311f17eec7, 0x8)"];
n_0086 [label="TC"];
n_0087 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0087 -> n_0086;
n_0077 [label="CONST(0x88, 0x2)"];
n_0090 [label="CARG(0x3)"];
n_0090 -> n_0077;
n_0093 [label="ARGLIST"];
n_0093 -> n_0087;
n_0093 -> n_0090;
n_0097 [label="CALL(0x8)"];
n_0097 -> n_0083;
n_0097 -> n_0093;
n_0101 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0101 -> n_0097;
n_0103 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0103 -> n_0097;
n_0106 [label="TC"];
n_0107 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0107 -> n_0106;
n_0110 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0110 -> n_0107;
n_0113 [label="ADDR(0x88)"];
n_0113 -> n_0110;
n_0116 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0116 -> n_0113;
n_0080 [label="CONST(0x3, 0x2)"];
n_0119 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0119 -> n_0116;
n_0119 -> n_0080;
n_0123 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0123 -> n_0119;
n_0126 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0126 -> n_0103;
n_0126 -> n_0123;
n_0130 [label="ADDR(0xe)"];
n_0130 -> n_0097;
n_0133 [label="STORE(0x2)"];
n_0133 -> n_0130;
n_0133 -> n_0077;
n_0137 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0137 -> n_0097;
n_0140 [label="TC"];
n_0141 [label="ADDR(0x1c)"];
n_0141 -> n_0140;
n_0144 [label="LOAD(0x4)"];
n_0144 -> n_0141;
n_0147 [label="STORE(0x4)"];
n_0147 -> n_0137;
n_0147 -> n_0144;
n_0073 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0074 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0074 -> n_0073;
n_0151 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0151 -> n_0074;
n_0151 -> n_0097;
n_0155 [label="DOV"];
n_0155 -> n_0101;
n_0155 -> n_0126;
n_0155 -> n_0133;
n_0155 -> n_0147;
n_0155 -> n_0151;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for callercode
append_ins: <callercode>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 2
Build tree out of: [set, sp_getspeshslot, sp_p6ogetvt_o, set, goto, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0018 [label="ADDR(0x28)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0024 [label="TC"];
n_0025 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0025 -> n_0024;
n_0028 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0028 -> n_0025;
n_0031 [label="ADDR(0x88)"];
n_0031 -> n_0028;
n_0034 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0034 -> n_0031;
n_0021 [label="CONST(0x4, 0x2)"];
n_0037 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0037 -> n_0034;
n_0037 -> n_0021;
n_0041 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0041 -> n_0037;
n_0044 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0044 -> n_0018;
n_0044 -> n_0041;
n_0048 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0049 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0049 -> n_0048;
n_0058 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0058 -> n_0011;
n_0061 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0061 -> n_0058;
n_0064 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0064 -> n_0061;
n_0066 [label="NZ"];
n_0066 -> n_0061;
n_0068 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0068 -> n_0011;
n_0071 [label="IF"];
n_0071 -> n_0066;
n_0071 -> n_0061;
n_0071 -> n_0068;
n_0075 [label="DO"];
n_0075 -> n_0064;
n_0075 -> n_0071;
n_0052 [label="CONST(0x60, 0x2)"];
n_0079 [label="ADD"];
n_0079 -> n_0075;
n_0079 -> n_0052;
n_0085 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0085 -> n_0079;
n_0082 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0082 -> n_0079;
n_0087 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0087 -> n_0082;
n_0089 [label="NZ"];
n_0089 -> n_0082;
n_0091 [label="TC"];
n_0092 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0092 -> n_0091;
n_0095 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0095 -> n_0092;
n_0098 [label="ADDR(0x88)"];
n_0098 -> n_0095;
n_0101 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0101 -> n_0098;
n_0055 [label="CONST(0x6, 0x2)"];
n_0104 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0104 -> n_0101;
n_0104 -> n_0055;
n_0108 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0108 -> n_0104;
n_0111 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0111 -> n_0108;
n_0113 [label="ADDR(0xc)"];
n_0113 -> n_0011;
n_0116 [label="LOAD(0x2)"];
n_0116 -> n_0113;
n_0119 [label="CONST(0x10, 0x2)"];
n_0122 [label="AND"];
n_0122 -> n_0116;
n_0122 -> n_0119;
n_0125 [label="NZ"];
n_0125 -> n_0122;
n_0127 [label="NZ"];
n_0127 -> n_0108;
n_0129 [label="ADDR(0xc)"];
n_0129 -> n_0108;
n_0132 [label="LOAD(0x2)"];
n_0132 -> n_0129;
n_0135 [label="CONST(0x10, 0x2)"];
n_0138 [label="AND"];
n_0138 -> n_0132;
n_0138 -> n_0135;
n_0141 [label="ZR"];
n_0141 -> n_0138;
n_0143 [label="ALL"];
n_0143 -> n_0125;
n_0143 -> n_0127;
n_0143 -> n_0141;
n_0148 [label="CONST(0x7f311f18634e, 0x8)"];
n_0151 [label="TC"];
n_0152 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0152 -> n_0151;
n_0155 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0155 -> n_0011;
n_0158 [label="ARGLIST"];
n_0158 -> n_0152;
n_0158 -> n_0155;
n_0162 [label="CALLV"];
n_0162 -> n_0148;
n_0162 -> n_0158;
n_0165 [label="WHEN"];
n_0165 -> n_0143;
n_0165 -> n_0162;
n_0168 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0168 -> n_0079;
n_0168 -> n_0108;
n_0172 [label="COPY"];
n_0172 -> n_0108;
n_0174 [label="DO"];
n_0174 -> n_0111;
n_0174 -> n_0165;
n_0174 -> n_0168;
n_0174 -> n_0172;
n_0180 [label="IF"];
n_0180 -> n_0089;
n_0180 -> n_0082;
n_0180 -> n_0174;
n_0184 [label="DO"];
n_0184 -> n_0085;
n_0184 -> n_0087;
n_0184 -> n_0180;
n_0189 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0189 -> n_0049;
n_0189 -> n_0184;
n_0193 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0194 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0194 -> n_0193;
n_0197 [label="COPY"];
n_0197 -> n_0184;
n_0199 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0199 -> n_0194;
n_0199 -> n_0197;
n_0203 [label="CONST(0x3, 0x4)"];
n_0206 [label="LABEL"];
n_0206 -> n_0203;
n_0208 [label="BRANCH"];
n_0208 -> n_0206;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 3
Cannot get template for getcodeobj
Build tree out of: [sp_getspeshslot, sp_p6obind_o, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x28)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0007 [label="TC"];
n_0008 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0008 -> n_0007;
n_0011 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x88)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0x4, 0x2)"];
n_0020 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0020 -> n_0017;
n_0020 -> n_0004;
n_0024 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0024 -> n_0020;
n_0027 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0001;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0031 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0032 -> n_0031;
n_0035 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0035 -> n_0032;
n_0048 [label="ADDR(0xc)"];
n_0048 -> n_0035;
n_0051 [label="LOAD(0x2)"];
n_0051 -> n_0048;
n_0054 [label="CONST(0x10, 0x2)"];
n_0057 [label="AND"];
n_0057 -> n_0051;
n_0057 -> n_0054;
n_0060 [label="NZ"];
n_0060 -> n_0057;
n_0041 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0042 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0042 -> n_0041;
n_0045 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0045 -> n_0042;
n_0062 [label="NZ"];
n_0062 -> n_0045;
n_0064 [label="ADDR(0xc)"];
n_0064 -> n_0045;
n_0067 [label="LOAD(0x2)"];
n_0067 -> n_0064;
n_0070 [label="CONST(0x10, 0x2)"];
n_0073 [label="AND"];
n_0073 -> n_0067;
n_0073 -> n_0070;
n_0076 [label="ZR"];
n_0076 -> n_0073;
n_0078 [label="ALL"];
n_0078 -> n_0060;
n_0078 -> n_0062;
n_0078 -> n_0076;
n_0083 [label="CONST(0x7f311f18634e, 0x8)"];
n_0086 [label="TC"];
n_0087 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0087 -> n_0086;
n_0090 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0090 -> n_0035;
n_0093 [label="ARGLIST"];
n_0093 -> n_0087;
n_0093 -> n_0090;
n_0097 [label="CALLV"];
n_0097 -> n_0083;
n_0097 -> n_0093;
n_0100 [label="WHEN"];
n_0100 -> n_0078;
n_0100 -> n_0097;
n_0103 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0103 -> n_0035;
n_0106 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0106 -> n_0103;
n_0109 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0109 -> n_0106;
n_0111 [label="NZ"];
n_0111 -> n_0106;
n_0113 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0113 -> n_0035;
n_0116 [label="IF"];
n_0116 -> n_0111;
n_0116 -> n_0106;
n_0116 -> n_0113;
n_0120 [label="DO"];
n_0120 -> n_0109;
n_0120 -> n_0116;
n_0038 [label="CONST(0x60, 0x2)"];
n_0124 [label="ADD"];
n_0124 -> n_0120;
n_0124 -> n_0038;
n_0127 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0127 -> n_0124;
n_0127 -> n_0045;
n_0131 [label="DOV"];
n_0131 -> n_0100;
n_0131 -> n_0127;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for getcodeobj
append_ins: <getcodeobj>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 4
Build tree out of: [set, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x28)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0x10)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
End dump of JIT expression tree
append label: 5
Cannot get template for sp_guardtype
Build tree out of: [sp_getspeshslot, sp_p6obind_o, set, sp_getspeshslot, sp_p6ogetvt_o, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0007 [label="TC"];
n_0008 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0008 -> n_0007;
n_0011 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0014 [label="ADDR(0x88)"];
n_0014 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0017 -> n_0014;
n_0004 [label="CONST(0x4, 0x2)"];
n_0020 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0020 -> n_0017;
n_0020 -> n_0004;
n_0024 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0024 -> n_0020;
n_0027 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0027 -> n_0001;
n_0027 -> n_0024;
n_0031 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0032 [label="ADDR(0x8)"];
n_0032 -> n_0031;
n_0035 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0035 -> n_0032;
n_0048 [label="ADDR(0xc)"];
n_0048 -> n_0035;
n_0051 [label="LOAD(0x2)"];
n_0051 -> n_0048;
n_0054 [label="CONST(0x10, 0x2)"];
n_0057 [label="AND"];
n_0057 -> n_0051;
n_0057 -> n_0054;
n_0060 [label="NZ"];
n_0060 -> n_0057;
n_0041 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0042 [label="ADDR(0x28)"];
n_0042 -> n_0041;
n_0045 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0045 -> n_0042;
n_0062 [label="NZ"];
n_0062 -> n_0045;
n_0064 [label="ADDR(0xc)"];
n_0064 -> n_0045;
n_0067 [label="LOAD(0x2)"];
n_0067 -> n_0064;
n_0070 [label="CONST(0x10, 0x2)"];
n_0073 [label="AND"];
n_0073 -> n_0067;
n_0073 -> n_0070;
n_0076 [label="ZR"];
n_0076 -> n_0073;
n_0078 [label="ALL"];
n_0078 -> n_0060;
n_0078 -> n_0062;
n_0078 -> n_0076;
n_0083 [label="CONST(0x7f311f18634e, 0x8)"];
n_0086 [label="TC"];
n_0087 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0087 -> n_0086;
n_0090 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0090 -> n_0035;
n_0093 [label="ARGLIST"];
n_0093 -> n_0087;
n_0093 -> n_0090;
n_0097 [label="CALLV"];
n_0097 -> n_0083;
n_0097 -> n_0093;
n_0100 [label="WHEN"];
n_0100 -> n_0078;
n_0100 -> n_0097;
n_0103 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0103 -> n_0035;
n_0106 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0106 -> n_0103;
n_0109 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0109 -> n_0106;
n_0111 [label="NZ"];
n_0111 -> n_0106;
n_0113 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0113 -> n_0035;
n_0116 [label="IF"];
n_0116 -> n_0111;
n_0116 -> n_0106;
n_0116 -> n_0113;
n_0120 [label="DO"];
n_0120 -> n_0109;
n_0120 -> n_0116;
n_0038 [label="CONST(0x50, 0x2)"];
n_0124 [label="ADD"];
n_0124 -> n_0120;
n_0124 -> n_0038;
n_0127 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0127 -> n_0124;
n_0127 -> n_0045;
n_0131 [label="DOV"];
n_0131 -> n_0100;
n_0131 -> n_0127;
n_0135 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0136 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0136 -> n_0135;
n_0139 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0140 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0140 -> n_0139;
n_0143 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0143 -> n_0140;
n_0146 [label="COPY"];
n_0146 -> n_0143;
n_0148 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0148 -> n_0136;
n_0148 -> n_0146;
n_0152 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0153 [label="ADDR(0x48)"];
n_0153 -> n_0152;
n_0159 [label="TC"];
n_0160 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0160 -> n_0159;
n_0163 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0163 -> n_0160;
n_0166 [label="ADDR(0x88)"];
n_0166 -> n_0163;
n_0169 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0169 -> n_0166;
n_0156 [label="CONST(0x4, 0x2)"];
n_0172 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0172 -> n_0169;
n_0172 -> n_0156;
n_0176 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0176 -> n_0172;
n_0179 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0179 -> n_0153;
n_0179 -> n_0176;
n_0183 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0184 [label="ADDR(0x50)"];
n_0184 -> n_0183;
n_0193 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0193 -> n_0146;
n_0196 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0196 -> n_0193;
n_0199 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0199 -> n_0196;
n_0201 [label="NZ"];
n_0201 -> n_0196;
n_0203 [label="ADDR(0x18)"];
n_0203 -> n_0146;
n_0206 [label="IF"];
n_0206 -> n_0201;
n_0206 -> n_0196;
n_0206 -> n_0203;
n_0210 [label="DO"];
n_0210 -> n_0199;
n_0210 -> n_0206;
n_0187 [label="CONST(0x58, 0x2)"];
n_0214 [label="ADD"];
n_0214 -> n_0210;
n_0214 -> n_0187;
n_0220 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0220 -> n_0214;
n_0217 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0217 -> n_0214;
n_0222 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0222 -> n_0217;
n_0224 [label="NZ"];
n_0224 -> n_0217;
n_0226 [label="TC"];
n_0227 [label="ADDR(0x60)"];
n_0227 -> n_0226;
n_0230 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0230 -> n_0227;
n_0233 [label="ADDR(0x88)"];
n_0233 -> n_0230;
n_0236 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0236 -> n_0233;
n_0190 [label="CONST(0x9, 0x2)"];
n_0239 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0239 -> n_0236;
n_0239 -> n_0190;
n_0243 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0243 -> n_0239;
n_0246 [label="DISCARD"];
n_0246 -> n_0243;
n_0248 [label="ADDR(0xc)"];
n_0248 -> n_0146;
n_0251 [label="LOAD(0x2)"];
n_0251 -> n_0248;
n_0254 [label="CONST(0x10, 0x2)"];
n_0257 [label="AND"];
n_0257 -> n_0251;
n_0257 -> n_0254;
n_0260 [label="NZ"];
n_0260 -> n_0257;
n_0262 [label="NZ"];
n_0262 -> n_0243;
n_0264 [label="ADDR(0xc)"];
n_0264 -> n_0243;
n_0267 [label="LOAD(0x2)"];
n_0267 -> n_0264;
n_0270 [label="CONST(0x10, 0x2)"];
n_0273 [label="AND"];
n_0273 -> n_0267;
n_0273 -> n_0270;
n_0276 [label="ZR"];
n_0276 -> n_0273;
n_0278 [label="ALL"];
n_0278 -> n_0260;
n_0278 -> n_0262;
n_0278 -> n_0276;
n_0283 [label="CONST(0x7f311f18634e, 0x8)"];
n_0286 [label="TC"];
n_0287 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0287 -> n_0286;
n_0290 [label="CARG(0x5)"];
n_0290 -> n_0146;
n_0293 [label="ARGLIST"];
n_0293 -> n_0287;
n_0293 -> n_0290;
n_0297 [label="CALLV"];
n_0297 -> n_0283;
n_0297 -> n_0293;
n_0300 [label="WHEN"];
n_0300 -> n_0278;
n_0300 -> n_0297;
n_0303 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0303 -> n_0214;
n_0303 -> n_0243;
n_0307 [label="COPY"];
n_0307 -> n_0243;
n_0309 [label="DO"];
n_0309 -> n_0246;
n_0309 -> n_0300;
n_0309 -> n_0303;
n_0309 -> n_0307;
n_0315 [label="IF"];
n_0315 -> n_0224;
n_0315 -> n_0217;
n_0315 -> n_0309;
n_0319 [label="DO"];
n_0319 -> n_0220;
n_0319 -> n_0222;
n_0319 -> n_0315;
n_0324 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0324 -> n_0184;
n_0324 -> n_0319;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for sp_guardtype
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
Cannot get template for getlexperinvtype_o
Build tree out of: [set, const_s, ]
Starting dump of JIT expression tree
digraph {
n_0000 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0001 [label="ADDR(0x40)"];
n_0001 -> n_0000;
n_0004 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0005 [label="ADDR(0)"];
n_0005 -> n_0004;
n_0008 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0008 -> n_0005;
n_0011 [label="COPY"];
n_0011 -> n_0008;
n_0013 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0013 -> n_0001;
n_0013 -> n_0011;
n_0017 [label="LOCAL"];
n_0018 [label="ADDR(0x20)"];
n_0018 -> n_0017;
n_0024 [label="CU"];
n_0025 [label="ADDR(0x68)"];
n_0025 -> n_0024;
n_0028 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0028 -> n_0025;
n_0021 [label="CONST(0xe6, 0x4)"];
n_0031 [label="IDX(0x8)"];
n_0031 -> n_0028;
n_0031 -> n_0021;
n_0035 [label="LOAD(0x8)"];
n_0035 -> n_0031;
n_0038 [label="STORE(0x8)"];
n_0038 -> n_0018;
n_0038 -> n_0035;
End dump of JIT expression tree
Cannot get template for getlexperinvtype_o
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: emitted a getattr_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <bindattr_i>
devirt: couldn't bindattr_i; concreteness not sure
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_o>
devirt: emitted a getattr_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <clone>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <bindattr_o>
devirt: couldn't bindattr_o; concreteness not sure
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 7
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 9
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-35)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
5: (local)
6: (tc)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
9: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
10: (local)
11: (tc)
12: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
13: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
14: (const $val $size)
15: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
16: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
17: (tc)
18: (const $val $size)
19: (arglist (carg reg))
20: (call (const $ptr $sz) c_args $size)
21: (discard reg)
22: (tc)
23: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
24: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
25: (const $val $size)
26: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
27: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
28: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
29: (tc)
30: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
31: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
32: (local)
33: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
34: (dov void void)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit opcode: <callercode>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-17)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
5: (local)
6: (tc)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
9: (const $val $size)
10: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
11: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
12: (local)
13: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
14: (discard reg)
15: (nz (load (addr reg $ofs) $size))
16: (conditional-branch: fail)
-> { 1, 2 }
Block{1} [17-18)
17: (branch :after)
-> { 3 }
Block{2} [18-20)
18: (label :fail)
19: (addr reg $ofs)
-> { 3 }
Block{3} [20-29)
20: (branch :after)
21: (if flag reg)
22: (do void reg)
23: (add reg (const $val $size))
24: (discard reg)
25: (load reg $size)
26: (discard reg)
27: (nz reg)
28: (conditional-branch: fail)
-> { 4, 5 }
Block{4} [29-30)
29: (branch :after)
-> { 10 }
Block{5} [30-39)
30: (label :fail)
31: (tc)
32: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
33: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
34: (const $val $size)
35: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
36: (discard reg)
37: (nz (and (load (addr reg $ofs) $size) (const $val $size)))
38: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 6, 9 }
Block{6} [39-41)
39: (nz (load (idx reg reg $scl) $size))
40: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 7, 9 }
Block{7} [41-43)
41: (zr (and (load (addr reg $ofs) $size) (const $val $size)))
42: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 8, 9 }
Block{8} [43-47)
43: (all flag)
44: (tc)
45: (arglist (carg reg))
46: (callv (const $ptr $sz) c_args)
-> { 9 }
Block{9} [47-52)
47: (label :fail)
48: (when flag void)
49: (store reg reg $size)
50: (copy reg)
51: (do void reg)
-> { 10 }
Block{10} [52-60)
52: (branch :after)
53: (if flag reg)
54: (do void reg)
55: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
56: (local)
57: (copy reg)
58: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
59: (branch (label (const $val)))
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-11)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (const $val $size)
5: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
6: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
7: (local)
8: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
9: (nz (and (load (addr reg $ofs) $size) (const $val $size)))
10: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 1, 4 }
Block{1} [11-14)
11: (local)
12: (nz (load (addr reg $ofs) $size))
13: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 2, 4 }
Block{2} [14-17)
14: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
15: (zr (and (load (addr reg $ofs) $size) (const $val $size)))
16: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 3, 4 }
Block{3} [17-21)
17: (all flag)
18: (tc)
19: (arglist (carg reg))
20: (callv (const $ptr $sz) c_args)
-> { 4 }
Block{4} [21-27)
21: (label :fail)
22: (when flag void)
23: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
24: (discard reg)
25: (nz (load (addr reg $ofs) $size))
26: (conditional-branch: fail)
-> { 5, 6 }
Block{5} [27-28)
27: (branch :after)
-> { 7 }
Block{6} [28-30)
28: (label :fail)
29: (addr reg $ofs)
-> { 7 }
Block{7} [30-37)
30: (branch :after)
31: (if flag reg)
32: (do void reg)
33: (add reg (const $val $size))
34: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
35: (store reg reg $size)
36: (dov void void)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-5)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-11)
0: (local)
1: (tc)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
4: (const $val $size)
5: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
6: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
7: (local)
8: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
9: (nz (and (load (addr reg $ofs) $size) (const $val $size)))
10: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 1, 4 }
Block{1} [11-14)
11: (local)
12: (nz (load (addr reg $ofs) $size))
13: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 2, 4 }
Block{2} [14-17)
14: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
15: (zr (and (load (addr reg $ofs) $size) (const $val $size)))
16: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 3, 4 }
Block{3} [17-21)
17: (all flag)
18: (tc)
19: (arglist (carg reg))
20: (callv (const $ptr $sz) c_args)
-> { 4 }
Block{4} [21-27)
21: (label :fail)
22: (when flag void)
23: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
24: (discard reg)
25: (nz (load (addr reg $ofs) $size))
26: (conditional-branch: fail)
-> { 5, 6 }
Block{5} [27-28)
27: (branch :after)
-> { 7 }
Block{6} [28-30)
28: (label :fail)
29: (addr reg $ofs)
-> { 7 }
Block{7} [30-54)
30: (branch :after)
31: (if flag reg)
32: (do void reg)
33: (add reg (const $val $size))
34: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
35: (store reg reg $size)
36: (dov void void)
37: (local)
38: (local)
39: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
40: (copy reg)
41: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
42: (local)
43: (tc)
44: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
45: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
46: (const $val $size)
47: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
48: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
49: (local)
50: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
51: (discard reg)
52: (nz (load (addr reg $ofs) $size))
53: (conditional-branch: fail)
-> { 8, 9 }
Block{8} [54-55)
54: (branch :after)
-> { 10 }
Block{9} [55-57)
55: (label :fail)
56: (addr reg $ofs)
-> { 10 }
Block{10} [57-66)
57: (branch :after)
58: (if flag reg)
59: (do void reg)
60: (add reg (const $val $size))
61: (discard reg)
62: (load reg $size)
63: (discard reg)
64: (nz reg)
65: (conditional-branch: fail)
-> { 11, 12 }
Block{11} [66-67)
66: (branch :after)
-> { 17 }
Block{12} [67-76)
67: (label :fail)
68: (tc)
69: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
70: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
71: (const $val $size)
72: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
73: (discard reg)
74: (nz (and (load (addr reg $ofs) $size) (const $val $size)))
75: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 13, 16 }
Block{13} [76-78)
76: (nz (load (idx reg reg $scl) $size))
77: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 14, 16 }
Block{14} [78-80)
78: (zr (and (load (addr reg $ofs) $size) (const $val $size)))
79: (conditional-branch :fail)
-> { 15, 16 }
Block{15} [80-84)
80: (all flag)
81: (tc)
82: (arglist (carg reg))
83: (callv (const $ptr $sz) c_args)
-> { 16 }
Block{16} [84-89)
84: (label :fail)
85: (when flag void)
86: (store reg reg $size)
87: (copy reg)
88: (do void reg)
-> { 17 }
Block{17} [89-93)
89: (branch :after)
90: (if flag reg)
91: (do void reg)
92: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
Starting tile list log
Block{0} [0-11)
0: (local)
1: (local)
2: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
3: (copy reg)
4: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
5: (local)
6: (cu)
7: (load (addr reg $ofs) $size)
8: (const $val $size)
9: (load (idx reg reg $scale) $size)
10: (store (addr reg $ofs) reg $size)
-> {}
End of tile list log
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 2742
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 88, name: '!cursor_pass')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_i>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append label: 3
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <paramnamesused>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_o>
devirt: emitted a getattr_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <bindattr_o>
devirt: couldn't bindattr_o; concreteness not sure
append label: 6
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <if_o>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_s0>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 11
Entering inline 1 (name: !reduce, cuuid: 93)
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 12
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 13
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <can_s>
append invokish control guard
append label: 14
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 15
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <findmeth_s>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 16
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 17
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 18
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
Entering inline 0 (name: actions, cuuid: 63)
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 19
Leaving inline 1 (name: !reduce, cuuid: 93)
Leaving inline 0 (name: actions, cuuid: 63)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <paramnamesused>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_s0> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 18
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 14
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 17
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 12
Bytecode size: 3447
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 26, name: 'run_alt')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_i>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <scwbdisable>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <nfafromstatelist>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <scwbenable>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <nfarunalt>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 4
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit jump to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <scwbdisable>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <scwbenable>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1154
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 88, name: '!cursor_pass')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append label: 4
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <paramnamesused>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_o>
devirt: emitted a getattr_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <bindattr_o>
devirt: couldn't bindattr_o; concreteness not sure
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <if_o>
append label: 8
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 9
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_s0>
append label: 10
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 11
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 12
Entering inline 1 (name: !reduce, cuuid: 93)
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 13
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 14
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <can_s>
append invokish control guard
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 16
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <findmeth_s>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 17
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 18
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 19
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
Entering inline 0 (name: actions, cuuid: 63)
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 20
Leaving inline 1 (name: !reduce, cuuid: 93)
Leaving inline 0 (name: actions, cuuid: 63)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <paramnamesused>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 9
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_s0> to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 19
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 18
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 13
Bytecode size: 3437
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 26, name: 'run_alt')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_i>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unbox_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <scwbdisable>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <nfafromstatelist>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <scwbenable>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <nfarunalt>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 6
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit branch <if_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <scwbdisable>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <scwbenable>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1645
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 100, name: '!alt')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_i>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_o>
devirt: emitted a getattr_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 9
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 10
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (6 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 2817
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 18, name: 'CAPS')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 232
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 137, name: 'MATCH')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <istype>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <ishash>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 8
