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Created July 11, 2017 08:27
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Data::Dumper;
my $tokenize = qr/
(?<open>\() |
(?<close>\)) |
(?<space>\s+) |
(?<comment>\#.+) |
(?<string>\".*?") |
sub parser {
my ($class, $input) = @_;
return bless {
input => $input,
buffer => '',
token => undef,
match => undef,
macros => {},
}, $class;
sub empty {
my $self = shift;
length($self->{buffer}) == 0 and eof($self->{input});
sub current {
my $self = shift;
unless (length($self->{buffer}) or eof($self->{input})) {
$self->{buffer} = readline($self->{input});
sub token {
my $self = shift;
my $line = $self->current;
# cache token
return @$self{'token','match'} if $self->{token};
return unless length($line);
return unless $line =~ $tokenize;
@$self{'token','match'} = %+;
sub _shift {
my ($self) = @_;
confess "Can't shift" unless $self->{token};
my $length = length($self->{match});
@$self{'token','match'} = (undef,undef);
substr($self->{buffer}, 0, $length, '');
sub expect {
my ($self, $expect) = @_;
my ($token, $match) = $self->token;
die "Got $token but expected $expect" unless $expect eq $token;
sub peek {
my ($self, $expect) = @_;
my ($token, $match) = $self->token or return;
return $match if $token eq $expect;
sub skip {
my ($self, @possible) = @_;
my %check = map { $_ => 1 } @possible;
while (my ($token, $match) = $self->token) {
last unless $check{$token};
sub parse {
my $self = shift;
$self->skip('comment', 'space');
return if $self->empty;
my @expr;
until ($self->peek('close')) {
die "Could not continue reading" if $self->empty;
my ($token, $what) = $self->token or
die "Could not read a token";
if ($token eq 'word' or $token eq 'string') {
push @expr, $self->_shift;
} elsif ($token eq 'open') {
push @expr, $self->parse;
} else {
return \@expr;
sub test {
my $parser = __PACKAGE__->parser(\*DATA);
eval {
while (my $list = $parser->parse) {
print Dumper($list);
} or do {
printf "Could not parse: %s\n", $@;
print Dumper($parser);
test unless caller();
# a comment
(+ 3 3)
(a list structure)
(a (nested (list)))
(a # commment
(within () # a list
but more! #data
(+) (-)
(foo: bar! (quix quam))
(&foo ^bar :baz) ("Foo bar")
(foo # bar "baz")
"bla bla bla" "qoux")
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