append_ins: <null>
append label: 9
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 10
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 12
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <can>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 13
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 14
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 15
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 16
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 17
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <istrue>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append label: 18
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 19
append_ins: <iter>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 20
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 21
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: repr op shift_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <iterkey_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <iterval>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_n64>
append_ins: <ge_n>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 22
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 23
append_ins: <set>
append label: 24
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <ordfirst>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 25
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 26
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 27
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <coerce_si>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: repr op bindpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 28
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: emitted a bindkey_o via consume_reprop
append label: 29
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 30
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 31
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <istrue>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 32
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 33
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 34
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 35
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <ne_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 36
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 37
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <eqat_s>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 38
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 39
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ordfirst>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 40
append_ins: <coerce_si>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 41
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: emitted an atkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append label: 42
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 43
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: repr op getattr_s couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull_s>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 44
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 45
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 46
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 47
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: repr op push_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 48
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 49
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 50
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 51
append_ins: <set>
append label: 52
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 53
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append label: 54
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 55
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: repr op getattr_s couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull_s>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 56
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append label: 57
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 58
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <ne_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 59
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 60
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 61
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ordfirst>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 62
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 63
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 64
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 65
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 66
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 67
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattrs_i>
devirt: repr op bindattrs_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 68
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <index_s>
append_ins: <coerce_in>
append_ins: <const_n64>
append_ins: <lt_n>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 69
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 70
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 71
append_ins: <set>
append label: 72
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_n64>
append_ins: <ge_n>
append_ins: <ordfirst>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 73
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 74
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 75
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 76
append_ins: <coerce_si>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: repr op push_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 77
append_ins: <coerce_si>
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: repr op bindpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 78
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 79
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 80
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 81
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 82
append_ins: <set>
append label: 83
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: repr op push_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 84
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: repr op bindkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 85
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 86
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <split>
append_ins: <iter>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 87
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 88
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: repr op shift_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 89
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 90
append_ins: <set>
append label: 91
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_n64>
append_ins: <ge_n>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <ordfirst>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 92
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 93
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append label: 94
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 95
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: repr op push_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 96
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: repr op bindpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 97
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 98
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 99
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 100
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 101
append_ins: <set>
append label: 102
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: repr op push_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 103
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: repr op bindkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 104
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 105
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 106
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 107
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 108
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 109
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattr_o>
devirt: repr op bindattr_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattr_o>
devirt: repr op bindattr_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getattr_o>
devirt: repr op getattr_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append label: 110
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattr_o>
devirt: repr op bindattr_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattr_o>
devirt: repr op bindattr_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 111
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 112
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <if_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <ishash>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 111
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 9
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 30
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 18
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 30
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 30
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 1 used
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_n64>
store const 2.000000
emit opcode: <ge_n>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <ordfirst>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit branch <if_i> to label 27
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 20
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <if_i> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 34
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 106
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 38
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 50
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <ordfirst>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 49
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull_s>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 45
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <add_i>
constant value 1 used for add_i
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 106
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 52
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 106
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 106
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull_s>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 57
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 59
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 105
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <ordfirst>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 65
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <if_i> to label 64
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 68
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <7 args>
emit jump to label 105
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <coerce_in>
emit opcode: <const_n64>
store const 0.000000
emit opcode: <lt_n>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 86
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 71
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 72
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_n64>
store const 2.000000
emit opcode: <ge_n>
emit opcode: <ordfirst>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 79
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit branch <if_i> to label 75
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 77
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit jump to label 78
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 85
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 84
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 82
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 83
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit jump to label 85
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 105
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 105
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 90
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 91
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_n64>
store const 2.000000
emit opcode: <ge_n>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <ordfirst>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 98
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit branch <if_i> to label 94
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 96
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit jump to label 97
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 104
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 103
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 101
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 102
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit jump to label 104
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 87
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <add_i>
constant value 1 used for add_i
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 54
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 108
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 109
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <5 args>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 18145
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 89, name: '!cursor_fail')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <return_i>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 744
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 26, name: 'run_alt')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_i>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <scwbdisable>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <nfafromstatelist>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <scwbenable>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <nfarunalt>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 4
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit jump to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <scwbdisable>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <scwbenable>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1154
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 100, name: '!alt')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_i>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_o>
devirt: emitted a getattr_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 9
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 10
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (6 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 2820
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 86, name: '!cursor_capture')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: emitted a push_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 4
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit branch <if_i> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 2562
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 50, name: 'make')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 306
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 91, name: 'MARKED')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: emitted an atkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <istype>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <eq_n>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 9
Entering inline 0 (name: pos, cuuid: 41)
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
Leaving inline 0 (name: pos, cuuid: 41)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 9
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_n>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 4
Bytecode size: 2190
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 50, name: 'make')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 306
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 52, name: 'ast')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 316
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 5, name: 'states')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 295
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 45, name: 'Str')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <substr_s>
append_ins: <return_s>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sub_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 839
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 41, name: 'ws')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 13
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 14
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 16
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 17
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 18
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 19
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 20
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 21
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 22
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 23
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 24
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 25
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 26
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 27
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_v>
append label: 28
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 29
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 30
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 31
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 32
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 33
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <indexat>
append label: 34
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append label: 35
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 36
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 37
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 38
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 39
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 40
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 41
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 42
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 43
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 44
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 45
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 46
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 47
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_i>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 48
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 49
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 50
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 51
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 52
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 53
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 54
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eqat_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 55
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 56
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 57
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 58
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 59
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 60
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <iscclass>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 61
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append label: 62
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 63
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 64
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 65
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 66
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 67
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 68
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 69
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 70
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 71
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 72
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 73
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 74
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_i>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 75
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 76
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 77
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 78
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 79
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 80
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 81
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 82
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 83
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <iscclass>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 84
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 85
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 86
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 87
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 88
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 89
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 90
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 91
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <indexat>
append label: 92
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append label: 93
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 94
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 95
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 96
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 97
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 98
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 99
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 100
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 101
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 102
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 103
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 104
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 105
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_i>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 106
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 107
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 108
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 109
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 110
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 111
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 112
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append label: 113
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 114
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 115
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 116
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 117
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 118
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 119
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 120
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 121
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 122
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 123
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 124
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 125
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_i>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 126
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 127
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 128
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 129
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 130
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 131
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 132
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 133
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 134
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 135
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 136
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 137
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 138
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 139
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 140
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 141
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 142
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 143
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 144
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 145
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 146
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 147
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 148
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 149
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 169
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 170
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 171
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 172
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 135
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 14
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 23
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 26
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 27
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 31
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <indexat> to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 38
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 38
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 35
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 40
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 44
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 44
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 49
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 3 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 2 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit jump to label 49
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 51
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 52
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit jump to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 112
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 1 used
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 57
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 58
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit branch <if_i> to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 65
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 65
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 62
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 67
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 68
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 71
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 71
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 68
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 76
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 75
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 3 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 75
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 2 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit jump to label 76
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 78
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 79
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit jump to label 59
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 112
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 84
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
constant value 1 used for sub_i
emit c call <4 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit jump to label 112
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 89
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 90
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <indexat> to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 96
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 96
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 93
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 98
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 99
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 102
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 102
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 99
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 107
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 106
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 3 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 106
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 2 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit jump to label 107
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 109
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 110
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit jump to label 91
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 112
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 116
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 116
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 113
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 118
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 119
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 122
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 122
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 119
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 127
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 126
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 3 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 126
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 2 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit jump to label 127
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 129
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 130
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit jump to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 169
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 169
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 141
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 141
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 169
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 149
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 149
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 148
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (19 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 171
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 170
Bytecode size: 22457
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 25, name: 'run')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <scwbdisable>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <nfafromstatelist>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <scwbenable>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <nfarunproto>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 4
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit jump to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <scwbdisable>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <scwbenable>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1080
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 82, name: '!cursor_start')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <callercode>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <getcodeobj>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: emitted a getattr_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <bindattr_i>
devirt: couldn't bindattr_i; concreteness not sure
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_o>
devirt: emitted a getattr_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <clone>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <bindattr_o>
devirt: couldn't bindattr_o; concreteness not sure
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 7
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 9
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <callercode>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 2628
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 89, name: '!cursor_fail')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <return_i>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 744
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 137, name: 'MATCH')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <istype>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 8
append_ins: <null>
append label: 9
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 10
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 12
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 13
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 14
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 15
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <istrue>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append label: 16
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 17
append_ins: <iter>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 18
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 19
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: repr op shift_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <iterkey_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <iterval>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_n64>
append_ins: <ge_n>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 20
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 21
append_ins: <set>
append label: 22
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <ordfirst>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 23
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 24
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 25
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <coerce_si>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: repr op bindpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 26
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: emitted a bindkey_o via consume_reprop
append label: 27
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 28
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 29
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 30
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 31
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 32
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 33
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <ne_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 34
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 35
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <eqat_s>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 36
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 37
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ordfirst>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 38
append_ins: <coerce_si>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 39
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: emitted an atkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append label: 40
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 41
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: emitted an atpos_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: repr op getattr_s couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull_s>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 42
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 43
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 44
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 45
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: repr op push_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 46
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 47
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 48
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 49
append_ins: <set>
append label: 50
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 51
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append label: 52
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 53
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: repr op getattr_s couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull_s>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 54
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append label: 55
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 56
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <ne_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 57
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 58
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 59
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ordfirst>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 60
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 61
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 62
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 63
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 64
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 65
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattrs_i>
devirt: repr op bindattrs_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 66
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <index_s>
append_ins: <coerce_in>
append_ins: <const_n64>
append_ins: <lt_n>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 67
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 68
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 69
append_ins: <set>
append label: 70
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_n64>
append_ins: <ge_n>
append_ins: <ordfirst>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 71
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 72
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 73
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 74
append_ins: <coerce_si>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: repr op push_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 75
append_ins: <coerce_si>
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: repr op bindpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 76
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 77
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 78
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 79
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 80
append_ins: <set>
append label: 81
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: repr op push_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 82
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: repr op bindkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 83
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 84
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <split>
append_ins: <iter>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 85
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 86
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: repr op shift_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 87
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 88
append_ins: <set>
append label: 89
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_n64>
append_ins: <ge_n>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <ordfirst>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 90
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 91
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append label: 92
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 93
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: repr op push_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 94
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: repr op bindpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 95
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 96
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 97
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 98
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 99
append_ins: <set>
append label: 100
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: repr op push_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 101
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: repr op bindkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 102
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 103
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 104
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 105
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 106
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 107
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattr_o>
devirt: repr op bindattr_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattr_o>
devirt: repr op bindattr_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getattr_o>
devirt: repr op getattr_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append label: 108
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattr_o>
devirt: repr op bindattr_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattr_o>
devirt: repr op bindattr_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 109
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 110
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <if_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 109
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 9
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit jump to label 13
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 1 used
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_n64>
store const 2.000000
emit opcode: <ge_n>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 27
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <ordfirst>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 26
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit branch <if_i> to label 25
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 27
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 18
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <if_i> to label 30
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 104
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 34
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <ordfirst>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 39
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 40
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 47
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull_s>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 46
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <add_i>
constant value 1 used for add_i
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 40
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 104
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 50
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 104
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 104
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull_s>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 55
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 57
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 103
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <ordfirst>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 63
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <if_i> to label 62
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 66
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <7 args>
emit jump to label 103
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <coerce_in>
emit opcode: <const_n64>
store const 0.000000
emit opcode: <lt_n>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 84
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 69
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 70
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_n64>
store const 2.000000
emit opcode: <ge_n>
emit opcode: <ordfirst>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 77
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit branch <if_i> to label 73
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 75
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit jump to label 76
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 83
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 82
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 80
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 81
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit jump to label 83
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 103
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 103
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 88
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 89
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_n64>
store const 2.000000
emit opcode: <ge_n>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <ordfirst>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 96
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit branch <if_i> to label 92
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 94
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit jump to label 95
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 102
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 101
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 99
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 100
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit jump to label 102
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 85
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <add_i>
constant value 1 used for add_i
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 52
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 106
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 107
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <5 args>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 17448
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 84, name: '!cursor_start_fail')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 501
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 87, name: '!cursor_push_cstack')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: emitted a push_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_o>
devirt: emitted a getattr_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_o>
devirt: emitted a getattr_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: repr op push_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 5
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <isnull_s>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_o>
devirt: emitted a getattr_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: repr op push_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_o>
devirt: emitted a getattr_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: emitted an atpos_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: repr op getattr_s couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <isnull_s>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 11
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 13
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_o>
devirt: emitted a getattr_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: emitted a push_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 14
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_o>
devirt: emitted a getattr_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_o via consume_reprop
append label: 15
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 16
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <5 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit jump to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit jump to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <isnull_s>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit jump to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <isnull_s>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 14
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit jump to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 3999
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 50, name: 'make')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 306
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 40, name: 'from')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <return_i>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 231
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 90, name: '!cursor_pos')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <unbox_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <return_i>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 279
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 97, name: '!protoregex')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: emitted a getattr_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 9
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: emitted an atpos_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 10
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 11
append_ins: <set>
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 13
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 14
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: repr op pop_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <findmeth_s>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 15
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: emitted a getattr_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 16
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 17
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 18
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 19
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 20
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 21
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <7 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 18
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 17
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 13
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit branch <if_i> to label 20
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 4945
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 50, name: 'make')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 362
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 90, name: 'MARKER')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: emitted an atkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 5
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: emitted a bindkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattr_i>
devirt: repr op bindattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 8
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append label: 10
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 11
Entering inline 0 (name: pos, cuuid: 41)
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 12
Leaving inline 0 (name: pos, cuuid: 41)
Entering inline 1 (name: from, cuuid: 40)
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 13
Leaving inline 1 (name: from, cuuid: 40)
Entering inline 2 (name: pos, cuuid: 41)
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 14
Leaving inline 2 (name: pos, cuuid: 41)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 13
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 8
Bytecode size: 3036
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 154, name: 'symbol')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 5
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <ishash>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append label: 9
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 10
append_ins: <iter>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: repr op shift_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 13
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 14
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: repr op bindkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 16
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: repr op bindkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 17
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 18
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: emitted an atkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 19
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 20
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 21
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 22
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 18
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <ishash>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 9
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 17
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 20
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 3857
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 51, name: 'made')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 316
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 119, name: 'ww')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <iscclass>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: emitted a getattr_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <iscclass>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: emitted a getattr_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 10
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 11
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 13
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sub_i>
constant value 1 used for sub_i
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 2505
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 77, name: 'prune')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 498
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 83, name: '!cursor_start_cur')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <callercode>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <getcodeobj>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 7
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <callercode>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit jump to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1674
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 138, name: 'Bool')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <istrue>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_i>
append label: 4
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 801
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 11, name: 'push')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: emitted a push_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 402
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 40, name: 'ann')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <ishash>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: emitted an atkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 3
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 8
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <ishash>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <7 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1094
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 21, name: 'set')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <iter>
append label: 2
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: emitted a shift_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <iterkey_s>
append_ins: <findmeth_s>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <iterval>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 6
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit c call <2 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1034
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 23, name: 'node')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 7
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 844
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 136, name: 'Bool')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <return_i>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 176
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 83, name: '!cursor_start_cur')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <callercode>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <getcodeobj>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 7
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <callercode>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit jump to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1674
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 138, name: 'Bool')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <getattr_o>
devirt: emitted a getattr_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <istrue>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_i>
append label: 4
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 920
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 11, name: 'push')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: emitted a push_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 402
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 154, name: 'symbol')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 5
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <ishash>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append label: 9
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 10
append_ins: <iter>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: repr op shift_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 13
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 14
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: repr op bindkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 16
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: repr op bindkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 17
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 18
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: emitted an atkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 19
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 20
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 21
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 22
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 18
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <ishash>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 9
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 17
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 20
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 3894
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 154, name: 'symbol')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <param_sn>
BAIL: op <param_sn>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 23, name: 'node')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 7
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 844
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 21, name: 'set')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <iter>
append label: 2
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: emitted a shift_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <iterkey_s>
append_ins: <findmeth_s>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <iterval>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 6
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit c call <2 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1034
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 23, name: 'node')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 7
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 844
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 11, name: 'push')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: emitted a push_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 402
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 21, name: 'set')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <iter>
append label: 2
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: emitted a shift_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <iterkey_s>
append_ins: <findmeth_s>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <iterval>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 6
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit c call <2 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1034
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 29, name: 'prefix')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 3
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 350
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 27, name: 'term')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 3
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 350
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 102, name: 'termish')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 5
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 8
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 9
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 10
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1187
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 28, name: 'infix')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 3
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 350
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 120, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append label: 2
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append label: 4
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <param_sp>
BAIL: op <param_sp>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 120, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <checkarity>
append_ins: <param_rp_o>
BAIL: op <param_rp_o>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 133, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <checkarity>
append_ins: <param_rp_o>
BAIL: op <param_rp_o>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 154, name: 'symbol')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <param_sn>
BAIL: op <param_sn>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 40, name: 'ann')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 5
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 564
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 37, name: 'pop')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <pop_o>
devirt: emitted a pop_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 249
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 133, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <param_sp>
BAIL: op <param_sp>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 105, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append label: 6
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <param_sp>
BAIL: op <param_sp>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 40, name: 'ann')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 5
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 564
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 40, name: 'ann')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <ishash>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: emitted an atkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 3
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 8
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <ishash>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <7 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1094
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 121, name: 'ident')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ordat>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <iscclass>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: emitted a getattr_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <findnotcclass>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 8
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 10
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 11
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ordat>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <if_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 9
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 2146
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 37, name: 'identifier')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 13
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 14
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 15
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 16
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 17
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 18
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <indexat>
append label: 19
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 20
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 21
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append label: 22
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 23
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 24
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 25
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 26
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 27
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 28
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 29
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 30
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 31
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 32
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 33
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 34
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_i>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 35
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 36
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 37
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 38
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 39
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 40
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 41
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 42
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 43
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 44
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 45
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 46
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 47
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 48
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 49
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 50
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 51
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 52
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 53
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 54
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 55
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 56
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 63
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 64
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 65
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 66
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 17
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <indexat> to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 25
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 25
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 27
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 31
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 31
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 35
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 3 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 35
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 2 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit jump to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 38
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 39
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit jump to label 18
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 63
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 63
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 63
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 56
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 56
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 55
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (6 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 65
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 64
Bytecode size: 9558
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 120, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append label: 2
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <param_sp>
BAIL: op <param_sp>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 133, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <param_sp>
BAIL: op <param_sp>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 36, name: 'postfixish')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 13
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 14
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_v>
append label: 16
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 17
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 18
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 19
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 20
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 21
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 22
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 23
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 24
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 25
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 26
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 27
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 28
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 29
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 30
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 31
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 32
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 33
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 34
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 35
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 36
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 37
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 38
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 39
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 40
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 41
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 42
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 43
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 44
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 45
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 46
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 47
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 48
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 49
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 57
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 58
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 59
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 60
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 35
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 14
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit jump to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 30
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit jump to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 57
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 57
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 57
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 49
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 49
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (7 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 59
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 58
Bytecode size: 9097
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 85, name: '!cursor_start_subcapture')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_i>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 4
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_i>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1082
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 111, name: '!LITERAL')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: emitted a getattr_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <substr_s>
append_ins: <lc>
append_ins: <lc>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <substr_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 9
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 10
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 11
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: emitted a getattr_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 12
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 13
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 14
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 16
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <if_i> to label 9
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 13
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 14
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 2611
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 23, name: 'node')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 5
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 8
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 870
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 120, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append label: 2
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <param_sp>
BAIL: op <param_sp>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 35, name: 'prefixish')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 13
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 14
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 15
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 16
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 17
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 18
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 19
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 20
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 21
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 22
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 23
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 24
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 25
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 26
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 27
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 28
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 29
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 30
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 31
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 32
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 33
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 34
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 35
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 36
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 37
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 42
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 43
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 44
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 45
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Entering inline 1 (name: prefix, cuuid: 29)
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 47
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 46
Leaving inline 1 (name: prefix, cuuid: 29)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 23
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 45
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 17
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 37
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 37
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (4 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 44
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 13
Bytecode size: 7280
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 38, name: 'name')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 13
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 14
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 15
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 16
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 17
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 18
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 19
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 20
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 21
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 22
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 23
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eqat_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 24
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 25
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 26
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 27
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 28
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 29
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 30
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 31
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append label: 32
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 33
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 34
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 35
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 36
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 37
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 38
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 39
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 40
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 41
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 42
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 43
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 44
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_i>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 45
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 46
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 47
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 48
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 49
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 50
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 51
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 52
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 53
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 54
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 55
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 56
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 57
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 58
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 59
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 60
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 61
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 62
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 63
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 64
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 65
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 66
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 73
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 74
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 75
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 76
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 52
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 53
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 53
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 53
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 17
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 53
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 2 used
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 53
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 35
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 35
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 37
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 38
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 38
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 46
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 45
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 3 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 45
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 2 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit jump to label 46
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 49
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit jump to label 23
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 73
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 73
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 58
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 58
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 73
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 53
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 53
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 66
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 66
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 65
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (6 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 75
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 74
Bytecode size: 11321
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 4, name: 'cur_lexpad')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <coerce_in>
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: emitted an atpos_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 5
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <coerce_in>
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sub_i>
constant value 1 used for sub_i
emit c call <7 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 981
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 177, name: 'infixstopper')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 13
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 14
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_v>
append label: 16
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 17
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 18
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getdynlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 19
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 20
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 21
append_ins: <set>
append label: 22
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 23
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 24
append_ins: <set>
append label: 25
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 26
append_ins: <set>
append label: 27
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 28
append_ins: <indexat>
append label: 29
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 30
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 31
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 32
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 33
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 34
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 35
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 36
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 37
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 38
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 39
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 40
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 41
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 42
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 43
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 44
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 45
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 46
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 47
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 48
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 49
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 55
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 56
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 57
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 58
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 35
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 14
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 26
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 25
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 27
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <indexat> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 55
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 55
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 55
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 49
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 49
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (5 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 57
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 56
Bytecode size: 8673
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 176, name: 'infixish')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 13
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 14
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 15
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 16
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 17
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 18
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 19
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 20
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 21
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 22
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 23
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 24
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 25
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 26
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 27
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 28
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 29
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 30
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 31
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 32
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 33
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 34
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 35
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 36
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 37
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 41
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 42
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 43
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 44
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Entering inline 1 (name: infix, cuuid: 28)
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 46
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 45
Leaving inline 1 (name: infix, cuuid: 28)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 23
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 44
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 18
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 19
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 37
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 37
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (3 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 15
Bytecode size: 7271
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 31, name: 'is_scope')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append label: 17
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <coerce_in>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_n>
append_ins: <box_n>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_n64>
append_ins: <gt_n>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_n64>
append_ins: <sub_n>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_n>
append_ins: <box_n>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: emitted an atpos_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 4
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append label: 6
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: emitted an atkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 9
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <set>
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <throwpayloadlex>
BAIL: op <throwpayloadlex>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 53, name: 'quote_escape')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 3
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 350
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 21, name: 'set')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <iter>
append label: 2
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: emitted a shift_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <iterkey_s>
append_ins: <findmeth_s>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <iterval>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 6
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit c call <2 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1034
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 105, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <param_sp>
BAIL: op <param_sp>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 83, name: 'stopper')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getdynlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 3
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 6
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append label: 10
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 11
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 12
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 13
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 14
append_ins: <set>
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 16
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_start_fail, cuuid: 84)
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 17
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_start_fail, cuuid: 84)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 9
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 13
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 14
Bytecode size: 1866
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 82, name: 'starter')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getdynlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 3
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 6
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append label: 10
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 11
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 12
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 13
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 14
append_ins: <set>
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 16
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_start_fail, cuuid: 84)
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 17
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_start_fail, cuuid: 84)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 9
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 13
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 14
Bytecode size: 1866
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 100, name: 'EXPR')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <getcode>
append_ins: <takeclosure>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <if_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <throwpayloadlex>
BAIL: op <throwpayloadlex>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 122, name: 'op')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_s>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append_ins: <isnull_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_s>
append label: 8
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_s>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
emit opcode: <isnull_s>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 826
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 100, name: 'EXPR')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <getcode>
append_ins: <takeclosure>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <if_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <throwpayloadlex>
BAIL: op <throwpayloadlex>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 24, name: 'returns')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 5
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 589
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 122, name: 'op')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_s>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append_ins: <isnull_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_s>
append label: 9
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_s>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
emit opcode: <isnull_s>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 877
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 24, name: 'returns')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 5
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 589
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 26, name: 'termish')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 13
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 14
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 16
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 17
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 18
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 19
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 20
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 21
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 22
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append label: 23
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 24
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 25
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 26
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 27
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 28
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 29
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 30
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 31
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 32
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 33
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 34
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 35
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_i>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 36
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 37
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 38
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 39
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 40
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 41
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 42
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 43
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 44
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 45
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 46
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 47
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 48
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 49
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 50
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 51
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 52
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 53
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 54
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 55
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 56
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 57
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 58
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append label: 59
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 60
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 61
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 62
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 63
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 64
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 65
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 66
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 67
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 68
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 69
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 70
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 71
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_i>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 72
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 73
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 74
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 75
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 76
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 77
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 78
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 79
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 80
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 81
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 82
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 83
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 84
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 85
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 86
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 87
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 88
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 89
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 90
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 91
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 92
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 93
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 105
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 106
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 107
Entering inline 0 (name: term, cuuid: 27)
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 110
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 108
Leaving inline 0 (name: term, cuuid: 27)
Entering inline 1 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 109
Leaving inline 1 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 79
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 80
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 80
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 14
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 80
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 80
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 26
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 26
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 23
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 37
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 3 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 2 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit jump to label 37
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 39
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 40
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit jump to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 107
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 80
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 45
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 46
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 50
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 51
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 80
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 57
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 80
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 62
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 62
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 59
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 64
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 65
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 68
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 68
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 65
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 73
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 72
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 3 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 72
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 2 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit jump to label 73
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 75
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 76
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit jump to label 52
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 105
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 105
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 85
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 85
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 105
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 80
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 80
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 93
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 93
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 92
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (11 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 108
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 106
Bytecode size: 17144
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 24, name: 'returns')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 5
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 589
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 295, name: 'term:sym<variable>')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 5
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 8
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 9
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 10
Entering inline 0 (name: make, cuuid: 50)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 11
Leaving inline 0 (name: make, cuuid: 50)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 9
Bytecode size: 1319
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 106, name: 'sigil')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <indexat>
append label: 13
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 14
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 16
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 17
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 18
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 19
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 20
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 21
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 22
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 23
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 24
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 25
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 26
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 27
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 28
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 29
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 32
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 33
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 34
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 35
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <indexat> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (2 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 34
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 33
Bytecode size: 5455
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 107, name: 'twigil')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <indexat>
append label: 13
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 14
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 16
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 17
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 18
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 19
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 20
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 21
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 22
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 23
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 24
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 25
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 26
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 27
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 28
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 29
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 32
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 33
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 34
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 35
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <indexat> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (2 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 34
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 33
Bytecode size: 5455
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 9, name: 'list')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 314
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 39, name: 'annotate')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <ishash>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: emitted a bindkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 4
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <ishash>
emit branch <if_i> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <7 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 958
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 39, name: 'annotate')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <ishash>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: emitted a bindkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 4
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <ishash>
emit branch <if_i> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <7 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 958
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 43, name: 'CURSOR')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 183
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 30, name: 'is_package')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 3
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 385
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 105, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <param_sp>
BAIL: op <param_sp>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 28, name: 'CREATE')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 227
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 28, name: 'CREATE')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 227
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 121, name: 'name')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_s>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append_ins: <isnull_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_s>
append label: 8
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_s>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
emit opcode: <isnull_s>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 826
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 116, name: 'before')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <coerce_in>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sub_n>
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <coerce_in>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <ge_n>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 6
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlexperinvtype_o>
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: emitted a getattr_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 9
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 11
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 12
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <coerce_in>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_n>
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <coerce_in>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <ge_n>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlexperinvtype_o>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 3676
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 85, name: 'EXPR')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append label: 4
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <paramnamesused>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append label: 168
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 6
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattr_i>
devirt: repr op bindattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <findmeth_s>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 9
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattr_i>
devirt: repr op bindattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 10
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 11
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <throwpayloadlex>
BAIL: op <throwpayloadlex>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 51, name: '')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_v>
append label: 8
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 9
append_ins: <indexat>
append label: 10
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 11
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 12
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 13
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 14
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 16
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 17
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 18
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 19
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 20
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 21
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 22
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 23
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 24
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 25
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 26
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 27
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 28
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 29
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 34
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 35
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 36
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 37
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <indexat> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit jump to label 13
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 13
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 34
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 34
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 34
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (4 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 35
Bytecode size: 5617
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 85, name: 'EXPR')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append label: 3
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <paramnamesused>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append label: 167
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 5
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 6
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattr_i>
devirt: repr op bindattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <findmeth_s>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 8
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattr_i>
devirt: repr op bindattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 10
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <throwpayloadlex>
BAIL: op <throwpayloadlex>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 173, name: 'parse_name')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <split>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <substr_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <index_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_n64>
append_ins: <ge_n>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 6
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <substr_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: repr op bindpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 9
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <set>
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <concat_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: repr op bindpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <iter>
append label: 13
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 14
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: repr op shift_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 15
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: repr op push_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 16
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 17
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 18
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_n64>
store const 0.000000
emit opcode: <ge_n>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 17
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 13
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 3214
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 121, name: 'name')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_s>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append_ins: <isnull_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_s>
append label: 9
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_s>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
emit opcode: <isnull_s>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 877
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 98, name: 'O')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getdynlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 3
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: repr op bindkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 6
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append label: 10
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 11
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 12
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 9
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1214
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 94, name: '!reduce_with_match')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <can_s>
append invokish control guard
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <findmeth_s>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 8
Entering inline 0 (name: actions, cuuid: 63)
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 9
Leaving inline 0 (name: actions, cuuid: 63)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 2
Bytecode size: 1499
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 105, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <param_sp>
BAIL: op <param_sp>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 39, name: 'annotate')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_i>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: emitted a bindkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 4
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_i>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <7 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 926
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 29, name: 'is_lexical')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 3
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 385
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 65, name: 'package')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 501
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 39, name: 'annotate')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnonnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <bindkey_o>
devirt: emitted a bindkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 4
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnonnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <7 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 950
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 151, name: 'arity')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <return_i>
append label: 6
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 647
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 151, name: 'arity')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_n>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_n>
append_ins: <box_n>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <return_i>
append label: 5
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_n>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_n>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 598
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 50, name: 'statement')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <getcode>
append_ins: <takeclosure>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 8
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 10
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 11
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 12
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 13
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 14
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 15
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 16
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 17
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 18
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 19
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_v>
append label: 20
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 21
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 22
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 23
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 24
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 25
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 26
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 27
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 28
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 29
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 30
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 31
append_ins: <set>
append label: 32
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 33
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 34
append_ins: <set>
append label: 35
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 36
append_ins: <set>
append label: 37
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 38
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 39
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 40
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 41
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 42
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 43
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 44
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 45
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 46
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 47
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 48
append_ins: <set>
append label: 49
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 50
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 51
append_ins: <set>
append label: 52
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 53
append_ins: <set>
append label: 54
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 55
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 56
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 57
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 58
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 59
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 60
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 61
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 62
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 63
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 64
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 65
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 66
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 67
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 68
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 69
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 70
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 71
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 72
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 73
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 74
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 75
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 76
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 77
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 78
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 79
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 80
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 81
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 82
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 83
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 84
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 85
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 86
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 87
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 88
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 89
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 90
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 91
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 92
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 93
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 94
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 95
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 96
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 97
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 98
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 99
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 100
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 101
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 102
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 103
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 104
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append label: 105
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 106
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 107
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 108
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 109
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 110
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 111
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 112
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 113
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 114
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 115
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 116
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 117
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_i>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 118
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 119
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 120
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 121
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 122
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 123
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 124
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 125
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 126
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 127
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 128
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 129
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append label: 130
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 131
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 132
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 133
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 134
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 135
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 136
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 137
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 138
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 139
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 140
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 141
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 142
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_i>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 143
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 144
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 145
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 146
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 147
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 148
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 149
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 150
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 151
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 152
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 153
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 154
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 155
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_i>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 156
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 157
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 158
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 159
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 160
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 161
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 162
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 163
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 164
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 165
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 166
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 167
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 168
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 169
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 170
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 171
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 172
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 173
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 197
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 198
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 199
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 200
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <getcode>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 159
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 14
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 13
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 18
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 19
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 25
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 26
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 31
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 35
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 37
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 53
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 49
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 52
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 54
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 56
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 146
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 61
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 62
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit jump to label 146
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 69
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 70
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 76
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 77
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 80
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 81
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 129
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 86
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 87
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 91
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 92
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 96
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 97
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 103
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 108
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 108
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 105
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 110
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 111
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 114
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 114
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 111
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 119
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 118
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 3 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 118
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 2 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit jump to label 119
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 129
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 125
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 126
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 130
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 135
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 139
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 139
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 136
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 144
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 143
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 3 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 143
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 2 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit jump to label 144
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 146
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 148
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 149
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 152
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 152
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 149
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 157
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 156
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 3 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 156
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 2 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit jump to label 157
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 197
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 197
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 165
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 165
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 197
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 173
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 173
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 172
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (23 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 199
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 198
Bytecode size: 28689
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 105, name: 'variable')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 13
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 14
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_v>
append label: 16
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 17
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 18
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 19
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 20
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 21
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 22
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 23
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 24
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 25
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 26
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 27
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 28
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 29
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 30
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 31
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 32
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 33
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 34
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append label: 35
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 36
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 37
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 38
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 39
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 40
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 41
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 42
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 43
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 44
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 45
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 46
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 47
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_i>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 48
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 49
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 50
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 51
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 52
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 53
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 54
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 55
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 56
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 57
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 58
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 59
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 60
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 61
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 62
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 63
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 64
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 65
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <indexat>
append label: 66
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 67
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 68
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 69
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 70
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 71
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 72
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 73
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 74
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 75
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 76
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 77
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 78
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 79
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 80
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 81
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eqat_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 82
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 83
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 84
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 85
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 86
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 87
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 88
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 89
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 90
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 91
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 92
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 93
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eqat_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 94
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 95
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 96
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 97
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 98
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 99
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 100
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 101
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 102
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 103
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 104
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 105
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 106
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eqat_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 107
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append label: 108
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 109
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 110
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 111
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 112
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_v>
append label: 113
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 114
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 115
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 116
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 117
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 118
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 119
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <indexat>
append label: 120
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append label: 121
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 122
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 123
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 124
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 125
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_v>
append label: 126
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 127
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 128
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 129
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 130
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 131
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 132
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 133
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 134
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 135
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 136
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 137
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 138
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 139
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 140
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 141
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 142
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 143
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 144
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 145
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 146
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 171
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 172
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 173
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_start_subcapture, cuuid: 85)
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 174
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 175
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_start_subcapture, cuuid: 85)
Entering inline 1 (name: !cursor_start_subcapture, cuuid: 85)
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 176
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 177
Leaving inline 1 (name: !cursor_start_subcapture, cuuid: 85)
Entering inline 2 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 178
Leaving inline 2 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 132
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 14
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 26
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 27
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 38
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 38
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 35
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 40
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 44
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 44
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 49
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 3 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 2 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit jump to label 49
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 54
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 55
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit jump to label 130
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 62
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 63
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit branch <indexat> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 70
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 71
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit jump to label 130
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 78
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 79
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 1 used
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 86
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 87
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 92
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 93
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 1 used
emit jump to label 102
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 100
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <5 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 130
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 105
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 106
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 1 used
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 111
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 111
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 108
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 173
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 116
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 118
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 119
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit branch <indexat> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 124
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 124
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 121
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 175
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 129
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 130
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 171
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 171
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 138
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 138
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 171
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 133
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 146
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 146
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 145
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (24 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 177
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 174
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 112
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 176
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 125
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 172
Bytecode size: 27704
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 304, name: 'variable')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 5
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 8
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 9
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <set>
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 12
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 13
append_ins: <set>
append label: 14
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 15
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 16
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 17
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 18
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 19
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <existskey>
devirt: repr op existskey couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 20
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 21
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 22
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 23
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 24
append_ins: <set>
append label: 25
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 26
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <coerce_in>
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 27
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 28
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 29
append_ins: <set>
append label: 30
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 31
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 32
append_ins: <set>
append label: 33
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 34
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 35
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 36
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 37
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 38
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 39
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 40
append_ins: <set>
append label: 41
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 42
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 43
append_ins: <set>
append label: 44
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 45
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: emitted a push_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 46
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 47
append_ins: <set>
append label: 48
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 49
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 50
append_ins: <set>
append label: 51
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 52
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 53
append_ins: <set>
append label: 54
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 55
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 56
append_ins: <set>
append label: 57
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <concat_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: emitted a push_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 58
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <concat_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <concat_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 59
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 60
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 61
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 62
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 63
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 64
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 65
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 66
append_ins: <set>
append label: 67
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 68
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 69
append_ins: <set>
append label: 70
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 71
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 72
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 73
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 74
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getdynlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 75
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 76
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 77
append_ins: <set>
append label: 78
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 79
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 80
append_ins: <set>
append label: 81
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 82
append_ins: <set>
append label: 83
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 84
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 85
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 86
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 87
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 88
append_ins: <set>
append label: 89
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 90
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 91
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 92
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getdynlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 93
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 94
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 95
append_ins: <set>
append label: 96
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 97
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 98
append_ins: <set>
append label: 99
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 100
append_ins: <set>
append label: 101
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <if_o>
append label: 102
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <gethow>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 103
append_ins: <iter>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 104
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 105
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: repr op shift_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 106
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 107
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 108
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 109
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <isconcrete>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 110
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <can>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 111
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 112
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 113
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 114
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 115
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <concat_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <concat_s>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 116
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 117
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 118
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 119
append_ins: <set>
append label: 120
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 121
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 122
append_ins: <set>
append label: 123
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 124
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 125
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 126
append_ins: <set>
append label: 127
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 128
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 129
append_ins: <set>
append label: 130
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 131
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 132
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 133
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 134
append_ins: <set>
append label: 135
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 136
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 137
append_ins: <set>
append label: 138
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 139
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 140
append_ins: <const_s>
append label: 141
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 142
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 143
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 144
append_ins: <set>
append label: 145
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 146
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 147
append_ins: <set>
append label: 148
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 149
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 150
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 151
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getdynlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 152
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 153
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 154
append_ins: <set>
append label: 155
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 156
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 157
append_ins: <set>
append label: 158
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 159
append_ins: <set>
append label: 160
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: emitted an atpos_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 161
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 162
append_ins: <set>
append label: 163
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 164
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unbox_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 165
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 166
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 167
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 168
append_ins: <set>
append label: 169
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 170
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 171
append_ins: <set>
append label: 172
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 173
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 174
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 175
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 176
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getdynlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 177
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 178
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 179
append_ins: <set>
append label: 180
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 181
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 182
append_ins: <set>
append label: 183
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 184
append_ins: <set>
append label: 185
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 186
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append label: 187
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 188
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append label: 189
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 190
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append label: 191
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 192
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append label: 193
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 194
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 195
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 196
append_ins: <set>
append label: 197
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 198
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 199
append_ins: <set>
append label: 200
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 201
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 202
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getdynlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 203
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 204
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 205
append_ins: <set>
append label: 206
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 207
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 208
append_ins: <set>
append label: 209
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 210
append_ins: <set>
append label: 211
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 212
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 213
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 214
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 215
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 216
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 217
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 218
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 219
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getdynlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 220
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 221
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 222
append_ins: <set>
append label: 223
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 224
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 225
append_ins: <set>
append label: 226
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 227
append_ins: <set>
append label: 228
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 229
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 230
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 231
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 232
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <concat_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <concat_s>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 233
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 234
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 235
Entering inline 0 (name: CURSOR, cuuid: 43)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 236
Leaving inline 0 (name: CURSOR, cuuid: 43)
Entering inline 1 (name: pop, cuuid: 37)
append_ins: <pop_o>
devirt: emitted a pop_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 237
Leaving inline 1 (name: pop, cuuid: 37)
Entering inline 2 (name: pop, cuuid: 37)
append_ins: <pop_o>
devirt: emitted a pop_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 238
Leaving inline 2 (name: pop, cuuid: 37)
Entering inline 3 (name: CURSOR, cuuid: 43)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 239
Leaving inline 3 (name: CURSOR, cuuid: 43)
Entering inline 4 (name: package, cuuid: 65)
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 240
Leaving inline 4 (name: package, cuuid: 65)
Entering inline 5 (name: pop, cuuid: 37)
append_ins: <pop_o>
devirt: emitted a pop_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 241
Leaving inline 5 (name: pop, cuuid: 37)
Entering inline 6 (name: returns, cuuid: 24)
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 242
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 243
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 244
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 245
Leaving inline 6 (name: returns, cuuid: 24)
Entering inline 7 (name: CURSOR, cuuid: 43)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 246
Leaving inline 7 (name: CURSOR, cuuid: 43)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit c call <4 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 19
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 13
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 14
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (7 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 233
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit jump to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 25
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <coerce_in>
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 38
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 30
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 235
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 233
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 40
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 44
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 64
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 47
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 50
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 51
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 53
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 54
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 56
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 57
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (5 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 236
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (7 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 233
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 66
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 67
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 69
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 70
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 117
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 237
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 238
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 239
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 82
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 77
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 78
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 81
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 83
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 87
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (5 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 89
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (5 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (7 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 100
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 95
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 96
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 99
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 101
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 116
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 109
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 108
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 109
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 104
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <isconcrete>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 114
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 113
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 116
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 233
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 119
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 120
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 122
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 123
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 151
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 126
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 127
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 129
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 130
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 132
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 142
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 134
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 135
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 137
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 138
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 140
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 141
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 144
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 145
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 147
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 148
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (6 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 233
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 159
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 154
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 155
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 158
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 160
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <7 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 162
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 163
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 175
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 168
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 169
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 171
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 172
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 233
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 240
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 184
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 179
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 180
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 183
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 185
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <if_i> to label 187
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <if_i> to label 189
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <if_i> to label 191
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <if_i> to label 193
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <if_i> to label 201
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 196
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 197
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 199
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 200
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <if_i> to label 213
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 210
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 205
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 206
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 209
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 211
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 231
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 216
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 217
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (5 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 230
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 227
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 222
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 223
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 226
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 228
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 241
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 233
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 245
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 35
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 62
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 72
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 73
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 74
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 176
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 242
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 244
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 230
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 232
Bytecode size: 37388
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 81, name: 'statement_mod_cond')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 3
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 350
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 84, name: 'statement_mod_loop')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 3
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 350
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 90, name: 'term:sym<variable>')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 13
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 14
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 15
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 16
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 17
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 18
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 19
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 20
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 21
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 22
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 23
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 24
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 25
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 26
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 27
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 28
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 29
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 30
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 31
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 32
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 33
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 34
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 35
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 39
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 40
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 41
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 42
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 17
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 39
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 39
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 27
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 27
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 39
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 35
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 35
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 34
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (3 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 40
Bytecode size: 6703
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 52, name: 'eat_terminator')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 13
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 14
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eqat_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 16
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 17
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 18
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 19
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 20
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 21
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 22
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 23
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 24
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 25
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 26
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 27
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 28
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 29
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 30
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 31
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 32
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 33
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 34
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 35
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 36
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 37
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 38
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 39
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 40
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 41
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 42
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 43
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 44
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 45
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 46
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 54
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 55
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 56
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 57
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 14
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 1 used
emit jump to label 30
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 19
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 20
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 30
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 25
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 26
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 30
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 54
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 54
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 38
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 38
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 54
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 46
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 46
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 45
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (7 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 56
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 55
Bytecode size: 8329
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 9, name: 'list')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 317
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 32, name: 'lexical_type')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append label: 18
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <coerce_in>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_n>
append_ins: <box_n>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_n64>
append_ins: <gt_n>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_n64>
append_ins: <sub_n>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_n>
append_ins: <box_n>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: emitted an atpos_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 4
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append label: 6
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: emitted an atkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 9
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <set>
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <throwpayloadlex>
BAIL: op <throwpayloadlex>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 269, name: 'statement')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append label: 2
append label: 3
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 4
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append label: 6
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 7
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 8
append_ins: <set>
append label: 9
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 10
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 11
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 12
append_ins: <set>
append label: 13
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 14
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 15
append_ins: <set>
append label: 16
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 17
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 18
append_ins: <set>
append label: 19
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 20
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 21
append_ins: <set>
append label: 22
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 23
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 24
append_ins: <set>
append label: 25
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 26
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 27
append_ins: <set>
append label: 28
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 29
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 30
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 31
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 32
append_ins: <set>
append label: 33
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 34
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 35
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 36
append_ins: <set>
append label: 37
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 38
append_ins: <set>
append label: 39
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 40
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 41
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 42
append_ins: <set>
append label: 43
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 44
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 45
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 46
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 47
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 48
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 49
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 50
append_ins: <set>
append label: 51
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 52
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 53
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 54
append_ins: <set>
append label: 55
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 56
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 57
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 58
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 59
append_ins: <set>
append label: 60
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 61
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 62
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 63
append_ins: <set>
append label: 64
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 65
append_ins: <set>
append label: 66
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 67
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 68
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getdynlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 69
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 70
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 71
append_ins: <set>
append label: 72
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 73
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 74
append_ins: <set>
append label: 75
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 76
append_ins: <set>
append label: 77
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 78
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: emitted an atpos_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 79
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 80
append_ins: <set>
append label: 81
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 82
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: emitted an atpos_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 83
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 84
append_ins: <set>
append label: 85
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 86
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 87
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 88
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 89
append_ins: <set>
append label: 90
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 91
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 92
append_ins: <set>
append label: 93
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 94
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 95
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 96
append_ins: <set>
append label: 97
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 98
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 99
append_ins: <set>
append label: 100
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 101
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 102
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 103
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 104
append_ins: <set>
append label: 105
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 106
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 107
append_ins: <set>
append label: 108
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 109
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 110
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 111
append_ins: <set>
append label: 112
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 113
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 114
append_ins: <set>
append label: 115
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 116
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 117
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append label: 118
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 119
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 120
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 9
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 87
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 13
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 18
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 19
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 25
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 27
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 39
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 33
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 37
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (7 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 66
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 57
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (7 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (5 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 50
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 51
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 54
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 55
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (7 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 66
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 59
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 60
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 63
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 64
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (7 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 86
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 76
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 71
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 72
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 75
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 77
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <7 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 80
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 81
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <7 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 84
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 85
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 118
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 89
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 90
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 92
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 93
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 102
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 96
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 97
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 99
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 100
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 118
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 104
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 105
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 107
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 108
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 117
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 111
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 112
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 114
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 115
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 118
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 16235
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 80, name: 'BUILDALLPLAN')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 238
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 29, name: 'bless')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <param_sn>
BAIL: op <param_sn>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 86, name: 'EXPR_reduce')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <pop_o>
devirt: emitted a pop_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <bindattr_o>
devirt: repr op bindattr_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: emitted an atkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <pop_o>
devirt: emitted a pop_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: repr op bindpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 5
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <lt_n>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 6
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 7
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 9
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 10
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 11
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <pop_o>
devirt: emitted a pop_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <unshift_o>
devirt: repr op unshift_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 13
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 14
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 15
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append label: 16
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <ne_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 17
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 18
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_o>
devirt: repr op pop_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <unshift_o>
devirt: repr op unshift_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <pop_o>
devirt: repr op pop_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 19
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_o>
devirt: repr op pop_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <unshift_o>
devirt: repr op unshift_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 20
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <pop_o>
devirt: emitted a pop_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: repr op bindpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <pop_o>
devirt: emitted a pop_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: repr op bindpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: emitted an atkey_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 21
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <findmeth_s>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 22
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 23
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 24
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: repr op push_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 25
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 9
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_n>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 23
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 20
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 19
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sub_i>
constant value 1 used for sub_i
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 18
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 19
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <2 args>
emit jump to label 13
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit jump to label 23
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 6481
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 110, name: 'default')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 6
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 615
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 91, name: '!cursor_next')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 6
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 7
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 4
Bytecode size: 1513
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 25, name: 'named')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <gethow>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 9
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1213
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 151, name: 'arity')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_i>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <return_i>
append label: 5
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_i>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 595
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 123, name: 'typename')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 13
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 14
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 15
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 16
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 17
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 18
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 19
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <getlex>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 20
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getdynlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 21
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 22
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 23
append_ins: <set>
append label: 24
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 25
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 26
append_ins: <set>
append label: 27
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 28
append_ins: <set>
append label: 29
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 30
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 31
append_ins: <set>
append label: 32
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 33
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 34
append_ins: <set>
append label: 35
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 36
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 37
append_ins: <set>
append label: 38
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 39
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 40
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 41
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 42
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 43
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 44
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 45
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 46
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 47
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 48
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 49
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 50
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 51
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 52
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 53
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 54
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 55
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 56
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 60
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 61
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 62
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 63
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 17
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit opcode: <getlex>
Lexical type of register: 8
Emit lex vifivy check
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 23
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 27
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 31
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 34
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 35
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 37
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 38
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 60
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 60
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 60
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 56
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 56
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 55
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (3 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 62
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 61
Bytecode size: 9655
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 144, name: 'trait_mod')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 3
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 350
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 65, name: 'join')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_fastcreate>
append_ins: <iter>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: repr op shift_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <push_s>
devirt: repr op push_s couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <join>
append_ins: <return_s>
append label: 5
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_fastcreate>
emit c call <2 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1109
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 153, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 3
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 378
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 45, name: 'list')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 295
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 157, name: 'ACCEPTS')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 3
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (6 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 511
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 34, name: '!braid_init')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <param_sn>
BAIL: op <param_sn>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 25, name: 'named')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 8
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1217
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 110, name: 'default')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 5
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 589
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 110, name: 'default')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 6
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 614
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 344, name: 'args')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 5
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 8
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 9
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 10
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1263
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 93, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <param_sn>
BAIL: op <param_sn>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 13, name: 'unshift')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <unshift_o>
devirt: emitted a unshift_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 474
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 13, name: 'unshift')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <unshift_o>
devirt: emitted a unshift_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 474
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 13, name: 'unshift')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <unshift_o>
devirt: emitted a unshift_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 474
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 25, name: 'named')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 8
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1161
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 71, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <param_sn>
BAIL: op <param_sn>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 62, name: 'terminator')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 3
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 350
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 2, name: 'push_lexpad')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <coerce_in>
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 4
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <coerce_in>
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit c call <7 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1288
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 274, name: 'newpad')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <getdynlex>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <getwho>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 3
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 6
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append label: 10
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 11
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 12
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 9
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <getwho>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1330
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 3, name: 'pop_lexpad')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 3
Entering inline 0 (name: pop, cuuid: 37)
append_ins: <pop_o>
devirt: emitted a pop_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
Leaving inline 0 (name: pop, cuuid: 37)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 2
Bytecode size: 562
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 36, name: 'push')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: emitted a push_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 271
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 83, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <param_sn>
BAIL: op <param_sn>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 147, name: 'blocktype')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_s>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append_ins: <isnull_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_s>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_s>
append label: 8
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <if_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_s>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
emit opcode: <isnull_s>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_s>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 826
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 71, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_i>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <param_sn>
BAIL: op <param_sn>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 25, name: 'named')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <eqaddr>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 5
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 8
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_s>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 2
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eqaddr>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 1217
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 139, name: 'parse')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_namedarg_used>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 2
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_s>
append_ins: <box_s>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append label: 4
append_ins: <wval>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <param_sn>
BAIL: op <param_sn>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 99, name: '')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <indexat>
append label: 13
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 14
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 16
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 17
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 18
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 19
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 20
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 21
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 22
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 23
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 24
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 25
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 26
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 27
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 28
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 29
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 32
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 33
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 34
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 35
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <indexat> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 21
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (2 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 34
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 33
Bytecode size: 5463
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 154, name: 'args')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <index_s>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eqat_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 13
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 14
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 15
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 16
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 17
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 18
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 19
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 20
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eqat_s>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 21
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 22
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 23
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 24
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 25
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 26
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 27
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 28
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 29
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 30
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 31
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 32
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 33
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 34
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 35
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 36
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 37
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 41
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 42
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 43
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 44
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 23
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 1 used
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 17
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 18
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <4 args>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 1 used
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 37
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 37
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (3 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 43
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 42
Bytecode size: 7087
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 345, name: 'arglist')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <argconst_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 3
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 4
append_ins: <set>
append label: 5
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 6
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 7
append_ins: <set>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 9
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 10
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 11
append_ins: <set>
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 13
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 14
append_ins: <set>
append label: 15
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 16
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <istype>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 17
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 18
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <unbox_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 19
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 20
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 21
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <not_i>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 22
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 23
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 24
append_ins: <iter>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 25
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 26
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <shift_o>
devirt: repr op shift_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 27
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 28
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 29
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 30
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 31
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <coerce_in>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_n>
append_ins: <box_n>
append label: 32
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <lt_n>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 33
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 34
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 35
append_ins: <set>
append label: 36
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <istype>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 37
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 38
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 39
append_ins: <set>
append label: 40
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 41
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 42
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 43
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 44
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 45
append_ins: <set>
append label: 46
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 47
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 48
append_ins: <set>
append label: 49
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <bindpos_o>
devirt: repr op bindpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 50
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 51
append_ins: <set>
append label: 52
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 53
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 54
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 55
append_ins: <set>
append label: 56
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <istype>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 57
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 58
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 59
append_ins: <set>
append label: 60
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 61
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <substr_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <eq_s>
append_ins: <set>
append label: 62
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 63
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 64
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 65
append_ins: <set>
append label: 66
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 67
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_i>
append_ins: <box_i>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 68
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 69
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 70
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (5 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 5
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 30
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 14
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 15
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 19
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 22
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <not_i>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 29
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 25
Emit throwish control guard
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 30
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <coerce_in>
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_n>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_n>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 68
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 35
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 36
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 39
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 40
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 67
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 45
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 46
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 48
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 49
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 51
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 52
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 55
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 56
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit c call <4 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 62
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 59
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 60
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit branch <unless_i> to label 67
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 65
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 66
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <coerce_ni>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <add_i>
constant value 1 used for add_i
emit opcode: <hllboxtype_i>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 32
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 12530
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 155, name: 'arglist')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 2
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <getattr_s>
devirt: emitted a getattr_s via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardtype>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <bindlex>
append_ins: <chars>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 3
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <ne_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 5
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 7
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 11
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 13
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 14
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 15
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 16
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 17
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_v>
append label: 18
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 19
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 20
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <sp_p6oget_i>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 21
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 22
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 23
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 24
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 25
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 26
append_ins: <getattr_i>
devirt: repr op getattr_i couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 27
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 28
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 29
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 30
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append label: 31
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 32
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 33
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 34
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: emitted a setelemspos via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 35
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 36
append_ins: <sub_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ge_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 37
append_ins: <add_i>
append_ins: <bindpos_i>
devirt: emitted a bindpos_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <inc_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 38
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <push_i>
devirt: emitted a push_i via consume_reprop
append label: 39
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_i>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <sp_fastinvoke_o>
append label: 40
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 41
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append label: 42
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 43
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 44
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <islist>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 45
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: repr op elems couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <gt_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 46
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: repr op atpos_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 47
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <pop_i>
devirt: emitted a pop_i via consume_reprop
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 48
append_ins: <lt_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 49
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 50
append_ins: <isnull>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 51
append_ins: <unless_o>
append label: 52
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <le_i>
append_ins: <if_i>
append label: 53
append_ins: <dec_i>
append_ins: <atpos_i>
devirt: emitted an atpos_i via consume_reprop
append label: 54
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <setelemspos>
devirt: repr op setelemspos couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append label: 55
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <jumplist>
append label: 63
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 64
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 65
Entering inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_i>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 66
Leaving inline 0 (name: !cursor_fail, cuuid: 89)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit c call <9 args>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit guard <sp_guardtype>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <bindlex>
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 41
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <ne_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 12
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 8
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 10
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 16
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 17
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (4 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit guard <sp_guardconc>
emit opcode: <sp_p6oget_i>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 23
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 24
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit jump to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit jump to label 28
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 30
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 31
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 34
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 34
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 4 used
emit jump to label 31
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <5 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 39
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 38
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sub_i>
accumulator for sub_i stayed in memory and constant value 3 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <ge_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 38
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <add_i>
accumulator for add_i stayed in memory and constant value 2 used
emit c call <7 args>
emit opcode: <inc_i>
emit jump to label 39
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (3 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 63
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 63
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <islist>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 47
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <2 args>
emit opcode: <gt_i>
emit branch <unless_i> to label 47
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <6 args>
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 63
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <lt_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <eq_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 42
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <isnull>
emit branch <if_i> to label 55
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <6 args>
Emit invokish control guard
emit branch <if_i> to label 55
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit opcode: <le_i>
emit branch <if_i> to label 54
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <dec_i>
emit c call <7 args>
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
Emit throwish control guard
Emit jumplist (7 labels)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 65
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <null>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <const_i64_16>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_i>
emit jump to label 64
Bytecode size: 9713
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 347, name: 'term:sym<value>')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 2
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 3
append_ins: <set>
append label: 4
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <atkey_o>
devirt: repr op atkey_o couldn't be devirtualized: type unknown
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 5
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 8
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 9
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 10
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 11
Entering inline 0 (name: prune, cuuid: 77)
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6obind_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 12
Leaving inline 0 (name: prune, cuuid: 77)
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 3
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 4
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <const_s>
emit c call <3 args>
emit branch <ifnonnull> to label 6
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <4 args>
emit jump to label 7
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <decont>
Emit invokish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_findmeth>
Emit invoke (1 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
Emit invoke (2 args)
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 11
Emit throwish control guard
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6obind_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit jump to label 10
Bytecode size: 1578
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 11, name: 'push')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_getspeshslot>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: emitted a push_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit opcode: <sp_getspeshslot>
emit opcode: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 402
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 145, name: 'new')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <checkarity>
append_ins: <param_rp_o>
BAIL: op <param_rp_o>
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 36, name: 'push')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <push_o>
devirt: emitted a push_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <return_o>
append label: 2
Starting compilation
Emit throwish control guard
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <sp_getarg_o>
emit opcode: <set>
emit c call <6 args>
emit c call <3 args>
emit c call <1 args>
emit jump to label -1
Bytecode size: 271
Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: 34, name: 'find_sym')
append label: 0
append label: 1
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <null>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append_ins: <sp_getarg_o>
append label: 63
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <coerce_in>
append_ins: <if_n>
append label: 2
append_ins: <const_s>
append_ins: <die>
append label: 3
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <coerce_in>
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <eq_i>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 4
append_ins: <const_i64_16>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: emitted an atpos_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 5
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 6
append_ins: <set>
append label: 7
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <smrt_strify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
append_ins: <coerce_in>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_n>
append_ins: <box_n>
append label: 8
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_n64>
append_ins: <gt_n>
append_ins: <unless_i>
append label: 9
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <const_n64>
append_ins: <sub_n>
append_ins: <hllboxtype_n>
append_ins: <box_n>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <sp_p6ogetvt_o>
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <smrt_numify>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <coerce_ni>
append_ins: <atpos_o>
devirt: emitted an atpos_o via consume_reprop
append_ins: <ifnonnull>
append label: 10
append_ins: <wval>
append_ins: <goto>
append label: 11
append_ins: <set>
append label: 12
append_ins: <PHI>
append_ins: <decont>
append invokish control guard
append_ins: <sp_findmeth>
append_ins: <prepargs>
Invoke arg: <arg_o>
Invoke arg: <arg_s>
Invoke instruction: <invoke_o>
append label: 13
append_ins: <sp_guardconc>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <set>
append_ins: <elems>
devirt: emitted an elems via consume_reprop
View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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